This directory contains test cases to verify functionality. # Simple A test for simple replication. Change initial state by master, check whether state replicated to Slave. # SlaveUpdates Can Slaves request Updates successfully? Do they also get the transaction result (not only updated state)? Do Master and other Slaves get the update? # CRCFail For diverged state the CRC check must fail (unless Checkpoints were replicated). # CheckpointSync A diverged state must be the same after sync-replicating a Checkpoint (i.e. Slave joins only after generating the checkpoint). # OrderingRandom It is essential to keep ordering of events identical on all nodes. This test applies a non-commutative operation on the state to check this behaviour. # NReplication Test for the redundant operation mode. An Update shall only be accepted as soon as enough Slaves joined. # UpdateError Updates containing 'error's are should fail when being scheduled. # SyncTimeout If there is no Master, synchronization is to time out. # Extended Some extended test cases not usually run by 'cabal test' as they require more time and/or special precautions. ## ConnectionLoss Simulates one Slave connected to one Master, losing the network connection. This is achieved using iptables, invoked via sudo. ## BigSuite