-- |This module provides support for adaptive tuples.
-- An `AdaptiveTuple` is a tuple type with the size chosen at run-time and
-- minimal overhead.  All elements must be of the same type.  Calculations
-- are generated by combining adaptive tuples, which are then given an
-- initial input with the `reifyTuple` function or its strict variant.
-- Example: suppose you have a list of numbers that is either a single list
-- or multiple interleaved lists.  You wish to determine the maximum value
-- of the single list or maximums of all interleaved lists.
-- >  -- |The second  argument is a dummy argument to fix the type of c s ()
-- >  -- so this function can be used directly with reifyTuple
-- >  deinterleave :: AdaptiveTuple c s => [Int] -> c s () -> [c s Int]
-- >  deinterleave [] _ = []
-- >  deinterleave xs n = let (h, rest) = splitAt (tupLength n) xs
-- >                      in toATuple h : deinterleave n rest
-- >
-- >  maxVals :: AdaptiveTuple c s => [c s Int] -> c s Int
-- >  maxVals = foldl' (\a b -> max <$> a <*> b) (pure 0)
-- >
-- >  runner :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
-- >  runner n xs = reifyStrictTuple n (repeat ())
-- >                  (fromATuple . maxVals . deinterleave xs)
-- using AdaptiveTuple is similar to the `ZipList` applicative instance, except
-- without the overhead.

{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses
      ,Rank2Types #-}

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-name-shadowing #-}

module Data.AdaptiveTuple (
  -- * Types
  -- ** Classes
  AdaptiveTuple (..)
  -- ** Exceptions
  ,AdaptiveTupleException (..)
  -- * Functions


import Data.AdaptiveTuple.AdaptiveTuple
import qualified Data.AdaptiveTuple.Reps.Lazy as L
import qualified Data.AdaptiveTuple.Reps.Strict as S
import Data.TypeLevel.Num as T

import Control.Applicative

-- --------------------------------------------------

-- |Lazily convert a list of AdaptiveTuples into an AdaptiveTuple of lists.
invert :: (AdaptiveTuple c s) => [c s a] -> c s [a]
invert []     = pure []
invert (x:xs) = (:) <$> x <*> invert xs

-- |Map a 0-indexed function over an AdaptiveTuple
mapIndexed :: (AdaptiveTuple c s) => (Int -> a -> b) -> c s a -> c s b
mapIndexed f a = f <$> toATuple [0..] <*> a

--default reification functions
reifyTuple ::
  forall el r.Int
  -> [el]
  -> (forall c s.(AdaptiveTuple c s, T.Nat s) => c s el -> r)
  -> r
reifyTuple = L.reifyTuple20

reifyStrictTuple ::
  forall el r.Int
  -> [el]
  -> (forall c s.(AdaptiveTuple c s, T.Nat s) => c s el -> r)
  -> r
reifyStrictTuple = S.reifyTuple20