-- | Calculates yield sizes using rewriting functions. 
module ADP.Multi.Rewriting.YieldSize where

import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Control.Monad (liftM2)

import ADP.Multi.Parser
import ADP.Multi.Rewriting.Model

type YieldAnalysisAlgorithm a = a -> [ParserInfo] -> ParserInfo

-- for dim1 we don't need the rewriting function to determine the yield size
-- it's kept as argument anyway to make it more consistent
determineYieldSize1 ::  YieldAnalysisAlgorithm Dim1
determineYieldSize1 _ infos =
        let elemInfo = buildYieldSizeMap infos
            (yieldMin,yieldMax) = combineYields (Map.elems elemInfo) 
        in ParserInfo1 { 
                minYield = yieldMin,
                maxYield = yieldMax

determineYieldSize2 ::  YieldAnalysisAlgorithm Dim2
determineYieldSize2 f infos =
        let elemInfo = buildYieldSizeMap infos
            (left,right) = f (Map.keys elemInfo)
            leftYields = map (\(i,j) -> elemInfo Map.! (i,j)) left
            rightYields = map (\(i,j) -> elemInfo Map.! (i,j)) right
            (leftMin,leftMax) = combineYields leftYields
            (rightMin,rightMax) = combineYields rightYields 
        in ParserInfo2 { 
                minYield2 = (leftMin,rightMin),
                maxYield2 = (leftMax,rightMax)

combineYields :: [YieldSize] -> YieldSize
combineYields = foldl (\(minY1,maxY1) (minY2,maxY2) ->
                    ( minY1+minY2
                    , liftM2 (+) maxY1 maxY2
                    ) ) (0,Just 0)

-- | min and max yield size
type YieldSize = (Int,Maybe Int)

-- | Maps each parser symbol to its yield size
--   (remember: a 2-dim parser has 2 symbols in a rewriting function)
type YieldSizeMap = Map (Int,Int) YieldSize

-- the input list is in reverse order, i.e. the first in the list is the last applied parser
buildYieldSizeMap :: [ParserInfo] -> YieldSizeMap
buildYieldSizeMap infos =
        let parserCount = length infos
            list = concatMap (\ (x,info) -> case info of
                       ParserInfo1 { minYield = minY, maxYield = maxY } ->
                           [ ((x,1), (minY, maxY) ) ]
                       ParserInfo2 { minYield2 = minY, maxYield2 = maxY } ->
                           [ ((x,1), (fst minY, fst maxY) )
                           , ((x,2), (snd minY, snd maxY) )
                     ) $ zip [parserCount,parserCount-1..] infos
        in Map.fromList list