Changelog ========= Version 0.1.2.X --------------- * *December 8, 2018*: *BUGFIX* Switched from *taggy* to *tagsoup*, after observing that *taggy* had some issues parsing 2018's Day 8 challenge prompt. * *December 8, 2018*: *BUGFIX* Add CPP to deal with building issues on GHC 8.2 * *December 8, 2018*: *BUGFIX* Fix cache directory to separate by year Version --------------- *December 7, 2018* * Fixed cache to store prompts at `.html` instead of `.yaml` * `SubIncorrect` and `SubWait` now include fields for wait times. * Re-implemented submission result parsers using *attoparsec* Version --------------- *December 7, 2018* * More robust parser for submission results. Also now reports "hints" if possible. Version --------------- *December 5, 2018* * Initial Release