# advent-of-code-ocr "OCR" letter recognition for [Advent of Code][aoc] puzzles, compatible with all puzzles from 2015 to 2019. Also comes with a handy command line utility to parse the ASCII art directly from stdin: [aoc]: https://adventofcode.com ``` $ cat abc.txt .##..###...##. #..#.#..#.#..# #..#.###..#... ####.#..#.#... #..#.#..#.#..# #..#.###...##. $ cat abc.txt | advent-of-code-ocr ABC ``` ## Installation To use as a library, add *advent-of-code-ocr* as a hackage dependency like you would any other. To use as an executable: ```bash # using stack stack install advent-of-code-ocr # using cabal cabal install advent-of-code-ocr # from source git clone https://github.com/mstksg/advent-of-code-ocr cd advent-of-code-ocr cabal install # or stack install ``` ## Compatibility Should be compatible with all challenges from 2015 to 2021. However, I have only tested it with: * 2016 Day 8 * 2018 Day 10 * 2019 Day 8 * 2019 Day 11 * 2021 Day 13 (thanks @uvg) * 2022 Day 10 (thanks @uvg) And it is possible I have missed some. If you notice any I am missing, please let me know! ## Credit Much of the content for the letterforms was gathered on freenode ##adventofcode and solutions threads on reddit; the large font for the most part has been gathered by [u/usbpc102][] on reddit. `O` and `I` letterforms for the small font contributed by [u/TheShallowOne][] on reddit for version 1.1.10, and the S small font letterform contributed by [@gilgamec][]. [u/usbpc102]: https://gist.github.com/usbpc/5fa0be48ad7b4b0594b3b8b029bc47b4 [u/TheShallowOne]: https://www.reddit.com/r/adventofcode/comments/k0lzz6/adventofcodeocr_command_line_utilityhaskell/gdwwu39 [@gilgamec]: https://github.com/gilgamec