1.7.0 ==== * Removed some of conditional compilation, by no longer pretending that we provide `liftTyped` for `Matcher`. * Fixed yet another embarrassing parser bug (https://github.com/supki/aeson-match-qq/pull/33) * Implemented `[...]` and `{...}` as shortcuts to `_ : array` and `_ : object` respectively (https://github.com/supki/aeson-match-qq/pull/34) * Some work has been done on making match failures output understandable error messages (https://github.com/supki/aeson-match-qq/pull/37, https://github.com/supki/aeson-match-qq/pull/38, https://github.com/supki/aeson-match-qq/pull/39) 1.6.1 ===== * Fixed another parser problem (https://github.com/supki/aeson-match-qq/pull/27) 1.6.0 ===== * Clarified ans simplified API some more. 1.5.3 ===== * Minuscule Haddock improvements 1.5.2 ===== * Add `prettyError`, a pretty printer for `Error`s (https://github.com/supki/aeson-match-qq/pull/24) 1.5.1 ===== * GHC 9.2 compatibility 1.5.0 ===== * Streamlined API. * Sprinkled some CPP to support clients that have not been made compatible with Aeson 2.0 yet, so that they do not have to use a separate release (1.3.x) 1.4.3 ===== * Improved matching errors for embedded Haskell values (https://github.com/supki/aeson-match-qq/pull/18) * Separate error types for type- and value- level mismatches (https://github.com/supki/aeson-match-qq/pull/18) * Case insensitive strings (https://github.com/supki/aeson-match-qq/pull/17) 1.4.2 ===== * Unordered arrays (https://github.com/supki/aeson-match-qq/pull/15) 1.4.1 ===== * Proper Unicode support (https://github.com/supki/aeson-match-qq/pull/14) 1.4.0 ===== * Aeson 2.0 compatibility 1.3.0 ===== * GHC 9.0 compatibility 1.2.0 ===== * Fixed a couple of parsing edge cases (https://github.com/supki/aeson-match-qq/pull/11) 1.1.0 ===== * Optionally typed holes (https://github.com/supki/aeson-match-qq/pull/9) * Fixed spurious validation errors (https://github.com/supki/aeson-match-qq/issues/7) 1.0.0 ===== * Initial release.