{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralisedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} module Aeson.Match.QQSpec (spec) where import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson import Data.Aeson.QQ (aesonQQ) import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..)) import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap import Test.Hspec import Aeson.Match.QQ spec :: Spec spec = do describe "parse" $ it "specs" $ do [qq| _ |] `shouldBe` Hole Nothing Nothing [qq| _hole |] `shouldBe` Hole Nothing (pure "hole") [qq| _"fancy hole" |] `shouldBe` Hole Nothing (pure "fancy hole") [qq| _typed-hole : number |] `shouldBe` Hole (pure (HoleSig NumberT False)) (pure "typed-hole") [qq| _typed-nullable-hole : number? |] `shouldBe` Hole (pure (HoleSig NumberT True)) (pure "typed-nullable-hole") [qq| null |] `shouldBe` Null [qq| false |] `shouldBe` Bool False [qq| true |] `shouldBe` Bool True [qq| 4 |] `shouldBe` Number 4 [qq| -7 |] `shouldBe` Number (-7) [qq| "foo" |] `shouldBe` String "foo" [qq| [] |] `shouldBe` Array Box {values = [], extra = False} [qq| [1, 2, 3] |] `shouldBe` Array Box {values = [Number 1, Number 2, Number 3], extra = False} [qq| [1, _, 3] |] `shouldBe` Array Box {values = [Number 1, Hole Nothing Nothing, Number 3], extra = False} [qq| [1, _, 3, ...] |] `shouldBe` Array Box {values = [Number 1, Hole Nothing Nothing, Number 3], extra = True} [qq| (unordered) [] |] `shouldBe` ArrayUO Box {values = [], extra = False} [qq| (unordered) [1, 2, 3] |] `shouldBe` ArrayUO Box {values = [Number 1, Number 2, Number 3], extra = False} [qq| (unordered) [1, _, 3] |] `shouldBe` ArrayUO Box {values = [Number 1, Hole Nothing Nothing, Number 3], extra = False} [qq| (unordered) [1, _, 3, ...] |] `shouldBe` ArrayUO Box {values = [Number 1, Hole Nothing Nothing, Number 3], extra = True} [qq| {} |] `shouldBe` Object Box {values = [], extra = False} [qq| {foo: 4} |] `shouldBe` Object Box {values = [("foo", Number 4)], extra = False} [qq| {foo: 4, "bar": 7} |] `shouldBe` Object Box {values = [("foo", Number 4), ("bar", Number 7)], extra = False} [qq| {foo: 4, "bar": 7, ...} |] `shouldBe` Object Box {values = [("foo", Number 4), ("bar", Number 7)], extra = True} [qq| {foo: #{4 + 7 :: Int}} |] `shouldBe` Object Box {values = [("foo", Ext (Aeson.Number 11))], extra = False} [qq| {foo: #{4 + 7 :: ToEncoding Int}} |] `shouldBe` Object Box {values = [("foo", Ext (Aeson.Number 11))], extra = False} describe "match" $ do it "specs" $ do [qq| _ |] `shouldMatch` [aesonQQ| {foo: 4, bar: 7} |] [qq| null |] `shouldMatch` [aesonQQ| null |] [qq| true |] `shouldMatch` [aesonQQ| true |] [qq| false |] `shouldMatch` [aesonQQ| false |] [qq| 4 |] `shouldMatch` [aesonQQ| 4 |] [qq| "foo" |] `shouldMatch` [aesonQQ| "foo" |] [qq| (ci) "foo" |] `shouldMatch` [aesonQQ| "Foo" |] [qq| [1, 2, 3] |] `shouldMatch` [aesonQQ| [1, 2, 3] |] [qq| [1, _ : number, 3, ...] |] `shouldMatch` [aesonQQ| [1, 2, 3, 4] |] [qq| [1, _ : string] |] `shouldMatch` [aesonQQ| [1, "foo"] |] [qq| [1, _ : ci-string] |] `shouldMatch` [aesonQQ| [1, "foo"] |] [qq| [1, _ : unordered-array] |] `shouldMatch` [aesonQQ| [1, ["foo"]] |] [qq| (unordered) [] |] `shouldMatch` [aesonQQ| [] |] [qq| (unordered) [1, 2, 3] |] `shouldMatch` [aesonQQ| [1, 2, 3] |] [qq| (unordered) [1, 2, 3] |] `shouldMatch` [aesonQQ| [2, 3, 1] |] [qq| (unordered) [1, 2, 2] |] `shouldMatch` [aesonQQ| [2, 2, 1] |] [qq| (unordered) [1, _, 2] |] `shouldMatch` [aesonQQ| [2, 2, 1] |] [qq| (unordered) [1, 2, ...] |] `shouldMatch` [aesonQQ| [2, 3, 1] |] [qq| (unordered) [1, 2, ...] |] `shouldMatch` [aesonQQ| [2, 2, 1] |] [qq| {foo: 4, bar: 7} |] `shouldMatch` [aesonQQ| {foo: 4, bar: 7} |] [qq| {foo: 4, bar: 7, ...} |] `shouldMatch` [aesonQQ| {foo: 4, bar: 7, baz: 11} |] [qq| #{1 + 2 :: Int} |] `shouldMatch` [aesonQQ| 3 |] [qq| {foo: _ : number, bar: 7} |] `shouldMatch` [aesonQQ| {foo: 4, bar: 7} |] [qq| {foo: _ : number?, bar: 7} |] `shouldMatch` [aesonQQ| {foo: null, bar: 7} |] [qq| null |] `shouldNotMatch` [aesonQQ| 4 |] [qq| true |] `shouldNotMatch` [aesonQQ| false |] [qq| false |] `shouldNotMatch` [aesonQQ| true |] [qq| 4 |] `shouldNotMatch` [aesonQQ| 7 |] [qq| "foo" |] `shouldNotMatch` [aesonQQ| "bar" |] [qq| (ci) "foo" |] `shouldNotMatch` [aesonQQ| "Bar" |] [qq| [1, 2, 3] |] `shouldNotMatch` [aesonQQ| [1, 2, 3, 4] |] [qq| [1, 2, 3, ...] |] `shouldNotMatch` [aesonQQ| [1, 2] |] [qq| [1, _ : string] |] `shouldNotMatch` [aesonQQ| [1, 2] |] [qq| [1, 2, 3, ...] |] `shouldNotMatch` [aesonQQ| [1, 2, 4] |] [qq| (unordered) [1, 2, 3] |] `shouldNotMatch` [aesonQQ| [1, 2, 4] |] [qq| (unordered) [1, 2, 3, 4] |] `shouldNotMatch` [aesonQQ| [1, 2, 3] |] [qq| (unordered) [1, 2] |] `shouldNotMatch` [aesonQQ| [1, 2, 2] |] [qq| {foo: 4, bar: 7} |] `shouldNotMatch` [aesonQQ| {foo: 7, bar: 4} |] [qq| {foo: 4, bar: 7} |] `shouldNotMatch` [aesonQQ| {foo: 4, baz: 7} |] [qq| {foo: 4, bar: 7, ...} |] `shouldNotMatch` [aesonQQ| {foo: 4, baz: 11} |] [qq| #{1 + 2 :: Int} |] `shouldNotMatch` [aesonQQ| 4 |] [qq| {foo: _ : number, bar: 7} |] `shouldNotMatch` [aesonQQ| {foo: "foo", bar: 7} |] [qq| {foo: _ : number, bar: 7} |] `shouldNotMatch` [aesonQQ| {foo: null, bar: 7} |] [qq| { foo: _ : string , bar: 7 } |] `shouldNotMatch` [aesonQQ| {foo: null, bar: 7} |] it "paths" $ do match [qq| {foo: {bar: {baz: [1, 4]}}} |] [aesonQQ| {foo: {bar: {baz: [1, 7]}}} |] `shouldBe` throwE (Mismatch MkMismatch { path = ["foo", "bar", "baz", Idx 1] , matcher = [qq| 4 |] , given = [aesonQQ| 7 |] }) context "named holes" $ do it "matches" $ match [qq| {foo: _hole} |] [aesonQQ| {foo: {bar: {baz: [1, 4]}}} |] `shouldBe` pure (HashMap.singleton "hole" [aesonQQ| {bar: {baz: [1, 4]}} |]) -- https://github.com/supki/aeson-match-qq/issues/26 it "#26" $ match [qq| { foo: _hole } |] [aesonQQ| {foo: {bar: {baz: [1, 4]}}} |] `shouldBe` pure (HashMap.singleton "hole" [aesonQQ| {bar: {baz: [1, 4]}} |]) context "unordered array" $ it "named holes" $ do match [qq| (unordered) [1, _hole] |] [aesonQQ| [2, 1] |] `shouldBe` pure (HashMap.singleton "hole" [aesonQQ| 2 |]) match [qq| (unordered) [{foo: _hole}, ...] |] [aesonQQ| [{foo: 2}, 1] |] `shouldBe` pure (HashMap.singleton "hole" [aesonQQ| 2 |]) describe "repro" $ do -- https://github.com/supki/aeson-match-qq/issues/7 it "#7" $ do match [qq| {foo: _} |] [aesonQQ| {} |] `shouldBe` throwE (MissingPathElem MkMissingPathElem { path = [] , missing = "foo" }) match [qq| [_] |] [aesonQQ| [] |] `shouldBe` throwE (MissingPathElem MkMissingPathElem { path = [] , missing = Idx 0 }) -- https://github.com/supki/aeson-match-qq/issues/10 it "#10" $ do [qq| {foo: []} |] `shouldBe` Object (Box { values = [("foo", Array (Box {values = [], extra = False}))] , extra = False }) [qq| [{}] |] `shouldBe` Array (Box { values = [Object (Box {values = [], extra = False})] , extra = False }) -- https://github.com/supki/aeson-match-qq/issues/12 it "#12" $ do [qq| [ ... ] |] `shouldBe` [qq| _ : array |] [qq| (unordered) [ ... ] |] `shouldBe` [qq| _ : unordered-array |] [qq| { ... } |] `shouldBe` [qq| _ : object |] -- https://github.com/supki/aeson-match-qq/issues/13 it "#13" $ [qq| "Слава Україні" |] `shouldMatch` [aesonQQ| "Слава Україні" |] -- https://github.com/supki/aeson-match-qq/issues/18 it "#18" $ do -- string ~ string match [qq| "foo" |] [aesonQQ| "bar" |] `shouldBe` throwE (Mismatch MkMismatch { path = [] , matcher = String "foo" , given = Aeson.String "bar" }) -- string !~ number match [qq| "foo" |] [aesonQQ| 4 |] `shouldBe` throwE (Mistype MkTypeMismatch { path = [] , expected = StringT , matcher = String "foo" , given = Aeson.Number 4 }) -- string !~ null match [qq| "foo" |] [aesonQQ| null |] `shouldBe` throwE (Mistype MkTypeMismatch { path = [] , expected = StringT , matcher = String "foo" , given = Aeson.Null }) -- null !~ number match [qq| null |] [aesonQQ| 4 |] `shouldBe` throwE (Mismatch MkMismatch { path = [] , matcher = Null , given = Aeson.Number 4 }) -- https://github.com/supki/aeson-match-qq/issues/28 it "#28" $ do let Left (err :| _) = match [qq| [{foo: 4, bar: 7}] |] [aesonQQ| {foo: 4, bar: 7}|] prettyError err `shouldBe` " error: type of value does not match\n\ \expected: array\n\ \ actual: object\n\ \ path: .\n\ \ matcher: [qq|\n\ \ [ { bar: 7\n\ \ , foo: 4\n\ \ }\n\ \ ]\n\ \ |]\n\ \ given: { \"bar\": 7\n\ \ , \"foo\": 4\n\ \ }" -- https://github.com/supki/aeson-match-qq/issues/29 it "#29" $ do parse "_ : not-a-known-type" `shouldBe` Left "unknown type in hole signature: Failed reading: empty" -- https://github.com/supki/aeson-match-qq/issues/32 it "#32" $ do parse "null some garbage" `shouldBe` Left "trailing garbage after a Matcher value: endOfInput" describe "pretty-printing" $ it "pretty" $ do prettyError (Mismatch MkMismatch { path = [Key "foo", Idx 0, Key "bar"] , matcher = String "foo" , given = Aeson.String "bar" }) `shouldBe` " error: value does not match\n\ \ path: .foo[0].bar\n\ \matcher: [qq|\n\ \ \"foo\"\n\ \ |]\n\ \ given: \"bar\"" prettyError (Mistype MkTypeMismatch { path = [Key "foo", Idx 0, Key "bar"] , expected = StringT , matcher = String "foo" , given = Aeson.Number 4 }) `shouldBe` " error: type of value does not match\n\ \expected: string\n\ \ actual: number\n\ \ path: .foo[0].bar\n\ \ matcher: [qq|\n\ \ \"foo\"\n\ \ |]\n\ \ given: 4" prettyError (MissingPathElem MkMissingPathElem { path = [Key "foo", Idx 0, Key "bar"] , missing = Idx 1 }) `shouldBe` " error: missing key or index\n\ \ path: .foo[0].bar\n\ \missing: [1]" prettyError (ExtraArrayValues MkExtraArrayValues { path = [Key "foo", Idx 0, Key "bar"] , values = [Aeson.String "foo", Aeson.Number 4] }) `shouldBe` " error: extra array values\n\ \ path: .foo[0].bar\n\ \ values: \"foo\"\n\ \ 4" prettyError (ExtraObjectValues MkExtraObjectValues { path = [Key "foo", Idx 0, Key "bar"] , values = HashMap.fromList [("k0", Aeson.String "foo"), ("k1", Aeson.Number 4)] }) `shouldBe` " error: extra object values\n\ \ path: .foo[0].bar\n\ \ values: key: .k0\n\ \ value: \"foo\"\n\ \ key: .k1\n\ \ value: 4" newtype ToEncoding a = ToEncoding { unToEncoding :: a } deriving (Show, Eq, Num) instance Aeson.ToJSON a => Aeson.ToJSON (ToEncoding a) where toJSON = error "ToJSON is undefined" toEncoding = Aeson.toEncoding . unToEncoding shouldMatch :: HasCallStack => Matcher Aeson.Value -> Aeson.Value -> Expectation shouldMatch a b = match a b `shouldBe` pure mempty shouldNotMatch :: HasCallStack => Matcher Aeson.Value -> Aeson.Value -> Expectation shouldNotMatch a b = match a b `shouldNotBe` pure mempty throwE :: e -> Either (NonEmpty e) a throwE = Left . pure