{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilyDependencies #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeInType #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} {- | Module : Data.Aeson.Schema.Internal Maintainer : Brandon Chinn Stability : experimental Portability : portable Internal definitions for declaring JSON schemas. -} module Data.Aeson.Schema.Internal where import Control.Applicative (Alternative (..), optional) import Data.Aeson (FromJSON (..), ToJSON (..), Value (..)) import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson import Data.Aeson.Types (Parser) import Data.Dynamic (Dynamic, fromDynamic, toDyn) import Data.List (intersperse) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Data.Proxy (Proxy (..)) import Data.String (fromString) import qualified Data.Text as Text import Data.Typeable (Typeable) import Fcf (type (<=<), type (=<<)) import qualified Fcf import GHC.Exts (toList) import GHC.TypeLits ( ErrorMessage (..), KnownSymbol, Symbol, TypeError, symbolVal, ) import Data.Aeson.Schema.Key ( IsSchemaKey (..), SchemaKey, SchemaKey' (..), fromSchemaKeyV, getContext, showSchemaKey, toContext, ) import Data.Aeson.Schema.Type ( FromSchema, IsSchemaObjectMap, IsSchemaType (..), Schema, Schema' (..), SchemaType, SchemaType' (..), ToSchemaObject, showSchemaTypeV, showSchemaV, toSchemaV, ) import Data.Aeson.Schema.Utils.All (All (..)) import Data.Aeson.Schema.Utils.Compat (Key, KeyMap) import qualified Data.Aeson.Schema.Utils.Compat as Compat import Data.Aeson.Schema.Utils.Invariant (unreachable) import Data.Aeson.Schema.Utils.Sum (SumType (..)) {- Schema-validated JSON object -} {- | The object containing JSON data and its schema. Has a 'FromJSON' instance, so you can use the usual @Data.Aeson@ decoding functions. > obj = decode "{\"a\": 1}" :: Maybe (Object [schema| { a: Int } |]) -} newtype Object (schema :: Schema) = UnsafeObject (KeyMap Dynamic) instance IsSchema schema => Show (Object schema) where showsPrec _ = showValue @(ToSchemaObject schema) instance IsSchema schema => Eq (Object schema) where a == b = toJSON a == toJSON b instance IsSchema schema => FromJSON (Object schema) where parseJSON = parseValue @(ToSchemaObject schema) [] instance IsSchema schema => ToJSON (Object schema) where toJSON = toValue @(ToSchemaObject schema) {- | Convert an 'Object' into a 'Aeson.Object', losing the type information in the schema. @since 1.3.0 -} toMap :: IsSchema ( 'Schema schema) => Object ( 'Schema schema) -> Aeson.Object toMap = toValueMap {- Type-level schema definitions -} {- | The constraint for most operations involving @Object schema@. If you're writing functions on general Objects, you should use this constraint. e.g. > logObject :: (MonadLogger m, IsSchema schema) => Object schema -> m () > logObject = logInfoN . Text.pack . show @since 1.3.0 -} type IsSchema (schema :: Schema) = ( HasSchemaResult (ToSchemaObject schema) , All HasSchemaResultPair (FromSchema schema) , IsSchemaObjectMap (FromSchema schema) , SchemaResult (ToSchemaObject schema) ~ Object schema ) {- | Show the given schema. Usage: > type MySchema = [schema| { a: Int } |] > showSchema @MySchema -} showSchema :: forall (schema :: Schema). IsSchema schema => String showSchema = "SchemaObject " ++ showSchemaV schema -- TODO: Remove "SchemaObject" prefix? Or rename to "Schema"? where schema = toSchemaV $ Proxy @schema showSchemaType :: forall (schemaType :: SchemaType). HasSchemaResult schemaType => String showSchemaType = showSchemaTypeV schemaType where schemaType = toSchemaTypeV $ Proxy @schemaType {- Conversions from schema types into Haskell types -} -- | A type family mapping SchemaType to the corresponding Haskell type. type family SchemaResult (schema :: SchemaType) where SchemaResult ( 'SchemaScalar inner) = inner SchemaResult ( 'SchemaMaybe inner) = Maybe (SchemaResult inner) SchemaResult ( 'SchemaTry inner) = Maybe (SchemaResult inner) SchemaResult ( 'SchemaList inner) = [SchemaResult inner] SchemaResult ( 'SchemaUnion schemas) = SumType (SchemaResultList schemas) SchemaResult ( 'SchemaObject inner) = Object ( 'Schema inner) SchemaResult ( 'SchemaInclude ( 'Right schema)) = SchemaResult (ToSchemaObject schema) type family SchemaResultList (xs :: [SchemaType]) where SchemaResultList '[] = '[] SchemaResultList (x ': xs) = SchemaResult x ': SchemaResultList xs -- | A type-class for types that can be parsed from JSON for an associated schema type. class IsSchemaType schema => HasSchemaResult (schema :: SchemaType) where parseValue :: [Key] -> Value -> Parser (SchemaResult schema) default parseValue :: FromJSON (SchemaResult schema) => [Key] -> Value -> Parser (SchemaResult schema) parseValue path value = parseJSON value <|> parseFail @schema path value toValue :: SchemaResult schema -> Value default toValue :: ToJSON (SchemaResult schema) => SchemaResult schema -> Value toValue = toJSON -- Note: Using ShowS here instead of just returning String to avoid quadratic performance when -- using (++) showValue :: SchemaResult schema -> ShowS default showValue :: Show (SchemaResult schema) => SchemaResult schema -> ShowS showValue = shows instance (Show inner, Typeable inner, FromJSON inner, ToJSON inner) => HasSchemaResult ( 'SchemaScalar inner) instance (HasSchemaResult inner, Show (SchemaResult inner), ToJSON (SchemaResult inner)) => HasSchemaResult ( 'SchemaMaybe inner) where parseValue path = \case Null -> return Nothing value -> (Just <$> parseValue @inner path value) instance (HasSchemaResult inner, Show (SchemaResult inner), ToJSON (SchemaResult inner)) => HasSchemaResult ( 'SchemaTry inner) where parseValue path = optional . parseValue @inner path instance (HasSchemaResult inner, Show (SchemaResult inner), ToJSON (SchemaResult inner)) => HasSchemaResult ( 'SchemaList inner) where parseValue path = \case Array a -> traverse (parseValue @inner path) (toList a) value -> parseFail @( 'SchemaList inner) path value instance ( All HasSchemaResult schemas , All IsSchemaType schemas , Show (SchemaResult ( 'SchemaUnion schemas)) , FromJSON (SchemaResult ( 'SchemaUnion schemas)) , ToJSON (SchemaResult ( 'SchemaUnion schemas)) , ParseSumType schemas ) => HasSchemaResult ( 'SchemaUnion (schemas :: [SchemaType])) where parseValue path value = parseSumType @schemas path value <|> parseFail @( 'SchemaUnion schemas) path value class ParseSumType xs where parseSumType :: [Key] -> Value -> Parser (SumType (SchemaResultList xs)) instance ParseSumType '[] where parseSumType _ _ = empty instance (HasSchemaResult schema, ParseSumType schemas) => ParseSumType (schema ': schemas) where parseSumType path value = parseHere <|> parseThere where parseHere = Here <$> parseValue @schema path value parseThere = There <$> parseSumType @schemas path value instance (All HasSchemaResultPair pairs, IsSchemaObjectMap pairs) => HasSchemaResult ( 'SchemaObject pairs) where parseValue path = \case Aeson.Object o -> UnsafeObject . Compat.fromList <$> parseValueMap o value -> parseFail @( 'SchemaObject pairs) path value where parseValueMap :: Aeson.Object -> Parser [(Key, Dynamic)] parseValueMap o = sequence $ mapAll @HasSchemaResultPair @pairs $ \proxy -> parseValuePair proxy path o toValue = Aeson.Object . toValueMap showValue o = showString "{ " . intercalateShowS ", " (map fromPair pairs) . showString " }" where fromPair (k, v) = showString k . showString ": " . v pairs = mapAll @HasSchemaResultPair @pairs $ \proxy -> showValuePair proxy o -- intercalate for ShowS intercalateShowS :: String -> [ShowS] -> ShowS intercalateShowS s = concatShowS . intersperse (showString s) concatShowS :: [ShowS] -> ShowS concatShowS = foldr (.) id toValueMap :: forall pairs. All HasSchemaResultPair pairs => Object ( 'Schema pairs) -> Aeson.Object toValueMap o = Compat.unions $ mapAll @HasSchemaResultPair @pairs (\proxy -> toValuePair proxy o) class HasSchemaResultPair (a :: (SchemaKey, SchemaType)) where parseValuePair :: Proxy a -> [Key] -> Aeson.Object -> Parser (Key, Dynamic) toValuePair :: Proxy a -> Object schema -> Aeson.Object showValuePair :: Proxy a -> Object schema -> (String, ShowS) instance ( IsSchemaKey key , HasSchemaResult inner , Typeable (SchemaResult inner) ) => HasSchemaResultPair '(key, inner) where parseValuePair _ path o = do inner <- parseValue @inner (key : path) $ getContext schemaKey o return (key, toDyn inner) where schemaKey = toSchemaKeyV $ Proxy @key key = fromString $ fromSchemaKeyV schemaKey toValuePair _ o = toContext schemaKey (toValue @inner val) where schemaKey = toSchemaKeyV $ Proxy @key val = unsafeGetKey @inner (Proxy @(FromSchemaKey key)) o showValuePair _ o = (showSchemaKey @key, showValue @inner val) where val = unsafeGetKey @inner (Proxy @(FromSchemaKey key)) o instance IsSchema schema => HasSchemaResult ( 'SchemaInclude ( 'Right schema)) where parseValue = parseValue @(ToSchemaObject schema) toValue = toValue @(ToSchemaObject schema) showValue = showValue @(ToSchemaObject schema) -- | A helper for creating fail messages when parsing a schema. parseFail :: forall (schema :: SchemaType) m a. (MonadFail m, HasSchemaResult schema) => [Key] -> Value -> m a parseFail path value = fail $ msg ++ ": " ++ ellipses 200 (show value) where msg = if null path then "Could not parse schema " ++ schema' else "Could not parse path '" ++ path' ++ "' with schema " ++ schema' path' = Text.unpack . Text.intercalate "." . map Compat.keyToText $ reverse path schema' = "`" ++ showSchemaType @schema ++ "`" ellipses n s = if length s > n then take n s ++ "..." else s {- Lookups within SchemaObject -} data UnSchemaKey :: SchemaKey -> Fcf.Exp Symbol type instance Fcf.Eval (UnSchemaKey ( 'NormalKey key)) = Fcf.Eval (Fcf.Pure key) type instance Fcf.Eval (UnSchemaKey ( 'PhantomKey key)) = Fcf.Eval (Fcf.Pure key) -- first-class-families- doesn't support partially applying Lookup type Lookup a = Fcf.Map Fcf.Snd <=< Fcf.Find (Fcf.TyEq a <=< Fcf.Fst) -- | The type-level function that return the schema of the given key in a 'SchemaObject'. type family LookupSchema (key :: Symbol) (schema :: Schema) :: SchemaType where LookupSchema key ( 'Schema schema) = Fcf.Eval ( Fcf.FromMaybe ( TypeError ( 'Text "Key '" ':<>: 'Text key ':<>: 'Text "' does not exist in the following schema:" ':$$: 'ShowType schema ) ) =<< Lookup key =<< Fcf.Map (Fcf.Bimap UnSchemaKey Fcf.Pure) schema ) {- | Get a key from the given 'Data.Aeson.Schema.Internal.Object', returned as the type encoded in its schema. > let o = .. :: Object > ( 'SchemaObject > '[ '("foo", 'SchemaInt) > , '("bar", 'SchemaObject > '[ '("name", 'SchemaText) > ] > , '("baz", 'SchemaMaybe 'SchemaBool) > ] > ) > > getKey (Proxy @"foo") o :: Bool > getKey (Proxy @"bar") o :: Object ('SchemaObject '[ '("name", 'SchemaText) ]) > getKey (Proxy @"name") $ getKey @"bar" o :: Text > getKey (Proxy @"baz") o :: Maybe Bool -} getKey :: forall (key :: Symbol) (schema :: Schema) (endSchema :: SchemaType) result. ( endSchema ~ LookupSchema key schema , result ~ SchemaResult endSchema , KnownSymbol key , Typeable result , Typeable endSchema ) => Proxy key -> Object schema -> result getKey = unsafeGetKey @endSchema unsafeGetKey :: forall (endSchema :: SchemaType) (key :: Symbol) (schema :: Schema). (KnownSymbol key, Typeable (SchemaResult endSchema)) => Proxy key -> Object schema -> SchemaResult endSchema unsafeGetKey keyProxy (UnsafeObject object) = fromMaybe (unreachable $ "Could not load key: " ++ key) $ fromDynamic =<< Compat.lookup (fromString key) object where key = symbolVal keyProxy