{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} module Tests.GetQQ where import Control.DeepSeq (deepseq) import Control.Exception (SomeException, try) import Data.Aeson (FromJSON (..), ToJSON (..), withText) import Data.Aeson.QQ (aesonQQ) import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as Text import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.HUnit import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck import Data.Aeson.Schema (Object, schema) import Data.Aeson.Schema.TH (mkEnum) import Data.Aeson.Schema.Utils.Sum (SumType (..)) import System.Directory (copyFile, createDirectoryIfMissing, withCurrentDirectory) import System.Exit (ExitCode (..)) import System.FilePath (takeDirectory, ()) import System.IO.Temp (withSystemTempDirectory) import System.Process (readProcessWithExitCode) import TestUtils (parseObject, testIntegration, testParseError) import Tests.GetQQ.TH mkEnum "Greeting" ["HELLO", "GOODBYE"] newtype Coordinate = Coordinate (Int, Int) deriving (Show, Eq) instance ToJSON Coordinate where toJSON (Coordinate (x, y)) = toJSON $ show x ++ "," ++ show y instance FromJSON Coordinate where parseJSON = withText "Coordinate" $ \s -> case map (read . Text.unpack) $ Text.splitOn "," s of [x, y] -> return $ Coordinate (x, y) _ -> fail $ "Bad Coordinate: " ++ Text.unpack s {- Tests -} test :: TestTree test = testGroup "`get` quasiquoter" [ testValidExpressions , testInvalidExpressions , testCompileTimeErrors ] testValidExpressions :: TestTree testValidExpressions = testGroup "Valid get expressions" [ testScalarExpressions , testBasicExpressions , testNullableExpressions , testListExpressions , testUnionExpressions , testPhantomExpressions , testNestedExpressions ] testScalarExpressions :: TestTree testScalarExpressions = testGroup "Scalar expressions" [ testProperty "Get Bool key from object" $ \b -> let o = $(parseObject "{ foo: Bool }") [aesonQQ| { "foo": #{b} } |] in [runGet| o.foo |] === b , testProperty "Get Int key from object" $ \x -> let o = $(parseObject "{ foo: Int }") [aesonQQ| { "foo": #{x} } |] in [runGet| o.foo |] === x , testProperty "Get Double key from object" $ \x -> let o = $(parseObject "{ foo: Double }") [aesonQQ| { "foo": #{x} } |] in [runGet| o.foo |] === x , testProperty "Get Text key from object" $ \(UnicodeText s) -> let o = $(parseObject "{ foo: Text }") [aesonQQ| { "foo": #{s} } |] in [runGet| o.foo |] === s , testProperty "Get Custom key from object" $ \coordinate -> let o = $(parseObject "{ foo: Coordinate }") [aesonQQ| { "foo": #{coordinate} } |] in [runGet| o.foo |] === coordinate , testProperty "Get Enum key from object" $ \greeting -> let o = $(parseObject "{ foo: Greeting }") [aesonQQ| { "foo": #{greeting} } |] in [runGet| o.foo |] === greeting ] testBasicExpressions :: TestTree testBasicExpressions = testGroup "Basic expressions" [ testCase "Can query fields on namespaced object" $ [runGet| (Tests.GetQQ.TH.testData).foo |] @?= [runGet| testData.foo |] , testProperty "Can query quoted keys" $ \x -> let o = $(parseObject "{ foo: Int }") [aesonQQ| { "foo": #{x :: Int} } |] in [runGet| o."foo" |] === [runGet| o.foo |] , testProperty "Can query nested fields" $ \x -> let o = $(parseObject "{ foo: { bar: Int } }") [aesonQQ| { "foo": { "bar": #{x} } } |] in [runGet| o.foo.bar |] === x , testProperty "Can generate a lambda expression" $ \x -> let o = $(parseObject "{ foo: Int }") [aesonQQ| { "foo": #{x} } |] in [runGet| .foo |] o === x , testProperty "Can extract a list of elements" $ \x y bar -> let o = $(parseObject "{ x: Int, y: Int, foo: { bar: Int } }") [aesonQQ| { "x": #{x}, "y": #{y}, "foo": { "bar": #{bar} } } |] in [runGet| o.[x, y, x, foo.bar] |] === [x, y, x, bar] , testProperty "Can extract a tuple of elements" $ \x b bar -> let o = $(parseObject "{ x: Int, b: Bool, foo: { bar: Int } }") [aesonQQ| { "x": #{x}, "b": #{b}, "foo": { "bar": #{bar} } } |] in [runGet| o.(x,b,x,foo.bar) |] === (x, b, x, bar) ] testNullableExpressions :: TestTree testNullableExpressions = testGroup "Nullable expressions" [ testCase "Get Maybe key from object with value" $ do let o = $(parseObject "{ foo: Maybe Bool }") [aesonQQ| { "foo": true } |] [runGet| o.foo |] @?= Just True [runGet| o.foo! |] @?= True , testCase "Get Maybe key from object with null value" $ let o = $(parseObject "{ foo: Maybe Bool }") [aesonQQ| { "foo": null } |] in [runGet| o.foo |] @?= Nothing , testCase "Get Maybe key from object without value" $ let o = $(parseObject "{ foo: Maybe Bool }") [aesonQQ| {} |] in [runGet| o.foo |] @?= Nothing , testCase "Can run operations within existing Maybe value" $ let o = $(parseObject "{ foo: Maybe List { bar: Bool } }") [aesonQQ| { "foo": [ { "bar": true }, { "bar": true }, { "bar": false } ] } |] in [runGet| o.foo?[].bar |] @?= Just [True, True, False] , testCase "Can run operations within nonexisting Maybe value" $ let o = $(parseObject "{ foo: Maybe List { bar: Bool } }") [aesonQQ| { "foo": null } |] in [runGet| o.foo?[].bar |] @?= Nothing , testCase "Can run operations after unwrapping Maybe value" $ let o = $(parseObject "{ foo: Maybe List { bar: Bool } }") [aesonQQ| { "foo": [ { "bar": true }, { "bar": true }, { "bar": false } ] } |] in [runGet| o.foo![].bar |] @?= [True, True, False] , testCase "Get Try key from object with parsed value" $ do let o = $(parseObject "{ foo: Try Bool }") [aesonQQ| { "foo": true } |] [runGet| o.foo |] @?= Just True [runGet| o.foo! |] @?= True , testCase "Get Try key from object with invalid value" $ let o = $(parseObject "{ foo: Try Bool }") [aesonQQ| { "foo": 1 } |] in [runGet| o.foo |] @?= Nothing , testCase "Can run operations within parsed Try value" $ let o = $(parseObject "{ foo: Try List { bar: Bool } }") [aesonQQ| { "foo": [ { "bar": true }, { "bar": true }, { "bar": false } ] } |] in [runGet| o.foo?[].bar |] @?= Just [True, True, False] , testCase "Can run operations within invalid Try value" $ let o = $(parseObject "{ foo: Try List { bar: Bool } }") [aesonQQ| { "foo": [{ "baz": 1 }] } |] in [runGet| o.foo?[].bar |] @?= Nothing , testCase "Can run operations after unwrapping Try value" $ let o = $(parseObject "{ foo: Try List { bar: Bool } }") [aesonQQ| { "foo": [ { "bar": true }, { "bar": true }, { "bar": false } ] } |] in [runGet| o.foo![].bar |] @?= [True, True, False] , testFromJustErrors ] -- test error message for bang operator, to get some coverage on startDisplay + showGetterOps testFromJustErrors :: TestTree testFromJustErrors = testGroup "fromJust errors" [ testCase "Plain fromJust" $ assertError "Called 'fromJust' on null expression" $ [runGet| ! |] (Nothing :: Maybe Int) , testCase "With start" $ do let o = $(parseObject "{ foo: Maybe Bool }") [aesonQQ| { "foo": null } |] assertError "Called 'fromJust' on null expression: o.foo" [runGet| o.foo! |] , testCase "With qualified start" $ assertError "Called 'fromJust' on null expression: (Tests.GetQQ.TH.testData).foo" [runGet| (Tests.GetQQ.TH.testData).foo! |] , testCase "With lambda" $ do let o = $(parseObject "{ foo: Maybe Bool }") [aesonQQ| { "foo": null } |] assertError "Called 'fromJust' on null expression: .foo" $ [runGet| .foo! |] o , testCase "Within nested list of keys" $ do let o = $(parseObject "{ foo: { a: Bool, b: Maybe Bool } }") [aesonQQ| { "foo": { "a": true, "b": null } } |] assertError "Called 'fromJust' on null expression: o.foo.b" [runGet| o.foo.[a, b!] |] , testCase "Within list of keys" $ do let o = $(parseObject "{ foo: Bool, bar: Maybe Bool }") [aesonQQ| { "foo": true, "bar": null } |] assertError "Called 'fromJust' on null expression: o.bar" [runGet| o.[foo, bar!] |] , testCase "Within nested tuple of keys" $ do let o = $(parseObject "{ foo: { a: Int, b: Maybe Bool } }") [aesonQQ| { "foo": { "a": 1, "b": null } } |] assertError "Called 'fromJust' on null expression: o.foo.b" [runGet| o.foo.(a, b!) |] , testCase "Within tuple of keys" $ do let o = $(parseObject "{ foo: Int, bar: Maybe Bool }") [aesonQQ| { "foo": 1, "bar": null } |] assertError "Called 'fromJust' on null expression: o.bar" [runGet| o.(foo, bar!) |] , testCase "Within list" $ do let o = $(parseObject "{ foo: List Maybe Bool }") [aesonQQ| { "foo": [null] } |] assertError "Called 'fromJust' on null expression: o.foo[]" [runGet| o.foo[]! |] , testCase "On incorrect branch selector" $ do let o = $(parseObject "{ foo: Bool | Int }") [aesonQQ| { "foo": 1 } |] assertError "Called 'fromJust' on null expression: o.foo@0" [runGet| o.foo@0! |] ] where assertError msg x = try @SomeException (x `deepseq` pure ()) >>= \case Right _ -> error "Unexpectedly succeeded" Left e -> (head . lines . show) e @?= msg testListExpressions :: TestTree testListExpressions = testGroup "List expressions" [ testCase "Get List key from object" $ let o = $(parseObject "{ foo: List Int }") [aesonQQ| { "foo": [1,2,3] } |] in [runGet| o.foo |] @?= [1, 2, 3] , testProperty "Ending with a `[]` operator is a noop" $ \(xs :: [Int]) -> let o = $(parseObject "{ foo: List Int }") [aesonQQ| { "foo": #{xs} } |] in [runGet| o.foo |] === [runGet| o.foo[] |] , testCase "Can run operations within list" $ let o = $(parseObject "{ foo: List Maybe { bar: Int } }") [aesonQQ| { "foo": [ { "bar": 1 }, { "bar": 2 }, null, { "bar": 3 } ] } |] in [runGet| o.foo[]?.bar |] @?= [Just 1, Just 2, Nothing, Just 3] ] testUnionExpressions :: TestTree testUnionExpressions = testGroup "Union expressions" [ testCase "Get Union key from object" $ do let o = $(parseObject "{ foo: Bool | Int }") [aesonQQ| { "foo": 1 } |] [runGet| o.foo |] @?= There (Here 1) [runGet| o.foo@0 |] @?= Nothing [runGet| o.foo@1 |] @?= Just 1 , testCase "Can run operations after extracting branch" $ do let o = $(parseObject "{ foo: { bar: Bool } | { baz: Int } }") [aesonQQ| { "foo": { "bar": true } } |] [runGet| o.foo@0?.bar |] @?= Just True [runGet| o.foo@0!.bar |] @?= True [runGet| o.foo@1?.baz |] @?= Nothing ] testPhantomExpressions :: TestTree testPhantomExpressions = testGroup "Phantom expressions" [ testProperty "Get Phantom object key from object" $ \x -> let o = $(parseObject "{ [foo]: { bar: Int } }") [aesonQQ| { "bar": #{x} } |] in [runGet| o.foo.bar |] === x , testProperty "Get Phantom object Try key from object" $ \x -> let o = $(parseObject "{ [foo]: Try { bar: Int } }") [aesonQQ| { "bar": #{x} } |] in [runGet| o.foo?.bar |] === Just x , testProperty "Get Phantom non-object Try key from object" $ \(x :: Int) -> let o = $(parseObject "{ [foo]: Try Int }") [aesonQQ| { "foo": #{x} } |] in [runGet| o.foo |] === Nothing ] testNestedExpressions :: TestTree testNestedExpressions = testGroup "Nested expressions" [ testProperty "Extracted object from Object can be queried further" $ \x -> let o = $(parseObject "{ foo: { bar: Int } }") [aesonQQ| { "foo": { "bar": #{x} } } |] foo = [runGet| o.foo |] in [runGet| foo.bar |] === x , testProperty "Extracted object from Maybe can be queried further" $ \x -> let o = $(parseObject "{ foo: Maybe { bar: Int } }") [aesonQQ| { "foo": { "bar": #{x} } } |] foo = [runGet| o.foo! |] in [runGet| foo.bar |] === x , testProperty "Extracted object from Try can be queried further" $ \x -> let o = $(parseObject "{ foo: Try { bar: Int } }") [aesonQQ| { "foo": { "bar": #{x} } } |] foo = [runGet| o.foo! |] in [runGet| foo.bar |] === x , testProperty "Extracted object from List can be queried further" $ \xs -> classify (length xs > 1) "non-trivial" $ let bars = map (\x -> [aesonQQ| { "bar": #{x} } |]) xs o = $(parseObject "{ foo: List { bar: Int } }") [aesonQQ| { "foo": #{bars} } |] getBar :: Object [schema| { bar: Int } |] -> Int getBar foo = [runGet| foo.bar |] in map getBar [runGet| o.foo |] === xs , testProperty "Extracted objects from list of keys can be queried further" $ \fooId barId -> let o = $(parseObject "{ foo: { id: Int }, bar: { id: Int } }") [aesonQQ| { "foo": { "id": #{fooId} }, "bar": { "id": #{barId} } } |] getId :: Object [schema| { id: Int } |] -> Int getId inner = [runGet| inner.id |] in map getId [runGet| o.[foo, bar] |] === [fooId, barId] , testProperty "Extracted objects from tuple of keys can be queried further" $ \a b -> let o = $(parseObject "{ foo: { a: Int }, bar: { b: Bool } }") [aesonQQ| { "foo": { "a": #{a} }, "bar": { "b": #{b} } } |] (foo, bar) = [runGet| o.(foo, bar) |] in [runGet| foo.a |] === a .&&. [runGet| bar.b |] === b , testProperty "Extracted objects from union can be queried further" $ \x -> let o = $(parseObject "{ foo: { x: Bool } | { x: Int } }") [aesonQQ| { "foo": { "x": #{x} } } |] in case [runGet| o.foo |] of There (Here foo) -> [runGet| foo.x |] === x foo -> error $ "Unexpected failure: o.foo = " ++ show foo ++ ", x = " ++ show x ] testInvalidExpressions :: TestTree testInvalidExpressions = testGroup "Invalid expressions" [ testParseError "Empty expression" "getqq_empty_expression.golden" [getErr| |] , testParseError "No operators" "getqq_no_operators.golden" [getErr| o |] , testParseError "Operators after tuple of keys" "getqq_ops_after_tuple.golden" [getErr| o.(a,b).foo |] , testParseError "Operators after list of keys" "getqq_ops_after_list.golden" [getErr| o.[a,b].foo |] ] {- HLINT ignore testCompileTimeErrors "Evaluate" -} testCompileTimeErrors :: TestTree testCompileTimeErrors = testGroup "Compile-time errors" . map mkIntegrationTest $ [ testIntegration "Key not in schema" "getqq_missing_key.golden" $ \ghcExe -> getCompileError ghcExe "GetMissingKey.hs" ] where testDir = "test/wont-compile/" getCompileError ghcExe file = withSystemTempDirectory "aeson-schemas-integration-tests" $ \tmpdir -> do let fp = tmpdir testDir file createDirectoryIfMissing True (takeDirectory fp) copyFile (testDir file) fp withCurrentDirectory tmpdir $ readProcessWithExitCode ghcExe [fp] "" >>= \case (ExitFailure{}, _, stderr) -> return . Text.unpack . Text.replace (Text.pack tmpdir) "" . Text.pack $ stderr (ExitSuccess, stdout, stderr) -> error . unlines $ [ "Compilation unexpectedly succeeded" , stdout , stderr ] mkIntegrationTest :: TestTree -> TestTree #ifdef RUN_INTEGRATION_TESTS mkIntegrationTest = id #else mkIntegrationTest _ = testGroup "integration test" [] #endif {- Helpers -} instance Arbitrary Greeting where arbitrary = elements [HELLO, GOODBYE] instance Arbitrary Coordinate where arbitrary = Coordinate <$> arbitrary newtype UnicodeText = UnicodeText Text deriving (Show) instance Arbitrary UnicodeText where arbitrary = UnicodeText . Text.pack . getUnicodeString <$> arbitrary