-- |
-- Module     : Simulation.Aivika.Dynamics.FIFO
-- Copyright  : Copyright (c) 2009-2012, David Sorokin <david.sorokin@gmail.com>
-- License    : BSD3
-- Maintainer : David Sorokin <david.sorokin@gmail.com>
-- Stability  : experimental
-- Tested with: GHC 7.4.1
-- This module defines the FIFO queue.
module Simulation.Aivika.Dynamics.FIFO
        enqueueFIFOOrLost) where

import Data.IORef
import Data.Array
import Data.Array.IO

import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans

import Simulation.Aivika.Dynamics
import Simulation.Aivika.Dynamics.Simulation
import Simulation.Aivika.Dynamics.EventQueue
import Simulation.Aivika.Dynamics.Process
import Simulation.Aivika.Dynamics.Resource

-- | Represents the FIFO queue with rule: first input - first output.
data FIFO a =
  FIFO { fifoQueue :: EventQueue,  -- ^ Return the event queue.
         fifoMaxCount :: Int,      -- ^ The maximum available number of items.
         fifoReadRes  :: Resource,
         fifoWriteRes :: Resource,
         fifoCountRef :: IORef Int,
         fifoLostCountRef :: IORef Int,
         fifoStartRef :: IORef Int,
         fifoEndRef   :: IORef Int,
         fifoArray :: IOArray Int a }
-- | Create a new FIFO queue with the specified maximum available number of items.  
newFIFO :: EventQueue -> Int -> Simulation (FIFO a)  
newFIFO q count =
  do i <- liftIO $ newIORef 0
     l <- liftIO $ newIORef 0
     s <- liftIO $ newIORef 0
     e <- liftIO $ newIORef 0
     a <- liftIO $ newArray_ (0, count - 1)
     r <- newResourceWithCount q count 0
     w <- newResourceWithCount q count count
     return FIFO { fifoQueue = q,
                   fifoMaxCount = count,
                   fifoReadRes  = r,
                   fifoWriteRes = w,
                   fifoCountRef = i,
                   fifoLostCountRef = l,
                   fifoStartRef = s,
                   fifoEndRef   = e,
                   fifoArray = a }
-- | Test whether the FIFO queue is empty.
fifoNull :: FIFO a -> Dynamics Bool
fifoNull fifo =
  do a <- fifoCount fifo
     return (a == 0)

-- | Test whether the FIFO queue is full.
fifoFull :: FIFO a -> Dynamics Bool
fifoFull fifo =
  do a <- fifoCount fifo
     return (a == fifoMaxCount fifo)

-- | Return the queue size.
fifoCount :: FIFO a -> Dynamics Int
fifoCount fifo =
  liftIO $ readIORef (fifoCountRef fifo)
-- | Return the number of lost items.
fifoLostCount :: FIFO a -> Dynamics Int
fifoLostCount fifo =
  liftIO $ readIORef (fifoLostCountRef fifo)
-- | Dequeue from the FIFO queue suspending the process if
-- the queue is empty.
dequeueFIFO :: FIFO a -> Process a  
dequeueFIFO fifo =
  do requestResource (fifoReadRes fifo)
     a <- liftIO $ dequeueImpl fifo
     releaseResource (fifoWriteRes fifo)
     return a
-- | Try to dequeue from the FIFO queue immediately.  
tryDequeueFIFO :: FIFO a -> Dynamics (Maybe a)
tryDequeueFIFO fifo =
  do x <- tryRequestResourceInDynamics (fifoReadRes fifo)
     if x 
       then do a <- liftIO $ dequeueImpl fifo
               releaseResourceInDynamics (fifoWriteRes fifo)
               return $ Just a
       else return Nothing

-- | Enqueue the item in the FIFO queue suspending the process
-- if the queue is full.  
enqueueFIFO :: FIFO a -> a -> Process ()
enqueueFIFO fifo a =
  do requestResource (fifoWriteRes fifo)
     liftIO $ enqueueImpl fifo a
     releaseResource (fifoReadRes fifo)
-- | Try to enqueue the item in the FIFO queue. Return 'False' in
-- the monad if the queue is full.
tryEnqueueFIFO :: FIFO a -> a -> Dynamics Bool
tryEnqueueFIFO fifo a =
  do x <- tryRequestResourceInDynamics (fifoWriteRes fifo)
     if x 
       then do liftIO $ enqueueImpl fifo a
               releaseResourceInDynamics (fifoReadRes fifo)
               return True
       else return False

-- | Try to enqueue the item in the FIFO queue. If the queue is full
-- then the item will be lost.
enqueueFIFOOrLost :: FIFO a -> a -> Dynamics ()
enqueueFIFOOrLost fifo a =
  do x <- tryRequestResourceInDynamics (fifoWriteRes fifo)
     if x
       then do liftIO $ enqueueImpl fifo a
               releaseResourceInDynamics (fifoReadRes fifo)
       else liftIO $ modifyIORef (fifoLostCountRef fifo) $ (+) 1

-- | An implementation method.
dequeueImpl :: FIFO a -> IO a
dequeueImpl fifo =
  do i <- readIORef (fifoCountRef fifo)
     s <- readIORef (fifoStartRef fifo)
     let i' = i - 1
         s' = (s + 1) `mod` fifoMaxCount fifo
     a <- readArray (fifoArray fifo) s
     writeArray (fifoArray fifo) s undefined
     i' `seq` writeIORef (fifoCountRef fifo) i'
     s' `seq` writeIORef (fifoStartRef fifo) s'
     return a

-- | An implementation method.
enqueueImpl :: FIFO a -> a -> IO ()
enqueueImpl fifo a =
  do i <- readIORef (fifoCountRef fifo)
     e <- readIORef (fifoEndRef fifo)
     let i' = i + 1
         e' = (e + 1) `mod` fifoMaxCount fifo
     a `seq` writeArray (fifoArray fifo) e a
     i' `seq` writeIORef (fifoCountRef fifo) i'
     e' `seq` writeIORef (fifoEndRef fifo) e'