-- | -- Module : Simulation.Aivika.Vector -- Copyright : Copyright (c) 2009-2013, David Sorokin -- License : BSD3 -- Maintainer : David Sorokin -- Stability : experimental -- Tested with: GHC 7.8.3 -- -- An imperative vector. -- module Simulation.Aivika.Vector (Vector, newVector, copyVector, vectorCount, appendVector, readVector, writeVector, vectorBinarySearch, vectorInsert, vectorDeleteAt, vectorIndex, freezeVector) where import Data.Array import Data.Array.MArray.Safe import Data.Array.IO.Safe import Data.IORef import Control.Monad -- | Represents a resizable vector. data Vector a = Vector { vectorArrayRef :: IORef (IOArray Int a), vectorCountRef :: IORef Int, vectorCapacityRef :: IORef Int } -- | Create a new vector. newVector :: IO (Vector a) newVector = do array <- newArray_ (0, 4 - 1) arrayRef <- newIORef array countRef <- newIORef 0 capacityRef <- newIORef 4 return Vector { vectorArrayRef = arrayRef, vectorCountRef = countRef, vectorCapacityRef = capacityRef } -- | Copy the vector. copyVector :: Vector a -> IO (Vector a) copyVector vector = do array <- readIORef (vectorArrayRef vector) count <- readIORef (vectorCountRef vector) array' <- newArray_ (0, count - 1) arrayRef' <- newIORef array' countRef' <- newIORef count capacityRef' <- newIORef count forM_ [0 .. count - 1] $ \i -> do x <- readArray array i writeArray array' i x return Vector { vectorArrayRef = arrayRef', vectorCountRef = countRef', vectorCapacityRef = capacityRef' } -- | Ensure that the vector has the specified capacity. vectorEnsureCapacity :: Vector a -> Int -> IO () vectorEnsureCapacity vector capacity = do capacity' <- readIORef (vectorCapacityRef vector) when (capacity' < capacity) $ do array' <- readIORef (vectorArrayRef vector) count' <- readIORef (vectorCountRef vector) let capacity'' = max (2 * capacity') capacity array'' <- newArray_ (0, capacity'' - 1) forM_ [0 .. count' - 1] $ \i -> do x <- readArray array' i writeArray array'' i x writeIORef (vectorArrayRef vector) array'' writeIORef (vectorCapacityRef vector) capacity'' -- | Return the element count. vectorCount :: Vector a -> IO Int vectorCount vector = readIORef (vectorCountRef vector) -- | Add the specified element to the end of the vector. appendVector :: Vector a -> a -> IO () appendVector vector item = do count <- readIORef (vectorCountRef vector) vectorEnsureCapacity vector (count + 1) array <- readIORef (vectorArrayRef vector) writeArray array count item writeIORef (vectorCountRef vector) (count + 1) -- | Read a value from the vector, where indices are started from 0. readVector :: Vector a -> Int -> IO a readVector vector index = do array <- readIORef (vectorArrayRef vector) readArray array index -- | Set an array item at the specified index which is started from 0. writeVector :: Vector a -> Int -> a -> IO () writeVector vector index item = do array <- readIORef (vectorArrayRef vector) writeArray array index item vectorBinarySearch' :: Ord a => IOArray Int a -> a -> Int -> Int -> IO Int vectorBinarySearch' array item left right = if left > right then return $ - (right + 1) - 1 else do let index = (left + right) `div` 2 curr <- readArray array index if item < curr then vectorBinarySearch' array item left (index - 1) else if item == curr then return index else vectorBinarySearch' array item (index + 1) right -- | Return the index of the specified element using binary search; otherwise, -- a negated insertion index minus one: 0 -> -0 - 1, ..., i -> -i - 1, .... vectorBinarySearch :: Ord a => Vector a -> a -> IO Int vectorBinarySearch vector item = do array <- readIORef (vectorArrayRef vector) count <- readIORef (vectorCountRef vector) vectorBinarySearch' array item 0 (count - 1) -- | Return the elements of the vector in an immutable array. freezeVector :: Vector a -> IO (Array Int a) freezeVector vector = do vector' <- copyVector vector array <- readIORef (vectorArrayRef vector') freeze array -- | Insert the element in the vector at the specified index. vectorInsert :: Vector a -> Int -> a -> IO () vectorInsert vector index item = do count <- readIORef (vectorCountRef vector) when (index < 0) $ error $ "Index cannot be " ++ "negative: vectorInsert." when (index > count) $ error $ "Index cannot be greater " ++ "than the count: vectorInsert." vectorEnsureCapacity vector (count + 1) array <- readIORef (vectorArrayRef vector) forM_ [count, count - 1 .. index + 1] $ \i -> do x <- readArray array (i - 1) writeArray array i x writeArray array index item writeIORef (vectorCountRef vector) (count + 1) -- | Delete the element at the specified index. vectorDeleteAt :: Vector a -> Int -> IO () vectorDeleteAt vector index = do count <- readIORef (vectorCountRef vector) when (index < 0) $ error $ "Index cannot be " ++ "negative: vectorDeleteAt." when (index >= count) $ error $ "Index must be less " ++ "than the count: vectorDeleteAt." array <- readIORef (vectorArrayRef vector) forM_ [index, index + 1 .. count - 2] $ \i -> do x <- readArray array (i + 1) writeArray array i x writeArray array (count - 1) undefined writeIORef (vectorCountRef vector) (count - 1) -- | Return the index of the item or -1. vectorIndex :: Eq a => Vector a -> a -> IO Int vectorIndex vector item = do count <- readIORef (vectorCountRef vector) array <- readIORef (vectorArrayRef vector) let loop index = if index >= count then return $ -1 else do x <- readArray array index if item == x then return index else loop $ index + 1 loop 0