-- | -- Module : Simulation.Aivika.Experiment.TimeSeriesView -- Copyright : Copyright (c) 2012, David Sorokin -- License : BSD3 -- Maintainer : David Sorokin -- Stability : experimental -- Tested with: GHC 7.4.1 -- -- The module defines 'TimeSeriesView' that saves the time series -- charts as the PNG files. -- module Simulation.Aivika.Experiment.TimeSeriesView (TimeSeriesView(..), defaultTimeSeriesView) where import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Trans import qualified Data.Map as M import Data.IORef import Data.Maybe import Data.Either import Data.Array import Data.Accessor import System.IO import System.FilePath import Data.String.Utils (replace) import Graphics.Rendering.Chart import Simulation.Aivika.Experiment import Simulation.Aivika.Experiment.HtmlWriter import Simulation.Aivika.Experiment.Utils (divideBy) import Simulation.Aivika.Experiment.Chart (colourisePlotLines) import Simulation.Aivika.Dynamics import Simulation.Aivika.Dynamics.Simulation import Simulation.Aivika.Dynamics.Signal import Simulation.Aivika.Dynamics.EventQueue -- | Defines the 'View' that saves the time series charts -- in the PNG files. data TimeSeriesView = TimeSeriesView { timeSeriesTitle :: String, -- ^ This is a title used in HTML. timeSeriesDescription :: String, -- ^ This is a description used in HTML. timeSeriesWidth :: Int, -- ^ The width of the chart. timeSeriesHeight :: Int, -- ^ The height of the chart. timeSeriesFileName :: FileName, -- ^ It defines the file name for each PNG file. -- It may include special variables @$TITLE@, -- @$RUN_INDEX@ and @$RUN_COUNT@. -- -- An example is -- -- @ -- timeSeriesFileName = UniqueFileName \"$TITLE - $RUN_INDEX\", \".png\" -- @ timeSeriesPredicate :: Dynamics Bool, -- ^ It specifies the predicate that defines -- when we plot data in the chart. timeSeries :: [Either String String], -- ^ It contains the labels of data plotted -- on the chart. timeSeriesPlotTitle :: String, -- ^ This is a title used in the chart when -- simulating a single run. It may include -- special variable @$TITLE@. -- -- An example is -- -- @ -- timeSeriesPlotTitle = \"$TITLE\" -- @ timeSeriesRunPlotTitle :: String, -- ^ The run title for the chart. It is used -- when simulating multiple runs and it may -- include special variables @$RUN_INDEX@, -- @$RUN_COUNT@ and @$PLOT_TITLE@. -- -- An example is -- -- @ -- timeSeriesRunPlotTitle = \"$PLOT_TITLE / Run $RUN_INDEX of $RUN_COUNT\" -- @ timeSeriesPlotLines :: [PlotLines Double Double -> PlotLines Double Double], -- ^ Probably, an infinite sequence of plot -- transformations based on which the plot -- is constructed for each series. Generally, -- it must not coincide with a sequence of -- labels as one label may denote a whole list -- or an array of data providers. -- -- Here you can define a colour or style of -- the plot lines. timeSeriesBottomAxis :: LayoutAxis Double -> LayoutAxis Double, -- ^ A transformation of the bottom axis, -- after title @time@ is added. timeSeriesLayout :: Layout1 Double Double -> Layout1 Double Double -- ^ A transformation of the plot layout, -- where you can redefine the axes, for example. } -- | The default time series view. defaultTimeSeriesView :: TimeSeriesView defaultTimeSeriesView = TimeSeriesView { timeSeriesTitle = "Time Series", timeSeriesDescription = "It shows the Time Series chart(s).", timeSeriesWidth = 640, timeSeriesHeight = 480, timeSeriesFileName = UniqueFileName "$TITLE - $RUN_INDEX" ".png", timeSeriesPredicate = return True, timeSeries = [], timeSeriesPlotTitle = "$TITLE", timeSeriesRunPlotTitle = "$PLOT_TITLE / Run $RUN_INDEX of $RUN_COUNT", timeSeriesPlotLines = colourisePlotLines, timeSeriesBottomAxis = id, timeSeriesLayout = id } instance View TimeSeriesView where outputView v = let reporter exp dir = do st <- newTimeSeries v exp dir return Reporter { reporterInitialise = return (), reporterFinalise = return (), reporterSimulate = simulateTimeSeries st, reporterTOCHtml = timeSeriesTOCHtml st, reporterHtml = timeSeriesHtml st } in Generator { generateReporter = reporter } -- | The state of the view. data TimeSeriesViewState = TimeSeriesViewState { timeSeriesView :: TimeSeriesView, timeSeriesExperiment :: Experiment, timeSeriesDir :: FilePath, timeSeriesMap :: M.Map Int FilePath } -- | Create a new state of the view. newTimeSeries :: TimeSeriesView -> Experiment -> FilePath -> IO TimeSeriesViewState newTimeSeries view exp dir = do let n = experimentRunCount exp fs <- forM [0..(n - 1)] $ \i -> resolveFileName (Just dir) (timeSeriesFileName view) $ M.fromList [("$TITLE", timeSeriesTitle view), ("$RUN_INDEX", show $ i + 1), ("$RUN_COUNT", show n)] forM_ fs $ flip writeFile [] -- reserve the file names let m = M.fromList $ zip [0..(n - 1)] fs return TimeSeriesViewState { timeSeriesView = view, timeSeriesExperiment = exp, timeSeriesDir = dir, timeSeriesMap = m } -- | Plot the time series chart during the simulation. simulateTimeSeries :: TimeSeriesViewState -> ExperimentData -> Dynamics (Dynamics ()) simulateTimeSeries st expdata = do let protolabels = timeSeries $ timeSeriesView st labels = flip map protolabels $ either id id providers = experimentSeriesProviders expdata labels input = flip map providers $ \provider -> case providerToDouble provider of Nothing -> error $ "Cannot represent series " ++ providerName provider ++ " as double values: simulateTimeSeries" Just input -> input n = experimentRunCount $ timeSeriesExperiment st width = timeSeriesWidth $ timeSeriesView st height = timeSeriesHeight $ timeSeriesView st predicate = timeSeriesPredicate $ timeSeriesView st plotLines = timeSeriesPlotLines $ timeSeriesView st plotBottomAxis = timeSeriesBottomAxis $ timeSeriesView st plotLayout = timeSeriesLayout $ timeSeriesView st i <- liftSimulation simulationIndex let file = fromJust $ M.lookup (i - 1) (timeSeriesMap st) title = timeSeriesTitle $ timeSeriesView st plotTitle = replace "$TITLE" title (timeSeriesPlotTitle $ timeSeriesView st) runPlotTitle = if n == 1 then plotTitle else replace "$RUN_INDEX" (show i) $ replace "$RUN_COUNT" (show n) $ replace "$PLOT_TITLE" plotTitle (timeSeriesRunPlotTitle $ timeSeriesView st) hs <- forM (zip providers input) $ \(provider, input) -> let transform () = do x <- predicate if x then input else return (1/0) -- the infinite values will be ignored then in newSignalHistoryThrough (experimentQueue expdata) $ mapSignalM transform $ experimentMixedSignal expdata [provider] return $ do ps <- forM (zip3 hs providers plotLines) $ \(h, provider, plotLines) -> do (ts, xs) <- readSignalHistory h return $ toPlot $ plotLines $ plot_lines_values ^= filterPlotLinesValues (zip (elems ts) (elems xs)) $ plot_lines_title ^= providerName provider $ defaultPlotLines let ps' = flip map (zip ps protolabels) $ \(p, label) -> case label of Left _ -> Left p Right _ -> Right p axis = plotBottomAxis $ laxis_title ^= "time" $ defaultLayoutAxis chart = plotLayout $ layout1_bottom_axis ^= axis $ layout1_title ^= runPlotTitle $ layout1_plots ^= ps' $ defaultLayout1 liftIO $ do renderableToPNGFile (toRenderable chart) width height file when (experimentVerbose $ timeSeriesExperiment st) $ putStr "Generated file " >> putStrLn file -- | Remove the NaN and inifity values. filterPlotLinesValues :: [(Double, Double)] -> [[(Double, Double)]] filterPlotLinesValues = filter (not . null) . divideBy (\(t, x) -> isNaN x || isInfinite x) -- | Get the HTML code. timeSeriesHtml :: TimeSeriesViewState -> Int -> HtmlWriter () timeSeriesHtml st index = let n = experimentRunCount $ timeSeriesExperiment st in if n == 1 then timeSeriesHtmlSingle st index else timeSeriesHtmlMultiple st index -- | Get the HTML code for a single run. timeSeriesHtmlSingle :: TimeSeriesViewState -> Int -> HtmlWriter () timeSeriesHtmlSingle st index = do header st index let f = fromJust $ M.lookup 0 (timeSeriesMap st) writeHtmlParagraph $ writeHtmlImage (makeRelative (timeSeriesDir st) f) -- | Get the HTML code for multiple runs. timeSeriesHtmlMultiple :: TimeSeriesViewState -> Int -> HtmlWriter () timeSeriesHtmlMultiple st index = do header st index let n = experimentRunCount $ timeSeriesExperiment st forM_ [0..(n - 1)] $ \i -> let f = fromJust $ M.lookup i (timeSeriesMap st) in writeHtmlParagraph $ writeHtmlImage (makeRelative (timeSeriesDir st) f) header :: TimeSeriesViewState -> Int -> HtmlWriter () header st index = do writeHtmlHeader3WithId ("id" ++ show index) $ writeHtmlText (timeSeriesTitle $ timeSeriesView st) let description = timeSeriesDescription $ timeSeriesView st unless (null description) $ writeHtmlParagraph $ writeHtmlText description -- | Get the TOC item. timeSeriesTOCHtml :: TimeSeriesViewState -> Int -> HtmlWriter () timeSeriesTOCHtml st index = writeHtmlListItem $ writeHtmlLink ("#id" ++ show index) $ writeHtmlText (timeSeriesTitle $ timeSeriesView st)