{-# LANGUAGE RecursiveDo, MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances #-} -- | -- Module : Simulation.Aivika.Trans.Internal.Event -- Copyright : Copyright (c) 2009-2015, David Sorokin -- License : BSD3 -- Maintainer : David Sorokin -- Stability : experimental -- Tested with: GHC 7.10.1 -- -- The module defines the 'Event' monad transformer which is very similar to the 'Dynamics' -- monad transformer but only now the computation is strongly synchronized with the event queue. -- module Simulation.Aivika.Trans.Internal.Event (-- * Event Monad Event(..), EventLift(..), EventProcessing(..), invokeEvent, runEventInStartTime, runEventInStopTime, -- * Event Queue EventQueueing(..), enqueueEventWithCancellation, enqueueEventWithTimes, enqueueEventWithPoints, enqueueEventWithIntegTimes, yieldEvent, -- * Cancelling Event EventCancellation, cancelEvent, eventCancelled, eventFinished, -- * Error Handling catchEvent, finallyEvent, throwEvent, -- * Memoization memoEvent, memoEventInTime, -- * Disposable DisposableEvent(..), -- * Debugging traceEvent) where import Data.Monoid import Control.Exception import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Trans import Control.Monad.Fix import Control.Applicative import Debug.Trace (trace) import Simulation.Aivika.Trans.Exception import Simulation.Aivika.Trans.Ref.Base import Simulation.Aivika.Trans.Comp import Simulation.Aivika.Trans.DES import Simulation.Aivika.Trans.Internal.Types import Simulation.Aivika.Trans.Internal.Specs import Simulation.Aivika.Trans.Internal.Parameter import Simulation.Aivika.Trans.Internal.Simulation import Simulation.Aivika.Trans.Internal.Dynamics instance Monad m => Monad (Event m) where {-# INLINE return #-} return a = Event $ \p -> return a {-# INLINE (>>=) #-} (Event m) >>= k = Event $ \p -> do a <- m p let Event m' = k a m' p instance Functor m => Functor (Event m) where {-# INLINE fmap #-} fmap f (Event x) = Event $ \p -> fmap f $ x p instance Applicative m => Applicative (Event m) where {-# INLINE pure #-} pure = Event . const . pure {-# INLINE (<*>) #-} (Event x) <*> (Event y) = Event $ \p -> x p <*> y p instance MonadTrans Event where {-# INLINE lift #-} lift = Event . const instance MonadIO m => MonadIO (Event m) where {-# INLINE liftIO #-} liftIO = Event . const . liftIO instance Monad m => MonadCompTrans Event m where {-# INLINE liftComp #-} liftComp = Event . const -- | A type class to lift the 'Event' computations into other computations. class EventLift t m where -- | Lift the specified 'Event' computation into another computation. liftEvent :: Event m a -> t m a instance Monad m => EventLift Event m where {-# INLINE liftEvent #-} liftEvent = id instance Monad m => DynamicsLift Event m where {-# INLINE liftDynamics #-} liftDynamics (Dynamics x) = Event x instance Monad m => SimulationLift Event m where {-# INLINE liftSimulation #-} liftSimulation (Simulation x) = Event $ x . pointRun instance Monad m => ParameterLift Event m where {-# INLINE liftParameter #-} liftParameter (Parameter x) = Event $ x . pointRun -- | Exception handling within 'Event' computations. catchEvent :: (MonadException m, Exception e) => Event m a -> (e -> Event m a) -> Event m a {-# INLINABLE catchEvent #-} catchEvent (Event m) h = Event $ \p -> catchComp (m p) $ \e -> let Event m' = h e in m' p -- | A computation with finalization part like the 'finally' function. finallyEvent :: MonadException m => Event m a -> Event m b -> Event m a {-# INLINABLE finallyEvent #-} finallyEvent (Event m) (Event m') = Event $ \p -> finallyComp (m p) (m' p) -- | Like the standard 'throw' function. throwEvent :: (MonadException m, Exception e) => e -> Event m a {-# INLINABLE throwEvent #-} throwEvent e = Event $ \p -> throwComp e instance MonadFix m => MonadFix (Event m) where {-# INLINE mfix #-} mfix f = Event $ \p -> do { rec { a <- invokeEvent p (f a) }; return a } -- | Run the 'Event' computation in the start time involving all -- pending 'CurrentEvents' in the processing too. runEventInStartTime :: MonadDES m => Event m a -> Simulation m a {-# INLINE runEventInStartTime #-} runEventInStartTime = runDynamicsInStartTime . runEvent -- | Run the 'Event' computation in the stop time involving all -- pending 'CurrentEvents' in the processing too. runEventInStopTime :: MonadDES m => Event m a -> Simulation m a {-# INLINE runEventInStopTime #-} runEventInStopTime = runDynamicsInStopTime . runEvent -- | Actuate the event handler in the specified time points. enqueueEventWithTimes :: MonadDES m => [Double] -> Event m () -> Event m () {-# INLINABLE enqueueEventWithTimes #-} enqueueEventWithTimes ts e = loop ts where loop [] = return () loop (t : ts) = enqueueEvent t $ e >> loop ts -- | Actuate the event handler in the specified time points. enqueueEventWithPoints :: MonadDES m => [Point m] -> Event m () -> Event m () {-# INLINABLE enqueueEventWithPoints #-} enqueueEventWithPoints xs (Event e) = loop xs where loop [] = return () loop (x : xs) = enqueueEvent (pointTime x) $ Event $ \p -> do e x -- N.B. we substitute the time point! invokeEvent p $ loop xs -- | Actuate the event handler in the integration time points. enqueueEventWithIntegTimes :: MonadDES m => Event m () -> Event m () {-# INLINABLE enqueueEventWithIntegTimes #-} enqueueEventWithIntegTimes e = Event $ \p -> let points = integPointsStartingFrom p in invokeEvent p $ enqueueEventWithPoints points e -- | It allows cancelling the event. data EventCancellation m = EventCancellation { cancelEvent :: Event m (), -- ^ Cancel the event. eventCancelled :: Event m Bool, -- ^ Test whether the event was cancelled. eventFinished :: Event m Bool -- ^ Test whether the event was processed and finished. } -- | Enqueue the event with an ability to cancel it. enqueueEventWithCancellation :: MonadDES m => Double -> Event m () -> Event m (EventCancellation m) {-# INLINABLE enqueueEventWithCancellation #-} enqueueEventWithCancellation t e = Event $ \p -> do let r = pointRun p cancelledRef <- invokeSimulation r $ newRef False cancellableRef <- invokeSimulation r $ newRef True finishedRef <- invokeSimulation r $ newRef False let cancel = Event $ \p -> do x <- invokeEvent p $ readRef cancellableRef when x $ invokeEvent p $ writeRef cancelledRef True cancelled = readRef cancelledRef finished = readRef finishedRef invokeEvent p $ enqueueEvent t $ Event $ \p -> do invokeEvent p $ writeRef cancellableRef False x <- invokeEvent p $ readRef cancelledRef unless x $ do invokeEvent p e invokeEvent p $ writeRef finishedRef True return EventCancellation { cancelEvent = cancel, eventCancelled = cancelled, eventFinished = finished } -- | Memoize the 'Event' computation, always returning the same value -- within a simulation run. memoEvent :: MonadDES m => Event m a -> Simulation m (Event m a) {-# INLINABLE memoEvent #-} memoEvent m = Simulation $ \r -> do ref <- invokeSimulation r $ newRef Nothing return $ Event $ \p -> do x <- invokeEvent p $ readRef ref case x of Just v -> return v Nothing -> do v <- invokeEvent p m invokeEvent p $ writeRef ref (Just v) return v -- | Memoize the 'Event' computation, always returning the same value -- in the same modeling time. After the time changes, the value is -- recalculated by demand. -- -- It is possible to implement this function efficiently, for the 'Event' -- computation is always synchronized with the event queue which time -- flows in one direction only. This synchronization is a key difference -- between the 'Event' and 'Dynamics' computations. memoEventInTime :: MonadDES m => Event m a -> Simulation m (Event m a) {-# INLINABLE memoEventInTime #-} memoEventInTime m = Simulation $ \r -> do ref <- invokeSimulation r $ newRef Nothing return $ Event $ \p -> do x <- invokeEvent p $ readRef ref case x of Just (t, v) | t == pointTime p -> return v _ -> do v <- invokeEvent p m invokeEvent p $ writeRef ref (Just (pointTime p, v)) return v -- | Enqueue the event which must be actuated with the current modeling time but later. yieldEvent :: MonadDES m => Event m () -> Event m () {-# INLINABLE yieldEvent #-} yieldEvent m = Event $ \p -> invokeEvent p $ enqueueEvent (pointTime p) m -- | Defines a computation disposing some entity. newtype DisposableEvent m = DisposableEvent { disposeEvent :: Event m () -- ^ Dispose something within the 'Event' computation. } instance Monad m => Monoid (DisposableEvent m) where {-# INLINE mempty #-} mempty = DisposableEvent $ return () {-# INLINE mappend #-} mappend (DisposableEvent x) (DisposableEvent y) = DisposableEvent $ x >> y -- | Show the debug message with the current simulation time. traceEvent :: MonadDES m => String -> Event m a -> Event m a {-# INLINABLE traceEvent #-} traceEvent message m = Event $ \p -> trace ("t = " ++ show (pointTime p) ++ ": " ++ message) $ invokeEvent p m