; ; configuration file for architectures and compiler options. ; ; the final value set is the one used. ; ; all '-m' parameters on the command line are parsed and processed in order. ; ; there is an implicit -mdefault processed first ; entries in the user config file are appended to this one. ; ; the cross compilation entries in this file should be treated as examples. ; although they work out of the box for many systems, cross compilation ; environments differ, so you may need to override them for your ; specific setup. [default] cc=gcc gc=jgc cflags=-std=gnu99 -D_GNU_SOURCE -falign-functions=4 -ffast-math -Wextra -Wall -Wno-unused-parameter -fno-strict-aliasing cflags_debug=-g cflags_nodebug=-DNDEBUG -O3 profile=false autoload=haskell2010,haskell-extras,haskell98 ; cross compilation entries [win32] cc=i386-mingw32-gcc executable_extension=.exe merge=i686 [wii] cc=powerpc-eabi-gcc byteorder=be cflags+=-g -DGEKKO -D__WORDSIZE=32 -mrvl -mcpu=750 -meabi -mhard-float executable_extension=.elf bits=32 bits_max=64 merge=be32 ; macintosh, this is for cross compiling, not for native compilation on osx [osx] [osx-intel] cc=i686-apple-darwin9-gcc merge=i686 merge=osx [osx-powerpc] cc=powerpc-apple-darwin9-gcc merge=be32 merge=osx ; a couple specific cpus [i686] merge=le32 arch=i686 bits_max=64 cflags_nodebug+=-fomit-frame-pointer [x86_64] bits_max=64 merge=le64 [le32] byteorder=le merge=32 [be32] byteorder=be merge=32 [le64] byteorder=le merge=64 [be64] byteorder=be merge=64 [32] cflags+=-m32 bits=32 [64] cflags+=-m64 bits=64