{- Generated by DrIFT (Automatic class derivations for Haskell) -}
{-# LINE 1 "src/FrontEnd/HsSyn.hs" #-}
module FrontEnd.HsSyn where

import Data.Binary
import Data.Generics

import C.FFI
import FrontEnd.SrcLoc
import Name.Name
import Name.Names
import Options
import StringTable.Atom
import StringTable.Atom()

instance HasLocation HsAlt where
    srcLoc (HsAlt sl _ _ _) = sl

instance HasLocation HsExp where
    srcLoc (HsCase _ xs) = srcLoc xs
    srcLoc (HsExpTypeSig sl _ _) = sl
    srcLoc (HsLambda sl _ _) = sl
    srcLoc HsError { hsExpSrcLoc = sl } = sl
    srcLoc _ = bogusASrcLoc

hsNameIdent_u f n = mapName (id,f) n
hsIdentString_u f x = f x

type HsName = Name

instance Binary Module where
    get = do
        ps <- get
        return (Module $ fromAtom ps)
    put (Module n) = put (toAtom n)

instance HasLocation HsModule where
    srcLoc x = hsModuleSrcLoc x

data HsModule = HsModule {
    hsModuleName    :: Module,
    hsModuleSrcLoc  :: SrcLoc,
    hsModuleExports :: (Maybe [HsExportSpec]),
    hsModuleImports :: [HsImportDecl],
    hsModuleDecls   :: [HsDecl],
    hsModuleOptions :: [String],
    hsModuleOpt     :: Opt
  {-! derive: update !-}

-- Export/Import Specifications

data HsExportSpec
    = HsEVar HsName                      -- variable
    | HsEAbs HsName                      -- T
    | HsEThingAll HsName                 -- T(..)
    | HsEThingWith HsName [HsName]       -- T(C_1,...,C_n)
    | HsEModuleContents Module           -- module M   (not for imports)
    | HsEQualified NameType HsExportSpec -- class Foo, type Bar, kind ANY

instance HasLocation HsImportDecl where
    srcLoc x = hsImportDeclSrcLoc x

data HsImportDecl = HsImportDecl {
    hsImportDeclSrcLoc    :: SrcLoc,
    hsImportDeclModule    :: Module,
    hsImportDeclQualified :: !Bool,
    hsImportDeclAs        :: (Maybe Module),
    hsImportDeclSpec      :: (Maybe (Bool,[HsExportSpec]))

data HsAssoc = HsAssocNone | HsAssocLeft | HsAssocRight
  {-! derive: Binary !-}

instance HasLocation HsDecl where
    srcLoc HsTypeDecl	  { hsDeclSrcLoc = sl } = sl
    srcLoc HsTypeFamilyDecl { hsDeclSrcLoc = sl } = sl
    srcLoc HsDeclDeriving { hsDeclSrcLoc = sl } = sl
    srcLoc HsSpaceDecl    { hsDeclSrcLoc = sl } = sl
    srcLoc HsDataDecl	  { hsDeclSrcLoc = sl } = sl
    srcLoc HsInfixDecl    { hsDeclSrcLoc = sl } = sl
    srcLoc HsPragmaSpecialize { hsDeclSrcLoc = sl } = sl
    srcLoc (HsPragmaRules rs) = srcLoc rs
    srcLoc HsForeignDecl  { hsDeclSrcLoc = sl } = sl
    srcLoc HsActionDecl   { hsDeclSrcLoc = sl } = sl
    srcLoc (HsForeignExport sl _ _ _) = sl
    srcLoc (HsClassDecl	 sl _ _) = sl
    srcLoc HsClassAliasDecl { hsDeclSrcLoc = sl } = sl
    srcLoc (HsInstDecl	 sl _ _) = sl
    srcLoc (HsDefaultDecl sl _) = sl
    srcLoc (HsTypeSig	 sl _ _) = sl
    srcLoc (HsFunBind     ms) = srcLoc ms
    srcLoc (HsPatBind	 sl _ _ _) = sl
    srcLoc (HsPragmaProps sl _ _) = sl

instance HasLocation HsRule where
    srcLoc HsRule { hsRuleSrcLoc = sl } = sl

hsDataDecl = HsDataDecl {
    hsDeclDeclType = DeclTypeData,
    hsDeclSrcLoc = bogusASrcLoc,
    hsDeclContext = [],
    hsDeclName = error "hsDataDecl.hsDeclName",
    hsDeclArgs = [],
    hsDeclCons = [],
    hsDeclHasKind = Nothing,
    hsDeclCTYPE = Nothing,
    hsDeclDerives = []

hsNewTypeDecl = hsDataDecl {
    hsDeclDeclType = DeclTypeNewtype,
    hsDeclName = error "hsNewTypeDecl.hsDeclName"

data DeclType = DeclTypeData | DeclTypeNewtype | DeclTypeKind

data HsDecl
    = HsTypeFamilyDecl {
        hsDeclSrcLoc  :: SrcLoc,
        hsDeclData    :: !Bool,
        hsDeclName    :: HsName,
        hsDeclTArgs   :: [HsType],
        hsDeclHasKind :: Maybe HsKind
    | HsTypeDecl	 {
        hsDeclSrcLoc :: SrcLoc,
        hsDeclName   :: HsName,
        hsDeclTArgs  :: [HsType],
        hsDeclType   :: HsType
    | HsDataDecl	 {
        hsDeclDeclType :: !DeclType,
        hsDeclSrcLoc   :: SrcLoc,
        hsDeclContext  :: HsContext,
        hsDeclName     :: HsName,
        hsDeclArgs     :: [Name],
        hsDeclCons     :: [HsConDecl],
        hsDeclHasKind  :: Maybe HsKind,
        hsDeclCTYPE    :: Maybe String,
        {- deriving -} hsDeclDerives :: [HsName]
    | HsInfixDecl   {
        hsDeclSrcLoc :: SrcLoc,
        hsDeclAssoc  :: HsAssoc,
        hsDeclInt    :: !Int,
        hsDeclNames  :: [HsName]
    | HsClassDecl   {
        hsDeclSrcLoc    :: SrcLoc,
        hsDeclClassHead :: HsClassHead,
        hsDeclDecls     :: [HsDecl]
    | HsClassAliasDecl {
        hsDeclSrcLoc   :: SrcLoc,
        hsDeclName     :: HsName,
        hsDeclTypeArgs :: [HsType],
        {- rhs -} hsDeclContext :: HsContext,
                  hsDeclClasses :: HsContext,
        hsDeclDecls :: [HsDecl]
    | HsInstDecl    {
        hsDeclSrcLoc    :: SrcLoc,
        hsDeclClassHead :: HsClassHead,
        hsDeclDecls     :: [HsDecl]
    | HsDefaultDecl SrcLoc HsType
    | HsTypeSig	 SrcLoc [HsName] HsQualType
    | HsFunBind  [HsMatch]
    | HsPatBind	 SrcLoc HsPat HsRhs {-where-} [HsDecl]
    | HsActionDecl {
        hsDeclSrcLoc   :: SrcLoc,
        hsDeclPat      :: HsPat,
        hsDeclExp      :: HsExp
    | HsSpaceDecl {
        hsDeclSrcLoc   :: SrcLoc,
        hsDeclName     :: HsName,
        hsDeclExp      :: HsExp,
        hsDeclCName    :: Maybe String,
        hsDeclCount    :: Int,
        hsDeclQualType :: HsQualType
    | HsForeignDecl {
        hsDeclSrcLoc   :: SrcLoc,
        hsDeclForeign  :: FfiSpec,
        hsDeclName     :: HsName,
        hsDeclQualType :: HsQualType
    | HsForeignExport {
        hsDeclSrcLoc :: SrcLoc,
        hsDeclFFIExport :: FfiExport,
        hsDeclName :: HsName,
        hsDeclQualType ::HsQualType
    | HsPragmaProps SrcLoc String [HsName]
    | HsPragmaRules [HsRule]
    | HsPragmaSpecialize {
        hsDeclUniq   :: (Module,Int),
        hsDeclSrcLoc :: SrcLoc,
        hsDeclBool   :: Bool,
        hsDeclName   :: HsName,
        hsDeclType   :: HsType
    | HsDeclDeriving {
        hsDeclSrcLoc    :: SrcLoc,
        hsDeclClassHead :: HsClassHead
  {-! derive: is !-}

data HsRule = HsRule {
    hsRuleUniq      :: (Module,Int),
    hsRuleSrcLoc    :: SrcLoc,
    hsRuleIsMeta    :: Bool,
    hsRuleString    :: String,
    hsRuleFreeVars  :: [(HsName,Maybe HsType)],
    hsRuleLeftExpr  :: HsExp,
    hsRuleRightExpr :: HsExp

data HsPragmaExp = HsPragmaExp String [HsExp]

instance HasLocation HsMatch where
    srcLoc (HsMatch sl _ _ _ _) = sl

data HsMatch = HsMatch {
    hsMatchSrcLoc :: SrcLoc,
    hsMatchName   :: HsName,
    hsMatchPats   :: [HsPat],
    hsMatchRhs    :: HsRhs,
    {-where-} hsMatchDecls :: [HsDecl]

data HsConDecl
    = HsConDecl {
        hsConDeclSrcLoc :: SrcLoc,
        hsConDeclExists :: [HsTyVarBind],
        hsConDeclName   :: HsName,
        hsConDeclConArg :: [HsBangType]
    | HsRecDecl {
        hsConDeclSrcLoc :: SrcLoc,
        hsConDeclExists :: [HsTyVarBind],
        hsConDeclName   :: HsName,
        hsConDeclRecArg :: [([HsName],HsBangType)]
  {-! derive: is, update !-}

hsConDeclArgs HsConDecl { hsConDeclConArg = as } = as
hsConDeclArgs HsRecDecl { hsConDeclRecArg = as } = concat [ replicate (length ns) t | (ns,t) <- as]

data HsBangType
	 = HsBangedTy   { hsBangType :: HsType }
	 | HsUnBangedTy { hsBangType :: HsType }

data HsRhs
	 = HsUnGuardedRhs HsExp
	 | HsGuardedRhss  [HsGuardedRhs]

data HsGuardedRhs = HsGuardedRhs SrcLoc HsExp HsExp

data HsQualType = HsQualType {
    hsQualTypeContext :: HsContext,
    hsQualTypeType :: HsType
    } deriving(Data,Typeable,Eq,Ord,Show)
  {-! derive: Binary !-}

type LHsType = Located HsType

data HsType
    = HsTyFun HsType HsType
    | HsTyTuple [HsType]
    | HsTyUnboxedTuple [HsType]
    | HsTyApp HsType HsType
    | HsTyVar { hsTypeName :: HsName }
    | HsTyCon { hsTypeName :: HsName }
    | HsTyForall {
       hsTypeVars :: [HsTyVarBind],
       hsTypeType :: HsQualType }
    | HsTyExists {
       hsTypeVars :: [HsTyVarBind],
       hsTypeType :: HsQualType }
    | HsTyExpKind {
        hsTyLType :: LHsType,
        hsTyKind :: HsKind }
    | HsTyStrictType {
        hsTyStrict :: !Bool,
        hsTyLType :: LHsType
    -- the following is used internally
    | HsTyAssoc
    | HsTyEq HsType HsType
  {-! derive: Binary, is !-}

data HsTyVarBind = HsTyVarBind {
    hsTyVarBindSrcLoc :: SrcLoc,
    hsTyVarBindName :: HsName,
    hsTyVarBindKind :: Maybe HsKind }
  {-! derive: Binary, update !-}

hsTyVarBind = HsTyVarBind {
    hsTyVarBindSrcLoc = bogusASrcLoc,
    hsTyVarBindName = undefined,
    hsTyVarBindKind = Nothing

instance HasLocation HsTyVarBind where
    srcLoc = hsTyVarBindSrcLoc

type HsContext = [HsAsst]

data HsAsst = HsAsst HsName [HsName] | HsAsstEq HsType HsType
  deriving(Data,Typeable,Eq,Ord, Show)
    {-! derive: Binary !-}

data HsLiteral
	= HsInt		!Integer
	| HsChar	!Char
	| HsString	String
	| HsFrac	Rational
	-- GHC unboxed literals:
	| HsCharPrim	Char
	| HsStringPrim	String
	| HsIntPrim	Integer
	| HsFloatPrim	Rational
	| HsDoublePrim	Rational
	-- GHC extension:
	| HsLitLit	String
  deriving(Eq,Ord, Show)
    {-! derive: is !-}

hsParen x@HsVar {} = x
hsParen x@HsCon {} = x
hsParen x@HsParen {} = x
hsParen x@HsLit {} = x
hsParen x@HsTuple {} = x
hsParen x@HsUnboxedTuple {} = x
hsParen x = HsParen x

data HsErrorType
    = HsErrorPatternFailure
    | HsErrorSource
    | HsErrorFieldSelect
    | HsErrorUnderscore
    | HsErrorUninitializedField
    | HsErrorRecordUpdate

type LHsExp = Located HsExp

data HsExp
	= HsVar { {-hsExpSrcSpan :: SrcSpan,-} hsExpName :: HsName }
	| HsCon { {-hsExpSrcSpan :: SrcSpan,-} hsExpName :: HsName }
	| HsLit HsLiteral
	| HsInfixApp HsExp HsExp HsExp
	| HsApp HsExp HsExp
	| HsNegApp HsExp
	| HsLambda SrcLoc [HsPat] HsExp
	| HsLet [HsDecl] HsExp
	| HsIf HsExp HsExp HsExp
	| HsCase HsExp [HsAlt]
	| HsDo { hsExpStatements :: [HsStmt] }
	| HsTuple [HsExp]
	| HsUnboxedTuple [HsExp]
	| HsList [HsExp]
	| HsParen HsExp
	| HsLeftSection HsExp HsExp
	| HsRightSection HsExp HsExp
	| HsRecConstr HsName [HsFieldUpdate]
	| HsRecUpdate HsExp [HsFieldUpdate]
	| HsEnumFrom HsExp
	| HsEnumFromTo HsExp HsExp
	| HsEnumFromThen HsExp HsExp
	| HsEnumFromThenTo HsExp HsExp HsExp
	| HsListComp HsExp [HsStmt]
	| HsExpTypeSig SrcLoc HsExp HsQualType
	| HsAsPat { hsExpName :: HsName, hsExpExp :: HsExp }
        | HsError { hsExpSrcLoc :: SrcLoc, hsExpErrorType :: HsErrorType, hsExpString :: String }
	| HsWildCard SrcLoc
	| HsIrrPat { hsExpLExp :: LHsExp }
	| HsBangPat { hsExpLExp :: LHsExp }
        | HsLocatedExp LHsExp
    {-! derive: is, update !-}

data HsClassHead = HsClassHead {
    hsClassHeadContext :: HsContext,
    hsClassHead :: HsName,
    hsClassHeadArgs :: [HsType] }
    {-! derive: update !-}

type LHsPat = Located HsPat

data HsPat
	= HsPVar { hsPatName :: HsName }
	| HsPLit { hsPatLit :: HsLiteral }
	| HsPNeg HsPat
	| HsPInfixApp HsPat HsName HsPat
	| HsPApp { hsPatName :: HsName, hsPatPats :: [HsPat] }
	| HsPTuple [HsPat]
	| HsPUnboxedTuple [HsPat]
	| HsPList [HsPat]
	| HsPParen HsPat
	| HsPRec HsName [HsPatField]
	| HsPAsPat { hsPatName :: HsName, hsPatPat :: HsPat }
	| HsPWildCard
	| HsPIrrPat { hsPatLPat :: LHsPat }
	| HsPBangPat { hsPatLPat :: LHsPat }
	| HsPTypeSig SrcLoc HsPat HsQualType  -- scoped type variable extension
 {-! derive: is !-}

data HsPatField = HsPFieldPat HsName HsPat

data HsStmt
	= HsGenerator SrcLoc HsPat HsExp       -- srcloc added by bernie
	| HsQualifier HsExp
	| HsLetStmt [HsDecl]

data HsFieldUpdate = HsFieldUpdate HsName HsExp

data HsAlt = HsAlt SrcLoc HsPat HsRhs [HsDecl]

data HsKind = HsKind HsName | HsKindFn HsKind HsKind
  {-! derive: Binary !-}

hsKindStar = HsKind s_Star
hsKindHash = HsKind s_Hash
hsKindBang = HsKind s_Bang
hsKindQuest = HsKind s_Quest
hsKindQuestQuest = HsKind s_QuestQuest
hsKindStarBang = HsKind s_StarBang
{-* Generated by DrIFT : Look, but Don't Touch. *-}
hsModuleDecls_u f r@HsModule{hsModuleDecls  = x} = r{hsModuleDecls = f x}
hsModuleExports_u f r@HsModule{hsModuleExports  = x} = r{hsModuleExports = f x}
hsModuleImports_u f r@HsModule{hsModuleImports  = x} = r{hsModuleImports = f x}
hsModuleName_u f r@HsModule{hsModuleName  = x} = r{hsModuleName = f x}
hsModuleOpt_u f r@HsModule{hsModuleOpt  = x} = r{hsModuleOpt = f x}
hsModuleOptions_u f r@HsModule{hsModuleOptions  = x} = r{hsModuleOptions = f x}
hsModuleSrcLoc_u f r@HsModule{hsModuleSrcLoc  = x} = r{hsModuleSrcLoc = f x}
hsModuleDecls_s v =  hsModuleDecls_u  (const v)
hsModuleExports_s v =  hsModuleExports_u  (const v)
hsModuleImports_s v =  hsModuleImports_u  (const v)
hsModuleName_s v =  hsModuleName_u  (const v)
hsModuleOpt_s v =  hsModuleOpt_u  (const v)
hsModuleOptions_s v =  hsModuleOptions_u  (const v)
hsModuleSrcLoc_s v =  hsModuleSrcLoc_u  (const v)

instance Data.Binary.Binary HsAssoc where
    put HsAssocNone = do
	    Data.Binary.putWord8 0
    put HsAssocLeft = do
	    Data.Binary.putWord8 1
    put HsAssocRight = do
	    Data.Binary.putWord8 2
    get = do
	    h <- Data.Binary.getWord8
	    case h of
	      0 -> do
		    return HsAssocNone
	      1 -> do
		    return HsAssocLeft
	      2 -> do
		    return HsAssocRight
	      _ -> fail "invalid binary data found"

isHsTypeFamilyDecl (HsTypeFamilyDecl _ _ _ _ _) = True
isHsTypeFamilyDecl _ = False
isHsTypeDecl (HsTypeDecl _ _ _ _) = True
isHsTypeDecl _ = False
isHsDataDecl (HsDataDecl _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = True
isHsDataDecl _ = False
isHsInfixDecl (HsInfixDecl _ _ _ _) = True
isHsInfixDecl _ = False
isHsClassDecl (HsClassDecl _ _ _) = True
isHsClassDecl _ = False
isHsClassAliasDecl (HsClassAliasDecl _ _ _ _ _ _) = True
isHsClassAliasDecl _ = False
isHsInstDecl (HsInstDecl _ _ _) = True
isHsInstDecl _ = False
isHsDefaultDecl (HsDefaultDecl _ _) = True
isHsDefaultDecl _ = False
isHsTypeSig (HsTypeSig _ _ _) = True
isHsTypeSig _ = False
isHsFunBind (HsFunBind _) = True
isHsFunBind _ = False
isHsPatBind (HsPatBind _ _ _ _) = True
isHsPatBind _ = False
isHsActionDecl (HsActionDecl _ _ _) = True
isHsActionDecl _ = False
isHsSpaceDecl (HsSpaceDecl _ _ _ _ _ _) = True
isHsSpaceDecl _ = False
isHsForeignDecl (HsForeignDecl _ _ _ _) = True
isHsForeignDecl _ = False
isHsForeignExport (HsForeignExport _ _ _ _) = True
isHsForeignExport _ = False
isHsPragmaProps (HsPragmaProps _ _ _) = True
isHsPragmaProps _ = False
isHsPragmaRules (HsPragmaRules _) = True
isHsPragmaRules _ = False
isHsPragmaSpecialize (HsPragmaSpecialize _ _ _ _ _) = True
isHsPragmaSpecialize _ = False
isHsDeclDeriving (HsDeclDeriving _ _) = True
isHsDeclDeriving _ = False

isHsConDecl (HsConDecl _ _ _ _) = True
isHsConDecl _ = False
isHsRecDecl (HsRecDecl _ _ _ _) = True
isHsRecDecl _ = False

hsConDeclConArg_u f r@HsConDecl{hsConDeclConArg  = x} = r{hsConDeclConArg = f x}
hsConDeclConArg_u _ x = x
hsConDeclExists_u f r@HsConDecl{hsConDeclExists  = x} = r{hsConDeclExists = f x}
hsConDeclExists_u f r@HsRecDecl{hsConDeclExists  = x} = r{hsConDeclExists = f x}
hsConDeclName_u f r@HsConDecl{hsConDeclName  = x} = r{hsConDeclName = f x}
hsConDeclName_u f r@HsRecDecl{hsConDeclName  = x} = r{hsConDeclName = f x}
hsConDeclRecArg_u f r@HsRecDecl{hsConDeclRecArg  = x} = r{hsConDeclRecArg = f x}
hsConDeclRecArg_u _ x = x
hsConDeclSrcLoc_u f r@HsConDecl{hsConDeclSrcLoc  = x} = r{hsConDeclSrcLoc = f x}
hsConDeclSrcLoc_u f r@HsRecDecl{hsConDeclSrcLoc  = x} = r{hsConDeclSrcLoc = f x}
hsConDeclConArg_s v =  hsConDeclConArg_u  (const v)
hsConDeclExists_s v =  hsConDeclExists_u  (const v)
hsConDeclName_s v =  hsConDeclName_u  (const v)
hsConDeclRecArg_s v =  hsConDeclRecArg_u  (const v)
hsConDeclSrcLoc_s v =  hsConDeclSrcLoc_u  (const v)

instance Data.Binary.Binary HsQualType where
    put (HsQualType aa ab) = do
	    Data.Binary.put aa
	    Data.Binary.put ab
    get = do
    aa <- get
    ab <- get
    return (HsQualType aa ab)

instance Data.Binary.Binary HsType where
    put (HsTyFun aa ab) = do
	    Data.Binary.putWord8 0
	    Data.Binary.put aa
	    Data.Binary.put ab
    put (HsTyTuple ac) = do
	    Data.Binary.putWord8 1
	    Data.Binary.put ac
    put (HsTyUnboxedTuple ad) = do
	    Data.Binary.putWord8 2
	    Data.Binary.put ad
    put (HsTyApp ae af) = do
	    Data.Binary.putWord8 3
	    Data.Binary.put ae
	    Data.Binary.put af
    put (HsTyVar ag) = do
	    Data.Binary.putWord8 4
	    Data.Binary.put ag
    put (HsTyCon ah) = do
	    Data.Binary.putWord8 5
	    Data.Binary.put ah
    put (HsTyForall ai aj) = do
	    Data.Binary.putWord8 6
	    Data.Binary.put ai
	    Data.Binary.put aj
    put (HsTyExists ak al) = do
	    Data.Binary.putWord8 7
	    Data.Binary.put ak
	    Data.Binary.put al
    put (HsTyExpKind am an) = do
	    Data.Binary.putWord8 8
	    Data.Binary.put am
	    Data.Binary.put an
    put (HsTyStrictType ao ap) = do
	    Data.Binary.putWord8 9
	    Data.Binary.put ao
	    Data.Binary.put ap
    put HsTyAssoc = do
	    Data.Binary.putWord8 10
    put (HsTyEq aq ar) = do
	    Data.Binary.putWord8 11
	    Data.Binary.put aq
	    Data.Binary.put ar
    get = do
	    h <- Data.Binary.getWord8
	    case h of
	      0 -> do
		    aa <- Data.Binary.get
		    ab <- Data.Binary.get
		    return (HsTyFun aa ab)
	      1 -> do
		    ac <- Data.Binary.get
		    return (HsTyTuple ac)
	      2 -> do
		    ad <- Data.Binary.get
		    return (HsTyUnboxedTuple ad)
	      3 -> do
		    ae <- Data.Binary.get
		    af <- Data.Binary.get
		    return (HsTyApp ae af)
	      4 -> do
		    ag <- Data.Binary.get
		    return (HsTyVar ag)
	      5 -> do
		    ah <- Data.Binary.get
		    return (HsTyCon ah)
	      6 -> do
		    ai <- Data.Binary.get
		    aj <- Data.Binary.get
		    return (HsTyForall ai aj)
	      7 -> do
		    ak <- Data.Binary.get
		    al <- Data.Binary.get
		    return (HsTyExists ak al)
	      8 -> do
		    am <- Data.Binary.get
		    an <- Data.Binary.get
		    return (HsTyExpKind am an)
	      9 -> do
		    ao <- Data.Binary.get
		    ap <- Data.Binary.get
		    return (HsTyStrictType ao ap)
	      10 -> do
		    return HsTyAssoc
	      11 -> do
		    aq <- Data.Binary.get
		    ar <- Data.Binary.get
		    return (HsTyEq aq ar)
	      _ -> fail "invalid binary data found"

isHsTyFun (HsTyFun _ _) = True
isHsTyFun _ = False
isHsTyTuple (HsTyTuple _) = True
isHsTyTuple _ = False
isHsTyUnboxedTuple (HsTyUnboxedTuple _) = True
isHsTyUnboxedTuple _ = False
isHsTyApp (HsTyApp _ _) = True
isHsTyApp _ = False
isHsTyVar (HsTyVar _) = True
isHsTyVar _ = False
isHsTyCon (HsTyCon _) = True
isHsTyCon _ = False
isHsTyForall (HsTyForall _ _) = True
isHsTyForall _ = False
isHsTyExists (HsTyExists _ _) = True
isHsTyExists _ = False
isHsTyExpKind (HsTyExpKind _ _) = True
isHsTyExpKind _ = False
isHsTyStrictType (HsTyStrictType _ _) = True
isHsTyStrictType _ = False
isHsTyAssoc (HsTyAssoc) = True
isHsTyAssoc _ = False
isHsTyEq (HsTyEq _ _) = True
isHsTyEq _ = False

instance Data.Binary.Binary HsTyVarBind where
    put (HsTyVarBind aa ab ac) = do
	    Data.Binary.put aa
	    Data.Binary.put ab
	    Data.Binary.put ac
    get = do
    aa <- get
    ab <- get
    ac <- get
    return (HsTyVarBind aa ab ac)

hsTyVarBindKind_u f r@HsTyVarBind{hsTyVarBindKind  = x} = r{hsTyVarBindKind = f x}
hsTyVarBindName_u f r@HsTyVarBind{hsTyVarBindName  = x} = r{hsTyVarBindName = f x}
hsTyVarBindSrcLoc_u f r@HsTyVarBind{hsTyVarBindSrcLoc  = x} = r{hsTyVarBindSrcLoc = f x}
hsTyVarBindKind_s v =  hsTyVarBindKind_u  (const v)
hsTyVarBindName_s v =  hsTyVarBindName_u  (const v)
hsTyVarBindSrcLoc_s v =  hsTyVarBindSrcLoc_u  (const v)

instance Data.Binary.Binary HsAsst where
    put (HsAsst aa ab) = do
	    Data.Binary.putWord8 0
	    Data.Binary.put aa
	    Data.Binary.put ab
    put (HsAsstEq ac ad) = do
	    Data.Binary.putWord8 1
	    Data.Binary.put ac
	    Data.Binary.put ad
    get = do
	    h <- Data.Binary.getWord8
	    case h of
	      0 -> do
		    aa <- Data.Binary.get
		    ab <- Data.Binary.get
		    return (HsAsst aa ab)
	      1 -> do
		    ac <- Data.Binary.get
		    ad <- Data.Binary.get
		    return (HsAsstEq ac ad)
	      _ -> fail "invalid binary data found"

isHsInt (HsInt _) = True
isHsInt _ = False
isHsChar (HsChar _) = True
isHsChar _ = False
isHsString (HsString _) = True
isHsString _ = False
isHsFrac (HsFrac _) = True
isHsFrac _ = False
isHsCharPrim (HsCharPrim _) = True
isHsCharPrim _ = False
isHsStringPrim (HsStringPrim _) = True
isHsStringPrim _ = False
isHsIntPrim (HsIntPrim _) = True
isHsIntPrim _ = False
isHsFloatPrim (HsFloatPrim _) = True
isHsFloatPrim _ = False
isHsDoublePrim (HsDoublePrim _) = True
isHsDoublePrim _ = False
isHsLitLit (HsLitLit _) = True
isHsLitLit _ = False

isHsVar (HsVar _) = True
isHsVar _ = False
isHsCon (HsCon _) = True
isHsCon _ = False
isHsLit (HsLit _) = True
isHsLit _ = False
isHsInfixApp (HsInfixApp _ _ _) = True
isHsInfixApp _ = False
isHsApp (HsApp _ _) = True
isHsApp _ = False
isHsNegApp (HsNegApp _) = True
isHsNegApp _ = False
isHsLambda (HsLambda _ _ _) = True
isHsLambda _ = False
isHsLet (HsLet _ _) = True
isHsLet _ = False
isHsIf (HsIf _ _ _) = True
isHsIf _ = False
isHsCase (HsCase _ _) = True
isHsCase _ = False
isHsDo (HsDo _) = True
isHsDo _ = False
isHsTuple (HsTuple _) = True
isHsTuple _ = False
isHsUnboxedTuple (HsUnboxedTuple _) = True
isHsUnboxedTuple _ = False
isHsList (HsList _) = True
isHsList _ = False
isHsParen (HsParen _) = True
isHsParen _ = False
isHsLeftSection (HsLeftSection _ _) = True
isHsLeftSection _ = False
isHsRightSection (HsRightSection _ _) = True
isHsRightSection _ = False
isHsRecConstr (HsRecConstr _ _) = True
isHsRecConstr _ = False
isHsRecUpdate (HsRecUpdate _ _) = True
isHsRecUpdate _ = False
isHsEnumFrom (HsEnumFrom _) = True
isHsEnumFrom _ = False
isHsEnumFromTo (HsEnumFromTo _ _) = True
isHsEnumFromTo _ = False
isHsEnumFromThen (HsEnumFromThen _ _) = True
isHsEnumFromThen _ = False
isHsEnumFromThenTo (HsEnumFromThenTo _ _ _) = True
isHsEnumFromThenTo _ = False
isHsListComp (HsListComp _ _) = True
isHsListComp _ = False
isHsExpTypeSig (HsExpTypeSig _ _ _) = True
isHsExpTypeSig _ = False
isHsAsPat (HsAsPat _ _) = True
isHsAsPat _ = False
isHsError (HsError _ _ _) = True
isHsError _ = False
isHsWildCard (HsWildCard _) = True
isHsWildCard _ = False
isHsIrrPat (HsIrrPat _) = True
isHsIrrPat _ = False
isHsBangPat (HsBangPat _) = True
isHsBangPat _ = False
isHsLocatedExp (HsLocatedExp _) = True
isHsLocatedExp _ = False

hsExpErrorType_u f r@HsError{hsExpErrorType  = x} = r{hsExpErrorType = f x}
hsExpErrorType_u _ x = x
hsExpExp_u f r@HsAsPat{hsExpExp  = x} = r{hsExpExp = f x}
hsExpExp_u _ x = x
hsExpLExp_u f r@HsBangPat{hsExpLExp  = x} = r{hsExpLExp = f x}
hsExpLExp_u f r@HsIrrPat{hsExpLExp  = x} = r{hsExpLExp = f x}
hsExpLExp_u _ x = x
hsExpName_u f r@HsAsPat{hsExpName  = x} = r{hsExpName = f x}
hsExpName_u f r@HsCon{hsExpName  = x} = r{hsExpName = f x}
hsExpName_u f r@HsVar{hsExpName  = x} = r{hsExpName = f x}
hsExpName_u _ x = x
hsExpSrcLoc_u f r@HsError{hsExpSrcLoc  = x} = r{hsExpSrcLoc = f x}
hsExpSrcLoc_u _ x = x
hsExpStatements_u f r@HsDo{hsExpStatements  = x} = r{hsExpStatements = f x}
hsExpStatements_u _ x = x
hsExpString_u f r@HsError{hsExpString  = x} = r{hsExpString = f x}
hsExpString_u _ x = x
hsExpErrorType_s v =  hsExpErrorType_u  (const v)
hsExpExp_s v =  hsExpExp_u  (const v)
hsExpLExp_s v =  hsExpLExp_u  (const v)
hsExpName_s v =  hsExpName_u  (const v)
hsExpSrcLoc_s v =  hsExpSrcLoc_u  (const v)
hsExpStatements_s v =  hsExpStatements_u  (const v)
hsExpString_s v =  hsExpString_u  (const v)

hsClassHead_u f r@HsClassHead{hsClassHead  = x} = r{hsClassHead = f x}
hsClassHeadArgs_u f r@HsClassHead{hsClassHeadArgs  = x} = r{hsClassHeadArgs = f x}
hsClassHeadContext_u f r@HsClassHead{hsClassHeadContext  = x} = r{hsClassHeadContext = f x}
hsClassHead_s v =  hsClassHead_u  (const v)
hsClassHeadArgs_s v =  hsClassHeadArgs_u  (const v)
hsClassHeadContext_s v =  hsClassHeadContext_u  (const v)

isHsPVar (HsPVar _) = True
isHsPVar _ = False
isHsPLit (HsPLit _) = True
isHsPLit _ = False
isHsPNeg (HsPNeg _) = True
isHsPNeg _ = False
isHsPInfixApp (HsPInfixApp _ _ _) = True
isHsPInfixApp _ = False
isHsPApp (HsPApp _ _) = True
isHsPApp _ = False
isHsPTuple (HsPTuple _) = True
isHsPTuple _ = False
isHsPUnboxedTuple (HsPUnboxedTuple _) = True
isHsPUnboxedTuple _ = False
isHsPList (HsPList _) = True
isHsPList _ = False
isHsPParen (HsPParen _) = True
isHsPParen _ = False
isHsPRec (HsPRec _ _) = True
isHsPRec _ = False
isHsPAsPat (HsPAsPat _ _) = True
isHsPAsPat _ = False
isHsPWildCard (HsPWildCard) = True
isHsPWildCard _ = False
isHsPIrrPat (HsPIrrPat _) = True
isHsPIrrPat _ = False
isHsPBangPat (HsPBangPat _) = True
isHsPBangPat _ = False
isHsPTypeSig (HsPTypeSig _ _ _) = True
isHsPTypeSig _ = False

instance Data.Binary.Binary HsKind where
    put (HsKind aa) = do
	    Data.Binary.putWord8 0
	    Data.Binary.put aa
    put (HsKindFn ab ac) = do
	    Data.Binary.putWord8 1
	    Data.Binary.put ab
	    Data.Binary.put ac
    get = do
	    h <- Data.Binary.getWord8
	    case h of
	      0 -> do
		    aa <- Data.Binary.get
		    return (HsKind aa)
	      1 -> do
		    ab <- Data.Binary.get
		    ac <- Data.Binary.get
		    return (HsKindFn ab ac)
	      _ -> fail "invalid binary data found"

--  Imported from other files :-