module E.Eta(
    ) where

import Control.Monad.Identity
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Writer
import Data.Typeable

import DataConstructors
import E.Annotate
import E.E
import E.Inline
import E.Program
import E.Subst
import E.TypeCheck
import E.Values
import GenUtil hiding(replicateM_)
import Info.Types
import Name.Id
import Support.FreeVars
import Util.NameMonad
import Util.SetLike
import qualified Info.Info as Info
import qualified Stats

data ArityType = AFun Bool ArityType | ABottom | ATop

instance Show ArityType where
    showsPrec _ ATop = ("ArT" ++)
    showsPrec _ ABottom = ("ArB" ++)
    showsPrec _ (AFun False r) = ('\\':) . shows r
    showsPrec _ (AFun True r) = ("\\o" ++) . shows r

arity at = f at 0 where
    f (AFun _ a) n = f a $! (1 + n)
    f x n | n `seq` x `seq` True = (x,n)
    f _ _ = error "Eta.arity: bad."

getArityInfo tvr
    | Just at <- Info.lookup (tvrInfo tvr) = arity at
    | otherwise = (ATop,0)

isOneShot x = getProperty prop_ONESHOT x

arityType :: E -> ArityType
arityType e = f e where
    f EError {} = ABottom
    f (ELam x e) = AFun (isOneShot x) (f e)
    f (EAp a b) = case f a of
        AFun _ xs | isCheap b -> xs
        _ -> ATop
    f ec@ECase { eCaseScrutinee = scrut } = case foldr1 andArityType (map f $ caseBodies ec) of
        xs@(AFun True _) -> xs
        xs | isCheap scrut -> xs
        _ -> ATop
    f (ELetRec ds e) = case f e of
        xs@(AFun True _) -> xs
        xs | all isCheap (snds ds) -> xs
        _ -> ATop
    f (EVar tvr) | Just at <- Info.lookup (tvrInfo tvr) = at
    f _ = ATop

andArityType ABottom	    at2		  = at2
andArityType ATop	    at2		  = ATop
andArityType (AFun t1 at1)  (AFun t2 at2) = AFun (t1 && t2) (andArityType at1 at2)
andArityType at1	    at2		  = andArityType at2 at1

annotateArity e nfo = annotateArity' (arityType e) nfo

annotateArity' at nfo = Info.insert (Arity n (b == ABottom)) $ Info.insert at nfo where
    (b,n) = arity at

-- delety any arity information
deleteArity nfo = Info.delete  (undefined :: Arity) $ Info.delete (undefined :: Arity) nfo

expandPis :: DataTable -> E -> E
expandPis dataTable e = f (followAliases dataTable e) where
    f (EPi v r) = EPi v (f (followAliases dataTable r))
    f e = e

fromPi' :: DataTable ->  E -> (E,[TVr])
fromPi' dataTable e = f [] (followAliases dataTable e) where
    f as (EPi v e) = f (v:as) (followAliases dataTable e)
    f as e  =  (e,reverse as)

-- this annotates, but only expands top-level definitions
etaExpandProgram :: Stats.MonadStats m => Program -> m Program
--etaExpandProgram prog = runNameMT (programMapDs f (etaAnnotateProgram prog)) where
etaExpandProgram prog = runNameMT (programMapDs f prog) where
    f (t,e) = do etaExpandDef' (progDataTable prog) 0 t e

-- this annotates a program with its arity information, iterating until a fixpoint is reached.
etaAnnotateProgram :: Program -> Program
etaAnnotateProgram prog = runIdentity $ programMapRecGroups mempty pass iletann pass f prog where
    pass _ = return
    iletann e nfo = return $ annotateArity e nfo
    letann e nfo = case Info.lookup nfo of
        Nothing -> put True >> return (annotateArity e nfo)
        Just at -> do
            let at' = arityType e
            when (at /= at') (put True)
            return $ annotateArity' at' nfo
    f (rg,ts) = do
        let (ts',fs) = runState (annotateCombs mempty pass letann pass ts) False
        if fs then f (rg,ts') else return ts'

-- | eta reduce as much as possible
etaReduce :: E -> E
etaReduce e = f e where
        f (ELam t (EAp x (EVar t'))) | t == t' && (tvrIdent t `notMember` (freeVars x :: IdSet)) = f x
        f e = e

-- | only reduce if all lambdas can be discarded. otherwise leave them in place
etaReduce' :: E -> (E,Int)
etaReduce' e = case f e 0 of
        (ELam {},_) -> (e,0)
        x -> x
        f (ELam t (EAp x (EVar t'))) n | n `seq` True, t == t' && (tvrIdent t `notMember` (freeVars x :: IdSet)) = f x (n + 1)
        f e n = (e,n)

etaExpandDef' dataTable n t e = etaExpandDef dataTable n t e >>= \x -> case x of
    Nothing -> return (tvrInfo_u (annotateArity e) t,e)
    Just x -> return x

--collectIds :: E -> IdSet
--collectIds e = execWriter $ annotate mempty (\id nfo -> tell (singleton id) >> return nfo) (\_ -> return) (\_ -> return) e
-- | eta expand a definition
etaExpandDef :: (NameMonad Id m,Stats.MonadStats m)
    => DataTable
    -> Int        -- ^ eta expand at least this far, independent of calculated amount
    -> TVr
    -> E
    -> m (Maybe (TVr,E))
etaExpandDef _ _ _ e | isAtomic e = return Nothing -- will be inlined
etaExpandDef dataTable min t e  = ans where
    --fvs = foldr insert (freeVars (b,map getType rs,(tvrType t,e))) (map tvrIdent rs) `mappend` collectIds e
    --(b,rs) = fromLam e
    at = arityType e
    zeroName = case fromAp e of
        (EVar v,_) -> "use.{" ++ tvrShowName v
        _ -> "random"
    --nameSupply = [ n |  n <- [2,4 :: Int ..], n `notMember` fvs  ]
    nameSupply = undefined
    ans = do
        -- note that we can't use the type in the tvr, because it will not have the right free typevars.
        (ne,flag) <- f min at e (expandPis dataTable $ infertype dataTable e) nameSupply
        if flag then return (Just (tvrInfo_u (annotateArity' at) t,ne)) else return Nothing
    f min (AFun _ a) (ELam tvr e) (EPi tvr' rt) _ns = do
        (ne,flag) <- f (min - 1) a e (subst tvr' (EVar tvr) rt) _ns
        return (ELam tvr ne,flag)
    f min (AFun _ a) e (EPi tt rt) _nns = do
        if tvrIdent t == emptyId
         then Stats.mtick ("EtaExpand." ++ zeroName)
          else Stats.mtick ("EtaExpand.def.{" ++ tvrShowName t)
        n <- newName
        let nv = tt { tvrIdent = n }
            eb = EAp e (EVar nv)
        (ne,_) <- f (min - 1) a eb (subst tt (EVar nv) rt) _nns
        return (ELam nv ne,True)
    f min a e (EPi tt rt) _nns | min > 0 = do
        if tvrIdent t == emptyId
         then Stats.mtick ("EtaExpand.min." ++ zeroName)
          else Stats.mtick ("EtaExpand.min.def.{" ++ tvrShowName t)
        n <- newName
        let nv = tt { tvrIdent = n }
            eb = EAp e (EVar nv)
        (ne,_) <- f (min - 1) a eb (subst tt (EVar nv) rt) _nns
        return (ELam nv ne,True)
    f _ _ e _ _ = do
        return (e,False)

-- | eta expand a use of a value
etaExpandAp :: (NameMonad Id m,Stats.MonadStats m) => DataTable -> TVr -> [E] -> m (Maybe E)
etaExpandAp dataTable tvr xs = do
    r <- etaExpandDef dataTable 0 tvr { tvrIdent = emptyId} (foldl EAp (EVar tvr) xs)
    return (fmap snd r)

etaExpandAp _ _ [] = return Nothing  -- so simple renames don't get eta-expanded
etaExpandAp dataTable t as | Just (Arity n err) <- Info.lookup (tvrInfo t) = case () of
    () | n > length as -> do
            let e = foldl EAp (EVar t) as
            let (_,ts) = fromPi' dataTable (infertype dataTable e)
                ets = (take (n - length as) ts)
            mticks (length ets) ("EtaExpand.use.{" ++ tvrShowName t)
            let tvrs = f mempty [ (tvrIdent t,t { tvrIdent = n }) |  n <- [2,4 :: Int ..], not $ n `Set.member` freeVars (e,ets) | t <- ets ]
                f map ((n,t):rs) = t { tvrType = substMap map (tvrType t)} : f (Map.insert n (EVar t) map) rs
                f _ [] = []
            return (Just $ foldr ELam (foldl EAp e (map EVar tvrs)) tvrs)
       | err && length as > n -> do
            let ot = infertype dataTable (foldl EAp (EVar t) as)
            mticks (length as - n) ("EtaExpand.bottoming.{" ++ tvrShowName t)
            return $ Just (prim_unsafeCoerce ot (foldl EAp (EVar t) (take n as)))  -- we can drop any extra arguments applied to something that bottoms out.
       | otherwise -> return Nothing

etaExpandAp _ t as = return Nothing