-- #hide
-- |
-- Module      :  Language.Haskell.ParseUtils
-- Copyright   :  (c) The GHC Team, 1997-2000
-- License     :  BSD-style (see the file libraries/base/LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  libraries@haskell.org
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  portable
-- Utilities for the Haskell parser.

module FrontEnd.ParseUtils (
	  splitTyConApp		-- HsType -> P (Name,[HsType])
	, mkRecConstrOrUpdate	-- HsExp -> [HsFieldUpdate] -> P HsExp
	, checkPrec		-- Integer -> P Int
	, checkContext		-- HsType -> P HsContext
	, checkDataHeader	-- HsQualType -> P (HsContext,Name,[Name])
	, checkPattern		-- HsExp -> P HsPat
	, checkPatterns
	, checkExpr		-- HsExp -> P HsExp
	, checkValDef		-- SrcLoc -> HsExp -> HsRhs -> [HsDecl] -> P HsDecl
	, checkUnQual		-- Name -> P Name
        , readInteger
        , readRational
        , fixupHsDecls
        , parseError
        , parseExport
        , qualTypeToClassHead
        , doForeign
        , doForeignEq
 ) where

import Data.Char
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Ratio
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Traversable as T

import C.FFI
import FrontEnd.HsSyn
import FrontEnd.ParseMonad
import FrontEnd.SrcLoc
import Name.Name
import Name.Names
import PackedString

parseError :: String -> P a
parseError = fail

splitTyConApp :: HsType -> P (Name,[HsType])
splitTyConApp t0 = split t0 []
	split :: HsType -> [HsType] -> P (Name,[HsType])
	split (HsTyApp t u) ts = split t (u:ts)
	split (HsTyCon t) ts = return (t,ts)
	split _ _ = fail "Illegal data/newtype declaration"
--	split a b = fail $ "Illegal data/newtype declaration: " ++ show (a,b)

-- Various Syntactic Checks

qualTypeToClassHead :: HsQualType -> P HsClassHead
qualTypeToClassHead qt = do
    let fromHsTypeApp t = f t [] where
            f (HsTyApp a b) rs = f a (b:rs)
            f t rs = (t,rs)
    case fromHsTypeApp $ hsQualTypeType qt of
        (HsTyCon className,as) -> return HsClassHead { hsClassHeadContext = hsQualTypeContext qt, hsClassHead = className, hsClassHeadArgs = as }
        _ -> fail "Invalid Class Head"

checkContext :: HsType -> P HsContext
checkContext (HsTyCon (toName TypeConstructor -> name)) | name == tc_Unit = return []
checkContext (HsTyTuple ts) =
	mapM checkAssertion ts
checkContext t = do
	c <- checkAssertion t
	return [c]

-- Changed for multi-parameter type classes

checkAssertion :: HsType -> P HsAsst
checkAssertion t =  checkAssertion' [] t
	where	checkAssertion' ts (HsTyCon c) =  tast (c,ts)
		checkAssertion' ts (HsTyApp a t) = checkAssertion' (t:ts) a
		checkAssertion' _ _ = fail "Illegal class assertion"
                tast (a,[HsTyVar n]) = return (HsAsst a [n]) -- (a,n)
                tast _ = fail "Invalid Class. multiparameter classes not yet supported"
--checkAssertion = checkAssertion' []
--	where	checkAssertion' ts (HsTyCon c) = return (c,ts)
--		checkAssertion' ts (HsTyApp a t) = checkAssertion' (t:ts) a
--		checkAssertion' _ _ = fail "Illegal class assertion"

checkPatterns :: [HsExp] -> P [HsPat]
checkPatterns es = mapM checkPattern es

checkDataHeader :: HsQualType -> P (HsContext,Name,[Name])
checkDataHeader (HsQualType cs t) = do
	(c,ts) <- checkSimple "data/newtype" t []
	return (cs,c,ts)

checkSimple :: String -> HsType -> [Name] -> P ((Name,[Name]))
checkSimple kw (HsTyApp l (HsTyVar a)) xs = checkSimple kw l (a:xs)
checkSimple _kw (HsTyCon t)   xs = return (t,xs)
checkSimple kw _ _ = fail ("Illegal " ++ kw ++ " declaration")
--checkSimple kw t ts = fail ("Illegal " ++ kw ++ " declaration: " ++ show (t,ts))

checkInstHeader :: HsQualType -> P (HsContext,Name,[HsType])
checkInstHeader (HsQualType cs t) = do
	(c,ts) <- checkInsts t []
	return (cs,c,ts)

checkInsts :: HsType -> [HsType] -> P ((Name,[HsType]))
checkInsts (HsTyApp l t) ts = checkInsts l (t:ts)
checkInsts (HsTyCon c)   ts = return (c,ts)
checkInsts _ _ = fail "Illegal instance declaration"

-- Checking Patterns.

-- We parse patterns as expressions and check for valid patterns below,
-- converting the expression into a pattern at the same time.

checkPattern :: HsExp -> P HsPat
checkPattern e = checkPat e []

checkPat :: HsExp -> [HsPat] -> P HsPat
checkPat (HsCon c) args = return (HsPApp c args)
checkPat (HsApp f x) args = do
	x <- checkPat x []
	checkPat f (x:args)
checkPat e [] = case e of
	HsVar x   -> return (HsPVar x)
	HsLit l            -> return (HsPLit l)
	HsInfixApp l op r  -> do
			      l <- checkPat l []
			      r <- checkPat r []
			      case op of
				 HsCon c -> return (HsPInfixApp l c r)
				 _ -> patFail
	HsTuple es         -> do
			      ps <- mapM (\e -> checkPat e []) es
			      return (HsPTuple ps)
	HsUnboxedTuple es  -> do
			      ps <- mapM (\e -> checkPat e []) es
			      return (HsPUnboxedTuple ps)
	HsList es	   -> do
			      ps <- mapM (\e -> checkPat e []) es
			      return (HsPList ps)
	HsParen e	   -> do
			      p <- checkPat e []
			      return (HsPParen p)
	HsAsPat n e	   -> do
			      p <- checkPat e []
			      return (HsPAsPat n p)
	HsWildCard _	   -> return HsPWildCard
	HsIrrPat e         -> do
			      p <- T.mapM checkPattern e
			      return (HsPIrrPat p)
	HsBangPat e         -> do
			      p <- T.mapM checkPattern e
			      return (HsPBangPat p)
	HsRecConstr c fs   -> do
			      fs <- mapM checkPatField fs
			      return (HsPRec c fs)
	HsNegApp (HsLit l) -> return (HsPNeg (HsPLit l))
        HsExpTypeSig sl e t -> do
            p <- checkPat e []
            return (HsPTypeSig sl p t)
	_ -> patFail

checkPat _ _ = patFail

checkPatField :: HsFieldUpdate -> P HsPatField
checkPatField (HsFieldUpdate n e) = do
	p <- checkPat e []
	return (HsPFieldPat n p)

patFail :: P a
patFail = fail "Parse error in pattern"

-- Check Expression Syntax

checkExpr :: HsExp -> P HsExp
checkExpr e = case e of
	HsVar _			  -> return e
	HsCon _			  -> return e
	HsLit _			  -> return e
	HsInfixApp e1 op e2	  -> check2Exprs e1 e2 (flip HsInfixApp op)
	HsApp e1 e2		  -> check2Exprs e1 e2 HsApp
	HsNegApp e		  -> check1Expr e HsNegApp
	HsLambda loc ps e	  -> check1Expr e (HsLambda loc ps)
	HsLet bs e		  -> check1Expr e (HsLet bs)
	HsIf e1 e2 e3		  -> check3Exprs e1 e2 e3 HsIf
	HsCase e alts		  -> do
				     alts <- mapM checkAlt alts
				     e <- checkExpr e
				     return (HsCase e alts)
	HsDo stmts		  -> do
				     stmts <- mapM checkStmt stmts
				     return (HsDo stmts)
	HsTuple es		  -> checkManyExprs es HsTuple
	HsUnboxedTuple es	  -> checkManyExprs es HsUnboxedTuple
	HsList es		  -> checkManyExprs es HsList
	HsParen e		  -> check1Expr e HsParen
	HsLeftSection e op	  -> check1Expr e (flip HsLeftSection op)
	HsRightSection op e	  -> check1Expr e (HsRightSection op)
	HsRecConstr c fields	  -> do
				     fields <- mapM checkField fields
				     return (HsRecConstr c fields)
	HsRecUpdate e fields	  -> do
				     fields <- mapM checkField fields
				     e <- checkExpr e
				     return (HsRecUpdate e fields)
	HsEnumFrom e		  -> check1Expr e HsEnumFrom
	HsEnumFromTo e1 e2	  -> check2Exprs e1 e2 HsEnumFromTo
	HsEnumFromThen e1 e2      -> check2Exprs e1 e2 HsEnumFromThen
	HsEnumFromThenTo e1 e2 e3 -> check3Exprs e1 e2 e3 HsEnumFromThenTo
	HsListComp e stmts        -> do
				     stmts <- mapM checkStmt stmts
				     e <- checkExpr e
				     return (HsListComp e stmts)
	HsExpTypeSig loc e ty     -> do
				     e <- checkExpr e
				     return (HsExpTypeSig loc e ty)
        HsAsPat _ _     -> fail "@ only valid in pattern"
        HsWildCard sl   -> return $ HsWildCard sl -- TODO check for strict mode
        HsIrrPat _      -> fail "~ only valid in pattern"
	_                         -> fail "Parse error in expression"

-- type signature for polymorphic recursion!!
check1Expr :: HsExp -> (HsExp -> a) -> P a
check1Expr e1 f = do
	e1 <- checkExpr e1
	return (f e1)

check2Exprs :: HsExp -> HsExp -> (HsExp -> HsExp -> a) -> P a
check2Exprs e1 e2 f = do
	e1 <- checkExpr e1
	e2 <- checkExpr e2
	return (f e1 e2)

check3Exprs :: HsExp -> HsExp -> HsExp -> (HsExp -> HsExp -> HsExp -> a) -> P a
check3Exprs e1 e2 e3 f = do
	e1 <- checkExpr e1
	e2 <- checkExpr e2
	e3 <- checkExpr e3
	return (f e1 e2 e3)

checkManyExprs :: [HsExp] -> ([HsExp] -> a) -> P a
checkManyExprs es f = do
	es <- mapM checkExpr es
	return (f es)

checkAlt :: HsAlt -> P HsAlt
checkAlt (HsAlt loc p galts bs) = do
	galts <- checkGAlts galts
	return (HsAlt loc p galts bs)

checkGAlts :: HsRhs -> P HsRhs
checkGAlts (HsUnGuardedRhs e) = check1Expr e HsUnGuardedRhs
checkGAlts (HsGuardedRhss galts) = do
	galts <- mapM checkGAlt galts
	return (HsGuardedRhss galts)

checkGAlt :: HsGuardedRhs -> P HsGuardedRhs
checkGAlt (HsGuardedRhs loc e1 e2) = check2Exprs e1 e2 (HsGuardedRhs loc)

checkStmt :: HsStmt -> P HsStmt
checkStmt (HsGenerator loc p e) = check1Expr e (HsGenerator loc p)
checkStmt (HsQualifier e) = check1Expr e HsQualifier
checkStmt s@(HsLetStmt _) = return s

checkField :: HsFieldUpdate -> P HsFieldUpdate
checkField (HsFieldUpdate n e) = check1Expr e (HsFieldUpdate n)

-- Check Equation Syntax

checkValDef :: SrcLoc -> HsExp -> HsRhs -> [HsDecl] -> P HsDecl
checkValDef srcloc lhs rhs whereBinds =
    case isFunLhs lhs [] of
	 Just (f,es) -> do
			ps <- mapM checkPattern es
			return (HsFunBind [HsMatch srcloc f ps rhs whereBinds])
         Nothing     -> do
			lhs <- checkPattern lhs
			return (HsPatBind srcloc lhs rhs whereBinds)

-- A variable binding is parsed as an HsPatBind.

isFunLhs :: HsExp -> [HsExp] -> Maybe (Name, [HsExp])
isFunLhs (HsInfixApp l (HsVar ( op)) r) es = Just (op, l:r:es)
isFunLhs (HsApp (HsVar ( f)) e) es = Just (f, e:es)
isFunLhs (HsApp (HsParen f) e) es = isFunLhs f (e:es)
isFunLhs (HsApp f e) es = isFunLhs f (e:es)
isFunLhs _ _ = Nothing

-- In a class or instance body, a pattern binding must be of a variable.

checkClassBody :: [HsDecl] -> P [HsDecl]
checkClassBody decls = do
	mapM_ checkMethodDef decls
	return decls

checkMethodDef :: HsDecl -> P ()
checkMethodDef (HsPatBind _ (HsPVar _) _ _) = return ()
checkMethodDef (HsPatBind loc _ _ _) =
	fail "illegal method definition" `atSrcLoc` loc
checkMethodDef _ = return ()

-- Check that an identifier or symbol is unqualified.
-- For occasions when doing this in the grammar would cause conflicts.

checkUnQual :: Name -> P Name
checkUnQual n = if isJust (getModule n) then fail "Illegal qualified name" else return n
--checkUnQual (Qual _ _) = fail "Illegal qualified name"
--checkUnQual n@(UnQual _) = return n
--checkUnQual (Special _) = fail "Illegal special name"

-- Miscellaneous utilities

checkPrec :: Integer -> P Int
checkPrec i | 0 <= i && i <= 9 = return (fromInteger i)
checkPrec i | otherwise	       = fail ("Illegal precedence " ++ show i)

mkRecConstrOrUpdate :: HsExp -> [HsFieldUpdate] -> P HsExp
mkRecConstrOrUpdate (HsCon c) fs       = return (HsRecConstr c fs)
mkRecConstrOrUpdate e         fs@(_:_) = return (HsRecUpdate e fs)
mkRecConstrOrUpdate _         _        = fail "Empty record update"

-- Reverse a list of declarations, merging adjacent HsFunBinds of the
-- same name and checking that their arities match.

checkRevDecls :: [HsDecl] -> P [HsDecl]
checkRevDecls = mergeFunBinds []
	mergeFunBinds revDs [] = return revDs
	mergeFunBinds revDs (HsFunBind ms1@(HsMatch _ name ps _ _:_):ds1) =
		mergeMatches ms1 ds1
		arity = length ps
		mergeMatches ms' (HsFunBind ms@(HsMatch loc name' ps' _ _:_):ds)
		    | name' == name =
			if length ps' /= arity
			then fail ("arity mismatch for '" ++ show name ++ "'")
			     `atSrcLoc` loc
			else mergeMatches (ms++ms') ds
		mergeMatches ms' ds = mergeFunBinds (HsFunBind ms':revDs) ds
	mergeFunBinds revDs (d:ds) = mergeFunBinds (d:revDs) ds

-- this used to be done in post-process

-- collect associated funbind equations (matches) into a single funbind
-- intended as a post-processer for the parser output
fixupHsDecls :: [HsDecl] -> [HsDecl]
fixupHsDecls (d@(HsFunBind matches):ds) =  (HsFunBind newMatches) : fixupHsDecls different where
    funName = matchName $ head matches
    (same, different) = span (sameFun funName) (d:ds)
    newMatches =  collectMatches same
fixupHsDecls (d:ds) =  d : fixupHsDecls ds
fixupHsDecls [] = []
-- get the variable name bound by a match
matchName (HsMatch _sloc name _pats _rhs _whereDecls) = name

-- True if the decl is a HsFunBind and binds the same name as the
-- first argument, False otherwise
sameFun :: Name -> HsDecl -> Bool
sameFun name (HsFunBind matches@(_:_)) = name == (matchName $ head matches)
sameFun _ _ = False

doForeign :: Monad m => SrcLoc -> [Name] -> Maybe (String,Name) -> HsQualType -> m HsDecl
doForeign srcLoc names ms qt = ans where
    ans = do
        (mstring,vname@(nameParts -> (_,Nothing,cname)),names') <- case ms of
            Just (s,n) -> return (Just s,n,names)
            Nothing -> do
                (n:ns) <- return $ reverse names
                return (Nothing,n,reverse ns)
        let f ["import","primitive"] cname = return $ HsForeignDecl srcLoc (FfiSpec (Import cname mempty) Safe Primitive) vname qt
            f ["import","dotnet"] cname = return $ HsForeignDecl srcLoc (FfiSpec (Import cname mempty) Safe DotNet) vname qt
            f ("import":rs) cname = do
                let (safe,conv) = pconv rs
                im <- parseImport conv mstring vname
                conv <- return (if conv == CApi then CCall else conv)
                return $ HsForeignDecl srcLoc (FfiSpec im safe conv) vname qt
            f ("export":rs) cname = do
                let (safe,conv) = pconv rs
                return $ HsForeignExport srcLoc (FfiExport cname safe conv undefined undefined) vname qt
            f _ _ = error "ParseUtils: bad."
        f (map show names') (maybe cname id mstring) where
    pconv rs = g Safe CCall rs where
        g _ cc ("safe":rs) = g Safe cc rs
        g _ cc ("unsafe":rs) = g Unsafe cc rs
        g _ cc ("jhc_context":rs) = g JhcContext cc rs
        g s _  ("ccall":rs)  = g s CCall rs
        g s _  ("capi":rs)  = g s CApi rs
        g s _  ("stdcall":rs) = g s StdCall rs
        g s c  [] = (s,c)
        g _ _ rs = error $ "FrontEnd.ParseUtils: unknown foreign flags " ++ show rs

doForeignEq :: Monad m => SrcLoc -> [Name] -> Maybe (String,Name) -> HsQualType -> HsExp -> m HsDecl
doForeignEq srcLoc names ms qt e = undefined

-- FFI parsing

parseExport :: Monad m => String -> Name -> m String
parseExport cn hn =
    case words cn of
      [x] | isCName x -> return x
      []              -> return (show hn)
      _               -> fail ("Invalid cname in export declaration: "++show cn)

parseImport :: Monad m => CallConv -> Maybe String -> Name -> m FfiType
parseImport _ Nothing hn = return $ Import (show hn) mempty
parseImport cc (Just cn) hn =
    case words cn of
      ["dynamic"]   -> return Dynamic
      ["wrapper"]   -> return Wrapper
      []            -> return $ Import (show hn) mempty
      ("static":xs) -> parseIS cc xs
      xs            -> parseIS cc xs

parseIS cc rs = f Set.empty rs where
    f s ['&':n] | isCName n = return $ ImportAddr n $ Requires s
    f s [n]     | isCName n = return $ Import     n $ Requires s
    f s ["&",n] | isCName n = return $ ImportAddr n $ Requires s
    f s (i:r)               = f (Set.insert (cc,packString i) s) r
    f s x                   = fail ("Syntax error parsing foreign import: "++show x)

isCName []     = False
isCName (c:cs) = p1 c && all p2 cs
    where p1 c = isAlpha c    || any (c==) oa
          p2 c = isAlphaNum c || any (c==) oa
          oa   = "_-$"

-- collects all the HsMatch equations from any FunBinds
-- from a list of HsDecls
collectMatches :: [HsDecl] -> [HsMatch]
collectMatches [] = []
collectMatches (d:ds)
   = case d of
        (HsFunBind matches) -> matches ++ collectMatches ds
        _anythingElse             -> collectMatches ds

-- Stolen from Hugs' Prelude

readInteger :: String -> Integer
readInteger ('0':'o':ds) = readInteger2  8 isOctDigit ds
readInteger ('0':'x':ds) = readInteger2 16 isHexDigit ds
readInteger          ds  = readInteger2 10 isDigit    ds

readInteger2 :: Integer -> (Char -> Bool) -> String -> Integer
readInteger2 radix _ ds = foldl1 (\n d -> n * radix + d) (map (fromIntegral . digitToInt) ds)

-- Hack...

readRational :: String -> Rational
readRational xs = (readInteger (i++m))%1 * 10^^(case e of {[] -> 0;  ('+':e2) -> read e2; _ -> read e} - length m)
  where (i,r1) = span isDigit xs
        (m,r2) = span isDigit (dropWhile (=='.') r1)
        e      = dropWhile (=='e') r2