module FrontEnd.Tc.Type(
    module FrontEnd.Tc.Type,
    ) where

import Control.Monad.Identity
import Control.Monad.Writer
import Data.IORef
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as S

import Doc.DocLike
import Doc.PPrint
import FrontEnd.Representation
import FrontEnd.SrcLoc
import FrontEnd.Tc.Kind
import Name.Name
import Name.Names
import Support.FreeVars
import Support.Tickle

type Sigma' = Sigma
type Tau' = Tau
type Rho' = Rho
type Sigma = Type
type Rho = Type
type Tau = Type

type SkolemTV = Tyvar
type BoundTV = Tyvar

type Preds = [Pred]

data Constraint = Equality {
    constraintSrcLoc :: SrcLoc,
    constraintType1  :: Type,
    constraintType2  :: Type

instance HasLocation Constraint where
    srcLoc Equality { constraintSrcLoc = sl } = sl

applyTyvarMap :: [(Tyvar,Type)] -> Type -> Type
applyTyvarMap ts t = f initMp t where
    initMp = Map.fromList [ (tyvarName v,t) | (v,t) <- ts ]
    -- XXX name capture!
    f mp (TForAll as qt) = TForAll as (fq (foldr Map.delete mp (map tyvarName as)) qt)
    f mp (TExists as qt) = TExists as (fq (foldr Map.delete mp (map tyvarName as)) qt)
    f mp (TVar tv) = case Map.lookup (tyvarName tv) mp of
            Just t'  -> t'
            Nothing -> (TVar tv)
    f mp t = tickle (f mp) t
    fq mp (ps :=> t) = map (tickle (f mp)) ps :=> f mp t

applyTyvarMapQT :: [(Tyvar,Type)] -> Qual Type -> Qual Type
applyTyvarMapQT ts qt = qt' where
    (TForAll [] qt') = applyTyvarMap ts (TForAll [] qt)

typeOfType :: Type -> (MetaVarType,Bool)
typeOfType TForAll { typeArgs = as, typeBody = _ :=> t } = (Sigma,isBoxy t)
typeOfType t | isTau' t = (Tau,isBoxy t)
typeOfType t = (Rho,isBoxy t)

fromType :: Sigma -> ([Tyvar],[Pred],Type)
fromType s = case s of
    TForAll as (ps :=> r) -> (as,ps,r)
    r -> ([],[],r)

isTau :: Type -> Bool
isTau TForAll {} = False
isTau (TMetaVar MetaVar { metaType = t })
    | t == Tau = True
    | otherwise = False
isTau t = getAll $ tickleCollect (All . isTau) t

isTau' :: Type -> Bool
isTau' TForAll {} = False
isTau' t = getAll $ tickleCollect (All . isTau') t

isBoxy :: Type -> Bool
isBoxy (TMetaVar MetaVar { metaType = t }) | t > Tau = True
isBoxy t = getAny $ tickleCollect (Any . isBoxy) t

isRho' :: Type -> Bool
isRho' TForAll {} = False
isRho' _ = True

isRho :: Type -> Bool
isRho r = isRho' r && not (isBoxy r)

isBoxyMetaVar :: MetaVar -> Bool
isBoxyMetaVar MetaVar { metaType = t } = t > Tau

extractTyVar ::  Monad m => Type -> m Tyvar
extractTyVar (TVar tv) = return tv
extractTyVar t = fail $ "not a Var:" ++ show t

extractMetaVar :: Monad m => Type -> m MetaVar
extractMetaVar (TMetaVar t)  = return t
extractMetaVar t = fail $ "not a metaTyVar:" ++ show t

extractBox :: Monad m => Type -> m MetaVar
extractBox (TMetaVar mv) | metaType mv > Tau  = return mv
extractBox t = fail $ "not a metaTyVar:" ++ show t

newtype UnVarOpt = UnVarOpt {
    failEmptyMetaVar :: Bool

{-# SPECIALIZE flattenType :: MonadIO m => Type -> m Type #-}
flattenType :: (MonadIO m, UnVar t) => t -> m t
flattenType t = liftIO $ unVar' t

class UnVar t where
    unVar' ::   t -> IO t

instance UnVar t => UnVar [t] where
   unVar' xs = mapM unVar' xs

instance UnVar Pred where
    unVar' (IsIn c t) = IsIn c `liftM` unVar' t
    unVar' (IsEq t1 t2) = liftM2 IsEq (unVar' t1) (unVar' t2)

instance (UnVar a,UnVar b) => UnVar (a,b) where
    unVar' (a,b) = do
        a <- unVar' a
        b <- unVar' b
        return (a,b)

instance UnVar t => UnVar (Qual t) where
    unVar' (ps :=> t) = liftM2 (:=>) (unVar' ps) (unVar' t)

instance UnVar Type where
    unVar' tv =  do
        let ft (TForAll vs qt) = do
                qt' <- unVar' qt
                return $ TForAll vs qt'
            ft (TExists vs qt) = do
                qt' <- unVar' qt
                return $ TExists vs qt'
            ft (TAp (TAp (TCon arr) a1) a2) | tyconName arr == tc_Arrow = ft (TArrow a1 a2)
            ft t@(TMetaVar _) = return t
            ft t = tickleM (unVar' . (id :: Type -> Type)) t
        tv' <- findType tv
        ft tv'

followTaus :: MonadIO m => Type -> m Type
followTaus tv@(TMetaVar mv@MetaVar {metaRef = r }) | not (isBoxyMetaVar mv) = liftIO $ do
    rt <- readIORef r
    case rt of
        Nothing -> return tv
        Just t -> do
            t' <- followTaus t
            writeIORef r (Just t')
            return t'
followTaus tv = return tv

findType :: MonadIO m => Type -> m Type
findType tv@(TMetaVar MetaVar {metaRef = r }) = liftIO $ do
    rt <- readIORef r
    case rt of
        Nothing -> return tv
        Just t -> do
            t' <- findType t
            writeIORef r (Just t')
            return t'
findType tv = return tv

readMetaVar :: MonadIO m => MetaVar -> m (Maybe Type)
readMetaVar MetaVar { metaRef = r }  = liftIO $ do
    rt <- readIORef r
    case rt of
        Nothing -> return Nothing
        Just t -> do
            t' <- findType t
            writeIORef r (Just t')
            return (Just t')

freeMetaVars :: Type -> S.Set MetaVar
freeMetaVars (TMetaVar mv) = S.singleton mv
freeMetaVars t = tickleCollect freeMetaVars t
freeMetaVars :: Type -> S.Set MetaVar
freeMetaVars t = worker t S.empty
    where worker :: Type -> (S.Set MetaVar -> S.Set MetaVar)
          worker (TMetaVar mv) = S.insert mv
          worker (TAp l r) = worker l . worker r
          worker (TArrow l r) = worker l . worker r
          worker (TAssoc c cas eas) = foldr (.) id (map worker cas) . foldr (.) id (map worker eas)
          worker (TForAll ta (ps :=> t)) = foldr (.) id (map worker2 ps) . worker t
          worker (TExists ta (ps :=> t)) = foldr (.) id (map worker2 ps) . worker t
          worker _ = id
          worker2 :: Pred -> (S.Set MetaVar -> S.Set MetaVar)
          worker2 (IsIn c t) = worker t
          worker2 (IsEq t1 t2) = worker t1 . worker t2

freeMetaVars :: Type -> S.Set MetaVar
freeMetaVars t = f t where
    f (TMetaVar mv) = S.singleton mv
    f (TAp l r) = f l `S.union` f r
    f (TArrow l r) = f l `S.union` f r
    f (TAssoc c cas eas) = S.unions (map f cas ++ map f eas)
    f (TForAll ta (ps :=> t)) = S.unions (f t:map f2 ps)
    f (TExists ta (ps :=> t)) = S.unions (f t:map f2 ps)
    f _ = S.empty
    f2 (IsIn c t) = f t
    f2 (IsEq t1 t2) = f t1 `S.union` f t2

instance FreeVars Type [Tyvar] where
    freeVars (TVar u)      = [u]
    freeVars (TForAll vs qt) = freeVars qt Data.List.\\ vs
    freeVars (TExists vs qt) = freeVars qt Data.List.\\ vs
    freeVars t = foldr union [] $ tickleCollect ((:[]) . (freeVars :: Type -> [Tyvar])) t

instance FreeVars Type [MetaVar] where
    freeVars t = S.toList $ freeMetaVars t

instance FreeVars Type (S.Set MetaVar) where
    freeVars t = freeMetaVars t

instance (FreeVars t b,FreeVars Pred b) => FreeVars (Qual t) b where
    freeVars (ps :=> t)  = freeVars t `mappend` freeVars ps

instance FreeVars Type b =>  FreeVars Pred b where
    freeVars (IsIn _c t)  = freeVars t
    freeVars (IsEq t1 t2)  = freeVars (t1,t2)

instance Tickleable Type Pred where
    tickleM f (IsIn c t) = liftM (IsIn c) (f t)
    tickleM f (IsEq t1 t2) = liftM2 IsEq (f t1) (f t2)

instance Tickleable Type Type where
    tickleM f (TAp l r) = liftM2 tAp (f l) (f r)
    tickleM f (TArrow l r) = liftM2 TArrow (f l) (f r)
    tickleM f (TAssoc c cas eas) = liftM2 (TAssoc c) (mapM f cas) (mapM f eas)
    tickleM f (TForAll ta (ps :=> t)) = do
        ps <- mapM (tickleM f) ps
        liftM (TForAll ta . (ps :=>)) (f t)
    tickleM f (TExists ta (ps :=> t)) = do
        ps <- mapM (tickleM f) ps
        liftM (TExists ta . (ps :=>)) (f t)
    tickleM _ t = return t

data Rule = RuleSpec {
    ruleUniq :: (Module,Int),
    ruleName :: Name,
    ruleSuper :: Bool,
    ruleType :: Type
    } |
    RuleUser {
    ruleUniq :: (Module,Int),
    ruleFreeTVars :: [(Name,Kind)]

-- CTFun f => \g . \y -> f (g y)
data CoerceTerm = CTId | CTAp [Type] | CTAbs [Tyvar] | CTFun CoerceTerm | CTCompose CoerceTerm CoerceTerm

instance Show CoerceTerm where
    showsPrec _ CTId = showString "id"
    showsPrec n (CTAp ts) = ptrans (n > 10) parens $ char '@' <+> hsep (map (parens . prettyPrintType) ts)
    showsPrec n (CTAbs ts) = ptrans (n > 10) parens $ char '\\' <+> hsep (map pprint ts)
    showsPrec n (CTFun ct) = ptrans (n > 10) parens $ text "->" <+> showsPrec 11 ct
    showsPrec n (CTCompose ct1 ct2) = ptrans (n > 10) parens $ (showsPrec 11 ct1) <+> char '.' <+> (showsPrec 11 ct2)

-- | Apply the function if the 'Bool' is 'True'.
ptrans :: Bool -> (a -> a) -> (a -> a)
ptrans b f = if b then f else id

instance Monoid CoerceTerm where
    mempty = CTId
    mappend = composeCoerce

ctFun :: CoerceTerm -> CoerceTerm
ctFun CTId = CTId
ctFun x = CTFun x

ctAbs :: [Tyvar] -> CoerceTerm
ctAbs [] = CTId
ctAbs xs = CTAbs xs

ctAp :: [Type] -> CoerceTerm
ctAp [] = CTId
ctAp xs = CTAp xs

ctId :: CoerceTerm
ctId = CTId

composeCoerce :: CoerceTerm -> CoerceTerm -> CoerceTerm
--composeCoerce (CTFun a) (CTFun b) = ctFun (a `composeCoerce` b)
composeCoerce CTId x = x
composeCoerce x CTId = x
--composeCoerce (CTAbs ts) (CTAbs ts') = CTAbs (ts ++ ts')
--composeCoerce (CTAp ts) (CTAp ts') = CTAp (ts ++ ts')
--composeCoerce (CTAbs ts) (CTAp ts') = f ts ts' where
--    f (t:ts) (TVar t':ts') | t == t' = f ts ts'
--    f [] [] = CTId
--    f _ _ = CTCompose (CTAbs ts) (CTAp ts')
composeCoerce x y = CTCompose x y

instance UnVar Type => UnVar CoerceTerm where
    unVar' (CTAp ts) = CTAp `liftM` unVar' ts
    unVar' (CTFun ct) = CTFun `liftM` unVar' ct
    unVar' (CTCompose c1 c2) = liftM2 CTCompose (unVar' c1) (unVar' c2)
    unVar' x = return x