module Interactive(Interactive.interact, isInteractive) where

import Control.Exception as CE
import Control.Monad.Identity
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Data.Monoid
import System.IO(stdout)
import System.Environment
import Data.List(sort,isPrefixOf)
import Data.Maybe
import Text.Regex
import qualified Data.Map as Map

import DataConstructors
import Doc.DocLike
import Doc.PPrint
import Doc.Pretty
import FrontEnd.Desugar(desugarHsStmt)
import FrontEnd.HsParser(parseHsStmt)
import FrontEnd.HsPretty()
import FrontEnd.HsSyn
import FrontEnd.KindInfer
import FrontEnd.ParseMonad
import FrontEnd.Rename
import FrontEnd.Tc.Class
import FrontEnd.Tc.Main
import FrontEnd.Tc.Monad
import FrontEnd.Tc.Type
import FrontEnd.TypeSigs
import FrontEnd.TypeSynonyms(showSynonym)
import FrontEnd.TypeSyns
import FrontEnd.Warning
import GenUtil
import Ho.Type
import Name.Name
import Options
import Support.Compat
import Util.Interact
import Version.Version(versionString)
import qualified FrontEnd.HsPretty as HsPretty
import qualified FrontEnd.Infix
import qualified Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ as PP

printDoc doc = do
    displayIO stdout (renderPretty 0.9 80 doc)
    putStrLn ""

grep_opts = [
 "f - match normal value",
 "C - match data constructor",
 "T - match type constructor",
 "L - match class"

nameTag :: NameType -> Char
nameTag TypeConstructor = 'T'
nameTag DataConstructor = 'C'
nameTag ClassName = 'L'
nameTag Val = 'f'
nameTag _ = '?'

data InteractiveState = IS {
    stateHo :: HoTcInfo,
    stateInteract :: Interact,
    stateModule :: Module,
    stateImports :: [(Name,[Name])],
    stateOptions :: Opt

isInitial = IS {
    stateHo = mempty,
    stateInteract = emptyInteract,
    stateModule = mainModule,
    stateImports = [],
    stateOptions = options

newtype In a = MkIn (ReaderT InteractiveState IO a)
    deriving(MonadIO,Monad,Functor,MonadReader InteractiveState)

runIn :: InteractiveState -> In a -> IO a
runIn is (MkIn x) = runReaderT x is

instance OptionMonad In where
    getOptions = asks stateOptions

instance MonadWarn In where
    addWarning x = liftIO $ addWarning x

interact :: CollectedHo -> IO ()
interact cho = mre where
    hoE = hoTcInfo $ choHo cho
    hoB = hoBuild $ choHo cho

    mre = case optStmts options of
        [] -> go
        xs -> runInteractions initialInteract (concatMap lines $ reverse xs) >> exitSuccess
    go = do
        putStrLn "--------------------------------------------------------------"
        putStrLn "Welcome to the Ajhc interactive experience. use :help for help."
        putStrLn versionString
        putStrLn "(This is not a full interpreter, but rather is used to"
        putStrLn "help debug the compiler internals)"
        putStrLn "--------------------------------------------------------------"
        runInteraction initialInteract ":execfile ajhci.rc"
        beginInteraction initialInteract
    initialInteract = emptyInteract {
        interactSettables = ["prog", "args"],
        interactVersion = versionString,
        interactCommands = commands,
        interactWords = map (show . fst ) $ stateImports isStart,
        interactHistFile = Just ".ajhci-hist",
        interactComment = Just "--",
        interactExpr = do_expr
    dataTable = hoDataTable hoB
    commands = [cmd_mods,cmd_grep]
    cmd_mods = InteractCommand { commandName = ":mods", commandHelp = "mods currently loaded modules", commandAction = do_mods }
    do_mods act _ _ = do
        printDoc $ fillSep (map tshow $ Map.keys $  hoExports hoE)
        return act
    cmd_grep = InteractCommand { commandName = ":grep", commandHelp = "show names matching a regex", commandAction = do_grep }
    do_grep act _ "" = do
        putStrLn ":grep [options] <regex>"
        putStrLn "Valid options:"
        putStr $ unlines grep_opts
        return act
    do_grep act _ arg = do
        let (opt,reg) = case simpleUnquote arg of
                [x] -> ("TCLf",x)
                xs -> f "" xs where
            f opt [x] = (opt,x)
            f opt ~(x:xs) = f (x ++ opt) xs
        rx <- CE.catch ( Just `fmap` evaluate (mkRegex reg)) (\(e::SomeException') -> return Nothing)
        case rx of
            Nothing -> putStrLn $ "Invalid regex: " ++ arg
            --Just rx -> mapM_ putStrLn $ sort [ nameTag (nameType v):' ':show v <+> "::" <+> ptype v  | v <- Map.keys (hoDefs hoE), isJust (matchRegex rx (show v)), nameTag (nameType v) `elem` opt ]
            Just rx -> mapM_ putStrLn $ sort [ pshow opt v  | v <- Map.keys (hoDefs hoE), isJust (matchRegex rx (show v)), nameTag (nameType v) `elem` opt ]
        return act
    ptype x | Just r <- pprintTypeOfCons dataTable x = r
    ptype k | Just r <- Map.lookup k (hoAssumps hoE) = show (pprint r:: PP.Doc)
    ptype x | nameType x == ClassName = hsep (map kindShow $ kindOfClass x (hoKinds hoE))
    ptype x = "UNKNOWN: " ++ show (nameType x,x)
    isStart =  isInitial { stateHo = hoE, stateImports = runIdentity $ calcImports hoE False preludeModule }
    do_expr :: Interact -> String -> IO Interact
    do_expr act s = case parseStmt (s ++ "\n") of
        Left m -> putStrLn m >> return act
        Right e -> do
            CE.catch (runIn isStart { stateInteract = act } $ executeStatement e) $ (\e -> putStrLn $ show (e::SomeException'))
            return act
    pshow _opt v
        | Just d <- showSynonym (show . (pprint :: HsType -> PP.Doc) ) v (hoTypeSynonyms hoE) = nameTag (nameType v):' ':d
        | otherwise = nameTag (nameType v):' ':show v <+> "::" <+> ptype v

kindShow (KBase b) = pprint b
kindShow x = parens (pprint x)

parseStmt ::  Monad m => String -> m HsStmt
parseStmt s = case snd $ runParserWithMode (parseModeOptions options) { parseFilename = "(jhci)" } parseHsStmt  s  of
                      ParseOk e -> return e
                      ParseFailed sl err -> fail $ show sl ++ ": " ++ err

printStatement stmt = do
        liftIO $ putStrLn $ HsPretty.render $ HsPretty.ppHsStmt $  stmt

procErrors :: In a -> In ()
procErrors act = do
    b <- liftIO $ printIOErrors
    if b then return () else act >> return ()

executeStatement :: HsStmt -> In ()
executeStatement stmt = do
    is@IS { stateHo = hoE } <- ask
    stmt <- desugarHsStmt stmt
    stmt' <- renameStatement mempty (stateImports is) (stateModule is) stmt
    procErrors $ do
    --printStatement stmt'
    stmt'' <- expandTypeSynsStmt (hoTypeSynonyms hoE) (stateModule is) stmt'
    stmt''' <- return $ FrontEnd.Infix.infixStatement (hoFixities hoE) stmt''
    procErrors $ do
    printStatement stmt'''
    tcStatementTc stmt'''

tcStatement :: HsStmt -> In ()
tcStatement HsLetStmt {} = liftIO $ putStrLn "let statements not yet supported"
tcStatement HsGenerator {} = liftIO $ putStrLn "generators not yet supported"
tcStatement (HsQualifier e) = do
    tcStatementTc (HsQualifier e)
    when False $ do
    is@IS { stateHo = ho } <- ask
    let importVarEnv = Map.fromList [ (x,y) | (x,y) <- Map.toList $ hoAssumps ho, nameType x == Val ]
        importDConsEnv = Map.fromList [ (x,y) | (x,y) <- Map.toList $ hoAssumps ho, nameType x ==  DataConstructor ]
        ansName = Qual (stateModule is) (HsIdent "ans")
        ansName' = toName Val ansName
    opt <- getOptions
    localVarEnv <- liftIO $ TI.tiProgram
                opt                            -- options
                (stateModule is)               -- name of the module
                mempty                         -- environment of type signatures
                (hoKinds ho)                   -- kind information about classes and type constructors
                (hoClassHierarchy ho)          -- class hierarchy with instances
                importDConsEnv                 -- data constructor type environment
                importVarEnv                   -- type environment
                [([],[HsPatBind bogusASrcLoc (HsPVar ansName) (HsUnGuardedRhs e) []])]                        -- binding groups
    procErrors $ do
    vv <- Map.lookup ansName' localVarEnv
    liftIO $ putStrLn $ show (text "::" <+> pprint vv :: P.Doc)

tcStatementTc :: HsStmt -> In ()
tcStatementTc HsLetStmt {} = liftIO $ putStrLn "let statements not yet supported"
tcStatementTc HsGenerator {} = liftIO $ putStrLn "generators not yet supported"
tcStatementTc (HsQualifier e) = do
    is@IS { stateHo = ho } <- ask
    let tcInfo = tcInfoEmpty {
        tcInfoEnv = (hoAssumps ho),
        tcInfoSigEnv =  collectSigEnv (hoKinds ho) (HsQualifier e),
        tcInfoModName =  (stateModule is),
        tcInfoKindInfo = (hoKinds ho),
        tcInfoClassHierarchy = (hoClassHierarchy ho)
    runTc tcInfo $ do
    box <- newBox kindFunRet
    (_,ps') <- listenPreds $ tiExpr e box
    ps' <- flattenType ps'
    let ps = FrontEnd.Tc.Class.simplify (hoClassHierarchy ho) ps'
    (ps :=> vv) <- flattenType (ps :=> box)
    TForAll vs (ps :=> t) <- generalize ps vv -- quantify (tv vv) qt
    --liftIO $ putStrLn $ show (text "::" <+> pprint vv' :: P.Doc)
    liftIO $ putStrLn $   "::" <+> prettyPrintType (TForAll vs (ps :=> t))
    ce <- getCollectedEnv
    liftIO $ mapM_ putStrLn [ pprint n <+>  "::" <+> prettyPrintType s |  (n,s) <- Map.toList ce]

calcImports :: Monad m => HoTcInfo -> Bool -> Module -> m [(Name,[Name])]
calcImports ho qual mod = case Map.lookup mod (hoExports ho) of
    Nothing -> fail $ "calcImports: module not known " ++ show mod
    Just es -> do
        let ls = sortGroupUnderFG fst snd
                [ (n,if qual then [setModule mod n] else [setModule mod n,toUnqualified n]) | n <- es]
            ls' = concat [ zip (concat nns) (repeat [n]) | (n,nns) <- ls ]
        return $ Map.toList $ snub $ Map.fromListWith (++) ls'

isInteractive :: IO Bool
isInteractive = do
    pn <- getProgName
    return $ (optMode options == Interactive)
          || "ichj" `isPrefixOf` reverse pn
          || not (null $ optStmts options)