module Name.Id(

import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Bits
import Data.Int
import Data.Monoid
import qualified Data.Binary as B
import qualified Data.IntMap  as IM
import qualified Data.IntSet as IS

import Doc.DocLike
import Doc.PPrint
import Name.Name
import StringTable.Atom
import Util.HasSize
import Util.Inst()
import Util.NameMonad
import Util.SetLike as S

 - An Id is an opaque type with equality and ordering, Its range is split into the following categories
 - all the following categories are disjoint.
 - the unique empty id, called 'emptyId'
 - for every Atom there is a unique cooresponding Id.
 - a set of anonymous ids, indexed by positive numbers.
 - a set of epheremal Ids presented as the list 'epheremalIds'. these are
 - generally used as placeholders for unification algorithms.
 - In general, only atomic and anonymous ids are used as values, and the empty id is used to indicate
 - an usused binding site. epheremal and silly ids are used internally in certain algorithms and have no
 - meaning outside of said context. They never escape the code that uses them.

newtype Id = Id Int

anonymous :: Int -> Id
anonymous x | x <= 0 = error "invalid anonymous id"
            | otherwise = Id (2*x)

-- | some convinience anonymous ids
va1,va2,va3,va4,va5 :: Id
va1  = anonymous 1
va2  = anonymous 2
va3  = anonymous 3
va4  = anonymous 4
va5  = anonymous 5

-- IdSet

instance Intjection Id where
    toIntjection i = (Id i)
    fromIntjection (Id i) = i

type IdSet = IntjectionSet Id
--type instance GSet Id = IdSet

newtype IdSet = IdSet IS.IntSet

instance BuildSet Id IdSet where
    fromList = idSetFromList
    fromDistinctAscList = idSetFromDistinctAscList
    insert (Id x) (IdSet b) = IdSet $ IS.insert x b
    singleton (Id x) = IdSet $ IS.singleton x

instance ModifySet Id IdSet where
    toList = idSetToList
    delete (Id x) (IdSet b) = IdSet $ IS.delete x b
    member (Id x) (IdSet b) = IS.member x b
    sfilter f (IdSet s) = IdSet $ IS.filter (f . Id) s


idSetToList :: IdSet -> [Id]
idSetToList = S.toList

idMapToList :: IdMap a -> [(Id,a)]
idMapToList = S.toList

idToInt :: Id -> Int
idToInt (Id x) = x

mapMaybeIdMap :: (a -> Maybe b) -> IdMap a -> IdMap b
mapMaybeIdMap fn (IntjectionMap m) = IntjectionMap (IM.mapMaybe fn m)

type IdMap = IntjectionMap Id
--type instance GMap Id = IdMap

newtype IdMap a = IdMap (IM.IntMap a)

instance BuildSet (Id,a) (IdMap a) where
    fromList = idMapFromList
    fromDistinctAscList = idMapFromDistinctAscList
    insert (Id x,y) (IdMap b) = IdMap $ IM.insert x y b
    singleton (Id x,y) = IdMap $ IM.singleton x y

instance MapLike Id a (IdMap a) where
    melems (IdMap m) = IM.elems m
    mdelete (Id x) (IdMap m) = IdMap $ IM.delete x m
    mmember (Id x) (IdMap m) = IM.member x m
    mlookup (Id x) (IdMap m) = IM.lookup x m
    massocs (IdMap m) = [ (Id x,y) | (x,y) <- IM.assocs m ]
    mkeys (IdMap m) = [ Id x | x <- IM.keys m ]
    mmapWithKey f (IdMap m) = IdMap $ IM.mapWithKey (\k v -> f (Id k) v) m
    mfilter f (IdMap m) = IdMap $ IM.filter f m
    mpartitionWithKey f (IdMap m) = case IM.partitionWithKey (\k v -> f (Id k) v) m of (x,y) -> (IdMap x,IdMap y)
    munionWith f (IdMap m1) (IdMap m2) = IdMap $ IM.unionWith f m1 m2
    mfilterWithKey f (IdMap m) = IdMap $ IM.filterWithKey (\k v -> f (Id k) v) m


--instance GMapSet Id where
--    toSet (IntjectionMap im)  = IntjectionSet $ IM.keysSet im
--    toMap f (IntjectionSet is) = IntjectionMap $ IM.fromDistinctAscList [ (x,f (Id x)) |  x <- IS.toAscList is]

--deriving instance MapLike Int a (IM.IntMap a) => MapLike Id a (IdMap a)

idSetToIdMap :: (Id -> a) -> IdSet -> IdMap a
--idSetToIdMap f (IdSet is) = IdMap $ IM.fromDistinctAscList [ (x,f (Id x)) |  x <- IS.toAscList is]
idSetToIdMap f (IntjectionSet is) = IntjectionMap $ IM.fromDistinctAscList [ (x,f (Id x)) |  x <- IS.toAscList is]

idMapToIdSet :: IdMap a -> IdSet
idMapToIdSet (IntjectionMap im)  = IntjectionSet $ IM.keysSet im
--idMapToIdSet (IdMap im) = IdSet $ (IM.keysSet im)

-- | Name monad transformer.
newtype IdNameT m a = IdNameT (StateT (IdSet, IdSet) m a)
    deriving(Monad, MonadTrans, Functor, MonadFix, MonadPlus, MonadIO)

instance (MonadReader r m) => MonadReader r (IdNameT m) where
	ask       = lift ask
	local f (IdNameT m) = IdNameT $ local f m

-- | Run the name monad transformer.
runIdNameT :: (Monad m) => IdNameT m a -> m (a,IdSet)
runIdNameT (IdNameT x) = do
    (r,(used,bound)) <- runStateT x (mempty,mempty)
    return (r,bound)

fromIdNameT (IdNameT x) = x

instance Monad m => NameMonad Id (IdNameT m) where
    addNames ns = IdNameT $ do
        modify (\ (used,bound) -> (fromList ns `union` used, bound) )
    addBoundNames ns = IdNameT $ do
        let nset = fromList ns
        modify (\ (used,bound) -> (nset `union` used, nset `union` bound) )
    uniqueName n = IdNameT $ do
        (used,bound) <- get
        if n `member` bound then fromIdNameT newName else put (insert n used,insert n bound) >> return n
    newNameFrom vs = IdNameT $ do
        (used,bound) <- get
        let f (x:xs)
                | x `member` used = f xs
                | otherwise = x
            f [] = error "newNameFrom: finite list!"
            nn = f vs
        put (insert nn used, insert nn bound)
        return nn
    newName  = IdNameT $ do
        (used,bound) <- get
        fromIdNameT $ newNameFrom (candidateIds (size used `mixInt` size bound))

addNamesIdSet nset = IdNameT $ do
    modify (\ (used,bound) -> (nset `union` used, bound) )
addBoundNamesIdSet nset = IdNameT $ do
    modify (\ (used,bound) -> (nset `union` used, nset `union` bound) )

addBoundNamesIdMap nmap = IdNameT $ do
    modify (\ (used,bound) -> (nset `union` used, nset `union` bound) ) where
        nset = idMapToIdSet nmap

idSetFromDistinctAscList :: [Id] -> IdSet
idSetFromDistinctAscList ids = IntjectionSet (IS.fromDistinctAscList [ x | Id x <- ids] )

idSetFromList :: [Id] -> IdSet
idSetFromList ids = fromList ids

idMapFromList :: [(Id,a)] -> IdMap a
idMapFromList ids = fromList  ids

idMapFromDistinctAscList :: [(Id,a)] -> IdMap a
idMapFromDistinctAscList ids = IntjectionMap (IM.fromDistinctAscList [ (x,y) | (Id x,y) <- ids ] )

instance Show Id where
        showsPrec _ (Id 0) =  showChar '_'
        showsPrec _ (Id x) =  maybe (showString ('x':show (x `div` 2))) shows (fromId $ Id x)

instance Show IdSet where
    showsPrec n is = showsPrec n (idSetToList is)

instance Show v => Show (IdMap v) where
    showsPrec n is = showsPrec n (idMapToList is)

anonymousIds :: [Id]
anonymousIds = map anonymous [1 .. ]

etherealIds :: [Id]
etherealIds = map Id [-4, -6 ..  ]

isEmptyId x = x == emptyId
isEtherealId id = id < emptyId

-- | id isn't anonymous or atom-mapped
isInvalidId id = id <= emptyId

-- | A occasionally useful random ethereal id
sillyId :: Id
sillyId = Id $ -2

emptyId :: Id
emptyId = Id 0

-- | find some temporary ids that are not members of the set,
-- useful for generating a small number of local unique names.

newIds :: IdSet -> [Id]
newIds (IntjectionSet ids) = ans where
    ans = if sids == 0 then candidateIds 42 else [ Id i | Id i <- candidates, i `notMember` ids ]
    sids = size ids
    candidates = candidateIds (mixInt3 sids (IS.findMin ids) (IS.findMax ids))

newId :: Int           -- ^ a seed value, useful for speeding up finding a unique id
      -> (Id -> Bool)  -- ^ whether an Id is acceptable
      -> Id            -- ^ your new Id
newId seed check = head $ filter check (candidateIds seed)

-- generate a list of candidate anonymous ids based on a seed value
candidateIds :: Int -> [Id]
candidateIds !seed = f (2 + (mask $ hashInt seed)) where
    mask x = x .&. 0x0FFFFFFE
    f !x = Id x:f (x + 2)
    --mask x = trace ("candidate " ++ show seed) $ Id $ x .&. 0x0FFFFFFE

toId :: Name -> Id
toId x = Id $ fromAtom (toAtom x)

instance FromAtom Id where
    fromAtom x = Id $ fromAtom x

fromId :: Monad m => Id -> m Name
fromId (Id i) = case intToAtom i of
    Just a -> return $ fromAtom a
    Nothing -> fail $ "Name.fromId: not a name " ++ show (Id i)

instance DocLike d => PPrint d Id where
    pprint x = tshow x

instance GenName Id where
    genNames = candidateIds

instance B.Binary Id where
    put (Id x) = case intToAtom x of
        Just a -> do B.putWord8 128 >> B.put a
        Nothing | x >= 0 && x < 128 -> B.putWord8 (fromIntegral x)
                | otherwise -> do
                    B.putWord8 129
                    B.put (fromIntegral x :: Int32)
    get = do
        x <- B.getWord8
        case x of
            128 -> do
                a <- B.get
                return (toId $ fromAtom a)
            129 -> do
                v <- B.get
                return (Id $ fromIntegral (v :: Int32))
            _ -> return (Id $ fromIntegral x)