{-# OPTIONS -funbox-strict-fields  -O2 #-}
module Support.MD5(
    Hash(), emptyHash, md5,md5file,md5lazy,md5lazyIO,
    md5show32,md5Bytes,md5String,md5Handle,hashToBytes) where

import Control.Monad
import Data.Binary
import Data.Char
import Data.Bits
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
import Foreign.Marshal
import Foreign.Ptr
import Foreign.Storable
import Foreign.C
import System.IO
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Unsafe as BS

data Hash = Hash !Word32 !Word32 !Word32 !Word32

md5 :: BS.ByteString -> Hash
md5 bs = unsafePerformIO $ allocaBytes 16 $ \digest -> do
        BS.unsafeUseAsCStringLen bs $ \ (x,y) -> md5Data (castPtr x) (fromIntegral y) digest
        readDigest digest

md5lazy :: LBS.ByteString -> Hash
md5lazy lbs = unsafePerformIO $ md5lazyIO lbs

md5lazyIO :: LBS.ByteString -> IO Hash
md5lazyIO lbs = do
    allocaBytes (fromIntegral $ get_md5_statesize) $ \msp -> do
        let ms = MState msp
        md5_init ms
        forM_ (LBS.toChunks lbs) $ \bs -> do
            BS.unsafeUseAsCStringLen bs $ \ (x,y) -> md5_append ms (castPtr x) (fromIntegral y)
        allocaBytes 16 $ \digest -> do
            md5_finish ms digest
            readDigest digest

readDigest digest = do
    w1 <- peekWord32 digest 0
    w2 <- peekWord32 digest 4
    w3 <- peekWord32 digest 8
    w4 <- peekWord32 digest 12
    return $ Hash w1 w2 w3 w4

peekWord32 ptr off = do
    b1 <- peekByteOff ptr off       :: IO Word8
    b2 <- peekByteOff ptr (off + 1) :: IO Word8
    b3 <- peekByteOff ptr (off + 2) :: IO Word8
    b4 <- peekByteOff ptr (off + 3) :: IO Word8
    let fi = fromIntegral :: Word8 -> Word32
    return (fi b1 `shiftL` 24 .|. fi b2 `shiftL` 16 .|. fi b3 `shiftL` 8 .|. fi b4)

instance Binary Hash where
    put (Hash a b c d) = put a >> put b >> put c >> put d
    get = return Hash `ap` get `ap` get `ap` get `ap` get

md5file :: FilePath -> IO Hash
md5file fp = md5lazy `fmap` LBS.readFile fp

newtype MState = MState (Ptr MState)

foreign import ccall unsafe "md5_data" md5Data :: Ptr Word8 -> CInt -> Ptr Word8 -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe md5_init  :: MState -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe md5_append :: MState -> Ptr Word8 -> CInt -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe md5_finish :: MState -> Ptr Word8 -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe get_md5_statesize :: CInt

hashToBytes :: Hash -> [Word8]
hashToBytes (Hash a b c d) = tb a . tb b . tb c . tb d $ [] where
    tb :: Word32 -> [Word8] -> [Word8]
    tb n = showIt 4 n
    showIt :: Int -> Word32 -> [Word8] -> [Word8]
    showIt 0 _ r = r
    showIt i x r = case quotRem x 256 of
                       (y, z) -> let c = fromIntegral z
                                 in c `seq` showIt (i-1) y (c:r)

md5show32 :: Hash -> String
md5show32 hash = f [] (hashToBytes hash) where
    f cs [] = cs
    f cs (o1:o2:o3:o4:o5:rest) = f ns rest where
        i1 = o1 `shiftR` 3
        i2 = (o1 `shiftL` 2 .|. o2 `shiftR` 6) .&. 0x1f
        i3 = o2 `shiftR` 1 .&. 0x1f
        i4 = (o2 `shiftL` 4 .|. o3 `shiftR` 4) .&. 0x1f
        i5 = (o3 `shiftL` 1 .|. o4 `shiftR` 7) .&. 0x1f
        i6 = o4 `shiftR` 2 .&. 0x1f
        i7 = (o4 `shiftL` 3 .|. o5 `shiftR` 5) .&. 0x1f
        i8 = o5 .&. 0x1f
        ns = g i1:g i2:g i3:g i4:g i5:g i6:g i7:g i8:cs
        g x | x <= 9 = chr (ord '0' + fromIntegral x)
            | otherwise = chr (ord 'a' + fromIntegral x - 10)
    f cs ns = reverse (take ((lns * 8 + 4) `div` 5) (f [] (ns ++ replicate (5 - lns) 0))) ++ cs where
        lns = length ns

instance Show Hash where
    showsPrec _ (Hash a b c d) = showAsHex a . showAsHex b . showAsHex c . showAsHex d

showAsHex :: Word32 -> ShowS
showAsHex n = showIt 8 n
    showIt :: Int -> Word32 -> String -> String
    showIt 0 _ r = r
    showIt i x r = case quotRem x 16 of
                       (y, z) -> let c = intToDigit (fromIntegral z)
                                 in c `seq` showIt (i-1) y (c:r)

emptyHash = Hash 0 0 0 0

md5Bytes :: [Word8] -> Hash
md5Bytes bs = unsafePerformIO $ allocaBytes 16 $ \digest -> do
        withArrayLen bs $ \y x -> md5Data (castPtr x) (fromIntegral y) digest
        readDigest digest

md5String :: String -> Hash
md5String ss = md5Bytes (toUTF ss) where
    -- | Convert Unicode characters to UTF-8.
    toUTF :: String -> [Word8]
    toUTF [] = []
    toUTF (x:xs) | ord x<=0x007F = (fromIntegral $ ord x):toUTF xs
                 | ord x<=0x07FF = fromIntegral (0xC0 .|. ((ord x `shift` (-6)) .&. 0x1F)):
                                   fromIntegral (0x80 .|. (ord x .&. 0x3F)):
                                   toUTF xs
                 | otherwise     = fromIntegral (0xE0 .|. ((ord x `shift` (-12)) .&. 0x0F)):
                                   fromIntegral (0x80 .|. ((ord x `shift` (-6)) .&. 0x3F)):
                                   fromIntegral (0x80 .|. (ord x .&. 0x3F)):
                                   toUTF xs

-- XXX inefficient, don't use it.
md5Handle :: Handle -> IO Hash
md5Handle h = do
    hSeek h AbsoluteSeek 0
    len <- fromIntegral `liftM` hFileSize h
    allocaBytes len $ \ptr -> do
    cnt <- hGetBuf h ptr len
    unless (cnt == len) $ fail "md5File - read returned too few bytes"
    hSeek h AbsoluteSeek 0
    allocaBytes 16 $ \digest -> do
        md5Data ptr (fromIntegral len) digest
        readDigest digest