module FlagDump(Flag(..),process,helpMsg,helpFlags) where import qualified Data.Set as Set -- | Flags data Flag = AllTypes -- ^ show unified type table, after everything has been typechecked | Aspats -- ^ show as patterns | Atom -- ^ dump atom table on exit | Bindgroups -- ^ show bindgroups | BoxySteps -- ^ show step by step what the type inferencer is doing | C -- ^ don't delete C source file after compilation | Class -- ^ detailed information on each class | ClassSummary -- ^ summary of all classes | Core -- ^ show intermediate core code | CoreAfterlift -- ^ show final core before writing ho file | CoreBeforelift -- ^ show core before lambda lifting | CoreInitial -- ^ show core right after E.FromHs conversion | CoreMangled -- ^ de-typed core right before it is converted to grin | CoreMini -- ^ show details even when optimizing individual functions | CorePass -- ^ show each iteration of code while transforming | CoreSteps -- ^ show what happens in each pass | Datatable -- ^ show data table of constructors | DatatableBuiltin -- ^ show data table entries for some built in types | Dcons -- ^ data constructors | Decls -- ^ processed declarations | Defs -- ^ Show all defined names in a module | Derived -- ^ show generated derived instances | EAlias -- ^ show expanded aliases | EInfo -- ^ show info tags on all bound variables | ESize -- ^ print the size of E after each pass | EVerbose -- ^ print very verbose version of E code always | Exports -- ^ show which names are exported from each module | Grin -- ^ dump all grin to the screen | GrinDatalog -- ^ print out grin information in a format suitable for loading into a database | GrinFinal -- ^ final grin before conversion to C | GrinGraph -- ^ print dot file of final grin code to | GrinInitial -- ^ grin right after conversion from core | GrinNormalized -- ^ grin right after first normalization | GrinPosteval -- ^ show grin code just before eval\/apply inlining | GrinPreeval -- ^ show grin code just before eval\/apply inlining | Imports -- ^ show in scope names for each module | Ini -- ^ all ini configuration options | Instance -- ^ show instances | Kind -- ^ show results of kind inference for each module | KindSteps -- ^ show steps of kind inference | OptimizationStats -- ^ show combined stats of optimization passes | Parsed -- ^ parsed code | Preprocessed -- ^ code after preprocessing\/deliting | Program -- ^ impl expls, the whole shebang. | Progress -- ^ show basic progress indicators | Renamed -- ^ code after uniqueness renaming | Rules -- ^ show all user rules and catalysts | RulesSpec -- ^ show specialization rules | SccModules -- ^ show strongly connected modules in dependency order | Sigenv -- ^ initial signature environment | Srcsigs -- ^ processed signatures from source code | Stats -- ^ show extra information about stuff | Steps -- ^ show interpreter go | Tags -- ^ list of all tags and their types | The -- ^ '-d' flag. The following is a list of possible parameters you can pass to | Types -- ^ display unified type table containing all defined names deriving(Eq,Ord,Bounded) instance Show Flag where show The = "the" show Ini = "ini" show Preprocessed = "preprocessed" show Renamed = "renamed" show Parsed = "parsed" show Derived = "derived" show Imports = "imports" show Exports = "exports" show SccModules = "scc-modules" show Defs = "defs" show Kind = "kind" show KindSteps = "kind-steps" show Dcons = "dcons" show ClassSummary = "class-summary" show Class = "class" show Instance = "instance" show Bindgroups = "bindgroups" show Types = "types" show AllTypes = "all-types" show Sigenv = "sigenv" show Srcsigs = "srcsigs" show Program = "program" show Decls = "decls" show BoxySteps = "boxy-steps" show Aspats = "aspats" show CorePass = "core-pass" show CoreSteps = "core-steps" show CoreMini = "core-mini" show CoreInitial = "core-initial" show CoreBeforelift = "core-beforelift" show CoreAfterlift = "core-afterlift" show Core = "core" show CoreMangled = "core-mangled" show DatatableBuiltin = "datatable-builtin" show Datatable = "datatable" show OptimizationStats = "optimization-stats" show Rules = "rules" show RulesSpec = "rules-spec" show EInfo = "e-info" show EVerbose = "e-verbose" show EAlias = "e-alias" show ESize = "e-size" show Tags = "tags" show Steps = "steps" show Grin = "grin" show GrinDatalog = "grin-datalog" show GrinPreeval = "grin-preeval" show GrinPosteval = "grin-posteval" show GrinInitial = "grin-initial" show GrinNormalized = "grin-normalized" show GrinGraph = "grin-graph" show GrinFinal = "grin-final" show C = "c" show Atom = "atom" show Progress = "progress" show Stats = "stats" one "verbose" = Right $ foldr (.) id [ f | Right f <- [ one "progress"]] one "the" = Right $ Set.insert The one "no-the" = Right $ Set.delete The one "core-mini" = Right $ Set.insert CoreMini one "no-core-mini" = Right $ Set.delete CoreMini one "kind-steps" = Right $ Set.insert KindSteps one "no-kind-steps" = Right $ Set.delete KindSteps one "veryverbose" = Right $ foldr (.) id [ f | Right f <- [ one "progress",one "stats"]] one "ini" = Right $ Set.insert Ini one "no-ini" = Right $ Set.delete Ini one "program" = Right $ Set.insert Program one "no-program" = Right $ Set.delete Program one "atom" = Right $ Set.insert Atom one "no-atom" = Right $ Set.delete Atom one "grin-preeval" = Right $ Set.insert GrinPreeval one "no-grin-preeval" = Right $ Set.delete GrinPreeval one "grin-graph" = Right $ Set.insert GrinGraph one "no-grin-graph" = Right $ Set.delete GrinGraph one "e-alias" = Right $ Set.insert EAlias one "no-e-alias" = Right $ Set.delete EAlias one "renamed" = Right $ Set.insert Renamed one "no-renamed" = Right $ Set.delete Renamed one "datatable-builtin" = Right $ Set.insert DatatableBuiltin one "no-datatable-builtin" = Right $ Set.delete DatatableBuiltin one "aspats" = Right $ Set.insert Aspats one "no-aspats" = Right $ Set.delete Aspats one "grin-final" = Right $ Set.insert GrinFinal one "no-grin-final" = Right $ Set.delete GrinFinal one "instance" = Right $ Set.insert Instance one "no-instance" = Right $ Set.delete Instance one "defs" = Right $ Set.insert Defs one "no-defs" = Right $ Set.delete Defs one "c" = Right $ Set.insert C one "no-c" = Right $ Set.delete C one "e-size" = Right $ Set.insert ESize one "no-e-size" = Right $ Set.delete ESize one "core-initial" = Right $ Set.insert CoreInitial one "no-core-initial" = Right $ Set.delete CoreInitial one "class" = Right $ Set.insert Class one "no-class" = Right $ Set.delete Class one "datatable" = Right $ Set.insert Datatable one "no-datatable" = Right $ Set.delete Datatable one "core-afterlift" = Right $ Set.insert CoreAfterlift one "no-core-afterlift" = Right $ Set.delete CoreAfterlift one "steps" = Right $ Set.insert Steps one "no-steps" = Right $ Set.delete Steps one "all-types" = Right $ Set.insert AllTypes one "no-all-types" = Right $ Set.delete AllTypes one "types" = Right $ Set.insert Types one "no-types" = Right $ Set.delete Types one "core" = Right $ Set.insert Core one "no-core" = Right $ Set.delete Core one "preprocessed" = Right $ Set.insert Preprocessed one "no-preprocessed" = Right $ Set.delete Preprocessed one "rules" = Right $ Set.insert Rules one "no-rules" = Right $ Set.delete Rules one "exports" = Right $ Set.insert Exports one "no-exports" = Right $ Set.delete Exports one "core-steps" = Right $ Set.insert CoreSteps one "no-core-steps" = Right $ Set.delete CoreSteps one "sigenv" = Right $ Set.insert Sigenv one "no-sigenv" = Right $ Set.delete Sigenv one "kind" = Right $ Set.insert Kind one "no-kind" = Right $ Set.delete Kind one "rules-spec" = Right $ Set.insert RulesSpec one "no-rules-spec" = Right $ Set.delete RulesSpec one "optimization-stats" = Right $ Set.insert OptimizationStats one "no-optimization-stats" = Right $ Set.delete OptimizationStats one "srcsigs" = Right $ Set.insert Srcsigs one "no-srcsigs" = Right $ Set.delete Srcsigs one "class-summary" = Right $ Set.insert ClassSummary one "no-class-summary" = Right $ Set.delete ClassSummary one "dcons" = Right $ Set.insert Dcons one "no-dcons" = Right $ Set.delete Dcons one "grin-posteval" = Right $ Set.insert GrinPosteval one "no-grin-posteval" = Right $ Set.delete GrinPosteval one "grin-initial" = Right $ Set.insert GrinInitial one "no-grin-initial" = Right $ Set.delete GrinInitial one "parsed" = Right $ Set.insert Parsed one "no-parsed" = Right $ Set.delete Parsed one "core-pass" = Right $ Set.insert CorePass one "no-core-pass" = Right $ Set.delete CorePass one "e-verbose" = Right $ Set.insert EVerbose one "no-e-verbose" = Right $ Set.delete EVerbose one "core-mangled" = Right $ Set.insert CoreMangled one "no-core-mangled" = Right $ Set.delete CoreMangled one "progress" = Right $ Set.insert Progress one "no-progress" = Right $ Set.delete Progress one "imports" = Right $ Set.insert Imports one "no-imports" = Right $ Set.delete Imports one "stats" = Right $ Set.insert Stats one "no-stats" = Right $ Set.delete Stats one "core-beforelift" = Right $ Set.insert CoreBeforelift one "no-core-beforelift" = Right $ Set.delete CoreBeforelift one "e-info" = Right $ Set.insert EInfo one "no-e-info" = Right $ Set.delete EInfo one "decls" = Right $ Set.insert Decls one "no-decls" = Right $ Set.delete Decls one "tags" = Right $ Set.insert Tags one "no-tags" = Right $ Set.delete Tags one "derived" = Right $ Set.insert Derived one "no-derived" = Right $ Set.delete Derived one "bindgroups" = Right $ Set.insert Bindgroups one "no-bindgroups" = Right $ Set.delete Bindgroups one "grin-datalog" = Right $ Set.insert GrinDatalog one "no-grin-datalog" = Right $ Set.delete GrinDatalog one "boxy-steps" = Right $ Set.insert BoxySteps one "no-boxy-steps" = Right $ Set.delete BoxySteps one "scc-modules" = Right $ Set.insert SccModules one "no-scc-modules" = Right $ Set.delete SccModules one "grin-normalized" = Right $ Set.insert GrinNormalized one "no-grin-normalized" = Right $ Set.delete GrinNormalized one "grin" = Right $ Set.insert Grin one "no-grin" = Right $ Set.delete Grin one x = Left x {-# NOINLINE process #-} process s xs = foldr f (s,[]) (map one xs) where f (Right g) (s,xs) = (g s,xs) f (Left x) (s,xs) = (s,x:xs) {-# NOINLINE helpMsg #-} helpMsg = "\n-- Front End --\ndefs Show all defined names in a module\nderived show generated derived instances\nexports show which names are exported from each module\nimports show in scope names for each module\nini all ini configuration options\nparsed parsed code\npreprocessed code after preprocessing/deliting\nrenamed code after uniqueness renaming\nscc-modules show strongly connected modules in dependency order\n\n-- Type Checker --\nall-types show unified type table, after everything has been\n typechecked\naspats show as patterns\nbindgroups show bindgroups\nboxy-steps show step by step what the type inferencer is doing\nclass detailed information on each class\nclass-summary summary of all classes\ndcons data constructors\ndecls processed declarations\ninstance show instances\nkind show results of kind inference for each module\nkind-steps show steps of kind inference\nprogram impl expls, the whole shebang.\nsigenv initial signature environment\nsrcsigs processed signatures from source code\ntypes display unified type table containing all defined names\n\n-- Intermediate code --\ncore show intermediate core code\ncore-afterlift show final core before writing ho file\ncore-beforelift show core before lambda lifting\ncore-initial show core right after E.FromHs conversion\ncore-mangled de-typed core right before it is converted to grin\ncore-mini show details even when optimizing individual functions\ncore-pass show each iteration of code while transforming\ncore-steps show what happens in each pass\ndatatable show data table of constructors\ndatatable-builtin show data table entries for some built in types\ne-alias show expanded aliases\ne-info show info tags on all bound variables\ne-size print the size of E after each pass\ne-verbose print very verbose version of E code always\noptimization-stats show combined stats of optimization passes\nrules show all user rules and catalysts\nrules-spec show specialization rules\n\n-- Grin code --\ngrin dump all grin to the screen\ngrin-datalog print out grin information in a format suitable for\n loading into a database\ngrin-final final grin before conversion to C\ngrin-graph print dot file of final grin code to\n\ngrin-initial grin right after conversion from core\ngrin-normalized grin right after first normalization\ngrin-posteval show grin code just before eval/apply inlining\ngrin-preeval show grin code just before eval/apply inlining\nsteps show interpreter go\ntags list of all tags and their types\n\n-- Backend code --\nc don't delete C source file after compilation\n\n-- Internal --\natom dump atom table on exit\n\n-- General --\nprogress show basic progress indicators\nstats show extra information about stuff\nverbose progress\nveryverbose progress stats\n" helpFlags = ["all-types", "aspats", "atom", "bindgroups", "boxy-steps", "c", "class", "class-summary", "core", "core-afterlift", "core-beforelift", "core-initial", "core-mangled", "core-mini", "core-pass", "core-steps", "datatable", "datatable-builtin", "dcons", "decls", "defs", "derived", "e-alias", "e-info", "e-size", "e-verbose", "exports", "grin", "grin-datalog", "grin-final", "grin-graph", "grin-initial", "grin-normalized", "grin-posteval", "grin-preeval", "imports", "ini", "instance", "kind", "kind-steps", "optimization-stats", "parsed", "preprocessed", "program", "progress", "renamed", "rules", "rules-spec", "scc-modules", "sigenv", "srcsigs", "stats", "steps", "tags", "the", "types", "verbose", "veryverbose"]