{ -- Tests the basic operation. module Main where import Data.Char (toUpper) import Control.Monad import System.Exit import System.IO import Prelude hiding (null) } %wrapper "monad" @word = [A-Za-z]+ @null = \0 $escchars = [abfnrtv\\"\'&] @escape = \\ ($escchars | \0) @gap = \\ $white+ \\ @string = $printable # [\"] | " " | @escape | @gap @inComment = ([^\*] | $white)+ | ([\*]+ ([\x00-\xff] # [\/])) tokens :- $white+ ; <0> { @null { null } @word { word } \" @string \" { string } "--" @inComment \n { word } } { {- we can now have comments in source code? -} word (p,_,_,input) len = return (take len input) null (p,_,_,input) len = return "\0" string (p,_,_,input) len = return (drop 1 (reverse (drop 1 (reverse input)))) alexEOF = return "stopped." scanner str = runAlex str $ do let loop = do tok <- alexMonadScan if tok == "stopped." || tok == "error." then return [tok] else do toks <- loop return (tok:toks) loop main = do let test1 = scanner str1 when (test1 /= out1) $ do hPutStrLn stderr "Test 1 failed:" print test1 exitFailure let test2 = scanner str2 when (test2 /= out2) $ do hPutStrLn stderr "Test 2 failed:" print test2 exitFailure str1 = "a\0bb\0ccc\0\0\"\\\0\"" out1 = Right ["a","\NUL","bb","\NUL","ccc","\NUL","\NUL","\\\NUL", "stopped."] str2 = "." out2 = Left "lexical error at line 1, column 1" }