module Database.Algebra.Rewrite.Traversal
       ( preOrder
       , postOrder
       , applyToAll
       , topologically
       , iteratively
       , sequenceRewrites
       ) where

import           Control.Monad

import qualified Data.IntMap                         as M
import qualified Data.Set                            as S

import qualified Database.Algebra.Dag                as Dag
import           Database.Algebra.Dag.Common
import           Database.Algebra.Rewrite.DagRewrite
import           Database.Algebra.Rewrite.Rule

applyToAll :: Rewrite o e (NodeMap p) -> RuleSet o p e -> Rewrite o e Bool
applyToAll inferProps rules = iterateRewrites False 0
  where iterateRewrites anyChanges offset = do
          -- drop the first nodes, assuming that we already visited them
          nodes <- drop offset <$> M.keys <$> Dag.nodeMap <$> exposeDag

          -- re-infer properties
          props <- inferProps

          extras <- getExtras

          -- try to apply the rewrites, beginning with node at position offset
          matchedOffset <- traverseNodes offset props extras rules nodes

          case matchedOffset of
            -- A rewrite applied at offset o -> we continue at this offset
            Just o -> iterateRewrites True o
            -- No rewrite applied -> report if any changes occured at all
            Nothing -> return anyChanges

traverseNodes :: Int -> NodeMap p -> e -> RuleSet o p e -> [AlgNode] -> Rewrite o e (Maybe Int)
traverseNodes offset props extras rules nodes =
  case nodes of
    n : ns -> do
      changed <- applyRuleSet extras props rules n
      if changed
        then return $ Just offset
        else traverseNodes (offset + 1) props extras rules ns
    []     -> return Nothing

-- | Infer properties, then traverse the DAG in preorder fashion and apply the rule set
-- at every node. Properties are re-inferred after every change.
preOrder :: Dag.Operator o
            => Rewrite o e (NodeMap p)
            -> RuleSet o p e
            -> Rewrite o e Bool
preOrder inferAction rules =
  let traversePre (changedPrev, mProps, visited) q =
        if q `S.member` visited
        then return (changedPrev, mProps, visited)
        else do
          props <- case mProps of
            Just ps -> return ps
            Nothing -> inferAction

          e <- getExtras
          changedSelf <- applyRuleSet e props rules q

          -- Have to be careful here: With garbage collection, the current node 'q'
          -- might no longer be present after a rewrite.
          mop <- operatorSafe q
          case mop of
            Just op -> do
              -- the node still seems to be around, so we need to look after its children
              let mProps' = if changedSelf then Nothing else Just props
              let cs = Dag.opChildren op
              (changedChild, mProps'', visited') <- foldM descend (changedSelf, mProps', visited) cs
              let visited'' = S.insert q visited'
              if changedChild
                then return (True, Nothing, visited'')
                else return (changedPrev || (changedSelf || changedChild), mProps'', visited'')

            Nothing -> return (True, Nothing, visited) -- The node has been collected -> do nothing

      descend (changedPrev, mProps, visited) c = do
          props <- case mProps of
            Just ps -> return ps
            Nothing -> inferAction
          traversePre (changedPrev, Just props, visited) c

  in do
    pm <- inferAction
    rs <- rootNodes
    (changed, _, _) <- foldM traversePre (False, Just pm, S.empty) rs
    return changed

{- | Map a ruleset over the nodes of a DAG in topological order. This function assumes that
     the structur of the DAG is not changed during the rewrites. Properties are only inferred
topologically :: Dag.Operator o
                 => Rewrite o e (NodeMap p)
                 -> RuleSet o p e
                 -> Rewrite o e Bool
topologically inferAction rules = do
  topoOrdering <- topsort
  props <- inferAction
  let rewriteNode changedPrev q = do
        e <- getExtras
        changed <- applyRuleSet e props rules q
        return $ changed || changedPrev
  foldM rewriteNode False topoOrdering where

-- | Infer properties, then traverse the DAG in a postorder fashion and apply the rule set at
-- every node. Properties are re-inferred after every change.
postOrder :: Dag.Operator o
             => Rewrite o e (NodeMap p)
             -> RuleSet o p e
             -> Rewrite o e Bool
postOrder inferAction rules =
  let traversePost (changedPrev, props, visited) q =
        if q `S.member` visited
        then return (changedPrev, props, visited)
        else do
          op <- operator q
          let cs = Dag.opChildren op
          (changedChild, mProps, visited') <- foldM descend (False, props, visited) cs
          props' <- case mProps of
            Just ps -> return ps
            Nothing -> inferAction

          e <- getExtras

          -- Check if the current node is still around after its children
          -- have been rewritten. This should not happen regularly, but
          -- better safe than sorry.
          mop <- operatorSafe q
          case mop of
            Just _ -> do
              changedSelf <- applyRuleSet e props' rules q
              let visited'' = S.insert q visited'
              if changedSelf
                then return (True, Nothing, visited'')
                else return (changedChild || changedPrev, Just props', visited'')
            Nothing -> return (True, Nothing, visited)

      descend (changedPrev, mProps, visited) c = do
          props <- case mProps of
            Just ps -> return ps
            Nothing -> inferAction
          traversePost (changedPrev, Just props, visited) c

  in do
    pm <- inferAction
    rs <- rootNodes
    (changed, _, _) <- foldM traversePost (False, Just pm, S.empty) rs
    return changed

-- | Iteratively apply a rewrite, until no further changes occur.
iteratively :: Rewrite o e Bool -> Rewrite o e Bool
iteratively rewrite = aux False
  where aux b = do
          changed <- rewrite
          if changed
            then logGeneral ">>> Iterate" >> aux True
            else return b

-- | Sequence a list of rewrites and propagate information about
-- wether one of them applied.
sequenceRewrites :: [Rewrite o e Bool] -> Rewrite o e Bool
sequenceRewrites rewrites = or <$> sequence rewrites