{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-name-shadowing #-} module Statics.Constraint ( -- * The constraint solver interface MonadConstraint(..), generalize, generalizeList, generalizeEx, -- * An implementation of the interface ConstraintT, runConstraintT, mapConstraintT, ConstraintState, constraintState0, pprConstraintState, runConstraintIO, ) where import Util import Util.Trace import Util.MonadRef import qualified Syntax.Ppr as Ppr import qualified Alt.Graph as Gr import qualified Data.UnionFind as UF import Type import Statics.Error import Prelude () import qualified Data.List as List import qualified Data.Set as S import qualified Data.Map as M import qualified Data.Boolean.SatSolver as SAT import Data.IORef (IORef) --- --- A CONSTRAINT-SOLVING MONAD --- class MonadSubst tv r m ⇒ MonadConstraint tv r m | m → tv r where -- | Subtype and equality constraints (<:), (=:) ∷ Type tv → Type tv → m () -- | Subqualifier constraint (⊏:), (~:) ∷ (Qualifier q1 tv, Qualifier q2 tv) ⇒ q1 → q2 → m () -- | Constrain by the given variance relate ∷ Variance → Type tv → Type tv → m () -- τ1 =: τ2 = τ1 <: τ2 >> τ2 <: τ1 τ1 ~: τ2 = τ1 ⊏: τ2 >> τ2 ⊏: τ1 relate variance τ1 τ2 = case variance of Covariant → τ1 <: τ2 Contravariant → τ2 <: τ1 Invariant → τ1 =: τ2 QCovariant → τ1 ⊏: τ2 QContravariant → τ2 ⊏: τ1 QInvariant → τ1 ~: τ2 Omnivariant → return () -- -- | Get the set of pinned type variables. getPinnedTVs ∷ m (S.Set tv) -- | Run a computation in the context of some "pinned down" type -- variables, which means that they won't be considered for -- elimination or generalization. withPinnedTVs ∷ Ftv a tv ⇒ a → m b → m b -- | Update the list of pinned type variables to reflect a substitution. -- PRECONDITION: τ is substituted. updatePinnedTVs ∷ tv → Type tv → m () -- -- | Figure out which variables to generalize in a piece of syntax. -- The 'Bool' indicates whether the syntax whose type is being -- generalized is a syntactic value. Returns a list of -- generalizable variables and their qualifier bounds. generalize' ∷ Bool → Rank → Type tv → m [(tv, QLit)] -- | Find 'QLit' bounds for a set of type variables. This assumes -- that these variables may safely be removed from the constraint -- if bounded as specified. In particular, all the variables must -- appear only on the left-hand side of the qualifier inequalities. getTVBounds ∷ [tv] → m [QLit] -- | Ensure that the current constraint is satisfiable. This is -- necessary after each REPL entry, because that's the commit point -- for the constraint, and the REPL becomes unusable if a particular -- type error hangs around in the constraint forever. ensureSatisfiability ∷ m () infix 5 <:, =:, ⊏:, ~: -- -- Pass-through instances -- instance (MonadConstraint tv s m, Monoid w) ⇒ MonadConstraint tv s (WriterT w m) where (<:) = lift <$$> (<:) (=:) = lift <$$> (=:) (⊏:) = lift <$$> (⊏:) (~:) = lift <$$> (~:) getPinnedTVs = lift getPinnedTVs withPinnedTVs = mapWriterT <$> withPinnedTVs updatePinnedTVs= lift <$$> updatePinnedTVs generalize' = lift <$$$> generalize' getTVBounds = lift <$> getTVBounds ensureSatisfiability = lift ensureSatisfiability instance MonadConstraint tv r m ⇒ MonadConstraint tv r (StateT s m) where (<:) = lift <$$> (<:) (=:) = lift <$$> (=:) (⊏:) = lift <$$> (⊏:) (~:) = lift <$$> (~:) getPinnedTVs = lift getPinnedTVs withPinnedTVs = mapStateT <$> withPinnedTVs updatePinnedTVs= lift <$$> updatePinnedTVs generalize' = lift <$$$> generalize' getTVBounds = lift <$> getTVBounds ensureSatisfiability = lift ensureSatisfiability instance MonadConstraint tv p m ⇒ MonadConstraint tv p (ReaderT r m) where (<:) = lift <$$> (<:) (=:) = lift <$$> (=:) (⊏:) = lift <$$> (⊏:) (~:) = lift <$$> (~:) getPinnedTVs = lift getPinnedTVs withPinnedTVs = mapReaderT <$> withPinnedTVs updatePinnedTVs= lift <$$> updatePinnedTVs generalize' = lift <$$$> generalize' getTVBounds = lift <$> getTVBounds ensureSatisfiability = lift ensureSatisfiability instance (MonadConstraint tv p m, Monoid w) ⇒ MonadConstraint tv p (RWST r w s m) where (<:) = lift <$$> (<:) (=:) = lift <$$> (=:) (⊏:) = lift <$$> (⊏:) (~:) = lift <$$> (~:) getPinnedTVs = lift getPinnedTVs withPinnedTVs = mapRWST <$> withPinnedTVs updatePinnedTVs= lift <$$> updatePinnedTVs generalize' = lift <$$$> generalize' getTVBounds = lift <$> getTVBounds ensureSatisfiability = lift ensureSatisfiability -- -- Some generic operations -- -- | Generalize a type under a constraint and environment, -- given whether the the value restriction is satisfied or not generalize ∷ MonadConstraint tv r m ⇒ Bool → Rank → Type tv → m (Type tv) generalize value γrank ρ = do αqs ← generalize' value γrank ρ standardizeMus <$> closeQuant Forall αqs <$> subst ρ -- | Generalize a list of types together. generalizeList ∷ MonadConstraint tv r m ⇒ Bool → Rank → [Type tv] → m [Type tv] generalizeList value γrank ρs = do αqs ← generalize' value γrank (foldl tyTuple tyUnit ρs) mapM (standardizeMus <$> closeQuant Forall αqs <$$> subst) ρs -- | Generalize the existential type variables in a type generalizeEx ∷ MonadConstraint tv r m ⇒ Rank → Type tv → m (Type tv) generalizeEx γrank ρ0 = do ρ ← subst ρ0 αs ← removeByRank γrank (filter (tvFlavorIs Existential) (ftvList ρ)) αqs ← mapM addQual αs return (closeQuant Exists αqs ρ) where addQual α = case tvQual α of Just ql → return (α, ql) Nothing → typeBug "generalizeEx" "existential type variable with no rank" -- | Remove type variables from a list if their rank indicates that -- they're in the environment or if they're pinned removeByRank ∷ MonadConstraint tv r m ⇒ Rank → [tv] → m [tv] removeByRank γrank αs = do pinned ← getPinnedTVs let keep α = do rank ← getTVRank α return (rank > γrank && α `S.notMember` pinned) filterM keep αs --- --- SUBTYPING CONSTRAINT SOLVER --- -- -- The internal state -- -- | The state of the constraint solver. data CTState tv r = CTState { -- | Graph for subtype constraints on type variables and atomic -- type constructors csGraph ∷ !(Gr.Gr tv ()), -- | Reverse lookup for turning atoms into node numbers for the -- 'csGraph' graph csNodeMap ∷ !(Gr.NodeMap tv), -- | Maps type variables to same-size equivalence classes csEquivs ∷ !(ProxyMap tv r), -- | Types to relate by the subqualifier relation csQuals ∷ ![(Type tv, Type tv)], -- | Stack of pinned type variables csPinned ∷ ![S.Set tv] } -- | Representation of type variable equivalence class type TVProxy tv r = UF.Proxy r (S.Set tv) -- | The map from type variables to equivalence classes type ProxyMap tv r = M.Map tv (TVProxy tv r) -- | Updater for 'csQuals' field csQualsUpdate ∷ ([(Type tv, Type tv)] → [(Type tv, Type tv)]) → CTState tv r → CTState tv r csQualsUpdate f cs = cs { csQuals = f (csQuals cs) } -- | Updater for 'csEquivs' field csEquivsUpdate ∷ (ProxyMap tv r → ProxyMap tv r) → CTState tv r → CTState tv r csEquivsUpdate f cs = cs { csEquivs = f (csEquivs cs) } -- | Updater for 'csPinned' field csPinnedUpdate ∷ ([S.Set tv] → [S.Set tv]) → CTState tv r → CTState tv r csPinnedUpdate f cs = cs { csPinned = f (csPinned cs) } instance Tv tv ⇒ Show (CTState tv r) where showsPrec _ cs | null (Gr.edges (csGraph cs)) , null (csQuals cs) = id | otherwise = showString "CTState { csGraph = " . shows (Gr.ShowGraph (csGraph cs)) . showString ", csQuals = " . shows (csQuals cs) . showString " }" instance Tv tv ⇒ Ppr.Ppr (CTState tv r) where ppr cs = Ppr.ppr . M.fromList $ [ ("graph", Ppr.fsep . Ppr.punctuate Ppr.comma $ [ Ppr.pprPrec 10 α1 Ppr.<> Ppr.text "<:" Ppr.<> Ppr.pprPrec 10 α2 | (α1, α2) ← Gr.labNodeEdges (csGraph cs) ]) , ("quals", Ppr.fsep . Ppr.punctuate Ppr.comma $ [ Ppr.pprPrec 9 τ1 Ppr.<> Ppr.char '⊑' Ppr.<> Ppr.pprPrec 9 τ2 | (τ1, τ2) ← csQuals cs ]) ] -- -- The monad transformer -- -- | Underlying 'ConstraintT' is a monad transformer that carries merely -- the constraint-solving state. newtype ConstraintT_ tv r m a = ConstraintT_ { unConstraintT_ ∷ StateT (CTState tv r) m a } deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadAlmsError, MonadTrace) -- | Map some higher-order operation through 'ConstraintT_'. mapConstraintT_ ∷ (∀ s. m (a, s) → n (b, s)) → ConstraintT_ tv r m a → ConstraintT_ tv r n b mapConstraintT_ f = ConstraintT_ . mapStateT f . unConstraintT_ -- | Constraint monad transformer carries constraint solver state. -- 'SubstT' substitution state. type ConstraintT tv r m = ConstraintT_ tv r (SubstT r m) -- | Map some higher-order operation through 'ConstraintT'. mapConstraintT ∷ (Functor m, Functor n) ⇒ (∀ s. m (a, s) → n (b, s)) → ConstraintT tv r m a → ConstraintT tv r n b mapConstraintT f = mapConstraintT_ (mapSubstT f') where f' action = unshift <$> f (shift <$> action) shift ((a, s), s') = (a, (s, s')) unshift (a, (s, s')) = ((a, s), s') -- | Run the constraint solver. runConstraintT ∷ (MonadAlmsError m, MonadRef r m) ⇒ ConstraintState (TV r) r → ConstraintT (TV r) r m a → m (a, ConstraintState (TV r) r) runConstraintT ecs m = do ((result, cs), ss) ← runSubstT (ecsSubst ecs) (runStateT (unConstraintT_ (resetEquivTVs >> m)) (ecsInternal ecs)) return (result, ExternalConstraintState cs ss) -- | Run a constraint computation in the IO Monad runConstraintIO ∷ ConstraintState (TV IORef) IORef → ConstraintT (TV IORef) IORef (AlmsErrorT IO) a → IO (Either [AlmsError] (a, ConstraintState (TV IORef) IORef)) runConstraintIO ecs m = runAlmsErrorT (runConstraintT ecs m) -- | The external representation of the constraint solver's state data ConstraintState tv r = ExternalConstraintState { ecsInternal ∷ !(CTState tv r), ecsSubst ∷ !SubstState } -- | The initial constraint solver state constraintState0 ∷ Tv tv ⇒ ConstraintState tv r constraintState0 = ExternalConstraintState { ecsInternal = CTState { csGraph = Gr.empty, csNodeMap = Gr.new, csEquivs = M.empty, csQuals = [], csPinned = [] }, ecsSubst = substState0 } instance Tv tv ⇒ Ppr.Ppr (ConstraintState tv r) where ppr = Ppr.ppr . ecsInternal instance Tv tv ⇒ Show (ConstraintState tv r) where showsPrec = Ppr.showFromPpr -- | Get a printable representations of the internal constraint-solving -- state. pprConstraintState ∷ Tv tv ⇒ ConstraintState tv r → Ppr.Doc pprConstraintState = Ppr.ppr . ecsInternal -- -- Instances -- -- | Transformer instance instance MonadTrans (ConstraintT_ tv r) where lift = ConstraintT_ . lift -- | Pass through for reference operations instance MonadSubst tv r m ⇒ MonadRef r (ConstraintT_ tv r m) where newRef = lift <$> newRef readRef = lift <$> readRef writeRef = lift <$$> writeRef -- | Pass through for unification operations instance MonadSubst tv r m ⇒ MonadSubst tv r (ConstraintT_ tv r m) where newTV_ (Universal, kind, bound, descr) = do α ← lift (newTV' (kind, descr)) fvTy α ⊏: bound return α newTV_ attrs = lift (newTV' attrs) writeTV_ = lift <$$> writeTV_ readTV_ = lift <$> readTV_ getTVRank_ = lift <$> getTVRank_ setTVRank_ = lift <$$> setTVRank_ collectTVs = mapConstraintT_ (mapListen2 collectTVs) reportTVs = lift . reportTVs monitorChange = mapConstraintT_ (mapListen2 monitorChange) setChanged = lift setChanged -- | 'ConstraintT' implements 'Graph'/'NodeMap' transformer operations -- for accessing its graph and node map. instance (Ord tv, Monad m) ⇒ Gr.MonadNM tv () Gr.Gr (ConstraintT_ tv r m) where getNMState = ConstraintT_ (gets (csNodeMap &&& csGraph)) getNodeMap = ConstraintT_ (gets csNodeMap) getGraph = ConstraintT_ (gets csGraph) putNMState (nm, g) = ConstraintT_ . modify $ \cs → cs { csNodeMap = nm, csGraph = g } putNodeMap nm = ConstraintT_ . modify $ \cs → cs { csNodeMap = nm } putGraph g = ConstraintT_ . modify $ \cs → cs { csGraph = g } -- | Constraint solver implementation. instance MonadSubst tv r m ⇒ MonadConstraint tv r (ConstraintT_ tv r m) where τ <: τ' = do traceN 3 ("<:", τ, τ') runSeenT (subtypeTypes False τ τ') τ =: τ' = do traceN 3 ("=:", τ, τ') runSeenT (subtypeTypes True τ τ') τ ⊏: τ' = do traceN 3 ("⊏:", qualToType τ, qualToType τ') addQualConstraint τ τ' -- getPinnedTVs = S.unions <$> ConstraintT_ (gets csPinned) -- withPinnedTVs a m = do let αs = ftvSet a ConstraintT_ (modify (csPinnedUpdate (αs :))) result ← m ConstraintT_ (modify (csPinnedUpdate tail)) return result -- updatePinnedTVs α τ = do let βs = ftvSet τ update = snd . mapAccumR eachSet False eachSet False set | α `S.member` set = (True, βs `S.union` S.delete α set) eachSet done set = (done, set) ConstraintT_ (modify (csPinnedUpdate update)) -- generalize' = solveConstraint getTVBounds = solveBounds ensureSatisfiability = checkQualifiers {-# INLINE gtraceN #-} gtraceN ∷ (TraceMessage a, Tv tv, MonadTrace m) ⇒ Int → a → ConstraintT_ tv r m () gtraceN = if debug then \n info → if n <= debugLevel then do trace info cs ← ConstraintT_ get let doc = Ppr.ppr cs unless (Ppr.isEmpty doc) $ trace (Ppr.nest 4 doc) else return () else \_ _ → return () -- | Monad transformer for tracking which type comparisons we've seen, -- in order to implement recursive subtyping. A pair of types mapped -- to @True@ means that they're known to be equal, whereas @False@ -- means that they're only known to be subtyped. type SeenT tv r m = StateT (M.Map (Type tv, Type tv) Bool) (ConstraintT_ tv r m) -- | Run a recursive subtyping computation. runSeenT ∷ (Tv tv, MonadTrace m) ⇒ SeenT tv r m a → ConstraintT_ tv r m a runSeenT m = do gtraceN 4 "runSeenT {" result ← evalStateT m M.empty gtraceN 4 "} runSeenT" return result -- | Relate two types at either subtyping or equality, depending on -- the value of the first parameter (@True@ means equality). -- This eagerly solves as much as possible, adding to the constraint -- only as necessary. subtypeTypes ∷ MonadSubst tv r m ⇒ Bool → Type tv → Type tv → SeenT tv r m () subtypeTypes unify = check where check τ1 τ2 = do lift $ gtraceN 4 ("subtypeTypes", unify, τ1, τ2) τ1' ← subst τ1 τ2' ← subst τ2 seen ← get unless (M.lookup (τ1', τ2') seen >= Just unify) $ do put (M.insert (τ1', τ2') unify seen) decomp τ1' τ2' -- decomp τ1 τ2 = case (τ1, τ2) of (TyVar v1, TyVar v2) | v1 == v2 → return () (TyVar (Free r1), TyVar (Free r2)) | tvFlavorIs Universal r1, tvFlavorIs Universal r2 → if unify then unifyVar r1 (fvTy r2) else do lift (makeEquivTVs r1 r2) addEdge r1 r2 (TyVar (Free r1), _) | tvFlavorIs Universal r1 → occursCheck r1 τ2 decomp $ \τ2'' → do τ2' ← if unify then return τ2'' else copyType τ2'' unifyVar r1 τ2' unless unify (check τ2' τ2) (_, TyVar (Free r2)) | tvFlavorIs Universal r2 → do occursCheck r2 τ1 (flip decomp) $ \τ1'' → do τ1' ← if unify then return τ1'' else copyType τ1'' unifyVar r2 τ1' unless unify (check τ1 τ1') (TyQu Forall αs1 τ1', TyQu Forall αs2 τ2') | if unify then αs1 == αs2 else length αs1 == length αs2 && and (zipWith ((⊒)`on`snd) αs1 αs2) → check τ1' τ2' (TyQu Exists αs1 τ1', TyQu Exists αs2 τ2') | αs1 == αs2 → check τ1' τ2' (TyApp tc1 τs1, TyApp tc2 τs2) | tc1 == tc2 && tc1 /= tcRowMap && length τs1 == length τs2 → sequence_ [ if unify then if isQVariance var then τ1' ~: τ2' else check τ1' τ2' else relateTypes var τ1' τ2' | var ← tcArity tc1 | τ1' ← τs1 | τ2' ← τs2 ] (TyRow n1 τ11 τ12, TyRow n2 τ21 τ22) | n1 == n2 → do check τ11 τ21 check τ12 τ22 | otherwise → do α ← newTVTy check (TyRow n1 τ11 α) τ22 β ← newTVTy check τ12 (TyRow n2 τ21 β) check α β (TyMu _ τ1', _) → decomp (openTy 0 [τ1] τ1') τ2 (_, TyMu _ τ2') → decomp τ1 (openTy 0 [τ2] τ2') _ | Just (τ1', τ2') ← matchReduce τ1 τ2 → check τ1' τ2' (TyApp tc1 [τ11, τ12], TyApp tc2 [τ21, τ22]) | tc1 == tcRowMap && tc2 == tcRowMap → do check τ11 τ21 check τ12 τ22 _ | otherwise → tErrExp (if unify then [msg| Cannot unify: |] else [msg| Cannot subtype: |]) (pprMsg τ1) (pprMsg τ2) -- addEdge a1 a2 = do Gr.insNewMapNodeM a1 Gr.insNewMapNodeM a2 Gr.insMapEdgeM (a1, a2, ()) lift (fvTy a1 ⊏: fvTy a2) -- | Relate two types at the given variance. relateTypes ∷ MonadSubst tv r m ⇒ Variance → Type tv → Type tv → SeenT tv r m () relateTypes var = case var of Invariant → subtypeTypes True Covariant → subtypeTypes False Contravariant → flip (subtypeTypes False) QInvariant → (~:) QCovariant → (⊏:) QContravariant→ flip (⊏:) Omnivariant → \_ _ → return () -- | Copy a type while replacing all the type variables with fresh ones -- of the same kind. copyType ∷ MonadSubst tv r m ⇒ Type tv → m (Type tv) copyType = foldTypeM (mkQuF (return <$$$> TyQu)) (mkBvF (return <$$$> bvTy)) fvar fcon (return <$$$> TyRow) (mkMuF (return <$$> TyMu)) where fvar α | tvFlavorIs Universal α = newTVTy' (tvKind α) | otherwise = return (fvTy α) -- Nullary type constructors that are involved in the atomic subtype -- relation are converted to type variables: fcon tc τs = TyApp tc <$> sequence [ -- A Q-variant type constructor parameter becomes a single -- type variable: if isQVariance var then newTVTy' KdQual else return τ | τ ← τs | var ← tcArity tc ] -- | Unify a type variable with a type, where the type must be locally -- closed. -- ASSUMPTIONS: @α@ has not been substituted and the occurs check has -- already passed. unifyVar ∷ MonadSubst tv r m ⇒ tv → Type tv → SeenT tv r m () unifyVar α τ0 = do lift $ gtraceN 4 ("unifyVar", α, τ0) τ ← subst τ0 tassert (lcTy 0 τ) [msg| Cannot unify because a $τ is insufficiently polymorphic |] writeTV α τ lift (updatePinnedTVs α τ) (n, _) ← Gr.mkNodeM α gr ← Gr.getGraph case Gr.match n gr of (Nothing, _) → return () (Just (pres, _, _, sucs), gr') → do Gr.putGraph gr' sequence_ $ [ case Gr.lab gr' n' of Nothing → return () Just a → subtypeTypes False (fvTy a) τ | (_, n') ← pres ] ++ [ case Gr.lab gr' n' of Nothing → return () Just a → subtypeTypes False τ (fvTy a) | (_, n') ← sucs ] --- OCCURS CHECK -- | Performs the occurs check and returns a type suitable for unifying -- with the given type variable, if possible. This does the subtyping -- occurs check, which checks not in terms of type variables but in -- terms of same-size equivalence classes of type variables. -- Unification is possible if all occurrences of type variables -- size-equivalent to @α@ appear guarded by a type constructor that -- permits recursion, in which case we roll up @τ@ as a recursive type -- and return that. occursCheck ∷ MonadSubst tv r m ⇒ tv → Type tv → (Type tv → Type tv → SeenT tv r m ()) → (Type tv → SeenT tv r m ()) → SeenT tv r m () occursCheck α τ0 kv kt = do lift (gtraceN 3 ("occursCheck", α, τ0)) loop S.empty τ0 where loop seen τ = do let (guarded, unguarded) = (M.keys***M.keys) . M.partition id $ ftvG τ apparentCycle ← lift $ anyA (checkEquivTVs α) unguarded if apparentCycle then case headReduceType τ of Next τ'@(TyVar (Free _)) → kv (fvTy α) τ' Next τ' | τ' ∉ seen → loop (S.insert τ' seen) τ' _ → -- | This type error has to throw because continuing will -- likely cause the type checker to diverge. typeError' [msg| Occurs check failed. Cannot construct an infinite type when unifying:
type variable
|] else do recVars ← lift $ filterM (checkEquivTVs α) guarded unless (null recVars) $ lift (gtraceN 3 ("occursCheck", "recvars", recVars)) kt (foldr closeRec τ recVars) -- | Records that two type variables have the same size. makeEquivTVs ∷ MonadSubst tv r m ⇒ tv → tv → ConstraintT_ tv r m () makeEquivTVs α β = do pα ← getTVProxy α pβ ← getTVProxy β UF.coalesce_ (return <$$> S.union) pα pβ -- | Checks whether two type variables have the same size. checkEquivTVs ∷ MonadSubst tv r m ⇒ tv → tv → ConstraintT_ tv r m Bool checkEquivTVs α β = do pα ← getTVProxy α pβ ← getTVProxy β UF.sameRepr pα pβ -- | Clears all size-equivalence classes and rebuilds them based on the -- current atomic subtyping constraint graph. resetEquivTVs ∷ MonadSubst tv r m ⇒ ConstraintT_ tv r m () resetEquivTVs = do ConstraintT_ (modify (csEquivsUpdate (const M.empty))) g ← Gr.getGraph mapM_ (uncurry makeEquivTVs) [ (α, β) | (α, β) ← Gr.labNodeEdges g ] -- | Helper to get the proxy the represents the size-equivalence class -- of a type variable. getTVProxy ∷ MonadSubst tv r m ⇒ tv → ConstraintT_ tv r m (TVProxy tv r) getTVProxy α = do equivs ← ConstraintT_ (gets csEquivs) case M.lookup α equivs of Just pα → return pα Nothing → do pα ← UF.create (S.singleton α) ConstraintT_ (modify (csEquivsUpdate (M.insert α pα))) return pα --- CONSTRAINT SOLVING -- | Solve a constraint as much as possible, returning the type -- variables to generalize and their qualifier bounds. solveConstraint ∷ MonadSubst tv r m ⇒ Bool → Rank → Type tv → ConstraintT_ tv r m [(tv, QLit)] solveConstraint value γrank τ0 = do τ ← subst τ0 let τftv = ftvV τ gtraceN 2 (TraceIn ("gen", "begin", value, γrank, τftv, τ)) τftv ← coalesceSCCs τftv gtraceN 3 ("gen", "scc", τftv, τ) Gr.modifyGraph Gr.trcnr gtraceN 4 ("gen", "trc", τftv, τ) eliminateExistentials True (γrank, τftv) gtraceN 3 ("gen", "existentials 1", τftv, τ) untransitive gtraceN 3 ("gen", "untrans", τftv, τ) eliminateExistentials False (γrank, τftv) gtraceN 3 ("gen", "existentials 2", τftv, τ) τftv ← polarizedReduce τftv gtraceN 3 ("gen", "polarized", τftv, τ) eliminateExistentials False (γrank, τftv) gtraceN 3 ("gen", "existentials 3", τftv, τ) -- Guessing starts here τftv ← coalesceComponents value (γrank, τftv) gtraceN 3 ("gen", "components", τftv, τ) -- Guessing ends here qc ← ConstraintT_ $ gets csQuals >>= mapM subst cftv ← S.fromList . map snd <$> Gr.getsGraph Gr.labNodes αs ← S.fromDistinctAscList <$> filter (tvFlavorIs Universal) <$> (removeByRank γrank (S.toAscList $ (ftvSet qc `S.union` M.keysSet τftv) S.\\ cftv)) (qc, αqs, τ) ← solveQualifiers value αs qc τ ConstraintT_ (modify (csQualsUpdate (const qc))) gtraceN 2 (TraceOut ("gen", "finished", αqs, τ)) resetEquivTVs return αqs where -- -- Eliminate existentially-quantified type variables from the -- constraint eliminateExistentials trans (γrank, τftv) = do extvs ← getExistentials (γrank, τftv) traceN 4 ("existentials:", extvs) mapM (eliminateNode trans) (S.toList extvs) -- Get the existential type variables getExistentials (γrank, τftv) = do lnodes ← Gr.getsGraph Gr.labNodes cftv ← removeByRank γrank [ α | (_, α) ← lnodes ] return (S.fromList cftv S.\\ M.keysSet τftv) -- Remove a node unless it is necessary to associate some of its -- neighbors -- in particular, a node with multiple predecessors -- but no successor (or dually, multiple successors but no -- predecessor) should not be removed. eliminateNode trans α = do (nm, g) ← Gr.getNMState let node = Gr.nmLab nm α case (Gr.pre g node, Gr.suc g node) of (_:_:_, []) → return () ([], _:_:_) → return () (pre, suc) → do β ← newTVTy' KdQual writeTV α β traceN 4 ("eliminateNode", catMaybes (map (Gr.lab g) pre), β, catMaybes (map (Gr.lab g) suc)) Gr.putGraph $ let g' = Gr.delNode node g in if trans then g' else foldr ($) g' [ Gr.insEdge (n1, n2, ()) | n1 ← pre , n2 ← suc ] -- -- Remove redundant edges: -- • Edges implied by transitivity untransitive = Gr.modifyGraph Gr.untransitive -- -- Remove type variables based on polarity-related rules: -- • Coalesce positive type variables with a single predecessor -- and negative type variables with a single successor -- • Coalesce positive type variables that share all their -- predecessors and negative type variables that share all -- their successors. polarizedReduce = iterChanging $ \τftv → do nm ← Gr.getNodeMap foldM tryRemove τftv (findPolar nm τftv) where tryRemove τftv (n, α, var) = do let ln = (n, α) mτ ← readTV α g ← Gr.getGraph case (mτ, Gr.gelem n g) of (Left _, True) → case (var, Gr.pre g n, Gr.suc g n) of -- Should we consider QCo(ntra)variance here too? (Covariant, [pre], _) → snd <$> coalesce ln (Gr.labelNode g pre) τftv (Contravariant, _, [suc]) → snd <$> coalesce ln (Gr.labelNode g suc) τftv (Covariant, pres, _) → siblings g τftv (ln, 1) pres (Gr.pre,Gr.suc) (Contravariant, _, sucs) → siblings g τftv (ln, -1) sucs (Gr.suc,Gr.pre) _ → return τftv _ → return τftv findPolar nm τftv = [ (Gr.nmLab nm α, α, var) | (α, var) ← M.toList τftv , var == 1 || var == -1 ] siblings g τftv (lnode@(n,_), var) pres (gpre, gsuc) = do lnodes ← liftM ordNub . runListT $ do pre ← ListT (return pres) sib ← ListT (return (gsuc g pre)) guard $ sib /= n Just β ← return (Gr.lab g sib) guard $ M.lookup β τftv == Just var guard $ gpre g sib == pres return (sib, β) case lnodes of _:_ → do τftv' ← snd <$> coalesceList τftv (lnode:lnodes) return τftv' _ → return τftv -- -- Coalesce the strongly-connected components to single atoms coalesceSCCs τftv = do foldM (liftM snd <$$> coalesceList) τftv =<< Gr.getsGraph Gr.labScc -- Given a list of atoms, coalesce them to one atom coalesceList τftv0 (ln:lns) = foldM (\(ln1, state) ln2 → coalesce ln1 ln2 state) (ln, τftv0) lns coalesceList _ [] = typeBug "coalesceList" "Got []" -- Assign n2 to n1, updating the graph, type variables, and ftvs, -- and return whichever node survives -- PRECONDITION: α1 /= α2 coalesce (n1, α1) (n2, α2) τftv = do τftv' ← assignTV α1 α2 τftv assignNode n1 n2 return ((n2, α2), τftv') -- Update the graph to remove node n1, assigning all of its -- neighbors to n2 assignNode n1 n2 = Gr.modifyGraph $ \g → Gr.insEdges [ (n', n2, ()) | n' ← Gr.pre g n1, n' /= n1, n' /= n2 ] $ Gr.insEdges [ (n2, n', ()) | n' ← Gr.suc g n1, n' /= n1, n' /= n2 ] $ Gr.delNode n1 g -- Update the type variables to assign β to α, updating the -- ftvs appropriately assignTV α β τftv = do writeTV α (fvTy β) updatePinnedTVs α (fvTy β) assignFtvMap α β τftv -- Given two type variables, where α ← β, update a map of free -- type variables to variance lists accordingly assignFtvMap α β vmap = case M.lookup α vmap of Just vs → return $ M.insertWith (+) β vs vmap' Nothing → return vmap where vmap' = M.delete α vmap -- Coalesce and remove fully-generalizable components coalesceComponents value (γrank, τftv) = do extvs ← getExistentials (γrank, τftv) τcands ← genCandidates value τftv γrank let candidates = extvs `S.union` τcands each τftv component@(_:_) | all (`S.member` candidates) (map snd component) = do ((node, _), τftv') ← coalesceList τftv component Gr.getGraph >>= Gr.putGraph . Gr.delNode node return τftv' each τftv _ = return τftv foldM each τftv =<< Gr.getsGraph Gr.labComponents -- Find the generalization candidates, which are free in τ but -- not in γ (restricted further if not a value) genCandidates value τftv γrank = S.fromDistinctAscList <$> removeByRank γrank (map fst (M.toAscList (restrict τftv))) where restrict = if value then id else M.filter (`elem` [1, -1, 2, -2]) --- --- QUALIFIER CONSTRAINT SOLVING --- {- Syntactic metavariables: γ: any type variable α: generalization candidates β: type variables with Q-variance δ: generalization candidates with Q-variance q: qualifier literals _s: a collection of _ qe ::= q | γs | q γs (qualifier expressions) First rewrite as follows: (DECOMPOSE) γs₁ \ γs₂ = γ₁ ... γⱼ βs = { γ ∈ γs₂ | γ is Q-variant } βsᵢ = if γᵢ is Q-variant then γs₂ else βs ----------------------------------------------------------------------- q₁ γs₁ ⊑ q₂ γs₂ ---> q₁ \-\ q₂ ⊑ βs ⋀ γ₁ ⊑ q₁ βs₁ ⋀ ... ⋀ γⱼ ⊑ q₁ βsᵢ (BOT-SAT) --------------- U ⊑ βs ---> ⊤ (TOP-SAT) ----------------- γ ⊑ A βs ---> ⊤ (BOT-UNSAT) q ≠ U ----------------- q ⊑ U ---> fail (COMBINE-QLIT) -------------------------------------------- γ ⊑ q ⋀ γ ⊑ q' ⋀ C; τ ---> γ ⊑ q⊓q' ⋀ C; τ (COMBINE-LE) q ⊑ q' βs ⊆ βs' --------------------------------------------------- γ ⊑ q βs ⋀ γ ⊑ q' βs' ⋀ C; τ ---> γ ⊑ q βs ⋀ C; τ Then we have a constraint where each inequality is in one of two forms: γ ⊑ q βs q ⊑ βs Now we continue to rewrite and perform substitutions as well. Continue to apply the above rules when they apply. These new rewrites apply to a whole constraint and type together, not to single atomic constraints. For a type variable γ and type τ, let V(γ,τ) be γ's variance in τ. We also refer to the free type variables in only the lower or upper bounds of a constraint C as lftv(C) and uftv(C), respectively. These are non-lossy rewrites. Repeat them as much as possible, continuing to apply the rewrites above when applicable: (FORCE-U) ------------------------------- β ⊑ U ⋀ C; τ ---> [U/β](C; τ) (SUBST-NEG) δ ∉ lftv(C) V(δ,τ) ⊑ Q- --------------------------------- δ ⊑ qe ⋀ C; τ ---> [qe/δ](C; τ) (SUBST-NEG-TOP) δ ∉ lftv(C) V(δ,τ) ⊑ Q- ------------------------- C; τ ---> [A/δ](C; τ) (SUBST-POS) δ ∉ uftv(C) V(δ,τ) ⊑ Q+ ----------------------------------------------------------- qe₁ ⊑ δ ⋀ ... ⋀ qeⱼ ⊑ δ ⋀ C; τ ---> [qe₁⊔...⊔qeⱼ/δ](C; τ) (SUBST-INV) δ ∉ uftv(C) V(δ,τ) = Q= δ' fresh -------------------------------------------------------------- qe₀ ⊑ δ ⋀ ... ⋀ qeⱼ ⊑ δ ⋀ C; τ ---> [δ'⊔qe₀⊔...⊔qeⱼ/δ](C; τ) Substitute for contravariant qualifier variables by adding these lossy rewrites: (SUBST-NEG-LOSSY) δ ∉ lftv(C) V(δ,τ) = Q- ----------------------------------------------- δ ⊑ q₁ βs₁ ⋀ ... ⋀ δ ⊑ qⱼ βsⱼ ⋀ C; τ ---> [(q₁⊓...⊓qⱼ) (βs₁ ∩ ... ∩ βsⱼ)/δ](C; τ) Run SAT as below for anything we missed. Then, add bounds: (BOUND) α ∉ lftv(C) V(α,τ) ∈ { -, +, =, Q= } q = q₁⊓...⊓qⱼ ------------------------------------------------------ α ⊑ q₁ βs₁ ⋀ ... ⋀ α ⊑ qⱼ βsⱼ ⋀ C; τ ---> [U/α]C; ∀α:q. τ We convert it to SAT as follows: Define: πa(Q) = A ⊑ Q πa(β) = 2 * tvId β + 1 πa(q1 ⊔ q2) = πa(q1) ⋁ πa(q2) πa(q1 ⊓ q2) = πa(q1) ⋀ πa(q2) Then given the constraint q1 ⊑ q1' ⋀ ... ⋀ qk ⊑ qk' generate the formula: (πa(q1) ⇒ πa(q1')) ⋀ ... ⋀ (πa(qk) ⇒ πa(qk')) -} -- | Represents the meet of several qualifier expressions, which happens -- when some variable has multiple upper bounds. These are normalized -- to implement COMBINE-QLIT and COMBINE-LE. newtype QEMeet tv = QEMeet { unQEMeet ∷ [S.Set tv] } instance Bounded (QEMeet tv) where minBound = QEMeet [S.empty] maxBound = QEMeet [] instance Tv tv ⇒ Ppr.Ppr (QEMeet tv) where ppr (QEMeet []) = Ppr.char 'A' ppr (QEMeet [qe]) = Ppr.ppr (QeU qe) ppr (QEMeet qem) = Ppr.prec Ppr.precCaret $ Ppr.fsep (Ppr.punctuate (Ppr.text " ⋀") (Ppr.ppr <$> QeU <$> qem)) instance Tv tv ⇒ Show (QEMeet tv) where showsPrec = Ppr.showFromPpr instance Ord tv ⇒ Ftv (QEMeet tv) tv where ftvTree = FTBranch . map FTSingle . S.toList . ftvSet ftvSet = S.unions . unQEMeet instance Ord tv ⇒ Monoid (QEMeet tv) where mempty = maxBound mappend = foldr (qemInsert . QeU) <$.> unQEMeet qemSingleton ∷ QExp tv → QEMeet tv qemSingleton QeA = maxBound qemSingleton (QeU αs) = QEMeet [αs] qemInsert ∷ Ord tv ⇒ QExp tv → QEMeet tv → QEMeet tv qemInsert qe (QEMeet qem) = QEMeet (loop qe qem) where loop QeA qem = qem loop (QeU αs) qem = loopU αs qem loopU αs [] = [αs] loopU αs (βs:qem) | αs `S.isSubsetOf` βs = loopU αs qem | βs `S.isSubsetOf` αs = βs:qem | otherwise = βs:loopU αs qem -- | State of the qualifier constraint solver data QCState tv = QCState { -- | Generalization candidates, which are type variables that -- appear in the qualifier constraint or type-to-be-generalized, -- but not in the shape constraint or environment sq_αs ∷ !(S.Set tv), -- | The current type to be generalized sq_τ ∷ !(Type tv), -- | Free type variables and variances in the type-to-be-generalized. sq_τftv ∷ !(VarMap tv), -- | Part of the qualifier constraint: joins of type variables -- lower-bounded by qualifier literals. sq_βlst ∷ ![(QLit, S.Set tv)], -- | Part of the qualifier constraint: type variables -- upper-bounded by (meets of) qualifier expressions. sq_vmap ∷ !(M.Map tv (QEMeet tv)) } deriving Show -- | The empty qualifier constraint qcState0 ∷ QCState tv qcState0 = QCState S.empty tyUnit M.empty mempty M.empty instance Tv tv ⇒ Ppr.Ppr (QCState tv) where ppr sq = p . M.fromList $ [ ("αs", p (sq_αs sq)) , ("τ", p (sq_τ sq)) , ("τftv", p (sq_τftv sq)) , ("βlst", Ppr.fsep . Ppr.punctuate (Ppr.text " ⋀") $ [ p ql Ppr.<> Ppr.char '⊑' Ppr.<> Ppr.hcat (Ppr.punctuate (Ppr.char '⊔') (p <$> S.toList tvs)) | (ql, tvs) ← sq_βlst sq ]) , ("vmap", Ppr.fsep . Ppr.punctuate (Ppr.text " ⋀") $ [ p α Ppr.<> Ppr.char '⊑' Ppr.<> p qe | (α, qem) ← M.toList (sq_vmap sq) , qe ← unQEMeet qem ]) ] where p x = Ppr.ppr x --- --- MAIN QUALIFIER CONSTRAINT OPERATIONS --- -- | Add a qualifier subtyping constraint addQualConstraint ∷ (MonadSubst tv r m, Qualifier q1 tv, Qualifier q2 tv) ⇒ q1 → q2 → ConstraintT_ tv r m () addQualConstraint q1 q2 = do q1' ← simplifyQual q1 q2' ← simplifyQual q2 tassert (q1' /= qlitexp Qa || q2' /= qlitexp Qu) [msg| Qualifier inequality unsatisfiable: Attempted to use an affine type where only an unlimited type is permitted. |] let qe1 = mapQExp (S.mapMonotonic Free) q1' qe2 = mapQExp (S.mapMonotonic Free) q2' unless (q1' ⊑ q2') $ ConstraintT_ . modify . csQualsUpdate $ ((qualToType qe1, qualToType qe2) :) -- Find qualifier bounds for type variables that definitely have only -- upper bounds. solveBounds ∷ MonadSubst tv r m ⇒ [tv] → ConstraintT_ tv r m [QLit] solveBounds αs = do qc ← ConstraintT_ (gets csQuals) state ← decomposeQuals qc qcState0 traceN 4 ("solveBounds", "decompose", state) let vmap = sq_vmap state ConstraintT_ . modify . csQualsUpdate . const $ recomposeQuals state { sq_vmap = foldl' (flip M.delete) vmap αs } return [ case M.lookup α vmap of Just (QEMeet (_:_)) → Qu _ → Qa | α ← αs ] -- Ensure that the qualifier constraint is satisfiable, but don't -- make any approximating assumptions toward solving the constraint. checkQualifiers ∷ MonadSubst tv r m ⇒ ConstraintT_ tv r m () checkQualifiers = do qc ← ConstraintT_ (gets csQuals) state ← decomposeQuals qc qcState0 traceN 4 ("checkQualifiers", "decompose", state) runSat state False ConstraintT_ . modify . csQualsUpdate . const $ recomposeQuals state -- | Solver for qualifier contraints. -- Given a qualifier constraint, solve and produce type variable -- bounds. Also return any remaining inequalities (which must be -- satisfiable, but we haven't guessed how to satisfy them yet). solveQualifiers ∷ MonadConstraint tv r m ⇒ -- | Are we generalizing the type of a non-expansive term? Bool → -- | Generalization candidates S.Set tv → -- | The constraint as pairs of types in the subqualifier relation [(Type tv, Type tv)] → -- | The type to be generalized Type tv → m ([(Type tv, Type tv)], [(tv, QLit)], Type tv) solveQualifiers value αs qc τ = do traceN 3 (TraceIn ("solveQ", "init", αs, qc)) -- Decompose implements DECOMPOSE, TOP-SAT, BOT-SAT, and BOT-UNSAT. τftv ← ftvV <$> subst τ state ← decomposeQuals qc qcState0 { sq_αs = αs, sq_τftv = τftv, sq_τ = τ } traceN 4 ("solveQ", "decompose", state) -- Rewrite until it stops changing state ← iterChanging (stdizeType >=> forceU >=> substNeg False >=>! substPosInv >=>! substNeg True) state traceN 4 ("solveQ", "rewrites", state) -- Try the SAT solver, then recheck state ← runSat state True traceN 4 ("solveQ", "sat", state) runSat state False -- Finish by reconstructing the constraint and returning the bounds -- for the variables to quantify. state ← genVars state traceN 3 (TraceOut ("solveQ", "done", state)) return (recomposeQuals state, getBounds state, τ) where -- -- Standardize the qualifiers in the type stdizeType state = do τ ← subst τ let meet (QEMeet [αs]) | S.null αs = Qu meet _ = Qa qm = meet <$> sq_vmap state τ' = standardizeQuals qm τ τftv = ftvV τ' traceN 5 ("stdizeType", τ, τ', qm) return state { sq_τ = τ', sq_τftv = τftv } -- -- Substitute U for qualifier variables upper bounded by U (FORCE-U). forceU state = qSubsts "forceU" state $ minBound <$ M.filterWithKey (\β qem → case qem of QEMeet [γs] → qUnifiable state β && S.null γs _ → False) (sq_vmap state) -- -- Replace Q- and 0-variant variables by a single upper bound, if they -- have only one (SUBST-NEG), or by A if they have none (SUBST-NEG-TOP). -- If 'doLossy', then we include SUBST-NEG-LOSSY as well, which uses -- approximate lower bounds for combining multiple upper bounds. substNeg doLossy state = qSubsts who state $ M.fromDistinctAscList $ do δ ← S.toAscList (sq_αs state) guard (qUnifiable state δ && M.lookup δ (sq_τftv state) ⊑ Just QContravariant) case M.lookup δ (sq_vmap state) of Nothing → return (δ, maxBound) Just (QEMeet []) → return (δ, maxBound) Just (QEMeet [qe]) → return (δ, QeU qe) Just (QEMeet qes) | doLossy → return (δ, bigMeet (QeU <$> qes)) | otherwise → mzero where who = if doLossy then "substNeg/lossy" else "substNeg" -- -- Replace Q+ and Q= variables with tight lower bounds. substPosInv state = do let add qe (S.toList → [β]) | β `S.member` sq_αs state = M.insertWith (liftA2 (⊔)) β (Just qe) add _ βs = M.union (setToMap Nothing βs) -- For each (γ ⊑ meet) in the state, make γ ⊑ each qe in the meet add_vmap = M.foldrWithKey each <-> (sq_vmap state) where each γ (QEMeet qem) = foldr (add (qvarexp γ)) <-> qem -- for each (q ⊑ βs) in the state, make q ⊑ βs add_βlst = foldr each <-> sq_βlst state where each (q, βs) = add (qlitexp q) βs -- The lower bounds lbs = M.mapMaybe id . add_βlst . add_vmap $ setToMap (Just minBound) (S.filter (qUnifiable state) (sq_αs state)) M.\\ sq_vmap state -- Positive variables with lower bounds pos = lbs M.\\ M.filter (/= QCovariant) (sq_τftv state) -- Invariant variables with lower bounds inv = lbs `M.intersection` M.filter (== QInvariant) (sq_τftv state) (δ's, inv) ← first S.fromDistinctAscList . unzip <$> sequence [ do δ' ← newTV' KdQual return (δ', (δ, S.insert δ' `mapQExp` qe)) | (δ, qe) ← M.toAscList inv , qe /= minBound ] qSubsts "substPosInv" state { sq_αs = sq_αs state `S.union` δ's } (pos `M.union` M.fromDistinctAscList inv) -- -- Find the variables to generalize genVars state = return state { sq_αs = αs' } where αs' = sq_αs state `S.intersection` kset kset = M.keysSet (keep (sq_τftv state)) keep = if value then id else M.filter (`elem` [-2,-1,1,2]) -- -- Find the the bounds of variables to generalize getBounds state = map (id &&& getBound) (S.toList (sq_αs state)) where getBound α = maybe maxBound qeMeetQLit (M.lookup α (sq_vmap state)) -- -- The QLit lower bound of a QExp qeMeetQLit (QEMeet []) = maxBound qeMeetQLit _ = minBound --- --- COMMON QUALIFIER CONSTRAINT HELPERS --- -- Put a set of qualifier inequalities in decomposed form (given -- possibly some in decomposed form already. decomposeQuals ∷ MonadSubst tv r m ⇒ [(Type tv, Type tv)] → QCState tv → m (QCState tv) decomposeQuals qc0 state0 = do qc ← stdize qc0 traceN 4 ("decomposeQuals", "stdize", qc) decompose state0 qc where -- -- Given a list of qualifier inequalities on types, produce a list of -- inequalities on standard-form qualifiers, omitting trivial -- inequalities along the way. stdize qc = mapM each qc where each (τl, τh) = do qe1 ← simplifyQual τl qe2 ← simplifyQual τh return (qe1, qe2) -- -- Given a list of inequalities on qualifiers, rewrite them into -- the two decomposed forms: -- -- • γ ⊑ q βs -- -- • q ⊑ βs -- -- This implements DECOMPOSE, BOT-SAT, TOP-SAT, and BOT-UNSAT. decompose = foldM each where each state (_, QeA) = return state -- (TOP-SAT) each state (QeA, QeU γs2) = each' state (Qa, S.empty) γs2 each state (QeU γs1, QeU γs2) = each' state (Qu, γs1) γs2 each' state (q1, γs1) γs2 = do let γs' = γs1 S.\\ γs2 βs' = S.filter flex γs2 flex = (||) <$> qUnifiable state <*> (`S.notMember` sq_αs state) fβlst ← case q1 of -- (BOT-SAT) Qu → return id -- (BOT-UNSAT) _ | S.null βs' → do tErrExp_ [msg| Qualifier inequality unsatisfiable. |] (pprMsg q1) (pprMsg (QeU γs2)) return id | otherwise → return ((q1, βs') :) let fvmap = M.unionWith mappend (setToMapWith bound γs') bound γ | M.lookup γ (sq_τftv state) == Just Covariant , γ `S.member` sq_αs state = qemSingleton maxBound | qUnifiable state γ = qemSingleton (QeU γs2) | otherwise = qemSingleton (QeU βs') return state { sq_βlst = fβlst (sq_βlst state), sq_vmap = fvmap (sq_vmap state) } -- | Turn the decomposed constraint back into a list of pairs of types. recomposeQuals ∷ Ord tv ⇒ QCState tv → [(Type tv, Type tv)] recomposeQuals state = [ (fvTy γ, clean βs) | (γ, QEMeet qem) ← M.toList (sq_vmap state) , γ `S.notMember` sq_αs state , βs ← qem ] ++ [ (qualToType ql, clean βs) | (ql, βs) ← sq_βlst state ] where clean βs = qualToType (βs S.\\ sq_αs state) -- | Given a list of type variables and qualifiers, substitute for each, -- updating the state as necessary. qSubsts ∷ MonadConstraint tv r m ⇒ String → QCState tv → M.Map tv (QExp tv) → m (QCState tv) qSubsts who state γqes0 | M.null γqes0 = return state | otherwise = do traceN 4 (who, γqes0, state) let sanitize _ [] [] = typeBug "subst" $ "Attempted impossible substitution: " ++ show γqes0 sanitize _ acc [] = unsafeSubsts state (M.fromDistinctAscList (reverse acc)) sanitize seen acc ((γ, qe):rest) | S.member γ (S.union seen (ftvSet qe)) = sanitize seen acc rest | otherwise = sanitize (seen `S.union` ftvSet qe) ((γ, qe):acc) rest sanitize S.empty [] (M.toAscList γqes0) where -- -- This does the main work of substitution, and it has a funny -- precondition (which is enforced by 'subst', above), namely: -- the type variables will be substituted in increasing order, so the -- image of later variables must not contain earlier variables. -- -- This is okay: { 1 ↦ 2 3, 2 ↦ 4 } -- This is not okay: { 1 ↦ 3 4, 2 ↦ 1 } unsafeSubsts state γqes = do sequence [ do let τ = qualToType (liftVQExp qe) writeTV γ τ updatePinnedTVs γ τ | (γ, qe) ← M.toList γqes ] let γset = M.keysSet γqes unchanged set = S.null (γset `S.intersection` set) (βlst, βlst') = List.partition (unchanged . snd) (sq_βlst state) (vmap, vmap') = M.partitionWithKey (curry (unchanged . ftvSet)) (sq_vmap state) let ineqs = [ (qualToType ql, qualToType βs) | (ql, βs) ← βlst' ] ++ [ (fvTy γ, qualToType qe) | (γ, qem) ← M.toList vmap' , qe ← unQEMeet qem ] state ← decomposeQuals ineqs state { sq_αs = sq_αs state S.\\ γset, sq_τftv = M.foldrWithKey substQE (sq_τftv state) γqes, sq_βlst = βlst, sq_vmap = vmap } traceN 4 ("subst", γqes, state) return state -- | Substitute and simplify a qualifier expression simplifyQual ∷ (MonadSubst tv r m, Qualifier q tv) ⇒ q → m (QExp tv) simplifyQual q = do qe ← qualifier <$> subst (qualToType q) case qe of QeA → return QeA QeU γs → do (γs', qls) ← partitionJust tvQual <$> mapM fromTyVar (S.toAscList γs) case bigJoin qls of Qa → return QeA _ → return (QeU (S.fromDistinctAscList γs')) --- --- SAT SOLVING FOR QUALIFIER CONSTRAINTS --- -- -- As a last ditch effort, use a simple SAT solver to find a -- decent literal-only substitution. runSat ∷ MonadConstraint tv r m ⇒ QCState tv → Bool → m (QCState tv) runSat state doIt = do let sols = SAT.solve =<< SAT.assertTrue formula SAT.newSatSolver traceN 4 ("runSat", formula, sols) case sols of [] → do typeError_ [msg| Qualifier constraints unsatisfiable |] return state sat:_ | doIt → qSubsts "sat" state =<< M.fromDistinctAscList <$> sequence [ return (δ, qlitexp ql) -- warn $ "\nSAT: substituting " ++ show (QE ql slack) ++ -- " for type variable " ++ show δ | δ ← S.toAscList (sq_αs state) , qUnifiable state δ , let (ql, var) = decodeSatVar δ (sq_τftv state) sat , ql == Qa || var /= QInvariant ] _ → return state where formula = foldr (SAT.:&&:) SAT.Yes $ [ (πa τftv q ==> πa τftv βs) | (q, βs) ← sq_βlst state ] ++ [ (πa τftv (Free α) ==> πa τftv αs) | (α, QEMeet qes) ← M.toList (sq_vmap state) , qUnifiable state α , αs ← qes ] p ==> q = SAT.Not p SAT.:||: q τftv = sq_τftv state -- | To encode some qualifier as a SAT formula class SATable a v where πa ∷ VarMap v → a → SAT.Boolean instance SATable QLit v where πa _ Qa = SAT.Yes πa _ _ = SAT.No instance Tv v ⇒ SATable (TyVar v) v where πa vm (Free β) = encodeSatVar β vm πa _ _ = SAT.No instance Tv v ⇒ SATable (S.Set v) v where πa vm vs = S.fold ((SAT.:||:) . πa vm . Free) SAT.No vs -- | Given a type variable and a SAT solution, return a bound -- for that type variable as implied by the solution. decodeSatVar ∷ Tv tv ⇒ tv → VarMap tv → SAT.SatSolver → (QLit, Variance) decodeSatVar β vm solver = (q, var) where (maximize, var) = maximizeVariance β vm q = case (maximize, mba) of -- For minimizing variables, each component tells us whether that -- component may be omitted from the substitution, so we choose the -- smallest qualifier literal that includes the required components. (False, Just False) → Qa (False, _ ) → Qu -- For maximizing variables, each component tells us whether that -- component may be included in the substitution, so we choose the -- largest qualifier literal that omits the forbidden components. (True , Just False) → Qu (True , _ ) → Qa mba = SAT.lookupVar βa solver βa = tvUniqueID β -- | Encode the 'q' component of type variable 'β'. We want to maximize -- contravariant variables and minimize all the others. Since the -- solver tries true before false, we use a positive literal to stand -- for the 'q' component of a maximized variable and a negative -- literal for a minimized variable. encodeSatVar ∷ Tv tv ⇒ tv → VarMap tv → SAT.Boolean encodeSatVar β vm | fst (maximizeVariance β vm) = SAT.Var z | otherwise = SAT.Not (SAT.Var z) where z = tvUniqueID β maximizeVariance ∷ Ord tv ⇒ tv → VarMap tv → (Bool, Variance) maximizeVariance γ vm = case M.findWithDefault 0 γ vm of v@QCovariant → (False, v) v@QInvariant → (False, v) v → (True, v) instance Ppr.Ppr SAT.Boolean where pprPrec = Ppr.pprFromShow instance Ppr.Ppr SAT.SatSolver where pprPrec = Ppr.pprFromShow --- --- General qualifier-solving utility functions --- -- | Is the given type variable unifiable as a qualifier variable? -- Right now, this just means its kind is 'KdQual'. qUnifiable ∷ Tv tv ⇒ QCState tv → tv → Bool qUnifiable _ α = tvKindIs KdQual α -- | Project a free type variable from a 'TyVar', or error if the -- 'TyVar' is bounds. fromTyVar ∷ MonadAlmsError m ⇒ TyVar tv → m tv fromTyVar (Free α) = return α fromTyVar _ = typeBug "solveQualifiers" "Got bound type variable" -- | Update a type variable variance map as a result of substituting a -- qualifier expression for a type variable. substQE ∷ Ord tv ⇒ tv → QExp tv → VarMap tv → VarMap tv substQE β qe vmap = case takeMap β vmap of (Just v, vmap') → M.unionWith (⊔) vmap' (setToMap v (ftvSet qe)) _ → vmap -- | Lookup a key in a map and remove the key from the map. takeMap ∷ Ord k ⇒ k → M.Map k v → (Maybe v, M.Map k v) takeMap = M.updateLookupWithKey (\_ _ → Nothing) -- | Lift a 'S.Set' to a 'M.Map' with constant value setToMap ∷ a → S.Set k → M.Map k a setToMap = setToMapWith . const -- | Lift a 'S.Set' to a 'M.Map' with values computed from keys. setToMapWith ∷ (k → a) → S.Set k → M.Map k a setToMapWith f = M.fromDistinctAscList . map (id &&& f) . S.toAscList {- OPTIMIZATIONS FROM SIMONET 2003 6.1 Collapsing Cycles This is the SCC phase 6.2 Polarities (implemented in buildGraph) Upper bounds on positive variables and lower bounds on negative variables are irrelevant, e.g.: f : ∀ α ≤ A. 1 → α × α f : ∀ α. 1 → α × α Or: let rec f = λx. f (f x) in f f : α → β [β ≤ α] f : ∀α. ∀β ≤ α. α → β f : ∀α. ∀β. α → β 6.3 Reducing Chains (implemented in polarizedReduce) A positive variable with a single predecessor can be fused with the predecessor; dually, a negative variable can be fused with a single successor. ∀ α ≤ A. α → 1 A → 1 ∀ α ≤ A. α × α → 1 A × A → 1 Currently this is implemented only for variables that occur only once. Why? 6.4 Polarized Garbage Collection ? 6.5 Minimization If two positive variables have all the same predecessors, the can be coalesced. Dually for negative variables with the same successors. ∀ α ≤ C. ∀ β ≤ C. α × β → 1 A × B → 1 ∀ α ≤ C. α × α → 1 C × C → 1 A × B → 1 -}