(* Typestate file IO *) open IO abstype in_channel' = InChannel of handle with let open_in s = InChannel (openFile s ReadMode) let input_char (InChannel h) = hGetChar h let input_line (InChannel h) = hGetLine h let eof_in (InChannel h) = hIsEOF h let close_in (InChannel h) = hClose h end abstype out_channel = OutChannel of handle with let open_out s = OutChannel (openFile s WriteMode) let output_char (OutChannel h) = hPutChar h let output_string (OutChannel h) = hPutStr h let eof_out (OutChannel h) = hIsEOF h let close_out (OutChannel h) = hClose h end abstype in_channel : A = InChannel of in_channel' with let a_open_in s = InChannel (open_in s) let a_input_char (InChannel rep as ic) = (input_char rep, ic) let a_input_line (InChannel rep as ic) = (input_line rep, ic) let a_close_in (InChannel rep) = close_in rep let a_eof_in (InChannel rep as ic) = if eof_in rep then close_in rep; None else Some ic end let cat filename = let rec loop ic = match a_eof_in ic with | None -> () | Some ic -> let (c, ic) = a_input_char ic in putChar c; loop ic in loop (a_open_in filename)