(* Example: conventional arrays and locks *) #load "libarray" module A = Array (* The first array example. *) let deposit (a: int A.array) (acct: int) (amount: int) = A.set a acct (A.get a acct + amount) (* Alms doesn't provide locks, since MVars are strictly better, * but for the sake of example: *) module type LOCK = sig type lock val new : unit → lock val acquire : lock → unit val release : lock → unit end module Lock : LOCK = struct type lock = unit MVar.mvar let new = MVar.new let acquire = MVar.take let release (mv: lock) = MVar.put mv () end (* The array example with locks. *) let deposit' (a: int A.array) (acct: int) (amount: int) (lock: Lock.lock) = Lock.acquire lock; A.set a acct (A.get a acct + amount); Lock.release lock