(* An example with session types, including recursion. Reads natural numbers (very brittle) from standard input until getting a blank line, then prints the sum. *) #load "libthread" #load "libsessiontype" open SessionType type protocol = ?int; 1 |+| !int; protocol let server = let rec loop acc (c : protocol dual channel) = match follow c with | Left c → send c acc; () | Right c → let (x, c) = recv c in loop (acc + x) c in loop 0 let client = let rec loop (c : protocol channel) = let s = getLine () in if s == "" then let c = sel1 c in let (r, _) = recv c in r else let c = sel2 c in let c = send c (int_of_string s) in loop c in loop let main () = let rv : protocol rendezvous = newRendezvous () in AThread.fork (λ () -> server (accept rv)); client (request rv) in print (main ())