{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections, ParallelListComp, NoMonomorphismRestriction #-} module Compile(compile) where import Debug.Trace import My.Prelude import My.Data.Graph as G hiding (deleteEdge,deleteNode) import My.Data.List import My.Control.Monad.State import My.Control.Monad import Data.Maybe import Data.Either import PCode import Context.Language import Syntax import ID import Compile.Utils import Compile.State as CS compile dest expr = runStateT st defaultState >ยง \(code,cs) -> (code,imports cs) where st = do (_,(start,_)) <- compile' dest expr simplify start >>= linearize compile' dest (Symbol sym) = do name <- getSymName sym let def = SymVal Value sym val = fromMaybe def (IntVal $< (readConstant =<< name)) fromMaybe (nullCodeVal val) $ do v <- dest guard (not $ v `varEqVal` val) return $ do n <- createNode (Instr $ set v val) return (def,singleCode n) compile' dest (Group (Symbol id:args)) = do gl <- getSymVal id let compile = case gl of Just (Axiom a) -> compileAxiom a Just (Builtin b) -> compileBuiltin b _ -> \d a -> compileCall d (Symbol id:a) compile dest args compile' dest (Group args) = compileCall dest args compileBy op dest args = do (vars,code) <- unzip $< mapM (compile' Nothing) args dest <- maybe newVar return dest n <- createNode (Instr $ op dest vars) sequence_ [createEdge TimeDep n' n | (_,l) <- code, n' <- l] return (SymVal Value dest,(n:concatMap fst code,[n])) compileBuiltin = compileBy . Op compileCall = compileBuiltin BCall compileAxiom XAlter _ forms = do let (vars,exprs) = partitionEithers $ zipWith ($) (cycle [Left,Right]) forms codes <- sequence [compile' (Just v) e | Symbol v <- vars | e <- exprs] let (starts,ends) = unzip $ map snd codes return (NullVal,(concat starts,concat ends)) compileAxiom XBind _ args = doBind args where doBind' bVars compile = compile *>>= \v -> do bnd <- bindFromSyntax bVars n <- createNode (Instr $ PCode.Bind bnd v) return (NullVal,singleCode n) doBind [bVars] = doBind' bVars $ nullCode doBind [bVars,expr] = doBind' bVars $ newVar >>= \v -> compile' (Just v) expr compileAxiom XDo dest [] = nullCode compileAxiom XDo dest forms = do let cs = reverse $ zipWith compile' (dest:repeat Nothing) (reverse forms) foldr1 (*>>) cs compileAxiom XChoose dest (cond:forms) = do start <- mkNoop ; end <- mkNoop alts <- replicateM (length forms) mkNoop v <- maybe newVar return dest let dest = Just v withTopInfo (start,alts,end,dest) $ do return (NullVal,singleCode start) *>> compile' Nothing cond *>>= \cv -> do let code = zipWith compile' (repeat dest) forms fun alt code = return (NullVal,singleCode alt) *>> code *>> makeBranch NullVal [end] sequence_ $ zipWith fun alts code makeBranch cv alts return (SymVal Value v,([start],[end])) compileAxiom XReturn dest [arg] = withInfo $ \(_,_,end,dest) -> compile' dest arg *>> makeBranch NullVal [end] compileAxiom XRestart _ [] = withInfo $ \(start,_,_,_) -> makeBackBranch NullVal [start] compileAxiom XRestart _ [arg] = withInfo $ \(_,alts,_,_) -> compile' Nothing arg *>>= \v -> makeBackBranch v alts compileAxiom XVerb dest [Group (name:args),expr] = do bindArgs <- mapM bindFromSyntax args (sym,ret,code) <- compileBody name expr lift $ modify $ exportSymVal sym (Verb (Code bindArgs code ret)) compile' dest (Symbol sym) compileAxiom XVerb dest [Symbol s,Symbol a] = do lift $ modify $ \env -> exportSymVal s (lookupSymVal a env) env compile' dest (Symbol s) compileAxiom XNoun dest [Symbol sym,size,init] = do (retSz,codeSz) <- compileExpr size (retInit,codeInit) <- compileExpr init lift $ modify $ exportSymVal sym $ Noun (Code [] codeSz (symBind retSz)) (Code [symBind sym] codeInit (symBind retInit)) compile' dest (Symbol sym) compileAxiom XLang _ [Symbol s] = do getSymName s >>= maybe (return()) (modify . (\n e -> e { imports = n:imports e })) nullCode compileAxiom XID dest [Symbol s] = compileValue dest (SymVal SymID s) compileAxiom XAddr dest [Symbol s] = compileValue dest (SymVal Address s) compileAxiom XSize dest [Symbol s] = compileValue dest (SymVal Size s) compileAxiom a _ args = error $ "Couldn't compile axiom "++show a++" with args "++show args compileExpr expr = do ret <- newVar (code,imps) <- lift $ compile (Just ret) expr modifyF importsF (imps++) return (ret,code) compileBody retBind body = do bv <- bindFromSyntax retBind (ret,code) <- compileExpr body return (bindSym bv,bv { bindSym = ret },code) compileValue dest val = do c <- singleCode $< case dest of Just v -> createNode (Instr $ set v val) Nothing -> mkNoop return (val,c) bindFromSyntax (Symbol v) = return $ symBind v bindFromSyntax (Group (Symbol v:t)) = do let fun (ns,l) (Symbol v) = getSymName v >>= \s -> maybe (fun' ns l (Symbol v)) (\n -> return (n:ns,l)) (readConstant =<< s) fun (ns,l) e = fun' ns l e fun' ns l e = do b <- bindFromSyntax e return ([],(b,product ns):l) (pads,subs) <- foldM fun ([],[]) $ reverse t let size = foldl (<+>) (pad,0) $ [(n*a,n*b) | (BindVar _ (a,b) _ _,n) <- subs] pad = if null pads then 0 else product pads (a,b) <+> (a',b') = (a+a',b+b') return $ BindVar v size pad subs bindFromSyntax s = error $ "Invalid shape for bindVar : "++show s -- Copyright (c) 2012, Coiffier Marc -- All rights reserved. -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: -- Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. 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