module Data.Alpino.DepStruct.Pickle (xpAlpinoDS) where
import Control.Monad.State (State, evalState, get, put)
import Data.Tree (rootLabel, subForest)
import qualified Data.Tree as DT
import Text.Printf (printf)
import Text.XML.Expat.Pickle
import Data.Alpino.DepStruct
data LabelOrRef =
Label {
lorLabel :: DSLabel
| Ref {
lorRel :: Rel,
lorIdx :: Integer
} deriving (Show)
xpAlpinoDS :: PU [UNode String] AlpinoDS
xpAlpinoDS =
xpElemNodes "alpino_ds" $
xpWrap (
\(lOrRefTree, sent) ->
AlpinoDS (evalState (resolveTree lOrRefTree) []) sent,
\n -> (
evalState (refTree $ dsRoot n) [],
dsSentence n
) $
xpNode :: PU [UNode String] (DT.Tree LabelOrRef)
xpNode =
xpAlt picklerIndex [xpLexNode, xpCatNode, xpRefNode]
picklerIndex (DT.Node lr _) = case lr of
(Label label) -> case label of
LexLabel _ _ _ _ _ _ -> 0
CatLabel _ _ _ _ _ -> 1
Ref _ _ -> 2
xpCatNode :: PU [UNode String] (DT.Tree LabelOrRef)
xpCatNode =
xpWrap (
\((rel, cat, idx, begin, end), forest) ->
DT.Node (Label $ CatLabel rel cat idx begin end) forest,
\t -> (
(labelRel $ lorLabel $ rootLabel t,
labelCat $ lorLabel $ rootLabel t,
labelIdx $ lorLabel $ rootLabel t,
labelBegin $ lorLabel $ rootLabel t,
labelEnd $ lorLabel $ rootLabel t),
subForest t)
) $
xpElem "node"
(xpAttr "rel" xpRel)
(xpAttr "cat" xpCat)
(xpAttrImplied "index" xpickle)
(xpAttrImplied "begin" xpickle)
(xpAttrImplied "end" xpickle))
(xpList xpNode)
xpLexNode :: PU [UNode String] (DT.Tree LabelOrRef)
xpLexNode =
xpWrap (
\(rel, pos, root, idx, begin, end) ->
DT.Node (Label $ LexLabel rel pos root idx begin end) [],
\t ->
(labelRel $ lorLabel $ rootLabel t,
labelPos $ lorLabel $ rootLabel t,
labelRoot $ lorLabel $ rootLabel t,
labelIdx $ lorLabel $ rootLabel t,
labelBegin $ lorLabel $ rootLabel t,
labelEnd $ lorLabel $ rootLabel t)) $
xpElemAttrs "node"
(xpAttr "rel" xpRel)
(xpAttr "pos" xpText)
(xpAttr "root" xpText)
(xpAttrImplied "index" xpickle)
(xpAttrImplied "begin" xpickle)
(xpAttrImplied "end" xpickle))
xpRefNode :: PU [UNode String] (DT.Tree LabelOrRef)
xpRefNode =
xpWrap (
\(rel, idx) ->
DT.Node (Ref rel idx) [],
\t ->
(lorRel $ rootLabel t,
lorIdx $ rootLabel t)) $
xpElemAttrs "node"
(xpAttr "rel" xpRel)
(xpAttr "index" xpickle))
cats :: [(Cat, String)]
cats = [(SMain, "smain"), (NP, "np"), (PPart, "ppart"), (PPres, "ppres"),
(PP, "pp"), (SSub, "ssub"), (Inf, "inf"), (Cp, "cp"), (DU, "du"),
(Ap, "ap"), (AdvP, "advp"), (TI, "ti"), (Rel, "rel"), (WhRel, "whrel"),
(WhSub, "whsub"), (Conj, "conj"), (WhQ, "whq"), (Oti, "oti"),
(Ahi, "ahi"), (DetP, "detp"), (SV1, "sv1"), (SVan, "svan"),
(MWU, "mwu"), (TopCat, "top")]
xpCat :: PU String Cat
xpCat =
"Could not parse 'cat' attribute."
(\cat -> lookup cat $ map (\(a, b) -> (b, a)) cats,
\cat -> case lookup cat cats of
Just c -> c
Nothing -> error "Bug: Category list is incomplete!"
rels :: [(Rel, String)]
rels = [(Hdf, "hdf"), (Hd, "hd"), (Cmp, "cmp"), (Sup, "sup"),
(Su, "su"), (Obj1, "obj1"), (PObj1, "pobj1"), (Obj2, "obj2"),
(Se, "se"), (PC, "pc"), (VC, "vc"), (SVP, "svp"), (PredC, "predc"),
(Ld, "ld"), (Me, "me"), (PredM, "predm"), (ObComp, "obcomp"),
(Mod, "mod"), (Body, "body"), (Det, "det"), (App, "app"),
(Whd, "whd"), (Rhd, "rhd"), (Cnj, "cnj"), (Crd, "crd"),
(Nucl, "nucl"), (Sat, "sat"), (Tag, "tag"), (DP, "dp"),
(Top, "top"), (MWP, "mwp"), (DLink, "dlink"), (DashDash, "--")]
xpRel :: PU String Rel
xpRel =
"Could not parse 'rel' attribute."
(\rel -> lookup rel $ map (\(a, b) -> (b, a)) rels,
\rel -> case lookup rel rels of
Just r -> r
Nothing -> error "Bug: Relation list is incomplete!"
xpSentence :: PU [UNode String] String
xpSentence =
xpElemNodes "sentence" (xpContent xpText0)
type ResolveState = [(Integer, DT.Tree DSLabel)]
resolveTree :: DT.Tree LabelOrRef -> State ResolveState (DT.Tree DSLabel)
resolveTree (DT.Node (Label l) sf) = do
lsf <- mapM resolveTree sf
let node = DT.Node l lsf
case labelIdx l of
Just idx -> do
coIndexed <- get
put $ (idx, node):coIndexed
Nothing -> return ()
return node
resolveTree (DT.Node (Ref rel idx) _) = do
coIndexed <- get
let (DT.Node l ds) = case lookup idx coIndexed of
Just n -> n
Nothing -> error $ printf "Invalid coreference: %i" idx
let newLabel = l { labelRel = rel }
return $ DT.Node newLabel ds
type RefState = [Integer]
refTree :: DT.Tree DSLabel -> State RefState (DT.Tree LabelOrRef)
refTree (DT.Node l sf) = do
coIndexed <- get
case labelIdx l of
Just idx -> if elem idx coIndexed then
return $ DT.Node (Ref (labelRel l) idx) []
else do
lrSf <- mapM refTree sf
put $ idx : coIndexed
return $ DT.Node (Label l) lrSf
Nothing -> do
lrSf <- mapM refTree sf
return $ DT.Node (Label l) lrSf