{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{- |
ALSA does not distinguish between programming errors and runtime exceptions,
which is sad, but we have to cope with it.
module Sound.ALSA.Exception where

import qualified Control.Exception.Extensible as Exc
import Control.Exception.Extensible (Exception, )

import Data.Typeable (Typeable, )
import Foreign.C.Error (Errno(Errno), ePIPE, errnoToIOError, )
import Foreign.C.String (CString, peekCString, )
import qualified Foreign.C.Types as C

import Prelude hiding (catch, show, )
import qualified Prelude as P

data T = Cons {
   location    :: String,
   description :: String,
   code        :: Errno
   } deriving (Typeable)

instance Show T where
   showsPrec p (Cons l d (Errno c)) =
      showParen (p>10)
         (showString "AlsaException.Cons " .
          shows l . showString " " .
          shows d . showString " " .
          showParen True (showString "Errno " . shows c))

instance Exception T where

checkResult :: Integral a => String -> a -> IO a
checkResult f r =
   if r < 0
     then throw f (Errno (negate (fromIntegral r)))
     else return r

checkResult_ :: Integral a => String -> a -> IO ()
checkResult_ f r = checkResult f r >> return ()

checkResultMaybe :: String -> (C.CInt -> a) -> (C.CInt -> Maybe a) -> C.CInt -> IO a
checkResultMaybe f ok err x =
   if x >= 0
     then return (ok x)
     else case err x of
             Just a -> return a
             _ -> throw f (Errno x)

throw :: String -> Errno -> IO a
throw fun err = do
   d <- strerror err
   Exc.throw Cons
     { location = fun
     , description = d
     , code = err

catch :: IO a -> (T -> IO a) -> IO a
catch = Exc.catch

catchErrno ::
   -> IO a -- ^ Action
   -> IO a -- ^ Handler
   -> IO a
catchErrno e x h =
   catch x (\ex -> if code ex == e then h else Exc.throw ex)

catchXRun ::
      IO a -- ^ Action
   -> IO a -- ^ Handler
   -> IO a
catchXRun = catchErrno ePIPE

showErrno :: Errno -> String
showErrno (Errno n) = P.show n

show :: T -> String
show e =
   location e ++ ": " ++
   description e ++ " (" ++ showErrno (code e) ++ ")"

-- | Converts any 'AlsaException.T' into an 'IOError'.
-- This produces better a error message than letting an uncaught
-- 'AlsaException.T' propagate to the top.
rethrow :: IO a -> IO a
rethrow x =
    catch x $ \e ->
       ioError (errnoToIOError (location e)
                               (code e) Nothing Nothing)

-- | Returns the message for an error code.
strerror :: Errno -> IO String
strerror x = peekCString =<< snd_strerror x

foreign import ccall "alsa/asoundlib.h snd_strerror"
  snd_strerror :: Errno -> IO CString