Name: alsa-midi Version: 0.3 License: GPL Author: Soenke Hahn Maintainer: Henning Thielemann Homepage: Repository: Category: Sound Tested-With: GHC==6.4.1 Build-Type: Simple Build-Depends: base, midi==0.0.4, event-list==0.0.5, non-negative==0.0.1 -- mtl==1.0 only needed in PlayMIDI for Monad instance of Either -- jack for SimpleSynth example Synopsis: Bindings for the ALSA sequencer API (MIDI stuff) Description: Bindings for the ALSA sequencer API (MIDI stuff) Since there is also which aims at a more complete interface to ALSA we will no longer maintain this one. Hs-Source-Dirs: src Exposed-Modules: Sound.ALSA.Sequencer -- Other-Modules: Sound.ALSA.SequencerFFI GHC-Options: -Wall -threaded extensions: ForeignFunctionInterface license-file: LICENSE extra-libraries: asound includes: alsa/asoundlib.h include-dirs: /usr/local/include, /usr/include extra-source-files: README , examples/SimpleSynth.hs Executable: playnote Hs-source-dirs: src, . GHC-Options: -Wall -threaded Extensions: ForeignFunctionInterface Extra-Libraries: asound Main-Is: examples/PlayNote.hs Executable: playmidi Hs-source-dirs: src, . GHC-Options: -Wall -threaded Extensions: ForeignFunctionInterface Extra-Libraries: asound Main-Is: examples/PlayMIDI.hs Executable: mididump Hs-source-dirs: src, . GHC-Options: -Wall -threaded Extensions: ForeignFunctionInterface Extra-Libraries: asound Main-Is: examples/MidiDump.hs -- needs Jack package -- Executable: simplesynth -- Hs-source-dirs: src, . -- GHC-Options: -Wall -threaded -- Extensions: ForeignFunctionInterface -- Extra-Libraries: asound -- Main-Is: examples/SimpleSynth.hs