{-# LANGUAGE DisambiguateRecordFields #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE StrictData #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-matches #-} -- Derived from AWS service descriptions, licensed under Apache 2.0. -- | -- Module : Amazonka.CloudSearchDomains.Types -- Copyright : (c) 2013-2023 Brendan Hay -- License : Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. -- Maintainer : Brendan Hay -- Stability : auto-generated -- Portability : non-portable (GHC extensions) module Amazonka.CloudSearchDomains.Types ( -- * Service Configuration defaultService, -- * Errors _DocumentServiceException, _SearchException, -- * ContentType ContentType (..), -- * QueryParser QueryParser (..), -- * Bucket Bucket (..), newBucket, bucket_count, bucket_value, -- * BucketInfo BucketInfo (..), newBucketInfo, bucketInfo_buckets, -- * DocumentServiceWarning DocumentServiceWarning (..), newDocumentServiceWarning, documentServiceWarning_message, -- * FieldStats FieldStats (..), newFieldStats, fieldStats_count, fieldStats_max, fieldStats_mean, fieldStats_min, fieldStats_missing, fieldStats_stddev, fieldStats_sum, fieldStats_sumOfSquares, -- * Hit Hit (..), newHit, hit_exprs, hit_fields, hit_highlights, hit_id, -- * Hits Hits (..), newHits, hits_cursor, hits_found, hits_hit, hits_start, -- * SearchStatus SearchStatus (..), newSearchStatus, searchStatus_rid, searchStatus_timems, -- * SuggestModel SuggestModel (..), newSuggestModel, suggestModel_found, suggestModel_query, suggestModel_suggestions, -- * SuggestStatus SuggestStatus (..), newSuggestStatus, suggestStatus_rid, suggestStatus_timems, -- * SuggestionMatch SuggestionMatch (..), newSuggestionMatch, suggestionMatch_id, suggestionMatch_score, suggestionMatch_suggestion, ) where import Amazonka.CloudSearchDomains.Types.Bucket import Amazonka.CloudSearchDomains.Types.BucketInfo import Amazonka.CloudSearchDomains.Types.ContentType import Amazonka.CloudSearchDomains.Types.DocumentServiceWarning import Amazonka.CloudSearchDomains.Types.FieldStats import Amazonka.CloudSearchDomains.Types.Hit import Amazonka.CloudSearchDomains.Types.Hits import Amazonka.CloudSearchDomains.Types.QueryParser import Amazonka.CloudSearchDomains.Types.SearchStatus import Amazonka.CloudSearchDomains.Types.SuggestModel import Amazonka.CloudSearchDomains.Types.SuggestStatus import Amazonka.CloudSearchDomains.Types.SuggestionMatch import qualified Amazonka.Core as Core import qualified Amazonka.Core.Lens.Internal as Lens import qualified Amazonka.Prelude as Prelude import qualified Amazonka.Sign.V4 as Sign -- | API version @2013-01-01@ of the Amazon CloudSearch Domain SDK configuration. defaultService :: Core.Service defaultService = Core.Service { Core.abbrev = "CloudSearchDomains", Core.signer = Sign.v4, Core.endpointPrefix = "cloudsearchdomain", Core.signingName = "cloudsearch", Core.version = "2013-01-01", Core.s3AddressingStyle = Core.S3AddressingStyleAuto, Core.endpoint = Core.defaultEndpoint defaultService, Core.timeout = Prelude.Just 70, Core.check = Core.statusSuccess, Core.error = Core.parseJSONError "CloudSearchDomains", Core.retry = retry } where retry = Core.Exponential { Core.base = 5.0e-2, Core.growth = 2, Core.attempts = 5, Core.check = check } check e | Lens.has (Core.hasStatus 502) e = Prelude.Just "bad_gateway" | Lens.has (Core.hasStatus 504) e = Prelude.Just "gateway_timeout" | Lens.has (Core.hasStatus 500) e = Prelude.Just "general_server_error" | Lens.has (Core.hasStatus 509) e = Prelude.Just "limit_exceeded" | Lens.has ( Core.hasCode "RequestThrottledException" Prelude.. Core.hasStatus 400 ) e = Prelude.Just "request_throttled_exception" | Lens.has (Core.hasStatus 503) e = Prelude.Just "service_unavailable" | Lens.has ( Core.hasCode "ThrottledException" Prelude.. Core.hasStatus 400 ) e = Prelude.Just "throttled_exception" | Lens.has ( Core.hasCode "Throttling" Prelude.. Core.hasStatus 400 ) e = Prelude.Just "throttling" | Lens.has ( Core.hasCode "ThrottlingException" Prelude.. Core.hasStatus 400 ) e = Prelude.Just "throttling_exception" | Lens.has ( Core.hasCode "ProvisionedThroughputExceededException" Prelude.. Core.hasStatus 400 ) e = Prelude.Just "throughput_exceeded" | Lens.has (Core.hasStatus 429) e = Prelude.Just "too_many_requests" | Prelude.otherwise = Prelude.Nothing -- | Information about any problems encountered while processing an upload -- request. _DocumentServiceException :: (Core.AsError a) => Lens.Fold a Core.ServiceError _DocumentServiceException = Core._MatchServiceError defaultService "DocumentServiceException" -- | Information about any problems encountered while processing a search -- request. _SearchException :: (Core.AsError a) => Lens.Fold a Core.ServiceError _SearchException = Core._MatchServiceError defaultService "SearchException"