{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

-- Module      : Network.AWS.Data.Internal.XML
-- Copyright   : (c) 2013-2014 Brendan Hay <brendan.g.hay@gmail.com>
-- License     : This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of
--               the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
--               A copy of the MPL can be found in the LICENSE file or
--               you can obtain it at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
-- Maintainer  : Brendan Hay <brendan.g.hay@gmail.com>
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : non-portable (GHC extensions)

module Network.AWS.Data.Internal.XML
    -- * FromXML
      FromXML   (..)
    , decodeXML
    , parseXMLText
    , childNodes
    , findElement
    , withContent
    , withElement
    , withNode
    , (.@)
    , (.@?)

    -- * ToXML
    , ToXML     (..)
    , ToXMLRoot (..)
    , encodeXML
    , toXMLText
    , namespaced
    , element
    , nodes
    , (=@)
    , unsafeToXML
    ) where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Data.Default.Class
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Text                            (Text)
import Network.AWS.Data.Internal.ByteString
import Network.AWS.Data.Internal.Text
import Numeric.Natural
import Text.XML

decodeXML :: LazyByteString -> Either String [Node]
decodeXML = either failure success . parseLBS def
    failure = Left  . show
    success = Right . elementNodes . documentRoot

encodeXML :: ToXMLRoot a => a -> LazyByteString
encodeXML x = renderLBS def d
    d = Document
        { documentPrologue = p
        , documentRoot     = toXMLRoot x
        , documentEpilogue = []

    p = Prologue
        { prologueBefore  = []
        , prologueDoctype = Nothing
        , prologueAfter   = []

parseXMLText :: FromText a => String -> [Node] -> Either String a
parseXMLText n = withContent n fromText
{-# INLINE parseXMLText #-}

toXMLText :: ToText a => a -> [Node]
toXMLText x = [NodeContent (toText x)]
{-# INLINE toXMLText #-}

(.@) :: FromXML a => [Node] -> Text -> Either String a
ns .@ n = findElement n ns >>= parseXML
{-# INLINE (.@) #-}

(.@?) :: FromXML a => [Node] -> Text -> Either String (Maybe a)
ns .@? n =
    case findElement n ns of
        Left _   -> Right Nothing
        Right xs -> parseXML xs
{-# INLINE (.@?) #-}

namespaced :: Text -> Text -> [Node] -> Element
namespaced g l = element (Name l (Just g) Nothing)
{-# INLINE namespaced #-}

element :: Name -> [Node] -> Element
element n = Element n mempty
{-# INLINE element #-}

nodes :: Name -> [Node] -> [Node]
nodes n ns = [NodeElement (element n ns)]
{-# INLINE nodes #-}

(=@) :: ToXML a => Name -> a -> Node
n =@ x = NodeElement (element n (toXML x))
{-# INLINE (=@) #-}

-- | /Caution:/ This is for use with types which are 'flattened' in
-- AWS service model terminology. It is applied by the generator/templating
-- in safe contexts only.
unsafeToXML :: (Show a, ToXML a) => a -> Node
unsafeToXML x =
    fromMaybe (error $ "Failed to unflatten node-list for: " ++ show x)
              (listToMaybe (toXML x))
{-# INLINE unsafeToXML #-}

withContent :: String -> (Text -> Either String a) -> [Node] -> Either String a
withContent n f = withNode n (join . fmap f . g)
    g (NodeContent x)
        = Right x
    g (NodeElement e)
        = Left $ "unexpected element " ++ show (elementName e) ++ " when expecting node content: " ++ n
    g _ = Left $ "unexpected element, when expecting node content: " ++ n
{-# INLINE withContent #-}

withNode :: String -> (Node -> Either String a) -> [Node] -> Either String a
withNode n f = \case
    [x] -> f x
    []  -> Left $ "empty node list, when expecting a single node: " ++ n
    _   -> Left $ "encountered node list, when expecting a single node: " ++ n
{-# INLINE withNode #-}

withElement :: Text -> ([Node] -> Either String a) -> [Node] -> Either String a
withElement n f = join . fmap f . findElement n
{-# INLINE withElement #-}

findElement :: Text -> [Node] -> Either String [Node]
findElement n ns = maybe err Right . listToMaybe $ mapMaybe (childNodes n) ns
    err = Left $ "unable to find element "
        ++ show n
        ++ " in nodes "
        ++ show (mapMaybe name ns)

    name (NodeElement e) = Just (nameLocalName (elementName e))
    name _               = Nothing
{-# INLINE findElement #-}

childNodes :: Text -> Node -> Maybe [Node]
childNodes n (NodeElement e)
    | nameLocalName (elementName e) == n = Just (elementNodes e)
childNodes _ _ = Nothing
{-# INLINE childNodes #-}

class FromXML a where
    parseXML :: [Node] -> Either String a

instance FromXML a => FromXML (Maybe a) where
    parseXML [] = pure Nothing
    parseXML ns = Just <$> parseXML ns
    {-# INLINE parseXML #-}

instance FromXML Text    where parseXML = parseXMLText "Text"
instance FromXML Int     where parseXML = parseXMLText "Int"
instance FromXML Integer where parseXML = parseXMLText "Integer"
instance FromXML Natural where parseXML = parseXMLText "Natural"
instance FromXML Double  where parseXML = parseXMLText "Double"
instance FromXML Bool    where parseXML = parseXMLText "Bool"

class ToXMLRoot a where
    toXMLRoot :: a -> Element

class ToXML a where
    toXML :: a -> [Node]

    default toXML :: ToXMLRoot a => a -> [Node]
    toXML = (:[]) . NodeElement . toXMLRoot
    {-# INLINE toXML #-}

instance ToXML a => ToXML (Maybe a) where
    toXML (Just x) = toXML x
    toXML Nothing  = []
    {-# INLINE toXML #-}

instance ToXML Text    where toXML = toXMLText
instance ToXML Int     where toXML = toXMLText
instance ToXML Integer where toXML = toXMLText
instance ToXML Natural where toXML = toXMLText
instance ToXML Double  where toXML = toXMLText
instance ToXML Bool    where toXML = toXMLText