{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings  #-}

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-imports #-}

-- Derived from AWS service descriptions, licensed under Apache 2.0.

-- |
-- Module      : Network.AWS.DirectConnect.Types.Sum
-- Copyright   : (c) 2013-2015 Brendan Hay
-- License     : Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
-- Maintainer  : Brendan Hay <brendan.g.hay@gmail.com>
-- Stability   : auto-generated
-- Portability : non-portable (GHC extensions)
module Network.AWS.DirectConnect.Types.Sum where

import           Network.AWS.Prelude

-- | State of the connection.
-- -   __Ordering__: The initial state of a hosted connection provisioned
--     on an interconnect. The connection stays in the ordering state until
--     the owner of the hosted connection confirms or declines the
--     connection order.
-- -   __Requested__: The initial state of a standard connection. The
--     connection stays in the requested state until the Letter of
--     Authorization (LOA) is sent to the customer.
-- -   __Pending__: The connection has been approved, and is being
--     initialized.
-- -   __Available__: The network link is up, and the connection is ready
--     for use.
-- -   __Down__: The network link is down.
-- -   __Deleting__: The connection is in the process of being deleted.
-- -   __Deleted__: The connection has been deleted.
-- -   __Rejected__: A hosted connection in the \'Ordering\' state will
--     enter the \'Rejected\' state if it is deleted by the end customer.
data ConnectionState
    = CSAvailable
    | CSDeleted
    | CSDeleting
    | CSDown
    | CSOrdering
    | CSPending
    | CSRejected
    | CSRequested
    deriving (Eq,Ord,Read,Show,Enum,Bounded,Data,Typeable,Generic)

instance FromText ConnectionState where
    parser = takeLowerText >>= \case
        "available" -> pure CSAvailable
        "deleted" -> pure CSDeleted
        "deleting" -> pure CSDeleting
        "down" -> pure CSDown
        "ordering" -> pure CSOrdering
        "pending" -> pure CSPending
        "rejected" -> pure CSRejected
        "requested" -> pure CSRequested
        e -> fromTextError $ "Failure parsing ConnectionState from value: '" <> e
           <> "'. Accepted values: available, deleted, deleting, down, ordering, pending, rejected, requested"

instance ToText ConnectionState where
    toText = \case
        CSAvailable -> "available"
        CSDeleted -> "deleted"
        CSDeleting -> "deleting"
        CSDown -> "down"
        CSOrdering -> "ordering"
        CSPending -> "pending"
        CSRejected -> "rejected"
        CSRequested -> "requested"

instance Hashable     ConnectionState
instance ToByteString ConnectionState
instance ToQuery      ConnectionState
instance ToHeader     ConnectionState

instance FromJSON ConnectionState where
    parseJSON = parseJSONText "ConnectionState"

-- | State of the interconnect.
-- -   __Requested__: The initial state of an interconnect. The
--     interconnect stays in the requested state until the Letter of
--     Authorization (LOA) is sent to the customer.
-- -   __Pending__: The interconnect has been approved, and is being
--     initialized.
-- -   __Available__: The network link is up, and the interconnect is ready
--     for use.
-- -   __Down__: The network link is down.
-- -   __Deleting__: The interconnect is in the process of being deleted.
-- -   __Deleted__: The interconnect has been deleted.
data InterconnectState
    = ISAvailable
    | ISDeleted
    | ISDeleting
    | ISDown
    | ISPending
    | ISRequested
    deriving (Eq,Ord,Read,Show,Enum,Bounded,Data,Typeable,Generic)

instance FromText InterconnectState where
    parser = takeLowerText >>= \case
        "available" -> pure ISAvailable
        "deleted" -> pure ISDeleted
        "deleting" -> pure ISDeleting
        "down" -> pure ISDown
        "pending" -> pure ISPending
        "requested" -> pure ISRequested
        e -> fromTextError $ "Failure parsing InterconnectState from value: '" <> e
           <> "'. Accepted values: available, deleted, deleting, down, pending, requested"

instance ToText InterconnectState where
    toText = \case
        ISAvailable -> "available"
        ISDeleted -> "deleted"
        ISDeleting -> "deleting"
        ISDown -> "down"
        ISPending -> "pending"
        ISRequested -> "requested"

instance Hashable     InterconnectState
instance ToByteString InterconnectState
instance ToQuery      InterconnectState
instance ToHeader     InterconnectState

instance FromJSON InterconnectState where
    parseJSON = parseJSONText "InterconnectState"

-- | State of the virtual interface.
-- -   __Confirming__: The creation of the virtual interface is pending
--     confirmation from the virtual interface owner. If the owner of the
--     virtual interface is different from the owner of the connection on
--     which it is provisioned, then the virtual interface will remain in
--     this state until it is confirmed by the virtual interface owner.
-- -   __Verifying__: This state only applies to public virtual interfaces.
--     Each public virtual interface needs validation before the virtual
--     interface can be created.
-- -   __Pending__: A virtual interface is in this state from the time that
--     it is created until the virtual interface is ready to forward
--     traffic.
-- -   __Available__: A virtual interface that is able to forward traffic.
-- -   __Down__: A virtual interface that is BGP down.
-- -   __Deleting__: A virtual interface is in this state immediately after
--     calling /DeleteVirtualInterface/ until it can no longer forward
--     traffic.
-- -   __Deleted__: A virtual interface that cannot forward traffic.
-- -   __Rejected__: The virtual interface owner has declined creation of
--     the virtual interface. If a virtual interface in the \'Confirming\'
--     state is deleted by the virtual interface owner, the virtual
--     interface will enter the \'Rejected\' state.
data VirtualInterfaceState
    = Available
    | Confirming
    | Deleted
    | Deleting
    | Pending
    | Rejected
    | Verifying
    deriving (Eq,Ord,Read,Show,Enum,Bounded,Data,Typeable,Generic)

instance FromText VirtualInterfaceState where
    parser = takeLowerText >>= \case
        "available" -> pure Available
        "confirming" -> pure Confirming
        "deleted" -> pure Deleted
        "deleting" -> pure Deleting
        "pending" -> pure Pending
        "rejected" -> pure Rejected
        "verifying" -> pure Verifying
        e -> fromTextError $ "Failure parsing VirtualInterfaceState from value: '" <> e
           <> "'. Accepted values: available, confirming, deleted, deleting, pending, rejected, verifying"

instance ToText VirtualInterfaceState where
    toText = \case
        Available -> "available"
        Confirming -> "confirming"
        Deleted -> "deleted"
        Deleting -> "deleting"
        Pending -> "pending"
        Rejected -> "rejected"
        Verifying -> "verifying"

instance Hashable     VirtualInterfaceState
instance ToByteString VirtualInterfaceState
instance ToQuery      VirtualInterfaceState
instance ToHeader     VirtualInterfaceState

instance FromJSON VirtualInterfaceState where
    parseJSON = parseJSONText "VirtualInterfaceState"