{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-imports #-} -- Module : Network.AWS.DynamoDB.Types -- Copyright : (c) 2013-2014 Brendan Hay -- License : This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of -- the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. -- A copy of the MPL can be found in the LICENSE file or -- you can obtain it at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -- Maintainer : Brendan Hay -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : non-portable (GHC extensions) module Network.AWS.DynamoDB.Types ( -- * Service DynamoDB -- ** Error , JSONError -- * WriteRequest , WriteRequest , writeRequest , wDeleteRequest , wPutRequest -- * ProvisionedThroughputDescription , ProvisionedThroughputDescription , provisionedThroughputDescription , ptdLastDecreaseDateTime , ptdLastIncreaseDateTime , ptdNumberOfDecreasesToday , ptdReadCapacityUnits , ptdWriteCapacityUnits -- * KeyType , KeyType (..) -- * AttributeValue , AttributeValue , attributeValue , avB , avBOOL , avBS , avL , avM , avN , avNS , avNULL , avS , avSS -- * IndexStatus , IndexStatus (..) -- * ProvisionedThroughput , ProvisionedThroughput , provisionedThroughput , ptReadCapacityUnits , ptWriteCapacityUnits -- * TableStatus , TableStatus (..) -- * ProjectionType , ProjectionType (..) -- * TableDescription , TableDescription , tableDescription , tdAttributeDefinitions , tdCreationDateTime , tdGlobalSecondaryIndexes , tdItemCount , tdKeySchema , tdLocalSecondaryIndexes , tdProvisionedThroughput , tdTableName , tdTableSizeBytes , tdTableStatus -- * KeysAndAttributes , KeysAndAttributes , keysAndAttributes , kaaAttributesToGet , kaaConsistentRead , kaaExpressionAttributeNames , kaaKeys , kaaProjectionExpression -- * ReturnConsumedCapacity , ReturnConsumedCapacity (..) -- * ReturnItemCollectionMetrics , ReturnItemCollectionMetrics (..) -- * AttributeValueUpdate , AttributeValueUpdate , attributeValueUpdate , avuAction , avuValue -- * ExpectedAttributeValue , ExpectedAttributeValue , expectedAttributeValue , eavAttributeValueList , eavComparisonOperator , eavExists , eavValue -- * AttributeDefinition , AttributeDefinition , attributeDefinition , adAttributeName , adAttributeType -- * ComparisonOperator , ComparisonOperator (..) -- * ReturnValue , ReturnValue (..) -- * LocalSecondaryIndex , LocalSecondaryIndex , localSecondaryIndex , lsiIndexName , lsiKeySchema , lsiProjection -- * GlobalSecondaryIndexDescription , GlobalSecondaryIndexDescription , globalSecondaryIndexDescription , gsidIndexName , gsidIndexSizeBytes , gsidIndexStatus , gsidItemCount , gsidKeySchema , gsidProjection , gsidProvisionedThroughput -- * ItemCollectionMetrics , ItemCollectionMetrics , itemCollectionMetrics , icmItemCollectionKey , icmSizeEstimateRangeGB -- * Capacity , Capacity , capacity , cCapacityUnits -- * ConsumedCapacity , ConsumedCapacity , consumedCapacity , ccCapacityUnits , ccGlobalSecondaryIndexes , ccLocalSecondaryIndexes , ccTable , ccTableName -- * GlobalSecondaryIndex , GlobalSecondaryIndex , globalSecondaryIndex , gsiIndexName , gsiKeySchema , gsiProjection , gsiProvisionedThroughput -- * LocalSecondaryIndexDescription , LocalSecondaryIndexDescription , localSecondaryIndexDescription , lsidIndexName , lsidIndexSizeBytes , lsidItemCount , lsidKeySchema , lsidProjection -- * AttributeAction , AttributeAction (..) -- * ScalarAttributeType , ScalarAttributeType (..) -- * Projection , Projection , projection , pNonKeyAttributes , pProjectionType -- * Select , Select (..) -- * KeySchemaElement , KeySchemaElement , keySchemaElement , kseAttributeName , kseKeyType -- * DeleteRequest , DeleteRequest , deleteRequest , dKey -- * UpdateGlobalSecondaryIndexAction , UpdateGlobalSecondaryIndexAction , updateGlobalSecondaryIndexAction , ugsiaIndexName , ugsiaProvisionedThroughput -- * PutRequest , PutRequest , putRequest , pItem -- * Condition , Condition , condition , cAttributeValueList , cComparisonOperator -- * ConditionalOperator , ConditionalOperator (..) -- * GlobalSecondaryIndexUpdate , GlobalSecondaryIndexUpdate , globalSecondaryIndexUpdate , gsiuUpdate ) where import Data.Char (isUpper) import Network.AWS.Error import Network.AWS.Prelude import Network.AWS.Signing.V4 import qualified GHC.Exts -- | Version @2012-08-10@ of the Amazon DynamoDB service. data DynamoDB instance AWSService DynamoDB where type Sg DynamoDB = V4 type Er DynamoDB = JSONError service = Service { _svcEndpoint = regional , _svcAbbrev = "DynamoDB" , _svcPrefix = "dynamodb" , _svcVersion = "2012-08-10" , _svcTargetPrefix = Just "DynamoDB_20120810" , _svcJSONVersion = Just "1.0" } handle = jsonError statusSuccess data WriteRequest = WriteRequest { _wDeleteRequest :: Maybe DeleteRequest , _wPutRequest :: Maybe PutRequest } deriving (Eq, Show) -- | 'WriteRequest' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'wDeleteRequest' @::@ 'Maybe' 'DeleteRequest' -- -- * 'wPutRequest' @::@ 'Maybe' 'PutRequest' -- writeRequest :: WriteRequest writeRequest = WriteRequest { _wPutRequest = Nothing , _wDeleteRequest = Nothing } -- | A request to perform a /DeleteItem/ operation. wDeleteRequest :: Lens' WriteRequest (Maybe DeleteRequest) wDeleteRequest = lens _wDeleteRequest (\s a -> s { _wDeleteRequest = a }) -- | A request to perform a /PutItem/ operation. wPutRequest :: Lens' WriteRequest (Maybe PutRequest) wPutRequest = lens _wPutRequest (\s a -> s { _wPutRequest = a }) instance FromJSON WriteRequest where parseJSON = withObject "WriteRequest" $ \o -> WriteRequest <$> o .:? "DeleteRequest" <*> o .:? "PutRequest" instance ToJSON WriteRequest where toJSON WriteRequest{..} = object [ "PutRequest" .= _wPutRequest , "DeleteRequest" .= _wDeleteRequest ] data ProvisionedThroughputDescription = ProvisionedThroughputDescription { _ptdLastDecreaseDateTime :: Maybe ISO8601 , _ptdLastIncreaseDateTime :: Maybe ISO8601 , _ptdNumberOfDecreasesToday :: Maybe Nat , _ptdReadCapacityUnits :: Maybe Nat , _ptdWriteCapacityUnits :: Maybe Nat } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) -- | 'ProvisionedThroughputDescription' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'ptdLastDecreaseDateTime' @::@ 'Maybe' 'UTCTime' -- -- * 'ptdLastIncreaseDateTime' @::@ 'Maybe' 'UTCTime' -- -- * 'ptdNumberOfDecreasesToday' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Natural' -- -- * 'ptdReadCapacityUnits' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Natural' -- -- * 'ptdWriteCapacityUnits' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Natural' -- provisionedThroughputDescription :: ProvisionedThroughputDescription provisionedThroughputDescription = ProvisionedThroughputDescription { _ptdLastIncreaseDateTime = Nothing , _ptdLastDecreaseDateTime = Nothing , _ptdNumberOfDecreasesToday = Nothing , _ptdReadCapacityUnits = Nothing , _ptdWriteCapacityUnits = Nothing } -- | The date and time of the last provisioned throughput decrease for this table. ptdLastDecreaseDateTime :: Lens' ProvisionedThroughputDescription (Maybe UTCTime) ptdLastDecreaseDateTime = lens _ptdLastDecreaseDateTime (\s a -> s { _ptdLastDecreaseDateTime = a }) . mapping _Time -- | The date and time of the last provisioned throughput increase for this table. ptdLastIncreaseDateTime :: Lens' ProvisionedThroughputDescription (Maybe UTCTime) ptdLastIncreaseDateTime = lens _ptdLastIncreaseDateTime (\s a -> s { _ptdLastIncreaseDateTime = a }) . mapping _Time -- | The number of provisioned throughput decreases for this table during this UTC -- calendar day. For current maximums on provisioned throughput decreases, see in the /Amazon DynamoDB Developer Guide/. ptdNumberOfDecreasesToday :: Lens' ProvisionedThroughputDescription (Maybe Natural) ptdNumberOfDecreasesToday = lens _ptdNumberOfDecreasesToday (\s a -> s { _ptdNumberOfDecreasesToday = a }) . mapping _Nat -- | The maximum number of strongly consistent reads consumed per second before -- DynamoDB returns a /ThrottlingException/. Eventually consistent reads require -- less effort than strongly consistent reads, so a setting of 50 /ReadCapacityUnits/ per second provides 100 eventually consistent /ReadCapacityUnits/ per second. ptdReadCapacityUnits :: Lens' ProvisionedThroughputDescription (Maybe Natural) ptdReadCapacityUnits = lens _ptdReadCapacityUnits (\s a -> s { _ptdReadCapacityUnits = a }) . mapping _Nat -- | The maximum number of writes consumed per second before DynamoDB returns a /ThrottlingException/. ptdWriteCapacityUnits :: Lens' ProvisionedThroughputDescription (Maybe Natural) ptdWriteCapacityUnits = lens _ptdWriteCapacityUnits (\s a -> s { _ptdWriteCapacityUnits = a }) . mapping _Nat instance FromJSON ProvisionedThroughputDescription where parseJSON = withObject "ProvisionedThroughputDescription" $ \o -> ProvisionedThroughputDescription <$> o .:? "LastDecreaseDateTime" <*> o .:? "LastIncreaseDateTime" <*> o .:? "NumberOfDecreasesToday" <*> o .:? "ReadCapacityUnits" <*> o .:? "WriteCapacityUnits" instance ToJSON ProvisionedThroughputDescription where toJSON ProvisionedThroughputDescription{..} = object [ "LastIncreaseDateTime" .= _ptdLastIncreaseDateTime , "LastDecreaseDateTime" .= _ptdLastDecreaseDateTime , "NumberOfDecreasesToday" .= _ptdNumberOfDecreasesToday , "ReadCapacityUnits" .= _ptdReadCapacityUnits , "WriteCapacityUnits" .= _ptdWriteCapacityUnits ] data KeyType = Hash -- ^ HASH | Range -- ^ RANGE deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic, Enum) instance Hashable KeyType instance FromText KeyType where parser = takeText >>= \case "HASH" -> pure Hash "RANGE" -> pure Range e -> fail $ "Failure parsing KeyType from " ++ show e instance ToText KeyType where toText = \case Hash -> "HASH" Range -> "RANGE" instance ToByteString KeyType instance ToHeader KeyType instance ToQuery KeyType instance FromJSON KeyType where parseJSON = parseJSONText "KeyType" instance ToJSON KeyType where toJSON = toJSONText data AttributeValue = AttributeValue { _avB :: Maybe Base64 , _avBOOL :: Maybe Bool , _avBS :: List "BS" Base64 , _avL :: List "L" AttributeValue , _avM :: Map Text AttributeValue , _avN :: Maybe Text , _avNS :: List "NS" Text , _avNULL :: Maybe Bool , _avS :: Maybe Text , _avSS :: List "SS" Text } deriving (Eq, Show) -- | 'AttributeValue' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'avB' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Base64' -- -- * 'avBOOL' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Bool' -- -- * 'avBS' @::@ ['Base64'] -- -- * 'avL' @::@ ['AttributeValue'] -- -- * 'avM' @::@ 'HashMap' 'Text' 'AttributeValue' -- -- * 'avN' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'avNS' @::@ ['Text'] -- -- * 'avNULL' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Bool' -- -- * 'avS' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'avSS' @::@ ['Text'] -- attributeValue :: AttributeValue attributeValue = AttributeValue { _avS = Nothing , _avN = Nothing , _avB = Nothing , _avSS = mempty , _avNS = mempty , _avBS = mempty , _avM = mempty , _avL = mempty , _avNULL = Nothing , _avBOOL = Nothing } -- | A Binary data type. avB :: Lens' AttributeValue (Maybe Base64) avB = lens _avB (\s a -> s { _avB = a }) -- | A Boolean data type. avBOOL :: Lens' AttributeValue (Maybe Bool) avBOOL = lens _avBOOL (\s a -> s { _avBOOL = a }) -- | A Binary Set data type. avBS :: Lens' AttributeValue [Base64] avBS = lens _avBS (\s a -> s { _avBS = a }) . _List -- | A List of attribute values. avL :: Lens' AttributeValue [AttributeValue] avL = lens _avL (\s a -> s { _avL = a }) . _List -- | A Map of attribute values. avM :: Lens' AttributeValue (HashMap Text AttributeValue) avM = lens _avM (\s a -> s { _avM = a }) . _Map -- | A Number data type. avN :: Lens' AttributeValue (Maybe Text) avN = lens _avN (\s a -> s { _avN = a }) -- | A Number Set data type. avNS :: Lens' AttributeValue [Text] avNS = lens _avNS (\s a -> s { _avNS = a }) . _List -- | A Null data type. avNULL :: Lens' AttributeValue (Maybe Bool) avNULL = lens _avNULL (\s a -> s { _avNULL = a }) -- | A String data type. avS :: Lens' AttributeValue (Maybe Text) avS = lens _avS (\s a -> s { _avS = a }) -- | A String Set data type. avSS :: Lens' AttributeValue [Text] avSS = lens _avSS (\s a -> s { _avSS = a }) . _List instance FromJSON AttributeValue where parseJSON = withObject "AttributeValue" $ \o -> AttributeValue <$> o .:? "B" <*> o .:? "BOOL" <*> o .: "BS" <*> o .: "L" <*> o .: "M" <*> o .:? "N" <*> o .: "NS" <*> o .:? "NULL" <*> o .:? "S" <*> o .: "SS" instance ToJSON AttributeValue where toJSON AttributeValue{..} = object [ "S" .= _avS , "N" .= _avN , "B" .= _avB , "SS" .= _avSS , "NS" .= _avNS , "BS" .= _avBS , "M" .= _avM , "L" .= _avL , "NULL" .= _avNULL , "BOOL" .= _avBOOL ] data IndexStatus = Active -- ^ ACTIVE | Creating -- ^ CREATING | Deleting -- ^ DELETING | Updating -- ^ UPDATING deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic, Enum) instance Hashable IndexStatus instance FromText IndexStatus where parser = takeText >>= \case "ACTIVE" -> pure Active "CREATING" -> pure Creating "DELETING" -> pure Deleting "UPDATING" -> pure Updating e -> fail $ "Failure parsing IndexStatus from " ++ show e instance ToText IndexStatus where toText = \case Active -> "ACTIVE" Creating -> "CREATING" Deleting -> "DELETING" Updating -> "UPDATING" instance ToByteString IndexStatus instance ToHeader IndexStatus instance ToQuery IndexStatus instance FromJSON IndexStatus where parseJSON = parseJSONText "IndexStatus" instance ToJSON IndexStatus where toJSON = toJSONText data ProvisionedThroughput = ProvisionedThroughput { _ptReadCapacityUnits :: Nat , _ptWriteCapacityUnits :: Nat } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) -- | 'ProvisionedThroughput' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'ptReadCapacityUnits' @::@ 'Natural' -- -- * 'ptWriteCapacityUnits' @::@ 'Natural' -- provisionedThroughput :: Natural -- ^ 'ptReadCapacityUnits' -> Natural -- ^ 'ptWriteCapacityUnits' -> ProvisionedThroughput provisionedThroughput p1 p2 = ProvisionedThroughput { _ptReadCapacityUnits = withIso _Nat (const id) p1 , _ptWriteCapacityUnits = withIso _Nat (const id) p2 } -- | The maximum number of strongly consistent reads consumed per second before -- DynamoDB returns a /ThrottlingException/. For more information, see in the /Amazon DynamoDB Developer Guide/. ptReadCapacityUnits :: Lens' ProvisionedThroughput Natural ptReadCapacityUnits = lens _ptReadCapacityUnits (\s a -> s { _ptReadCapacityUnits = a }) . _Nat -- | The maximum number of writes consumed per second before DynamoDB returns a /ThrottlingException/. For more information, see in the /Amazon DynamoDB Developer Guide/. ptWriteCapacityUnits :: Lens' ProvisionedThroughput Natural ptWriteCapacityUnits = lens _ptWriteCapacityUnits (\s a -> s { _ptWriteCapacityUnits = a }) . _Nat instance FromJSON ProvisionedThroughput where parseJSON = withObject "ProvisionedThroughput" $ \o -> ProvisionedThroughput <$> o .: "ReadCapacityUnits" <*> o .: "WriteCapacityUnits" instance ToJSON ProvisionedThroughput where toJSON ProvisionedThroughput{..} = object [ "ReadCapacityUnits" .= _ptReadCapacityUnits , "WriteCapacityUnits" .= _ptWriteCapacityUnits ] data TableStatus = TSActive -- ^ ACTIVE | TSCreating -- ^ CREATING | TSDeleting -- ^ DELETING | TSUpdating -- ^ UPDATING deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic, Enum) instance Hashable TableStatus instance FromText TableStatus where parser = takeText >>= \case "ACTIVE" -> pure TSActive "CREATING" -> pure TSCreating "DELETING" -> pure TSDeleting "UPDATING" -> pure TSUpdating e -> fail $ "Failure parsing TableStatus from " ++ show e instance ToText TableStatus where toText = \case TSActive -> "ACTIVE" TSCreating -> "CREATING" TSDeleting -> "DELETING" TSUpdating -> "UPDATING" instance ToByteString TableStatus instance ToHeader TableStatus instance ToQuery TableStatus instance FromJSON TableStatus where parseJSON = parseJSONText "TableStatus" instance ToJSON TableStatus where toJSON = toJSONText data ProjectionType = All -- ^ ALL | Include -- ^ INCLUDE | KeysOnly -- ^ KEYS_ONLY deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic, Enum) instance Hashable ProjectionType instance FromText ProjectionType where parser = takeText >>= \case "ALL" -> pure All "INCLUDE" -> pure Include "KEYS_ONLY" -> pure KeysOnly e -> fail $ "Failure parsing ProjectionType from " ++ show e instance ToText ProjectionType where toText = \case All -> "ALL" Include -> "INCLUDE" KeysOnly -> "KEYS_ONLY" instance ToByteString ProjectionType instance ToHeader ProjectionType instance ToQuery ProjectionType instance FromJSON ProjectionType where parseJSON = parseJSONText "ProjectionType" instance ToJSON ProjectionType where toJSON = toJSONText data TableDescription = TableDescription { _tdAttributeDefinitions :: List "AttributeDefinitions" AttributeDefinition , _tdCreationDateTime :: Maybe ISO8601 , _tdGlobalSecondaryIndexes :: List "GlobalSecondaryIndexes" GlobalSecondaryIndexDescription , _tdItemCount :: Maybe Integer , _tdKeySchema :: List1 "KeySchema" KeySchemaElement , _tdLocalSecondaryIndexes :: List "LocalSecondaryIndexes" LocalSecondaryIndexDescription , _tdProvisionedThroughput :: Maybe ProvisionedThroughputDescription , _tdTableName :: Maybe Text , _tdTableSizeBytes :: Maybe Integer , _tdTableStatus :: Maybe TableStatus } deriving (Eq, Show) -- | 'TableDescription' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'tdAttributeDefinitions' @::@ ['AttributeDefinition'] -- -- * 'tdCreationDateTime' @::@ 'Maybe' 'UTCTime' -- -- * 'tdGlobalSecondaryIndexes' @::@ ['GlobalSecondaryIndexDescription'] -- -- * 'tdItemCount' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Integer' -- -- * 'tdKeySchema' @::@ 'NonEmpty' 'KeySchemaElement' -- -- * 'tdLocalSecondaryIndexes' @::@ ['LocalSecondaryIndexDescription'] -- -- * 'tdProvisionedThroughput' @::@ 'Maybe' 'ProvisionedThroughputDescription' -- -- * 'tdTableName' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'tdTableSizeBytes' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Integer' -- -- * 'tdTableStatus' @::@ 'Maybe' 'TableStatus' -- tableDescription :: NonEmpty KeySchemaElement -- ^ 'tdKeySchema' -> TableDescription tableDescription p1 = TableDescription { _tdKeySchema = withIso _List1 (const id) p1 , _tdAttributeDefinitions = mempty , _tdTableName = Nothing , _tdTableStatus = Nothing , _tdCreationDateTime = Nothing , _tdProvisionedThroughput = Nothing , _tdTableSizeBytes = Nothing , _tdItemCount = Nothing , _tdLocalSecondaryIndexes = mempty , _tdGlobalSecondaryIndexes = mempty } -- | An array of /AttributeDefinition/ objects. Each of these objects describes one -- attribute in the table and index key schema. -- -- Each /AttributeDefinition/ object in this array is composed of: -- -- /AttributeName/ - The name of the attribute. -- -- /AttributeType/ - The data type for the attribute. -- -- tdAttributeDefinitions :: Lens' TableDescription [AttributeDefinition] tdAttributeDefinitions = lens _tdAttributeDefinitions (\s a -> s { _tdAttributeDefinitions = a }) . _List -- | The date and time when the table was created, in format. tdCreationDateTime :: Lens' TableDescription (Maybe UTCTime) tdCreationDateTime = lens _tdCreationDateTime (\s a -> s { _tdCreationDateTime = a }) . mapping _Time -- | The global secondary indexes, if any, on the table. Each index is scoped to a -- given hash key value. Each element is composed of: -- -- /IndexName/ - The name of the global secondary index. -- -- /IndexSizeBytes/ - The total size of the global secondary index, in bytes. -- DynamoDB updates this value approximately every six hours. Recent changes -- might not be reflected in this value. -- -- /IndexStatus/ - The current status of the global secondary index: -- -- /CREATING/ - The index is being created. -- -- /UPDATING/ - The index is being updated. -- -- /DELETING/ - The index is being deleted. -- -- /ACTIVE/ - The index is ready for use. -- -- /ItemCount/ - The number of items in the global secondary index. DynamoDB -- updates this value approximately every six hours. Recent changes might not be -- reflected in this value. -- -- /KeySchema/ - Specifies the complete index key schema. The attribute names -- in the key schema must be between 1 and 255 characters (inclusive). The key -- schema must begin with the same hash key attribute as the table. -- -- /Projection/ - Specifies attributes that are copied (projected) from the -- table into the index. These are in addition to the primary key attributes and -- index key attributes, which are automatically projected. Each attribute -- specification is composed of: -- -- /ProjectionType/ - One of the following: -- -- 'KEYS_ONLY' - Only the index and primary keys are projected into the index. -- -- 'INCLUDE' - Only the specified table attributes are projected into the -- index. The list of projected attributes are in /NonKeyAttributes/. -- -- 'ALL' - All of the table attributes are projected into the index. -- -- /NonKeyAttributes/ - A list of one or more non-key attribute names that -- are projected into the secondary index. The total count of attributes -- specified in /NonKeyAttributes/, summed across all of the secondary indexes, -- must not exceed 20. If you project the same attribute into two different -- indexes, this counts as two distinct attributes when determining the total. -- -- /ProvisionedThroughput/ - The provisioned throughput settings for the -- global secondary index, consisting of read and write capacity units, along -- with data about increases and decreases. -- -- If the table is in the 'DELETING' state, no information about indexes will -- be returned. tdGlobalSecondaryIndexes :: Lens' TableDescription [GlobalSecondaryIndexDescription] tdGlobalSecondaryIndexes = lens _tdGlobalSecondaryIndexes (\s a -> s { _tdGlobalSecondaryIndexes = a }) . _List -- | The number of items in the specified table. DynamoDB updates this value -- approximately every six hours. Recent changes might not be reflected in this -- value. tdItemCount :: Lens' TableDescription (Maybe Integer) tdItemCount = lens _tdItemCount (\s a -> s { _tdItemCount = a }) -- | The primary key structure for the table. Each /KeySchemaElement/ consists of: -- -- /AttributeName/ - The name of the attribute. -- -- /KeyType/ - The key type for the attribute. Can be either 'HASH' or 'RANGE'. -- -- For more information about primary keys, see in the /AmazonDynamoDB Developer Guide/. tdKeySchema :: Lens' TableDescription (NonEmpty KeySchemaElement) tdKeySchema = lens _tdKeySchema (\s a -> s { _tdKeySchema = a }) . _List1 -- | Represents one or more local secondary indexes on the table. Each index is -- scoped to a given hash key value. Tables with one or more local secondary -- indexes are subject to an item collection size limit, where the amount of -- data within a given item collection cannot exceed 10 GB. Each element is -- composed of: -- -- /IndexName/ - The name of the local secondary index. -- -- /KeySchema/ - Specifies the complete index key schema. The attribute names -- in the key schema must be between 1 and 255 characters (inclusive). The key -- schema must begin with the same hash key attribute as the table. -- -- /Projection/ - Specifies attributes that are copied (projected) from the -- table into the index. These are in addition to the primary key attributes and -- index key attributes, which are automatically projected. Each attribute -- specification is composed of: -- -- /ProjectionType/ - One of the following: -- -- 'KEYS_ONLY' - Only the index and primary keys are projected into the index. -- -- 'INCLUDE' - Only the specified table attributes are projected into the -- index. The list of projected attributes are in /NonKeyAttributes/. -- -- 'ALL' - All of the table attributes are projected into the index. -- -- /NonKeyAttributes/ - A list of one or more non-key attribute names that -- are projected into the secondary index. The total count of attributes -- specified in /NonKeyAttributes/, summed across all of the secondary indexes, -- must not exceed 20. If you project the same attribute into two different -- indexes, this counts as two distinct attributes when determining the total. -- -- /IndexSizeBytes/ - Represents the total size of the index, in bytes. -- DynamoDB updates this value approximately every six hours. Recent changes -- might not be reflected in this value. -- -- /ItemCount/ - Represents the number of items in the index. DynamoDB updates -- this value approximately every six hours. Recent changes might not be -- reflected in this value. -- -- If the table is in the 'DELETING' state, no information about indexes will -- be returned. tdLocalSecondaryIndexes :: Lens' TableDescription [LocalSecondaryIndexDescription] tdLocalSecondaryIndexes = lens _tdLocalSecondaryIndexes (\s a -> s { _tdLocalSecondaryIndexes = a }) . _List -- | The provisioned throughput settings for the table, consisting of read and -- write capacity units, along with data about increases and decreases. tdProvisionedThroughput :: Lens' TableDescription (Maybe ProvisionedThroughputDescription) tdProvisionedThroughput = lens _tdProvisionedThroughput (\s a -> s { _tdProvisionedThroughput = a }) -- | The name of the table. tdTableName :: Lens' TableDescription (Maybe Text) tdTableName = lens _tdTableName (\s a -> s { _tdTableName = a }) -- | The total size of the specified table, in bytes. DynamoDB updates this value -- approximately every six hours. Recent changes might not be reflected in this -- value. tdTableSizeBytes :: Lens' TableDescription (Maybe Integer) tdTableSizeBytes = lens _tdTableSizeBytes (\s a -> s { _tdTableSizeBytes = a }) -- | The current state of the table: -- -- /CREATING/ - The table is being created, as the result of a /CreateTable/ -- operation. -- -- /UPDATING/ - The table is being updated, as the result of an /UpdateTable/ -- operation. -- -- /DELETING/ - The table is being deleted, as the result of a /DeleteTable/ -- operation. -- -- /ACTIVE/ - The table is ready for use. -- -- tdTableStatus :: Lens' TableDescription (Maybe TableStatus) tdTableStatus = lens _tdTableStatus (\s a -> s { _tdTableStatus = a }) instance FromJSON TableDescription where parseJSON = withObject "TableDescription" $ \o -> TableDescription <$> o .: "AttributeDefinitions" <*> o .:? "CreationDateTime" <*> o .: "GlobalSecondaryIndexes" <*> o .:? "ItemCount" <*> o .: "KeySchema" <*> o .: "LocalSecondaryIndexes" <*> o .:? "ProvisionedThroughput" <*> o .:? "TableName" <*> o .:? "TableSizeBytes" <*> o .:? "TableStatus" instance ToJSON TableDescription where toJSON TableDescription{..} = object [ "AttributeDefinitions" .= _tdAttributeDefinitions , "TableName" .= _tdTableName , "KeySchema" .= _tdKeySchema , "TableStatus" .= _tdTableStatus , "CreationDateTime" .= _tdCreationDateTime , "ProvisionedThroughput" .= _tdProvisionedThroughput , "TableSizeBytes" .= _tdTableSizeBytes , "ItemCount" .= _tdItemCount , "LocalSecondaryIndexes" .= _tdLocalSecondaryIndexes , "GlobalSecondaryIndexes" .= _tdGlobalSecondaryIndexes ] data KeysAndAttributes = KeysAndAttributes { _kaaAttributesToGet :: List1 "AttributesToGet" Text , _kaaConsistentRead :: Maybe Bool , _kaaExpressionAttributeNames :: Map Text Text , _kaaKeys :: List1 "Keys" (Map Text AttributeValue) , _kaaProjectionExpression :: Maybe Text } deriving (Eq, Show) -- | 'KeysAndAttributes' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'kaaAttributesToGet' @::@ 'NonEmpty' 'Text' -- -- * 'kaaConsistentRead' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Bool' -- -- * 'kaaExpressionAttributeNames' @::@ 'HashMap' 'Text' 'Text' -- -- * 'kaaKeys' @::@ 'NonEmpty' ('HashMap' 'Text' 'AttributeValue') -- -- * 'kaaProjectionExpression' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- keysAndAttributes :: NonEmpty (HashMap Text AttributeValue) -- ^ 'kaaKeys' -> NonEmpty Text -- ^ 'kaaAttributesToGet' -> KeysAndAttributes keysAndAttributes p1 p2 = KeysAndAttributes { _kaaKeys = withIso _List1 (const id) p1 , _kaaAttributesToGet = withIso _List1 (const id) p2 , _kaaConsistentRead = Nothing , _kaaProjectionExpression = Nothing , _kaaExpressionAttributeNames = mempty } -- | One or more attributes to retrieve from the table or index. If no attribute -- names are specified then all attributes will be returned. If any of the -- specified attributes are not found, they will not appear in the result. kaaAttributesToGet :: Lens' KeysAndAttributes (NonEmpty Text) kaaAttributesToGet = lens _kaaAttributesToGet (\s a -> s { _kaaAttributesToGet = a }) . _List1 -- | The consistency of a read operation. If set to 'true', then a strongly -- consistent read is used; otherwise, an eventually consistent read is used. kaaConsistentRead :: Lens' KeysAndAttributes (Maybe Bool) kaaConsistentRead = lens _kaaConsistentRead (\s a -> s { _kaaConsistentRead = a }) -- | One or more substitution tokens for simplifying complex expressions. The -- following are some use cases for an /ExpressionAttributeNames/ value: -- -- To shorten an attribute name that is very long or unwieldy in an -- expression. -- -- To create a placeholder for repeating occurrences of an attribute name in -- an expression. -- -- To prevent special characters in an attribute name from being -- misinterpreted in an expression. -- -- Use the # character in an expression to dereference an attribute name. For -- example, consider the following expression: -- -- 'order.customerInfo.LastName = "Smith" OR order.customerInfo.LastName ="Jones"' -- -- Now suppose that you specified the following for /ExpressionAttributeNames/: -- -- '{"n":"order.customerInfo.LastName"}' -- -- The expression can now be simplified as follows: -- -- '#n = "Smith" OR #n = "Jones"' -- kaaExpressionAttributeNames :: Lens' KeysAndAttributes (HashMap Text Text) kaaExpressionAttributeNames = lens _kaaExpressionAttributeNames (\s a -> s { _kaaExpressionAttributeNames = a }) . _Map -- | The primary key attribute values that define the items and the attributes -- associated with the items. kaaKeys :: Lens' KeysAndAttributes (NonEmpty (HashMap Text AttributeValue)) kaaKeys = lens _kaaKeys (\s a -> s { _kaaKeys = a }) . _List1 -- | One or more attributes to retrieve from the table. These attributes can -- include scalars, sets, or elements of a JSON document. The attributes in the -- expression must be separated by commas. -- -- If no attribute names are specified, then all attributes will be returned. -- If any of the requested attributes are not found, they will not appear in the -- result. kaaProjectionExpression :: Lens' KeysAndAttributes (Maybe Text) kaaProjectionExpression = lens _kaaProjectionExpression (\s a -> s { _kaaProjectionExpression = a }) instance FromJSON KeysAndAttributes where parseJSON = withObject "KeysAndAttributes" $ \o -> KeysAndAttributes <$> o .: "AttributesToGet" <*> o .:? "ConsistentRead" <*> o .: "ExpressionAttributeNames" <*> o .: "Keys" <*> o .:? "ProjectionExpression" instance ToJSON KeysAndAttributes where toJSON KeysAndAttributes{..} = object [ "Keys" .= _kaaKeys , "AttributesToGet" .= _kaaAttributesToGet , "ConsistentRead" .= _kaaConsistentRead , "ProjectionExpression" .= _kaaProjectionExpression , "ExpressionAttributeNames" .= _kaaExpressionAttributeNames ] data ReturnConsumedCapacity = Indexes -- ^ INDEXES | None -- ^ NONE | Total -- ^ TOTAL deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic, Enum) instance Hashable ReturnConsumedCapacity instance FromText ReturnConsumedCapacity where parser = takeText >>= \case "INDEXES" -> pure Indexes "NONE" -> pure None "TOTAL" -> pure Total e -> fail $ "Failure parsing ReturnConsumedCapacity from " ++ show e instance ToText ReturnConsumedCapacity where toText = \case Indexes -> "INDEXES" None -> "NONE" Total -> "TOTAL" instance ToByteString ReturnConsumedCapacity instance ToHeader ReturnConsumedCapacity instance ToQuery ReturnConsumedCapacity instance FromJSON ReturnConsumedCapacity where parseJSON = parseJSONText "ReturnConsumedCapacity" instance ToJSON ReturnConsumedCapacity where toJSON = toJSONText data ReturnItemCollectionMetrics = RICMNone -- ^ NONE | RICMSize -- ^ SIZE deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic, Enum) instance Hashable ReturnItemCollectionMetrics instance FromText ReturnItemCollectionMetrics where parser = takeText >>= \case "NONE" -> pure RICMNone "SIZE" -> pure RICMSize e -> fail $ "Failure parsing ReturnItemCollectionMetrics from " ++ show e instance ToText ReturnItemCollectionMetrics where toText = \case RICMNone -> "NONE" RICMSize -> "SIZE" instance ToByteString ReturnItemCollectionMetrics instance ToHeader ReturnItemCollectionMetrics instance ToQuery ReturnItemCollectionMetrics instance FromJSON ReturnItemCollectionMetrics where parseJSON = parseJSONText "ReturnItemCollectionMetrics" instance ToJSON ReturnItemCollectionMetrics where toJSON = toJSONText data AttributeValueUpdate = AttributeValueUpdate { _avuAction :: Maybe AttributeAction , _avuValue :: Maybe AttributeValue } deriving (Eq, Show) -- | 'AttributeValueUpdate' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'avuAction' @::@ 'Maybe' 'AttributeAction' -- -- * 'avuValue' @::@ 'Maybe' 'AttributeValue' -- attributeValueUpdate :: AttributeValueUpdate attributeValueUpdate = AttributeValueUpdate { _avuValue = Nothing , _avuAction = Nothing } -- | Specifies how to perform the update. Valid values are 'PUT' (default), 'DELETE', -- and 'ADD'. The behavior depends on whether the specified primary key already -- exists in the table. -- -- If an item with the specified /Key/ is found in the table: -- -- 'PUT' - Adds the specified attribute to the item. If the attribute already -- exists, it is replaced by the new value. -- -- 'DELETE' - If no value is specified, the attribute and its value are removed -- from the item. The data type of the specified value must match the existing -- value's data type. -- -- If a /set/ of values is specified, then those values are subtracted from the -- old set. For example, if the attribute value was the set '[a,b,c]' and the /DELETE/ action specified '[a,c]', then the final attribute value would be '[b]'. -- Specifying an empty set is an error. -- -- 'ADD' - If the attribute does not already exist, then the attribute and its -- values are added to the item. If the attribute does exist, then the behavior -- of 'ADD' depends on the data type of the attribute: -- -- If the existing attribute is a number, and if /Value/ is also a number, then -- the /Value/ is mathematically added to the existing attribute. If /Value/ is a -- negative number, then it is subtracted from the existing attribute. -- -- If the existing data type is a set, and if the /Value/ is also a set, then -- the /Value/ is added to the existing set. (This is a /set/ operation, not -- mathematical addition.) For example, if the attribute value was the set '[1,2]', and the -- 'ADD' action specified '[3]', then the final attribute value would be '[1,2,3]'. An -- error occurs if an Add action is specified for a set attribute and the -- attribute type specified does not match the existing set type. -- -- Both sets must have the same primitive data type. For example, if the -- existing data type is a set of strings, the /Value/ must also be a set of -- strings. The same holds true for number sets and binary sets. -- -- This action is only valid for an existing attribute whose data type is -- number or is a set. Do not use 'ADD' for any other data types. -- -- If no item with the specified /Key/ is found: -- -- 'PUT' - DynamoDB creates a new item with the specified primary key, and then -- adds the attribute. -- -- 'DELETE' - Nothing happens; there is no attribute to delete. -- -- 'ADD' - DynamoDB creates an item with the supplied primary key and number -- (or set of numbers) for the attribute value. The only data types allowed are -- number and number set; no other data types can be specified. -- -- avuAction :: Lens' AttributeValueUpdate (Maybe AttributeAction) avuAction = lens _avuAction (\s a -> s { _avuAction = a }) avuValue :: Lens' AttributeValueUpdate (Maybe AttributeValue) avuValue = lens _avuValue (\s a -> s { _avuValue = a }) instance FromJSON AttributeValueUpdate where parseJSON = withObject "AttributeValueUpdate" $ \o -> AttributeValueUpdate <$> o .:? "Action" <*> o .:? "Value" instance ToJSON AttributeValueUpdate where toJSON AttributeValueUpdate{..} = object [ "Value" .= _avuValue , "Action" .= _avuAction ] data ExpectedAttributeValue = ExpectedAttributeValue { _eavAttributeValueList :: List "AttributeValueList" AttributeValue , _eavComparisonOperator :: Maybe ComparisonOperator , _eavExists :: Maybe Bool , _eavValue :: Maybe AttributeValue } deriving (Eq, Show) -- | 'ExpectedAttributeValue' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'eavAttributeValueList' @::@ ['AttributeValue'] -- -- * 'eavComparisonOperator' @::@ 'Maybe' 'ComparisonOperator' -- -- * 'eavExists' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Bool' -- -- * 'eavValue' @::@ 'Maybe' 'AttributeValue' -- expectedAttributeValue :: ExpectedAttributeValue expectedAttributeValue = ExpectedAttributeValue { _eavValue = Nothing , _eavExists = Nothing , _eavComparisonOperator = Nothing , _eavAttributeValueList = mempty } -- | One or more values to evaluate against the supplied attribute. The number of -- values in the list depends on the /ComparisonOperator/ being used. -- -- For type Number, value comparisons are numeric. -- -- String value comparisons for greater than, equals, or less than are based on -- ASCII character code values. For example, 'a' is greater than 'A', and 'aa' is -- greater than 'B'. For a list of code values, see . -- -- For Binary, DynamoDB treats each byte of the binary data as unsigned when it -- compares binary values, for example when evaluating query expressions. -- -- For information on specifying data types in JSON, see in -- the /Amazon DynamoDB Developer Guide/. eavAttributeValueList :: Lens' ExpectedAttributeValue [AttributeValue] eavAttributeValueList = lens _eavAttributeValueList (\s a -> s { _eavAttributeValueList = a }) . _List -- | A comparator for evaluating attributes in the /AttributeValueList/. For -- example, equals, greater than, less than, etc. -- -- The following comparison operators are available: -- -- 'EQ | NE | LE | LT | GE | GT | NOT_NULL | NULL | CONTAINS | NOT_CONTAINS |BEGINS_WITH | IN | BETWEEN' -- -- The following are descriptions of each comparison operator. -- -- 'EQ' : Equal. 'EQ' is supported for all datatypes, including lists and maps. -- -- /AttributeValueList/ can contain only one /AttributeValue/ element of type -- String, Number, Binary, String Set, Number Set, or Binary Set. If an item -- contains an /AttributeValue/ element of a different type than the one specified -- in the request, the value does not match. For example, '{"S":"6"}' does not -- equal '{"N":"6"}'. Also, '{"N":"6"}' does not equal '{"NS":["6", "2", "1"]}'. -- -- -- -- 'NE' : Not equal. 'NE' is supported for all datatypes, including lists and -- maps. -- -- /AttributeValueList/ can contain only one /AttributeValue/ of type String, -- Number, Binary, String Set, Number Set, or Binary Set. If an item contains an /AttributeValue/ of a different type than the one specified in the request, the -- value does not match. For example, '{"S":"6"}' does not equal '{"N":"6"}'. Also, '{"N":"6"}' does not equal '{"NS":["6", "2", "1"]}'. -- -- -- -- 'LE' : Less than or equal. -- -- /AttributeValueList/ can contain only one /AttributeValue/ element of type -- String, Number, or Binary (not a set type). If an item contains an /AttributeValue/ element of a different type than the one specified in the request, the value -- does not match. For example, '{"S":"6"}' does not equal '{"N":"6"}'. Also, '{"N":"6"}' does not compare to '{"NS":["6", "2", "1"]}'. -- -- -- -- 'LT' : Less than. -- -- /AttributeValueList/ can contain only one /AttributeValue/ of type String, -- Number, or Binary (not a set type). If an item contains an /AttributeValue/ -- element of a different type than the one specified in the request, the value -- does not match. For example, '{"S":"6"}' does not equal '{"N":"6"}'. Also, '{"N":"6"}' does not compare to '{"NS":["6", "2", "1"]}'. -- -- -- -- 'GE' : Greater than or equal. -- -- /AttributeValueList/ can contain only one /AttributeValue/ element of type -- String, Number, or Binary (not a set type). If an item contains an /AttributeValue/ element of a different type than the one specified in the request, the value -- does not match. For example, '{"S":"6"}' does not equal '{"N":"6"}'. Also, '{"N":"6"}' does not compare to '{"NS":["6", "2", "1"]}'. -- -- -- -- 'GT' : Greater than. -- -- /AttributeValueList/ can contain only one /AttributeValue/ element of type -- String, Number, or Binary (not a set type). If an item contains an /AttributeValue/ element of a different type than the one specified in the request, the value -- does not match. For example, '{"S":"6"}' does not equal '{"N":"6"}'. Also, '{"N":"6"}' does not compare to '{"NS":["6", "2", "1"]}'. -- -- -- -- 'NOT_NULL' : The attribute exists. 'NOT_NULL' is supported for all datatypes, -- including lists and maps. -- -- 'NULL' : The attribute does not exist. 'NULL' is supported for all datatypes, -- including lists and maps. -- -- 'CONTAINS' : Checks for a subsequence, or value in a set. -- -- /AttributeValueList/ can contain only one /AttributeValue/ element of type -- String, Number, or Binary (not a set type). If the target attribute of the -- comparison is of type String, then the operator checks for a substring match. -- If the target attribute of the comparison is of type Binary, then the -- operator looks for a subsequence of the target that matches the input. If the -- target attribute of the comparison is a set ("'SS'", "'NS'", or "'BS'"), then the -- operator evaluates to true if it finds an exact match with any member of the -- set. -- -- CONTAINS is supported for lists: When evaluating "'a CONTAINS b'", "'a'" can be -- a list; however, "'b'" cannot be a set, a map, or a list. -- -- 'NOT_CONTAINS' : Checks for absence of a subsequence, or absence of a value -- in a set. -- -- /AttributeValueList/ can contain only one /AttributeValue/ element of type -- String, Number, or Binary (not a set type). If the target attribute of the -- comparison is a String, then the operator checks for the absence of a -- substring match. If the target attribute of the comparison is Binary, then -- the operator checks for the absence of a subsequence of the target that -- matches the input. If the target attribute of the comparison is a set ("'SS'", "'NS'", or "'BS'"), then the operator evaluates to true if it /does not/ find an -- exact match with any member of the set. -- -- NOT_CONTAINS is supported for lists: When evaluating "'a NOT CONTAINS b'", "'a'" -- can be a list; however, "'b'" cannot be a set, a map, or a list. -- -- 'BEGINS_WITH' : Checks for a prefix. -- -- /AttributeValueList/ can contain only one /AttributeValue/ of type String or -- Binary (not a Number or a set type). The target attribute of the comparison -- must be of type String or Binary (not a Number or a set type). -- -- -- -- 'IN' : Checks for matching elements within two sets. -- -- /AttributeValueList/ can contain one or more /AttributeValue/ elements of type -- String, Number, or Binary (not a set type). These attributes are compared -- against an existing set type attribute of an item. If any elements of the -- input set are present in the item attribute, the expression evaluates to true. -- -- 'BETWEEN' : Greater than or equal to the first value, and less than or equal -- to the second value. -- -- /AttributeValueList/ must contain two /AttributeValue/ elements of the same -- type, either String, Number, or Binary (not a set type). A target attribute -- matches if the target value is greater than, or equal to, the first element -- and less than, or equal to, the second element. If an item contains an /AttributeValue/ element of a different type than the one specified in the request, the value -- does not match. For example, '{"S":"6"}' does not compare to '{"N":"6"}'. Also, '{"N":"6"}' does not compare to '{"NS":["6", "2", "1"]}' -- -- eavComparisonOperator :: Lens' ExpectedAttributeValue (Maybe ComparisonOperator) eavComparisonOperator = lens _eavComparisonOperator (\s a -> s { _eavComparisonOperator = a }) -- | Causes DynamoDB to evaluate the value before attempting a conditional -- operation: -- -- If /Exists/ is 'true', DynamoDB will check to see if that attribute value -- already exists in the table. If it is found, then the operation succeeds. If -- it is not found, the operation fails with a /ConditionalCheckFailedException/. -- -- If /Exists/ is 'false', DynamoDB assumes that the attribute value does not -- exist in the table. If in fact the value does not exist, then the assumption -- is valid and the operation succeeds. If the value is found, despite the -- assumption that it does not exist, the operation fails with a /ConditionalCheckFailedException/. -- -- The default setting for /Exists/ is 'true'. If you supply a /Value/ all by -- itself, DynamoDB assumes the attribute exists: You don't have to set /Exists/ -- to 'true', because it is implied. -- -- DynamoDB returns a /ValidationException/ if: -- -- /Exists/ is 'true' but there is no /Value/ to check. (You expect a value to -- exist, but don't specify what that value is.) -- -- /Exists/ is 'false' but you also specify a /Value/. (You cannot expect an -- attribute to have a value, while also expecting it not to exist.) -- -- eavExists :: Lens' ExpectedAttributeValue (Maybe Bool) eavExists = lens _eavExists (\s a -> s { _eavExists = a }) eavValue :: Lens' ExpectedAttributeValue (Maybe AttributeValue) eavValue = lens _eavValue (\s a -> s { _eavValue = a }) instance FromJSON ExpectedAttributeValue where parseJSON = withObject "ExpectedAttributeValue" $ \o -> ExpectedAttributeValue <$> o .: "AttributeValueList" <*> o .:? "ComparisonOperator" <*> o .:? "Exists" <*> o .:? "Value" instance ToJSON ExpectedAttributeValue where toJSON ExpectedAttributeValue{..} = object [ "Value" .= _eavValue , "Exists" .= _eavExists , "ComparisonOperator" .= _eavComparisonOperator , "AttributeValueList" .= _eavAttributeValueList ] data AttributeDefinition = AttributeDefinition { _adAttributeName :: Text , _adAttributeType :: ScalarAttributeType } deriving (Eq, Show) -- | 'AttributeDefinition' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'adAttributeName' @::@ 'Text' -- -- * 'adAttributeType' @::@ 'ScalarAttributeType' -- attributeDefinition :: Text -- ^ 'adAttributeName' -> ScalarAttributeType -- ^ 'adAttributeType' -> AttributeDefinition attributeDefinition p1 p2 = AttributeDefinition { _adAttributeName = p1 , _adAttributeType = p2 } -- | A name for the attribute. adAttributeName :: Lens' AttributeDefinition Text adAttributeName = lens _adAttributeName (\s a -> s { _adAttributeName = a }) -- | The data type for the attribute. adAttributeType :: Lens' AttributeDefinition ScalarAttributeType adAttributeType = lens _adAttributeType (\s a -> s { _adAttributeType = a }) instance FromJSON AttributeDefinition where parseJSON = withObject "AttributeDefinition" $ \o -> AttributeDefinition <$> o .: "AttributeName" <*> o .: "AttributeType" instance ToJSON AttributeDefinition where toJSON AttributeDefinition{..} = object [ "AttributeName" .= _adAttributeName , "AttributeType" .= _adAttributeType ] data ComparisonOperator = BeginsWith -- ^ BEGINS_WITH | Between -- ^ BETWEEN | Contains -- ^ CONTAINS | Eq -- ^ EQ | Ge -- ^ GE | Gt -- ^ GT | In' -- ^ IN | Le -- ^ LE | Lt -- ^ LT | Ne -- ^ NE | NotContains -- ^ NOT_CONTAINS | NotNull -- ^ NOT_NULL | Null -- ^ NULL deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic, Enum) instance Hashable ComparisonOperator instance FromText ComparisonOperator where parser = takeText >>= \case "BEGINS_WITH" -> pure BeginsWith "BETWEEN" -> pure Between "CONTAINS" -> pure Contains "EQ" -> pure Eq "GE" -> pure Ge "GT" -> pure Gt "IN" -> pure In' "LE" -> pure Le "LT" -> pure Lt "NE" -> pure Ne "NOT_CONTAINS" -> pure NotContains "NOT_NULL" -> pure NotNull "NULL" -> pure Null e -> fail $ "Failure parsing ComparisonOperator from " ++ show e instance ToText ComparisonOperator where toText = \case BeginsWith -> "BEGINS_WITH" Between -> "BETWEEN" Contains -> "CONTAINS" Eq -> "EQ" Ge -> "GE" Gt -> "GT" In' -> "IN" Le -> "LE" Lt -> "LT" Ne -> "NE" NotContains -> "NOT_CONTAINS" NotNull -> "NOT_NULL" Null -> "NULL" instance ToByteString ComparisonOperator instance ToHeader ComparisonOperator instance ToQuery ComparisonOperator instance FromJSON ComparisonOperator where parseJSON = parseJSONText "ComparisonOperator" instance ToJSON ComparisonOperator where toJSON = toJSONText data ReturnValue = RVAllNew -- ^ ALL_NEW | RVAllOld -- ^ ALL_OLD | RVNone -- ^ NONE | RVUpdatedNew -- ^ UPDATED_NEW | RVUpdatedOld -- ^ UPDATED_OLD deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic, Enum) instance Hashable ReturnValue instance FromText ReturnValue where parser = takeText >>= \case "ALL_NEW" -> pure RVAllNew "ALL_OLD" -> pure RVAllOld "NONE" -> pure RVNone "UPDATED_NEW" -> pure RVUpdatedNew "UPDATED_OLD" -> pure RVUpdatedOld e -> fail $ "Failure parsing ReturnValue from " ++ show e instance ToText ReturnValue where toText = \case RVAllNew -> "ALL_NEW" RVAllOld -> "ALL_OLD" RVNone -> "NONE" RVUpdatedNew -> "UPDATED_NEW" RVUpdatedOld -> "UPDATED_OLD" instance ToByteString ReturnValue instance ToHeader ReturnValue instance ToQuery ReturnValue instance FromJSON ReturnValue where parseJSON = parseJSONText "ReturnValue" instance ToJSON ReturnValue where toJSON = toJSONText data LocalSecondaryIndex = LocalSecondaryIndex { _lsiIndexName :: Text , _lsiKeySchema :: List1 "KeySchema" KeySchemaElement , _lsiProjection :: Projection } deriving (Eq, Show) -- | 'LocalSecondaryIndex' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'lsiIndexName' @::@ 'Text' -- -- * 'lsiKeySchema' @::@ 'NonEmpty' 'KeySchemaElement' -- -- * 'lsiProjection' @::@ 'Projection' -- localSecondaryIndex :: Text -- ^ 'lsiIndexName' -> NonEmpty KeySchemaElement -- ^ 'lsiKeySchema' -> Projection -- ^ 'lsiProjection' -> LocalSecondaryIndex localSecondaryIndex p1 p2 p3 = LocalSecondaryIndex { _lsiIndexName = p1 , _lsiKeySchema = withIso _List1 (const id) p2 , _lsiProjection = p3 } -- | The name of the local secondary index. The name must be unique among all -- other indexes on this table. lsiIndexName :: Lens' LocalSecondaryIndex Text lsiIndexName = lens _lsiIndexName (\s a -> s { _lsiIndexName = a }) -- | The complete key schema for the local secondary index, consisting of one or -- more pairs of attribute names and key types ('HASH' or 'RANGE'). lsiKeySchema :: Lens' LocalSecondaryIndex (NonEmpty KeySchemaElement) lsiKeySchema = lens _lsiKeySchema (\s a -> s { _lsiKeySchema = a }) . _List1 lsiProjection :: Lens' LocalSecondaryIndex Projection lsiProjection = lens _lsiProjection (\s a -> s { _lsiProjection = a }) instance FromJSON LocalSecondaryIndex where parseJSON = withObject "LocalSecondaryIndex" $ \o -> LocalSecondaryIndex <$> o .: "IndexName" <*> o .: "KeySchema" <*> o .: "Projection" instance ToJSON LocalSecondaryIndex where toJSON LocalSecondaryIndex{..} = object [ "IndexName" .= _lsiIndexName , "KeySchema" .= _lsiKeySchema , "Projection" .= _lsiProjection ] data GlobalSecondaryIndexDescription = GlobalSecondaryIndexDescription { _gsidIndexName :: Maybe Text , _gsidIndexSizeBytes :: Maybe Integer , _gsidIndexStatus :: Maybe IndexStatus , _gsidItemCount :: Maybe Integer , _gsidKeySchema :: List1 "KeySchema" KeySchemaElement , _gsidProjection :: Maybe Projection , _gsidProvisionedThroughput :: Maybe ProvisionedThroughputDescription } deriving (Eq, Show) -- | 'GlobalSecondaryIndexDescription' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'gsidIndexName' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'gsidIndexSizeBytes' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Integer' -- -- * 'gsidIndexStatus' @::@ 'Maybe' 'IndexStatus' -- -- * 'gsidItemCount' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Integer' -- -- * 'gsidKeySchema' @::@ 'NonEmpty' 'KeySchemaElement' -- -- * 'gsidProjection' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Projection' -- -- * 'gsidProvisionedThroughput' @::@ 'Maybe' 'ProvisionedThroughputDescription' -- globalSecondaryIndexDescription :: NonEmpty KeySchemaElement -- ^ 'gsidKeySchema' -> GlobalSecondaryIndexDescription globalSecondaryIndexDescription p1 = GlobalSecondaryIndexDescription { _gsidKeySchema = withIso _List1 (const id) p1 , _gsidIndexName = Nothing , _gsidProjection = Nothing , _gsidIndexStatus = Nothing , _gsidProvisionedThroughput = Nothing , _gsidIndexSizeBytes = Nothing , _gsidItemCount = Nothing } -- | The name of the global secondary index. gsidIndexName :: Lens' GlobalSecondaryIndexDescription (Maybe Text) gsidIndexName = lens _gsidIndexName (\s a -> s { _gsidIndexName = a }) -- | The total size of the specified index, in bytes. DynamoDB updates this value -- approximately every six hours. Recent changes might not be reflected in this -- value. gsidIndexSizeBytes :: Lens' GlobalSecondaryIndexDescription (Maybe Integer) gsidIndexSizeBytes = lens _gsidIndexSizeBytes (\s a -> s { _gsidIndexSizeBytes = a }) -- | The current state of the global secondary index: -- -- /CREATING/ - The index is being created, as the result of a /CreateTable/ or /UpdateTable/ operation. -- -- /UPDATING/ - The index is being updated, as the result of a /CreateTable/ or /UpdateTable/ operation. -- -- /DELETING/ - The index is being deleted, as the result of a /DeleteTable/ -- operation. -- -- /ACTIVE/ - The index is ready for use. -- -- gsidIndexStatus :: Lens' GlobalSecondaryIndexDescription (Maybe IndexStatus) gsidIndexStatus = lens _gsidIndexStatus (\s a -> s { _gsidIndexStatus = a }) -- | The number of items in the specified index. DynamoDB updates this value -- approximately every six hours. Recent changes might not be reflected in this -- value. gsidItemCount :: Lens' GlobalSecondaryIndexDescription (Maybe Integer) gsidItemCount = lens _gsidItemCount (\s a -> s { _gsidItemCount = a }) -- | The complete key schema for the global secondary index, consisting of one or -- more pairs of attribute names and key types ('HASH' or 'RANGE'). gsidKeySchema :: Lens' GlobalSecondaryIndexDescription (NonEmpty KeySchemaElement) gsidKeySchema = lens _gsidKeySchema (\s a -> s { _gsidKeySchema = a }) . _List1 gsidProjection :: Lens' GlobalSecondaryIndexDescription (Maybe Projection) gsidProjection = lens _gsidProjection (\s a -> s { _gsidProjection = a }) gsidProvisionedThroughput :: Lens' GlobalSecondaryIndexDescription (Maybe ProvisionedThroughputDescription) gsidProvisionedThroughput = lens _gsidProvisionedThroughput (\s a -> s { _gsidProvisionedThroughput = a }) instance FromJSON GlobalSecondaryIndexDescription where parseJSON = withObject "GlobalSecondaryIndexDescription" $ \o -> GlobalSecondaryIndexDescription <$> o .:? "IndexName" <*> o .:? "IndexSizeBytes" <*> o .:? "IndexStatus" <*> o .:? "ItemCount" <*> o .: "KeySchema" <*> o .:? "Projection" <*> o .:? "ProvisionedThroughput" instance ToJSON GlobalSecondaryIndexDescription where toJSON GlobalSecondaryIndexDescription{..} = object [ "IndexName" .= _gsidIndexName , "KeySchema" .= _gsidKeySchema , "Projection" .= _gsidProjection , "IndexStatus" .= _gsidIndexStatus , "ProvisionedThroughput" .= _gsidProvisionedThroughput , "IndexSizeBytes" .= _gsidIndexSizeBytes , "ItemCount" .= _gsidItemCount ] data ItemCollectionMetrics = ItemCollectionMetrics { _icmItemCollectionKey :: Map Text AttributeValue , _icmSizeEstimateRangeGB :: List "SizeEstimateRangeGB" Double } deriving (Eq, Show) -- | 'ItemCollectionMetrics' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'icmItemCollectionKey' @::@ 'HashMap' 'Text' 'AttributeValue' -- -- * 'icmSizeEstimateRangeGB' @::@ ['Double'] -- itemCollectionMetrics :: ItemCollectionMetrics itemCollectionMetrics = ItemCollectionMetrics { _icmItemCollectionKey = mempty , _icmSizeEstimateRangeGB = mempty } -- | The hash key value of the item collection. This value is the same as the hash -- key of the item. icmItemCollectionKey :: Lens' ItemCollectionMetrics (HashMap Text AttributeValue) icmItemCollectionKey = lens _icmItemCollectionKey (\s a -> s { _icmItemCollectionKey = a }) . _Map -- | An estimate of item collection size, in gigabytes. This value is a -- two-element array containing a lower bound and an upper bound for the -- estimate. The estimate includes the size of all the items in the table, plus -- the size of all attributes projected into all of the local secondary indexes -- on that table. Use this estimate to measure whether a local secondary index -- is approaching its size limit. -- -- The estimate is subject to change over time; therefore, do not rely on the -- precision or accuracy of the estimate. icmSizeEstimateRangeGB :: Lens' ItemCollectionMetrics [Double] icmSizeEstimateRangeGB = lens _icmSizeEstimateRangeGB (\s a -> s { _icmSizeEstimateRangeGB = a }) . _List instance FromJSON ItemCollectionMetrics where parseJSON = withObject "ItemCollectionMetrics" $ \o -> ItemCollectionMetrics <$> o .: "ItemCollectionKey" <*> o .: "SizeEstimateRangeGB" instance ToJSON ItemCollectionMetrics where toJSON ItemCollectionMetrics{..} = object [ "ItemCollectionKey" .= _icmItemCollectionKey , "SizeEstimateRangeGB" .= _icmSizeEstimateRangeGB ] newtype Capacity = Capacity { _cCapacityUnits :: Maybe Double } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) -- | 'Capacity' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'cCapacityUnits' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Double' -- capacity :: Capacity capacity = Capacity { _cCapacityUnits = Nothing } -- | The total number of capacity units consumed on a table or an index. cCapacityUnits :: Lens' Capacity (Maybe Double) cCapacityUnits = lens _cCapacityUnits (\s a -> s { _cCapacityUnits = a }) instance FromJSON Capacity where parseJSON = withObject "Capacity" $ \o -> Capacity <$> o .:? "CapacityUnits" instance ToJSON Capacity where toJSON Capacity{..} = object [ "CapacityUnits" .= _cCapacityUnits ] data ConsumedCapacity = ConsumedCapacity { _ccCapacityUnits :: Maybe Double , _ccGlobalSecondaryIndexes :: Map Text Capacity , _ccLocalSecondaryIndexes :: Map Text Capacity , _ccTable :: Maybe Capacity , _ccTableName :: Maybe Text } deriving (Eq, Show) -- | 'ConsumedCapacity' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'ccCapacityUnits' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Double' -- -- * 'ccGlobalSecondaryIndexes' @::@ 'HashMap' 'Text' 'Capacity' -- -- * 'ccLocalSecondaryIndexes' @::@ 'HashMap' 'Text' 'Capacity' -- -- * 'ccTable' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Capacity' -- -- * 'ccTableName' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- consumedCapacity :: ConsumedCapacity consumedCapacity = ConsumedCapacity { _ccTableName = Nothing , _ccCapacityUnits = Nothing , _ccTable = Nothing , _ccLocalSecondaryIndexes = mempty , _ccGlobalSecondaryIndexes = mempty } -- | The total number of capacity units consumed by the operation. ccCapacityUnits :: Lens' ConsumedCapacity (Maybe Double) ccCapacityUnits = lens _ccCapacityUnits (\s a -> s { _ccCapacityUnits = a }) -- | The amount of throughput consumed on each global index affected by the -- operation. ccGlobalSecondaryIndexes :: Lens' ConsumedCapacity (HashMap Text Capacity) ccGlobalSecondaryIndexes = lens _ccGlobalSecondaryIndexes (\s a -> s { _ccGlobalSecondaryIndexes = a }) . _Map -- | The amount of throughput consumed on each local index affected by the -- operation. ccLocalSecondaryIndexes :: Lens' ConsumedCapacity (HashMap Text Capacity) ccLocalSecondaryIndexes = lens _ccLocalSecondaryIndexes (\s a -> s { _ccLocalSecondaryIndexes = a }) . _Map -- | The amount of throughput consumed on the table affected by the operation. ccTable :: Lens' ConsumedCapacity (Maybe Capacity) ccTable = lens _ccTable (\s a -> s { _ccTable = a }) -- | The name of the table that was affected by the operation. ccTableName :: Lens' ConsumedCapacity (Maybe Text) ccTableName = lens _ccTableName (\s a -> s { _ccTableName = a }) instance FromJSON ConsumedCapacity where parseJSON = withObject "ConsumedCapacity" $ \o -> ConsumedCapacity <$> o .:? "CapacityUnits" <*> o .: "GlobalSecondaryIndexes" <*> o .: "LocalSecondaryIndexes" <*> o .:? "Table" <*> o .:? "TableName" instance ToJSON ConsumedCapacity where toJSON ConsumedCapacity{..} = object [ "TableName" .= _ccTableName , "CapacityUnits" .= _ccCapacityUnits , "Table" .= _ccTable , "LocalSecondaryIndexes" .= _ccLocalSecondaryIndexes , "GlobalSecondaryIndexes" .= _ccGlobalSecondaryIndexes ] data GlobalSecondaryIndex = GlobalSecondaryIndex { _gsiIndexName :: Text , _gsiKeySchema :: List1 "KeySchema" KeySchemaElement , _gsiProjection :: Projection , _gsiProvisionedThroughput :: ProvisionedThroughput } deriving (Eq, Show) -- | 'GlobalSecondaryIndex' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'gsiIndexName' @::@ 'Text' -- -- * 'gsiKeySchema' @::@ 'NonEmpty' 'KeySchemaElement' -- -- * 'gsiProjection' @::@ 'Projection' -- -- * 'gsiProvisionedThroughput' @::@ 'ProvisionedThroughput' -- globalSecondaryIndex :: Text -- ^ 'gsiIndexName' -> NonEmpty KeySchemaElement -- ^ 'gsiKeySchema' -> Projection -- ^ 'gsiProjection' -> ProvisionedThroughput -- ^ 'gsiProvisionedThroughput' -> GlobalSecondaryIndex globalSecondaryIndex p1 p2 p3 p4 = GlobalSecondaryIndex { _gsiIndexName = p1 , _gsiKeySchema = withIso _List1 (const id) p2 , _gsiProjection = p3 , _gsiProvisionedThroughput = p4 } -- | The name of the global secondary index. The name must be unique among all -- other indexes on this table. gsiIndexName :: Lens' GlobalSecondaryIndex Text gsiIndexName = lens _gsiIndexName (\s a -> s { _gsiIndexName = a }) -- | The complete key schema for a global secondary index, which consists of one -- or more pairs of attribute names and key types ('HASH' or 'RANGE'). gsiKeySchema :: Lens' GlobalSecondaryIndex (NonEmpty KeySchemaElement) gsiKeySchema = lens _gsiKeySchema (\s a -> s { _gsiKeySchema = a }) . _List1 gsiProjection :: Lens' GlobalSecondaryIndex Projection gsiProjection = lens _gsiProjection (\s a -> s { _gsiProjection = a }) gsiProvisionedThroughput :: Lens' GlobalSecondaryIndex ProvisionedThroughput gsiProvisionedThroughput = lens _gsiProvisionedThroughput (\s a -> s { _gsiProvisionedThroughput = a }) instance FromJSON GlobalSecondaryIndex where parseJSON = withObject "GlobalSecondaryIndex" $ \o -> GlobalSecondaryIndex <$> o .: "IndexName" <*> o .: "KeySchema" <*> o .: "Projection" <*> o .: "ProvisionedThroughput" instance ToJSON GlobalSecondaryIndex where toJSON GlobalSecondaryIndex{..} = object [ "IndexName" .= _gsiIndexName , "KeySchema" .= _gsiKeySchema , "Projection" .= _gsiProjection , "ProvisionedThroughput" .= _gsiProvisionedThroughput ] data LocalSecondaryIndexDescription = LocalSecondaryIndexDescription { _lsidIndexName :: Maybe Text , _lsidIndexSizeBytes :: Maybe Integer , _lsidItemCount :: Maybe Integer , _lsidKeySchema :: List1 "KeySchema" KeySchemaElement , _lsidProjection :: Maybe Projection } deriving (Eq, Show) -- | 'LocalSecondaryIndexDescription' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'lsidIndexName' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'lsidIndexSizeBytes' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Integer' -- -- * 'lsidItemCount' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Integer' -- -- * 'lsidKeySchema' @::@ 'NonEmpty' 'KeySchemaElement' -- -- * 'lsidProjection' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Projection' -- localSecondaryIndexDescription :: NonEmpty KeySchemaElement -- ^ 'lsidKeySchema' -> LocalSecondaryIndexDescription localSecondaryIndexDescription p1 = LocalSecondaryIndexDescription { _lsidKeySchema = withIso _List1 (const id) p1 , _lsidIndexName = Nothing , _lsidProjection = Nothing , _lsidIndexSizeBytes = Nothing , _lsidItemCount = Nothing } -- | Represents the name of the local secondary index. lsidIndexName :: Lens' LocalSecondaryIndexDescription (Maybe Text) lsidIndexName = lens _lsidIndexName (\s a -> s { _lsidIndexName = a }) -- | The total size of the specified index, in bytes. DynamoDB updates this value -- approximately every six hours. Recent changes might not be reflected in this -- value. lsidIndexSizeBytes :: Lens' LocalSecondaryIndexDescription (Maybe Integer) lsidIndexSizeBytes = lens _lsidIndexSizeBytes (\s a -> s { _lsidIndexSizeBytes = a }) -- | The number of items in the specified index. DynamoDB updates this value -- approximately every six hours. Recent changes might not be reflected in this -- value. lsidItemCount :: Lens' LocalSecondaryIndexDescription (Maybe Integer) lsidItemCount = lens _lsidItemCount (\s a -> s { _lsidItemCount = a }) -- | The complete index key schema, which consists of one or more pairs of -- attribute names and key types ('HASH' or 'RANGE'). lsidKeySchema :: Lens' LocalSecondaryIndexDescription (NonEmpty KeySchemaElement) lsidKeySchema = lens _lsidKeySchema (\s a -> s { _lsidKeySchema = a }) . _List1 lsidProjection :: Lens' LocalSecondaryIndexDescription (Maybe Projection) lsidProjection = lens _lsidProjection (\s a -> s { _lsidProjection = a }) instance FromJSON LocalSecondaryIndexDescription where parseJSON = withObject "LocalSecondaryIndexDescription" $ \o -> LocalSecondaryIndexDescription <$> o .:? "IndexName" <*> o .:? "IndexSizeBytes" <*> o .:? "ItemCount" <*> o .: "KeySchema" <*> o .:? "Projection" instance ToJSON LocalSecondaryIndexDescription where toJSON LocalSecondaryIndexDescription{..} = object [ "IndexName" .= _lsidIndexName , "KeySchema" .= _lsidKeySchema , "Projection" .= _lsidProjection , "IndexSizeBytes" .= _lsidIndexSizeBytes , "ItemCount" .= _lsidItemCount ] data AttributeAction = Add -- ^ ADD | Delete' -- ^ DELETE | Put -- ^ PUT deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic, Enum) instance Hashable AttributeAction instance FromText AttributeAction where parser = takeText >>= \case "ADD" -> pure Add "DELETE" -> pure Delete' "PUT" -> pure Put e -> fail $ "Failure parsing AttributeAction from " ++ show e instance ToText AttributeAction where toText = \case Add -> "ADD" Delete' -> "DELETE" Put -> "PUT" instance ToByteString AttributeAction instance ToHeader AttributeAction instance ToQuery AttributeAction instance FromJSON AttributeAction where parseJSON = parseJSONText "AttributeAction" instance ToJSON AttributeAction where toJSON = toJSONText data ScalarAttributeType = B -- ^ B | N -- ^ N | S -- ^ S deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic, Enum) instance Hashable ScalarAttributeType instance FromText ScalarAttributeType where parser = takeText >>= \case "B" -> pure B "N" -> pure N "S" -> pure S e -> fail $ "Failure parsing ScalarAttributeType from " ++ show e instance ToText ScalarAttributeType where toText = \case B -> "B" N -> "N" S -> "S" instance ToByteString ScalarAttributeType instance ToHeader ScalarAttributeType instance ToQuery ScalarAttributeType instance FromJSON ScalarAttributeType where parseJSON = parseJSONText "ScalarAttributeType" instance ToJSON ScalarAttributeType where toJSON = toJSONText data Projection = Projection { _pNonKeyAttributes :: List1 "NonKeyAttributes" Text , _pProjectionType :: Maybe ProjectionType } deriving (Eq, Show) -- | 'Projection' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'pNonKeyAttributes' @::@ 'NonEmpty' 'Text' -- -- * 'pProjectionType' @::@ 'Maybe' 'ProjectionType' -- projection :: NonEmpty Text -- ^ 'pNonKeyAttributes' -> Projection projection p1 = Projection { _pNonKeyAttributes = withIso _List1 (const id) p1 , _pProjectionType = Nothing } -- | Represents the non-key attribute names which will be projected into the index. -- -- For local secondary indexes, the total count of /NonKeyAttributes/ summed -- across all of the local secondary indexes, must not exceed 20. If you project -- the same attribute into two different indexes, this counts as two distinct -- attributes when determining the total. pNonKeyAttributes :: Lens' Projection (NonEmpty Text) pNonKeyAttributes = lens _pNonKeyAttributes (\s a -> s { _pNonKeyAttributes = a }) . _List1 -- | The set of attributes that are projected into the index: -- -- 'KEYS_ONLY' - Only the index and primary keys are projected into the index. -- -- 'INCLUDE' - Only the specified table attributes are projected into the -- index. The list of projected attributes are in /NonKeyAttributes/. -- -- 'ALL' - All of the table attributes are projected into the index. -- -- pProjectionType :: Lens' Projection (Maybe ProjectionType) pProjectionType = lens _pProjectionType (\s a -> s { _pProjectionType = a }) instance FromJSON Projection where parseJSON = withObject "Projection" $ \o -> Projection <$> o .: "NonKeyAttributes" <*> o .:? "ProjectionType" instance ToJSON Projection where toJSON Projection{..} = object [ "ProjectionType" .= _pProjectionType , "NonKeyAttributes" .= _pNonKeyAttributes ] data Select = AllAttributes -- ^ ALL_ATTRIBUTES | AllProjectedAttributes -- ^ ALL_PROJECTED_ATTRIBUTES | Count -- ^ COUNT | SpecificAttributes -- ^ SPECIFIC_ATTRIBUTES deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic, Enum) instance Hashable Select instance FromText Select where parser = takeText >>= \case "ALL_ATTRIBUTES" -> pure AllAttributes "ALL_PROJECTED_ATTRIBUTES" -> pure AllProjectedAttributes "COUNT" -> pure Count "SPECIFIC_ATTRIBUTES" -> pure SpecificAttributes e -> fail $ "Failure parsing Select from " ++ show e instance ToText Select where toText = \case AllAttributes -> "ALL_ATTRIBUTES" AllProjectedAttributes -> "ALL_PROJECTED_ATTRIBUTES" Count -> "COUNT" SpecificAttributes -> "SPECIFIC_ATTRIBUTES" instance ToByteString Select instance ToHeader Select instance ToQuery Select instance FromJSON Select where parseJSON = parseJSONText "Select" instance ToJSON Select where toJSON = toJSONText data KeySchemaElement = KeySchemaElement { _kseAttributeName :: Text , _kseKeyType :: KeyType } deriving (Eq, Show) -- | 'KeySchemaElement' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'kseAttributeName' @::@ 'Text' -- -- * 'kseKeyType' @::@ 'KeyType' -- keySchemaElement :: Text -- ^ 'kseAttributeName' -> KeyType -- ^ 'kseKeyType' -> KeySchemaElement keySchemaElement p1 p2 = KeySchemaElement { _kseAttributeName = p1 , _kseKeyType = p2 } -- | The name of a key attribute. kseAttributeName :: Lens' KeySchemaElement Text kseAttributeName = lens _kseAttributeName (\s a -> s { _kseAttributeName = a }) -- | The attribute data, consisting of the data type and the attribute value -- itself. kseKeyType :: Lens' KeySchemaElement KeyType kseKeyType = lens _kseKeyType (\s a -> s { _kseKeyType = a }) instance FromJSON KeySchemaElement where parseJSON = withObject "KeySchemaElement" $ \o -> KeySchemaElement <$> o .: "AttributeName" <*> o .: "KeyType" instance ToJSON KeySchemaElement where toJSON KeySchemaElement{..} = object [ "AttributeName" .= _kseAttributeName , "KeyType" .= _kseKeyType ] newtype DeleteRequest = DeleteRequest { _dKey :: Map Text AttributeValue } deriving (Eq, Show, Monoid, Semigroup) -- | 'DeleteRequest' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'dKey' @::@ 'HashMap' 'Text' 'AttributeValue' -- deleteRequest :: DeleteRequest deleteRequest = DeleteRequest { _dKey = mempty } -- | A map of attribute name to attribute values, representing the primary key of -- the item to delete. All of the table's primary key attributes must be -- specified, and their data types must match those of the table's key schema. dKey :: Lens' DeleteRequest (HashMap Text AttributeValue) dKey = lens _dKey (\s a -> s { _dKey = a }) . _Map instance FromJSON DeleteRequest where parseJSON = withObject "DeleteRequest" $ \o -> DeleteRequest <$> o .: "Key" instance ToJSON DeleteRequest where toJSON DeleteRequest{..} = object [ "Key" .= _dKey ] data UpdateGlobalSecondaryIndexAction = UpdateGlobalSecondaryIndexAction { _ugsiaIndexName :: Text , _ugsiaProvisionedThroughput :: ProvisionedThroughput } deriving (Eq, Show) -- | 'UpdateGlobalSecondaryIndexAction' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'ugsiaIndexName' @::@ 'Text' -- -- * 'ugsiaProvisionedThroughput' @::@ 'ProvisionedThroughput' -- updateGlobalSecondaryIndexAction :: Text -- ^ 'ugsiaIndexName' -> ProvisionedThroughput -- ^ 'ugsiaProvisionedThroughput' -> UpdateGlobalSecondaryIndexAction updateGlobalSecondaryIndexAction p1 p2 = UpdateGlobalSecondaryIndexAction { _ugsiaIndexName = p1 , _ugsiaProvisionedThroughput = p2 } -- | The name of the global secondary index to be updated. ugsiaIndexName :: Lens' UpdateGlobalSecondaryIndexAction Text ugsiaIndexName = lens _ugsiaIndexName (\s a -> s { _ugsiaIndexName = a }) ugsiaProvisionedThroughput :: Lens' UpdateGlobalSecondaryIndexAction ProvisionedThroughput ugsiaProvisionedThroughput = lens _ugsiaProvisionedThroughput (\s a -> s { _ugsiaProvisionedThroughput = a }) instance FromJSON UpdateGlobalSecondaryIndexAction where parseJSON = withObject "UpdateGlobalSecondaryIndexAction" $ \o -> UpdateGlobalSecondaryIndexAction <$> o .: "IndexName" <*> o .: "ProvisionedThroughput" instance ToJSON UpdateGlobalSecondaryIndexAction where toJSON UpdateGlobalSecondaryIndexAction{..} = object [ "IndexName" .= _ugsiaIndexName , "ProvisionedThroughput" .= _ugsiaProvisionedThroughput ] newtype PutRequest = PutRequest { _pItem :: Map Text AttributeValue } deriving (Eq, Show, Monoid, Semigroup) -- | 'PutRequest' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'pItem' @::@ 'HashMap' 'Text' 'AttributeValue' -- putRequest :: PutRequest putRequest = PutRequest { _pItem = mempty } -- | A map of attribute name to attribute values, representing the primary key of -- an item to be processed by /PutItem/. All of the table's primary key attributes -- must be specified, and their data types must match those of the table's key -- schema. If any attributes are present in the item which are part of an index -- key schema for the table, their types must match the index key schema. pItem :: Lens' PutRequest (HashMap Text AttributeValue) pItem = lens _pItem (\s a -> s { _pItem = a }) . _Map instance FromJSON PutRequest where parseJSON = withObject "PutRequest" $ \o -> PutRequest <$> o .: "Item" instance ToJSON PutRequest where toJSON PutRequest{..} = object [ "Item" .= _pItem ] data Condition = Condition { _cAttributeValueList :: List "AttributeValueList" AttributeValue , _cComparisonOperator :: ComparisonOperator } deriving (Eq, Show) -- | 'Condition' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'cAttributeValueList' @::@ ['AttributeValue'] -- -- * 'cComparisonOperator' @::@ 'ComparisonOperator' -- condition :: ComparisonOperator -- ^ 'cComparisonOperator' -> Condition condition p1 = Condition { _cComparisonOperator = p1 , _cAttributeValueList = mempty } -- | One or more values to evaluate against the supplied attribute. The number of -- values in the list depends on the /ComparisonOperator/ being used. -- -- For type Number, value comparisons are numeric. -- -- String value comparisons for greater than, equals, or less than are based on -- ASCII character code values. For example, 'a' is greater than 'A', and 'aa' is -- greater than 'B'. For a list of code values, see . -- -- For Binary, DynamoDB treats each byte of the binary data as unsigned when it -- compares binary values, for example when evaluating query expressions. cAttributeValueList :: Lens' Condition [AttributeValue] cAttributeValueList = lens _cAttributeValueList (\s a -> s { _cAttributeValueList = a }) . _List -- | A comparator for evaluating attributes. For example, equals, greater than, -- less than, etc. -- -- The following comparison operators are available: -- -- 'EQ | NE | LE | LT | GE | GT | NOT_NULL | NULL | CONTAINS | NOT_CONTAINS |BEGINS_WITH | IN | BETWEEN' -- -- The following are descriptions of each comparison operator. -- -- 'EQ' : Equal. 'EQ' is supported for all datatypes, including lists and maps. -- -- /AttributeValueList/ can contain only one /AttributeValue/ element of type -- String, Number, Binary, String Set, Number Set, or Binary Set. If an item -- contains an /AttributeValue/ element of a different type than the one specified -- in the request, the value does not match. For example, '{"S":"6"}' does not -- equal '{"N":"6"}'. Also, '{"N":"6"}' does not equal '{"NS":["6", "2", "1"]}'. -- -- -- -- 'NE' : Not equal. 'NE' is supported for all datatypes, including lists and -- maps. -- -- /AttributeValueList/ can contain only one /AttributeValue/ of type String, -- Number, Binary, String Set, Number Set, or Binary Set. If an item contains an /AttributeValue/ of a different type than the one specified in the request, the -- value does not match. For example, '{"S":"6"}' does not equal '{"N":"6"}'. Also, '{"N":"6"}' does not equal '{"NS":["6", "2", "1"]}'. -- -- -- -- 'LE' : Less than or equal. -- -- /AttributeValueList/ can contain only one /AttributeValue/ element of type -- String, Number, or Binary (not a set type). If an item contains an /AttributeValue/ element of a different type than the one specified in the request, the value -- does not match. For example, '{"S":"6"}' does not equal '{"N":"6"}'. Also, '{"N":"6"}' does not compare to '{"NS":["6", "2", "1"]}'. -- -- -- -- 'LT' : Less than. -- -- /AttributeValueList/ can contain only one /AttributeValue/ of type String, -- Number, or Binary (not a set type). If an item contains an /AttributeValue/ -- element of a different type than the one specified in the request, the value -- does not match. For example, '{"S":"6"}' does not equal '{"N":"6"}'. Also, '{"N":"6"}' does not compare to '{"NS":["6", "2", "1"]}'. -- -- -- -- 'GE' : Greater than or equal. -- -- /AttributeValueList/ can contain only one /AttributeValue/ element of type -- String, Number, or Binary (not a set type). If an item contains an /AttributeValue/ element of a different type than the one specified in the request, the value -- does not match. For example, '{"S":"6"}' does not equal '{"N":"6"}'. Also, '{"N":"6"}' does not compare to '{"NS":["6", "2", "1"]}'. -- -- -- -- 'GT' : Greater than. -- -- /AttributeValueList/ can contain only one /AttributeValue/ element of type -- String, Number, or Binary (not a set type). If an item contains an /AttributeValue/ element of a different type than the one specified in the request, the value -- does not match. For example, '{"S":"6"}' does not equal '{"N":"6"}'. Also, '{"N":"6"}' does not compare to '{"NS":["6", "2", "1"]}'. -- -- -- -- 'NOT_NULL' : The attribute exists. 'NOT_NULL' is supported for all datatypes, -- including lists and maps. -- -- 'NULL' : The attribute does not exist. 'NULL' is supported for all datatypes, -- including lists and maps. -- -- 'CONTAINS' : Checks for a subsequence, or value in a set. -- -- /AttributeValueList/ can contain only one /AttributeValue/ element of type -- String, Number, or Binary (not a set type). If the target attribute of the -- comparison is of type String, then the operator checks for a substring match. -- If the target attribute of the comparison is of type Binary, then the -- operator looks for a subsequence of the target that matches the input. If the -- target attribute of the comparison is a set ("'SS'", "'NS'", or "'BS'"), then the -- operator evaluates to true if it finds an exact match with any member of the -- set. -- -- CONTAINS is supported for lists: When evaluating "'a CONTAINS b'", "'a'" can be -- a list; however, "'b'" cannot be a set, a map, or a list. -- -- 'NOT_CONTAINS' : Checks for absence of a subsequence, or absence of a value -- in a set. -- -- /AttributeValueList/ can contain only one /AttributeValue/ element of type -- String, Number, or Binary (not a set type). If the target attribute of the -- comparison is a String, then the operator checks for the absence of a -- substring match. If the target attribute of the comparison is Binary, then -- the operator checks for the absence of a subsequence of the target that -- matches the input. If the target attribute of the comparison is a set ("'SS'", "'NS'", or "'BS'"), then the operator evaluates to true if it /does not/ find an -- exact match with any member of the set. -- -- NOT_CONTAINS is supported for lists: When evaluating "'a NOT CONTAINS b'", "'a'" -- can be a list; however, "'b'" cannot be a set, a map, or a list. -- -- 'BEGINS_WITH' : Checks for a prefix. -- -- /AttributeValueList/ can contain only one /AttributeValue/ of type String or -- Binary (not a Number or a set type). The target attribute of the comparison -- must be of type String or Binary (not a Number or a set type). -- -- -- -- 'IN' : Checks for matching elements within two sets. -- -- /AttributeValueList/ can contain one or more /AttributeValue/ elements of type -- String, Number, or Binary (not a set type). These attributes are compared -- against an existing set type attribute of an item. If any elements of the -- input set are present in the item attribute, the expression evaluates to true. -- -- 'BETWEEN' : Greater than or equal to the first value, and less than or equal -- to the second value. -- -- /AttributeValueList/ must contain two /AttributeValue/ elements of the same -- type, either String, Number, or Binary (not a set type). A target attribute -- matches if the target value is greater than, or equal to, the first element -- and less than, or equal to, the second element. If an item contains an /AttributeValue/ element of a different type than the one specified in the request, the value -- does not match. For example, '{"S":"6"}' does not compare to '{"N":"6"}'. Also, '{"N":"6"}' does not compare to '{"NS":["6", "2", "1"]}' -- -- For usage examples of /AttributeValueList/ and /ComparisonOperator/, see in the /Amazon DynamoDB Developer Guide/. cComparisonOperator :: Lens' Condition ComparisonOperator cComparisonOperator = lens _cComparisonOperator (\s a -> s { _cComparisonOperator = a }) instance FromJSON Condition where parseJSON = withObject "Condition" $ \o -> Condition <$> o .: "AttributeValueList" <*> o .: "ComparisonOperator" instance ToJSON Condition where toJSON Condition{..} = object [ "AttributeValueList" .= _cAttributeValueList , "ComparisonOperator" .= _cComparisonOperator ] data ConditionalOperator = And -- ^ AND | Or -- ^ OR deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic, Enum) instance Hashable ConditionalOperator instance FromText ConditionalOperator where parser = takeText >>= \case "AND" -> pure And "OR" -> pure Or e -> fail $ "Failure parsing ConditionalOperator from " ++ show e instance ToText ConditionalOperator where toText = \case And -> "AND" Or -> "OR" instance ToByteString ConditionalOperator instance ToHeader ConditionalOperator instance ToQuery ConditionalOperator instance FromJSON ConditionalOperator where parseJSON = parseJSONText "ConditionalOperator" instance ToJSON ConditionalOperator where toJSON = toJSONText newtype GlobalSecondaryIndexUpdate = GlobalSecondaryIndexUpdate { _gsiuUpdate :: Maybe UpdateGlobalSecondaryIndexAction } deriving (Eq, Show) -- | 'GlobalSecondaryIndexUpdate' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'gsiuUpdate' @::@ 'Maybe' 'UpdateGlobalSecondaryIndexAction' -- globalSecondaryIndexUpdate :: GlobalSecondaryIndexUpdate globalSecondaryIndexUpdate = GlobalSecondaryIndexUpdate { _gsiuUpdate = Nothing } -- | The name of a global secondary index, along with the updated provisioned -- throughput settings that are to be applied to that index. gsiuUpdate :: Lens' GlobalSecondaryIndexUpdate (Maybe UpdateGlobalSecondaryIndexAction) gsiuUpdate = lens _gsiuUpdate (\s a -> s { _gsiuUpdate = a }) instance FromJSON GlobalSecondaryIndexUpdate where parseJSON = withObject "GlobalSecondaryIndexUpdate" $ \o -> GlobalSecondaryIndexUpdate <$> o .:? "Update" instance ToJSON GlobalSecondaryIndexUpdate where toJSON GlobalSecondaryIndexUpdate{..} = object [ "Update" .= _gsiuUpdate ]