Copyright | (c) 2013-2023 Brendan Hay |
License | Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. |
Maintainer | Brendan Hay |
Stability | auto-generated |
Portability | non-portable (GHC extensions) |
Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- Operations
- AssociateMember
- BatchGetAccountStatus
- BatchGetFreeTrialInfo
- CancelFindingsReport
- CreateFilter
- CreateFindingsReport
- DeleteFilter
- DescribeOrganizationConfiguration
- Disable
- DisableDelegatedAdminAccount
- DisassociateMember
- Enable
- EnableDelegatedAdminAccount
- GetConfiguration
- GetDelegatedAdminAccount
- GetFindingsReportStatus
- GetMember
- ListAccountPermissions
- ListCoverage
- ListCoverageStatistics
- ListDelegatedAdminAccounts
- ListFilters
- ListFindingAggregations
- ListFindings
- ListMembers
- ListTagsForResource
- ListUsageTotals
- TagResource
- UntagResource
- UpdateConfiguration
- UpdateFilter
- UpdateOrganizationConfiguration
- Types
- Account
- AccountAggregation
- AccountAggregationResponse
- AccountState
- AggregationRequest
- AggregationResponse
- AmiAggregation
- AmiAggregationResponse
- AutoEnable
- AwsEc2InstanceDetails
- AwsEcrContainerAggregation
- AwsEcrContainerAggregationResponse
- AwsEcrContainerImageDetails
- AwsLambdaFunctionDetails
- Counts
- CoverageFilterCriteria
- CoverageMapFilter
- CoverageStringFilter
- CoveredResource
- CvssScore
- CvssScoreAdjustment
- CvssScoreDetails
- DateFilter
- DelegatedAdmin
- DelegatedAdminAccount
- Destination
- Ec2InstanceAggregation
- Ec2InstanceAggregationResponse
- Ec2Metadata
- EcrConfiguration
- EcrConfigurationState
- EcrContainerImageMetadata
- EcrRepositoryMetadata
- EcrRescanDurationState
- ExploitabilityDetails
- FailedAccount
- Filter
- FilterCriteria
- Finding
- FindingTypeAggregation
- FindingTypeAggregationResponse
- FreeTrialAccountInfo
- FreeTrialInfo
- FreeTrialInfoError
- ImageLayerAggregation
- ImageLayerAggregationResponse
- InspectorScoreDetails
- LambdaFunctionAggregation
- LambdaFunctionAggregationResponse
- LambdaFunctionMetadata
- LambdaLayerAggregation
- LambdaLayerAggregationResponse
- LambdaVpcConfig
- MapFilter
- Member
- NetworkPath
- NetworkReachabilityDetails
- NumberFilter
- PackageAggregation
- PackageAggregationResponse
- PackageFilter
- PackageVulnerabilityDetails
- Permission
- PortRange
- PortRangeFilter
- Recommendation
- Remediation
- RepositoryAggregation
- RepositoryAggregationResponse
- Resource
- ResourceDetails
- ResourceScanMetadata
- ResourceState
- ResourceStatus
- ScanStatus
- SeverityCounts
- SortCriteria
- State
- Step
- StringFilter
- TitleAggregation
- TitleAggregationResponse
- Usage
- UsageTotal
- VulnerablePackage
- associateMember_accountId :: Lens' AssociateMember Text
- associateMemberResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' AssociateMemberResponse Int
- associateMemberResponse_accountId :: Lens' AssociateMemberResponse Text
- batchGetAccountStatus_accountIds :: Lens' BatchGetAccountStatus (Maybe [Text])
- batchGetAccountStatusResponse_failedAccounts :: Lens' BatchGetAccountStatusResponse (Maybe [FailedAccount])
- batchGetAccountStatusResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' BatchGetAccountStatusResponse Int
- batchGetAccountStatusResponse_accounts :: Lens' BatchGetAccountStatusResponse [AccountState]
- batchGetFreeTrialInfo_accountIds :: Lens' BatchGetFreeTrialInfo (NonEmpty Text)
- batchGetFreeTrialInfoResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' BatchGetFreeTrialInfoResponse Int
- batchGetFreeTrialInfoResponse_accounts :: Lens' BatchGetFreeTrialInfoResponse [FreeTrialAccountInfo]
- batchGetFreeTrialInfoResponse_failedAccounts :: Lens' BatchGetFreeTrialInfoResponse [FreeTrialInfoError]
- cancelFindingsReport_reportId :: Lens' CancelFindingsReport Text
- cancelFindingsReportResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CancelFindingsReportResponse Int
- cancelFindingsReportResponse_reportId :: Lens' CancelFindingsReportResponse Text
- createFilter_description :: Lens' CreateFilter (Maybe Text)
- createFilter_reason :: Lens' CreateFilter (Maybe Text)
- createFilter_tags :: Lens' CreateFilter (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- createFilter_action :: Lens' CreateFilter FilterAction
- createFilter_filterCriteria :: Lens' CreateFilter FilterCriteria
- createFilter_name :: Lens' CreateFilter Text
- createFilterResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateFilterResponse Int
- createFilterResponse_arn :: Lens' CreateFilterResponse Text
- createFindingsReport_filterCriteria :: Lens' CreateFindingsReport (Maybe FilterCriteria)
- createFindingsReport_reportFormat :: Lens' CreateFindingsReport ReportFormat
- createFindingsReport_s3Destination :: Lens' CreateFindingsReport Destination
- createFindingsReportResponse_reportId :: Lens' CreateFindingsReportResponse (Maybe Text)
- createFindingsReportResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateFindingsReportResponse Int
- deleteFilter_arn :: Lens' DeleteFilter Text
- deleteFilterResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteFilterResponse Int
- deleteFilterResponse_arn :: Lens' DeleteFilterResponse Text
- describeOrganizationConfigurationResponse_autoEnable :: Lens' DescribeOrganizationConfigurationResponse (Maybe AutoEnable)
- describeOrganizationConfigurationResponse_maxAccountLimitReached :: Lens' DescribeOrganizationConfigurationResponse (Maybe Bool)
- describeOrganizationConfigurationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeOrganizationConfigurationResponse Int
- disable_accountIds :: Lens' Disable (Maybe [Text])
- disable_resourceTypes :: Lens' Disable (Maybe [ResourceScanType])
- disableResponse_failedAccounts :: Lens' DisableResponse (Maybe [FailedAccount])
- disableResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DisableResponse Int
- disableResponse_accounts :: Lens' DisableResponse [Account]
- disableDelegatedAdminAccount_delegatedAdminAccountId :: Lens' DisableDelegatedAdminAccount Text
- disableDelegatedAdminAccountResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DisableDelegatedAdminAccountResponse Int
- disableDelegatedAdminAccountResponse_delegatedAdminAccountId :: Lens' DisableDelegatedAdminAccountResponse Text
- disassociateMember_accountId :: Lens' DisassociateMember Text
- disassociateMemberResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DisassociateMemberResponse Int
- disassociateMemberResponse_accountId :: Lens' DisassociateMemberResponse Text
- enable_accountIds :: Lens' Enable (Maybe [Text])
- enable_clientToken :: Lens' Enable (Maybe Text)
- enable_resourceTypes :: Lens' Enable (NonEmpty ResourceScanType)
- enableResponse_failedAccounts :: Lens' EnableResponse (Maybe [FailedAccount])
- enableResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' EnableResponse Int
- enableResponse_accounts :: Lens' EnableResponse [Account]
- enableDelegatedAdminAccount_clientToken :: Lens' EnableDelegatedAdminAccount (Maybe Text)
- enableDelegatedAdminAccount_delegatedAdminAccountId :: Lens' EnableDelegatedAdminAccount Text
- enableDelegatedAdminAccountResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' EnableDelegatedAdminAccountResponse Int
- enableDelegatedAdminAccountResponse_delegatedAdminAccountId :: Lens' EnableDelegatedAdminAccountResponse Text
- getConfigurationResponse_ecrConfiguration :: Lens' GetConfigurationResponse (Maybe EcrConfigurationState)
- getConfigurationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetConfigurationResponse Int
- getDelegatedAdminAccountResponse_delegatedAdmin :: Lens' GetDelegatedAdminAccountResponse (Maybe DelegatedAdmin)
- getDelegatedAdminAccountResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetDelegatedAdminAccountResponse Int
- getFindingsReportStatus_reportId :: Lens' GetFindingsReportStatus (Maybe Text)
- getFindingsReportStatusResponse_destination :: Lens' GetFindingsReportStatusResponse (Maybe Destination)
- getFindingsReportStatusResponse_errorCode :: Lens' GetFindingsReportStatusResponse (Maybe ReportingErrorCode)
- getFindingsReportStatusResponse_errorMessage :: Lens' GetFindingsReportStatusResponse (Maybe Text)
- getFindingsReportStatusResponse_filterCriteria :: Lens' GetFindingsReportStatusResponse (Maybe FilterCriteria)
- getFindingsReportStatusResponse_reportId :: Lens' GetFindingsReportStatusResponse (Maybe Text)
- getFindingsReportStatusResponse_status :: Lens' GetFindingsReportStatusResponse (Maybe ExternalReportStatus)
- getFindingsReportStatusResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetFindingsReportStatusResponse Int
- getMember_accountId :: Lens' GetMember Text
- getMemberResponse_member :: Lens' GetMemberResponse (Maybe Member)
- getMemberResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetMemberResponse Int
- listAccountPermissions_maxResults :: Lens' ListAccountPermissions (Maybe Natural)
- listAccountPermissions_nextToken :: Lens' ListAccountPermissions (Maybe Text)
- listAccountPermissions_service :: Lens' ListAccountPermissions (Maybe Service)
- listAccountPermissionsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListAccountPermissionsResponse (Maybe Text)
- listAccountPermissionsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListAccountPermissionsResponse Int
- listAccountPermissionsResponse_permissions :: Lens' ListAccountPermissionsResponse [Permission]
- listCoverage_filterCriteria :: Lens' ListCoverage (Maybe CoverageFilterCriteria)
- listCoverage_maxResults :: Lens' ListCoverage (Maybe Natural)
- listCoverage_nextToken :: Lens' ListCoverage (Maybe Text)
- listCoverageResponse_coveredResources :: Lens' ListCoverageResponse (Maybe [CoveredResource])
- listCoverageResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListCoverageResponse (Maybe Text)
- listCoverageResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListCoverageResponse Int
- listCoverageStatistics_filterCriteria :: Lens' ListCoverageStatistics (Maybe CoverageFilterCriteria)
- listCoverageStatistics_groupBy :: Lens' ListCoverageStatistics (Maybe GroupKey)
- listCoverageStatistics_nextToken :: Lens' ListCoverageStatistics (Maybe Text)
- listCoverageStatisticsResponse_countsByGroup :: Lens' ListCoverageStatisticsResponse (Maybe (NonEmpty Counts))
- listCoverageStatisticsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListCoverageStatisticsResponse (Maybe Text)
- listCoverageStatisticsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListCoverageStatisticsResponse Int
- listCoverageStatisticsResponse_totalCounts :: Lens' ListCoverageStatisticsResponse Integer
- listDelegatedAdminAccounts_maxResults :: Lens' ListDelegatedAdminAccounts (Maybe Natural)
- listDelegatedAdminAccounts_nextToken :: Lens' ListDelegatedAdminAccounts (Maybe Text)
- listDelegatedAdminAccountsResponse_delegatedAdminAccounts :: Lens' ListDelegatedAdminAccountsResponse (Maybe [DelegatedAdminAccount])
- listDelegatedAdminAccountsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListDelegatedAdminAccountsResponse (Maybe Text)
- listDelegatedAdminAccountsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListDelegatedAdminAccountsResponse Int
- listFilters_action :: Lens' ListFilters (Maybe FilterAction)
- listFilters_arns :: Lens' ListFilters (Maybe [Text])
- listFilters_maxResults :: Lens' ListFilters (Maybe Natural)
- listFilters_nextToken :: Lens' ListFilters (Maybe Text)
- listFiltersResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListFiltersResponse (Maybe Text)
- listFiltersResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListFiltersResponse Int
- listFiltersResponse_filters :: Lens' ListFiltersResponse [Filter]
- listFindingAggregations_accountIds :: Lens' ListFindingAggregations (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter))
- listFindingAggregations_aggregationRequest :: Lens' ListFindingAggregations (Maybe AggregationRequest)
- listFindingAggregations_maxResults :: Lens' ListFindingAggregations (Maybe Natural)
- listFindingAggregations_nextToken :: Lens' ListFindingAggregations (Maybe Text)
- listFindingAggregations_aggregationType :: Lens' ListFindingAggregations AggregationType
- listFindingAggregationsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListFindingAggregationsResponse (Maybe Text)
- listFindingAggregationsResponse_responses :: Lens' ListFindingAggregationsResponse (Maybe [AggregationResponse])
- listFindingAggregationsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListFindingAggregationsResponse Int
- listFindingAggregationsResponse_aggregationType :: Lens' ListFindingAggregationsResponse AggregationType
- listFindings_filterCriteria :: Lens' ListFindings (Maybe FilterCriteria)
- listFindings_maxResults :: Lens' ListFindings (Maybe Natural)
- listFindings_nextToken :: Lens' ListFindings (Maybe Text)
- listFindings_sortCriteria :: Lens' ListFindings (Maybe SortCriteria)
- listFindingsResponse_findings :: Lens' ListFindingsResponse (Maybe [Finding])
- listFindingsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListFindingsResponse (Maybe Text)
- listFindingsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListFindingsResponse Int
- listMembers_maxResults :: Lens' ListMembers (Maybe Natural)
- listMembers_nextToken :: Lens' ListMembers (Maybe Text)
- listMembers_onlyAssociated :: Lens' ListMembers (Maybe Bool)
- listMembersResponse_members :: Lens' ListMembersResponse (Maybe [Member])
- listMembersResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListMembersResponse (Maybe Text)
- listMembersResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListMembersResponse Int
- listTagsForResource_resourceArn :: Lens' ListTagsForResource Text
- listTagsForResourceResponse_tags :: Lens' ListTagsForResourceResponse (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- listTagsForResourceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListTagsForResourceResponse Int
- listUsageTotals_accountIds :: Lens' ListUsageTotals (Maybe (NonEmpty Text))
- listUsageTotals_maxResults :: Lens' ListUsageTotals (Maybe Natural)
- listUsageTotals_nextToken :: Lens' ListUsageTotals (Maybe Text)
- listUsageTotalsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListUsageTotalsResponse (Maybe Text)
- listUsageTotalsResponse_totals :: Lens' ListUsageTotalsResponse (Maybe [UsageTotal])
- listUsageTotalsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListUsageTotalsResponse Int
- tagResource_resourceArn :: Lens' TagResource Text
- tagResource_tags :: Lens' TagResource (HashMap Text Text)
- tagResourceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' TagResourceResponse Int
- untagResource_resourceArn :: Lens' UntagResource Text
- untagResource_tagKeys :: Lens' UntagResource [Text]
- untagResourceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UntagResourceResponse Int
- updateConfiguration_ecrConfiguration :: Lens' UpdateConfiguration EcrConfiguration
- updateConfigurationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateConfigurationResponse Int
- updateFilter_action :: Lens' UpdateFilter (Maybe FilterAction)
- updateFilter_description :: Lens' UpdateFilter (Maybe Text)
- updateFilter_filterCriteria :: Lens' UpdateFilter (Maybe FilterCriteria)
- updateFilter_name :: Lens' UpdateFilter (Maybe Text)
- updateFilter_reason :: Lens' UpdateFilter (Maybe Text)
- updateFilter_filterArn :: Lens' UpdateFilter Text
- updateFilterResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateFilterResponse Int
- updateFilterResponse_arn :: Lens' UpdateFilterResponse Text
- updateOrganizationConfiguration_autoEnable :: Lens' UpdateOrganizationConfiguration AutoEnable
- updateOrganizationConfigurationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateOrganizationConfigurationResponse Int
- updateOrganizationConfigurationResponse_autoEnable :: Lens' UpdateOrganizationConfigurationResponse AutoEnable
- account_accountId :: Lens' Account Text
- account_resourceStatus :: Lens' Account ResourceStatus
- account_status :: Lens' Account Status
- accountAggregation_findingType :: Lens' AccountAggregation (Maybe AggregationFindingType)
- accountAggregation_resourceType :: Lens' AccountAggregation (Maybe AggregationResourceType)
- accountAggregation_sortBy :: Lens' AccountAggregation (Maybe AccountSortBy)
- accountAggregation_sortOrder :: Lens' AccountAggregation (Maybe SortOrder)
- accountAggregationResponse_accountId :: Lens' AccountAggregationResponse (Maybe Text)
- accountAggregationResponse_severityCounts :: Lens' AccountAggregationResponse (Maybe SeverityCounts)
- accountState_accountId :: Lens' AccountState Text
- accountState_resourceState :: Lens' AccountState ResourceState
- accountState_state :: Lens' AccountState State
- aggregationRequest_accountAggregation :: Lens' AggregationRequest (Maybe AccountAggregation)
- aggregationRequest_amiAggregation :: Lens' AggregationRequest (Maybe AmiAggregation)
- aggregationRequest_awsEcrContainerAggregation :: Lens' AggregationRequest (Maybe AwsEcrContainerAggregation)
- aggregationRequest_ec2InstanceAggregation :: Lens' AggregationRequest (Maybe Ec2InstanceAggregation)
- aggregationRequest_findingTypeAggregation :: Lens' AggregationRequest (Maybe FindingTypeAggregation)
- aggregationRequest_imageLayerAggregation :: Lens' AggregationRequest (Maybe ImageLayerAggregation)
- aggregationRequest_lambdaFunctionAggregation :: Lens' AggregationRequest (Maybe LambdaFunctionAggregation)
- aggregationRequest_lambdaLayerAggregation :: Lens' AggregationRequest (Maybe LambdaLayerAggregation)
- aggregationRequest_packageAggregation :: Lens' AggregationRequest (Maybe PackageAggregation)
- aggregationRequest_repositoryAggregation :: Lens' AggregationRequest (Maybe RepositoryAggregation)
- aggregationRequest_titleAggregation :: Lens' AggregationRequest (Maybe TitleAggregation)
- aggregationResponse_accountAggregation :: Lens' AggregationResponse (Maybe AccountAggregationResponse)
- aggregationResponse_amiAggregation :: Lens' AggregationResponse (Maybe AmiAggregationResponse)
- aggregationResponse_awsEcrContainerAggregation :: Lens' AggregationResponse (Maybe AwsEcrContainerAggregationResponse)
- aggregationResponse_ec2InstanceAggregation :: Lens' AggregationResponse (Maybe Ec2InstanceAggregationResponse)
- aggregationResponse_findingTypeAggregation :: Lens' AggregationResponse (Maybe FindingTypeAggregationResponse)
- aggregationResponse_imageLayerAggregation :: Lens' AggregationResponse (Maybe ImageLayerAggregationResponse)
- aggregationResponse_lambdaFunctionAggregation :: Lens' AggregationResponse (Maybe LambdaFunctionAggregationResponse)
- aggregationResponse_lambdaLayerAggregation :: Lens' AggregationResponse (Maybe LambdaLayerAggregationResponse)
- aggregationResponse_packageAggregation :: Lens' AggregationResponse (Maybe PackageAggregationResponse)
- aggregationResponse_repositoryAggregation :: Lens' AggregationResponse (Maybe RepositoryAggregationResponse)
- aggregationResponse_titleAggregation :: Lens' AggregationResponse (Maybe TitleAggregationResponse)
- amiAggregation_amis :: Lens' AmiAggregation (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter))
- amiAggregation_sortBy :: Lens' AmiAggregation (Maybe AmiSortBy)
- amiAggregation_sortOrder :: Lens' AmiAggregation (Maybe SortOrder)
- amiAggregationResponse_accountId :: Lens' AmiAggregationResponse (Maybe Text)
- amiAggregationResponse_affectedInstances :: Lens' AmiAggregationResponse (Maybe Integer)
- amiAggregationResponse_severityCounts :: Lens' AmiAggregationResponse (Maybe SeverityCounts)
- amiAggregationResponse_ami :: Lens' AmiAggregationResponse Text
- autoEnable_lambda :: Lens' AutoEnable (Maybe Bool)
- autoEnable_ec2 :: Lens' AutoEnable Bool
- autoEnable_ecr :: Lens' AutoEnable Bool
- awsEc2InstanceDetails_iamInstanceProfileArn :: Lens' AwsEc2InstanceDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2InstanceDetails_imageId :: Lens' AwsEc2InstanceDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2InstanceDetails_ipV4Addresses :: Lens' AwsEc2InstanceDetails (Maybe [Text])
- awsEc2InstanceDetails_ipV6Addresses :: Lens' AwsEc2InstanceDetails (Maybe [Text])
- awsEc2InstanceDetails_keyName :: Lens' AwsEc2InstanceDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2InstanceDetails_launchedAt :: Lens' AwsEc2InstanceDetails (Maybe UTCTime)
- awsEc2InstanceDetails_platform :: Lens' AwsEc2InstanceDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2InstanceDetails_subnetId :: Lens' AwsEc2InstanceDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2InstanceDetails_type :: Lens' AwsEc2InstanceDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEc2InstanceDetails_vpcId :: Lens' AwsEc2InstanceDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcrContainerAggregation_architectures :: Lens' AwsEcrContainerAggregation (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter))
- awsEcrContainerAggregation_imageShas :: Lens' AwsEcrContainerAggregation (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter))
- awsEcrContainerAggregation_imageTags :: Lens' AwsEcrContainerAggregation (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter))
- awsEcrContainerAggregation_repositories :: Lens' AwsEcrContainerAggregation (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter))
- awsEcrContainerAggregation_resourceIds :: Lens' AwsEcrContainerAggregation (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter))
- awsEcrContainerAggregation_sortBy :: Lens' AwsEcrContainerAggregation (Maybe AwsEcrContainerSortBy)
- awsEcrContainerAggregation_sortOrder :: Lens' AwsEcrContainerAggregation (Maybe SortOrder)
- awsEcrContainerAggregationResponse_accountId :: Lens' AwsEcrContainerAggregationResponse (Maybe Text)
- awsEcrContainerAggregationResponse_architecture :: Lens' AwsEcrContainerAggregationResponse (Maybe Text)
- awsEcrContainerAggregationResponse_imageSha :: Lens' AwsEcrContainerAggregationResponse (Maybe Text)
- awsEcrContainerAggregationResponse_imageTags :: Lens' AwsEcrContainerAggregationResponse (Maybe [Text])
- awsEcrContainerAggregationResponse_repository :: Lens' AwsEcrContainerAggregationResponse (Maybe Text)
- awsEcrContainerAggregationResponse_severityCounts :: Lens' AwsEcrContainerAggregationResponse (Maybe SeverityCounts)
- awsEcrContainerAggregationResponse_resourceId :: Lens' AwsEcrContainerAggregationResponse Text
- awsEcrContainerImageDetails_architecture :: Lens' AwsEcrContainerImageDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcrContainerImageDetails_author :: Lens' AwsEcrContainerImageDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcrContainerImageDetails_imageTags :: Lens' AwsEcrContainerImageDetails (Maybe [Text])
- awsEcrContainerImageDetails_platform :: Lens' AwsEcrContainerImageDetails (Maybe Text)
- awsEcrContainerImageDetails_pushedAt :: Lens' AwsEcrContainerImageDetails (Maybe UTCTime)
- awsEcrContainerImageDetails_imageHash :: Lens' AwsEcrContainerImageDetails Text
- awsEcrContainerImageDetails_registry :: Lens' AwsEcrContainerImageDetails Text
- awsEcrContainerImageDetails_repositoryName :: Lens' AwsEcrContainerImageDetails Text
- awsLambdaFunctionDetails_architectures :: Lens' AwsLambdaFunctionDetails (Maybe (NonEmpty Architecture))
- awsLambdaFunctionDetails_lastModifiedAt :: Lens' AwsLambdaFunctionDetails (Maybe UTCTime)
- awsLambdaFunctionDetails_layers :: Lens' AwsLambdaFunctionDetails (Maybe (NonEmpty Text))
- awsLambdaFunctionDetails_packageType :: Lens' AwsLambdaFunctionDetails (Maybe PackageType)
- awsLambdaFunctionDetails_vpcConfig :: Lens' AwsLambdaFunctionDetails (Maybe LambdaVpcConfig)
- awsLambdaFunctionDetails_codeSha256 :: Lens' AwsLambdaFunctionDetails Text
- awsLambdaFunctionDetails_executionRoleArn :: Lens' AwsLambdaFunctionDetails Text
- awsLambdaFunctionDetails_functionName :: Lens' AwsLambdaFunctionDetails Text
- awsLambdaFunctionDetails_runtime :: Lens' AwsLambdaFunctionDetails Runtime
- awsLambdaFunctionDetails_version :: Lens' AwsLambdaFunctionDetails Text
- counts_count :: Lens' Counts (Maybe Integer)
- counts_groupKey :: Lens' Counts (Maybe GroupKey)
- coverageFilterCriteria_accountId :: Lens' CoverageFilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty CoverageStringFilter))
- coverageFilterCriteria_ec2InstanceTags :: Lens' CoverageFilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty CoverageMapFilter))
- coverageFilterCriteria_ecrImageTags :: Lens' CoverageFilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty CoverageStringFilter))
- coverageFilterCriteria_ecrRepositoryName :: Lens' CoverageFilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty CoverageStringFilter))
- coverageFilterCriteria_lambdaFunctionName :: Lens' CoverageFilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty CoverageStringFilter))
- coverageFilterCriteria_lambdaFunctionRuntime :: Lens' CoverageFilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty CoverageStringFilter))
- coverageFilterCriteria_lambdaFunctionTags :: Lens' CoverageFilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty CoverageMapFilter))
- coverageFilterCriteria_resourceId :: Lens' CoverageFilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty CoverageStringFilter))
- coverageFilterCriteria_resourceType :: Lens' CoverageFilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty CoverageStringFilter))
- coverageFilterCriteria_scanStatusCode :: Lens' CoverageFilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty CoverageStringFilter))
- coverageFilterCriteria_scanStatusReason :: Lens' CoverageFilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty CoverageStringFilter))
- coverageFilterCriteria_scanType :: Lens' CoverageFilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty CoverageStringFilter))
- coverageMapFilter_value :: Lens' CoverageMapFilter (Maybe Text)
- coverageMapFilter_comparison :: Lens' CoverageMapFilter CoverageMapComparison
- coverageMapFilter_key :: Lens' CoverageMapFilter Text
- coverageStringFilter_comparison :: Lens' CoverageStringFilter CoverageStringComparison
- coverageStringFilter_value :: Lens' CoverageStringFilter Text
- coveredResource_resourceMetadata :: Lens' CoveredResource (Maybe ResourceScanMetadata)
- coveredResource_scanStatus :: Lens' CoveredResource (Maybe ScanStatus)
- coveredResource_accountId :: Lens' CoveredResource Text
- coveredResource_resourceId :: Lens' CoveredResource Text
- coveredResource_resourceType :: Lens' CoveredResource CoverageResourceType
- coveredResource_scanType :: Lens' CoveredResource ScanType
- cvssScore_baseScore :: Lens' CvssScore Double
- cvssScore_scoringVector :: Lens' CvssScore Text
- cvssScore_source :: Lens' CvssScore Text
- cvssScore_version :: Lens' CvssScore Text
- cvssScoreAdjustment_metric :: Lens' CvssScoreAdjustment Text
- cvssScoreAdjustment_reason :: Lens' CvssScoreAdjustment Text
- cvssScoreDetails_adjustments :: Lens' CvssScoreDetails (Maybe [CvssScoreAdjustment])
- cvssScoreDetails_cvssSource :: Lens' CvssScoreDetails (Maybe Text)
- cvssScoreDetails_score :: Lens' CvssScoreDetails Double
- cvssScoreDetails_scoreSource :: Lens' CvssScoreDetails Text
- cvssScoreDetails_scoringVector :: Lens' CvssScoreDetails Text
- cvssScoreDetails_version :: Lens' CvssScoreDetails Text
- dateFilter_endInclusive :: Lens' DateFilter (Maybe UTCTime)
- dateFilter_startInclusive :: Lens' DateFilter (Maybe UTCTime)
- delegatedAdmin_accountId :: Lens' DelegatedAdmin (Maybe Text)
- delegatedAdmin_relationshipStatus :: Lens' DelegatedAdmin (Maybe RelationshipStatus)
- delegatedAdminAccount_accountId :: Lens' DelegatedAdminAccount (Maybe Text)
- delegatedAdminAccount_status :: Lens' DelegatedAdminAccount (Maybe DelegatedAdminStatus)
- destination_keyPrefix :: Lens' Destination (Maybe Text)
- destination_bucketName :: Lens' Destination Text
- destination_kmsKeyArn :: Lens' Destination Text
- ec2InstanceAggregation_amis :: Lens' Ec2InstanceAggregation (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter))
- ec2InstanceAggregation_instanceIds :: Lens' Ec2InstanceAggregation (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter))
- ec2InstanceAggregation_instanceTags :: Lens' Ec2InstanceAggregation (Maybe (NonEmpty MapFilter))
- ec2InstanceAggregation_operatingSystems :: Lens' Ec2InstanceAggregation (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter))
- ec2InstanceAggregation_sortBy :: Lens' Ec2InstanceAggregation (Maybe Ec2InstanceSortBy)
- ec2InstanceAggregation_sortOrder :: Lens' Ec2InstanceAggregation (Maybe SortOrder)
- ec2InstanceAggregationResponse_accountId :: Lens' Ec2InstanceAggregationResponse (Maybe Text)
- ec2InstanceAggregationResponse_ami :: Lens' Ec2InstanceAggregationResponse (Maybe Text)
- ec2InstanceAggregationResponse_instanceTags :: Lens' Ec2InstanceAggregationResponse (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- ec2InstanceAggregationResponse_networkFindings :: Lens' Ec2InstanceAggregationResponse (Maybe Integer)
- ec2InstanceAggregationResponse_operatingSystem :: Lens' Ec2InstanceAggregationResponse (Maybe Text)
- ec2InstanceAggregationResponse_severityCounts :: Lens' Ec2InstanceAggregationResponse (Maybe SeverityCounts)
- ec2InstanceAggregationResponse_instanceId :: Lens' Ec2InstanceAggregationResponse Text
- ec2Metadata_amiId :: Lens' Ec2Metadata (Maybe Text)
- ec2Metadata_platform :: Lens' Ec2Metadata (Maybe Ec2Platform)
- ec2Metadata_tags :: Lens' Ec2Metadata (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- ecrConfiguration_rescanDuration :: Lens' EcrConfiguration EcrRescanDuration
- ecrConfigurationState_rescanDurationState :: Lens' EcrConfigurationState (Maybe EcrRescanDurationState)
- ecrContainerImageMetadata_tags :: Lens' EcrContainerImageMetadata (Maybe [Text])
- ecrRepositoryMetadata_name :: Lens' EcrRepositoryMetadata (Maybe Text)
- ecrRepositoryMetadata_scanFrequency :: Lens' EcrRepositoryMetadata (Maybe EcrScanFrequency)
- ecrRescanDurationState_rescanDuration :: Lens' EcrRescanDurationState (Maybe EcrRescanDuration)
- ecrRescanDurationState_status :: Lens' EcrRescanDurationState (Maybe EcrRescanDurationStatus)
- ecrRescanDurationState_updatedAt :: Lens' EcrRescanDurationState (Maybe UTCTime)
- exploitabilityDetails_lastKnownExploitAt :: Lens' ExploitabilityDetails (Maybe UTCTime)
- failedAccount_resourceStatus :: Lens' FailedAccount (Maybe ResourceStatus)
- failedAccount_status :: Lens' FailedAccount (Maybe Status)
- failedAccount_accountId :: Lens' FailedAccount Text
- failedAccount_errorCode :: Lens' FailedAccount ErrorCode
- failedAccount_errorMessage :: Lens' FailedAccount Text
- filter_description :: Lens' Filter (Maybe Text)
- filter_reason :: Lens' Filter (Maybe Text)
- filter_tags :: Lens' Filter (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- filter_action :: Lens' Filter FilterAction
- filter_arn :: Lens' Filter Text
- filter_createdAt :: Lens' Filter UTCTime
- filter_criteria :: Lens' Filter FilterCriteria
- filter_name :: Lens' Filter Text
- filter_ownerId :: Lens' Filter Text
- filter_updatedAt :: Lens' Filter UTCTime
- filterCriteria_awsAccountId :: Lens' FilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter))
- filterCriteria_componentId :: Lens' FilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter))
- filterCriteria_componentType :: Lens' FilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter))
- filterCriteria_ec2InstanceImageId :: Lens' FilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter))
- filterCriteria_ec2InstanceSubnetId :: Lens' FilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter))
- filterCriteria_ec2InstanceVpcId :: Lens' FilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter))
- filterCriteria_ecrImageArchitecture :: Lens' FilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter))
- filterCriteria_ecrImageHash :: Lens' FilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter))
- filterCriteria_ecrImagePushedAt :: Lens' FilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty DateFilter))
- filterCriteria_ecrImageRegistry :: Lens' FilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter))
- filterCriteria_ecrImageRepositoryName :: Lens' FilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter))
- filterCriteria_ecrImageTags :: Lens' FilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter))
- filterCriteria_exploitAvailable :: Lens' FilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter))
- filterCriteria_findingArn :: Lens' FilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter))
- filterCriteria_findingStatus :: Lens' FilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter))
- filterCriteria_findingType :: Lens' FilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter))
- filterCriteria_firstObservedAt :: Lens' FilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty DateFilter))
- filterCriteria_fixAvailable :: Lens' FilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter))
- filterCriteria_inspectorScore :: Lens' FilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty NumberFilter))
- filterCriteria_lambdaFunctionExecutionRoleArn :: Lens' FilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter))
- filterCriteria_lambdaFunctionLastModifiedAt :: Lens' FilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty DateFilter))
- filterCriteria_lambdaFunctionLayers :: Lens' FilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter))
- filterCriteria_lambdaFunctionName :: Lens' FilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter))
- filterCriteria_lambdaFunctionRuntime :: Lens' FilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter))
- filterCriteria_lastObservedAt :: Lens' FilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty DateFilter))
- filterCriteria_networkProtocol :: Lens' FilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter))
- filterCriteria_portRange :: Lens' FilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty PortRangeFilter))
- filterCriteria_relatedVulnerabilities :: Lens' FilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter))
- filterCriteria_resourceId :: Lens' FilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter))
- filterCriteria_resourceTags :: Lens' FilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty MapFilter))
- filterCriteria_resourceType :: Lens' FilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter))
- filterCriteria_severity :: Lens' FilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter))
- filterCriteria_title :: Lens' FilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter))
- filterCriteria_updatedAt :: Lens' FilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty DateFilter))
- filterCriteria_vendorSeverity :: Lens' FilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter))
- filterCriteria_vulnerabilityId :: Lens' FilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter))
- filterCriteria_vulnerabilitySource :: Lens' FilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter))
- filterCriteria_vulnerablePackages :: Lens' FilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty PackageFilter))
- finding_exploitAvailable :: Lens' Finding (Maybe ExploitAvailable)
- finding_exploitabilityDetails :: Lens' Finding (Maybe ExploitabilityDetails)
- finding_fixAvailable :: Lens' Finding (Maybe FixAvailable)
- finding_inspectorScore :: Lens' Finding (Maybe Double)
- finding_inspectorScoreDetails :: Lens' Finding (Maybe InspectorScoreDetails)
- finding_networkReachabilityDetails :: Lens' Finding (Maybe NetworkReachabilityDetails)
- finding_packageVulnerabilityDetails :: Lens' Finding (Maybe PackageVulnerabilityDetails)
- finding_title :: Lens' Finding (Maybe Text)
- finding_updatedAt :: Lens' Finding (Maybe UTCTime)
- finding_awsAccountId :: Lens' Finding Text
- finding_description :: Lens' Finding Text
- finding_findingArn :: Lens' Finding Text
- finding_firstObservedAt :: Lens' Finding UTCTime
- finding_lastObservedAt :: Lens' Finding UTCTime
- finding_remediation :: Lens' Finding Remediation
- finding_resources :: Lens' Finding (NonEmpty Resource)
- finding_severity :: Lens' Finding Severity
- finding_status :: Lens' Finding FindingStatus
- finding_type :: Lens' Finding FindingType
- findingTypeAggregation_findingType :: Lens' FindingTypeAggregation (Maybe AggregationFindingType)
- findingTypeAggregation_resourceType :: Lens' FindingTypeAggregation (Maybe AggregationResourceType)
- findingTypeAggregation_sortBy :: Lens' FindingTypeAggregation (Maybe FindingTypeSortBy)
- findingTypeAggregation_sortOrder :: Lens' FindingTypeAggregation (Maybe SortOrder)
- findingTypeAggregationResponse_accountId :: Lens' FindingTypeAggregationResponse (Maybe Text)
- findingTypeAggregationResponse_severityCounts :: Lens' FindingTypeAggregationResponse (Maybe SeverityCounts)
- freeTrialAccountInfo_accountId :: Lens' FreeTrialAccountInfo Text
- freeTrialAccountInfo_freeTrialInfo :: Lens' FreeTrialAccountInfo [FreeTrialInfo]
- freeTrialInfo_end :: Lens' FreeTrialInfo UTCTime
- freeTrialInfo_start :: Lens' FreeTrialInfo UTCTime
- freeTrialInfo_status :: Lens' FreeTrialInfo FreeTrialStatus
- freeTrialInfo_type :: Lens' FreeTrialInfo FreeTrialType
- freeTrialInfoError_accountId :: Lens' FreeTrialInfoError Text
- freeTrialInfoError_code :: Lens' FreeTrialInfoError FreeTrialInfoErrorCode
- freeTrialInfoError_message :: Lens' FreeTrialInfoError Text
- imageLayerAggregation_layerHashes :: Lens' ImageLayerAggregation (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter))
- imageLayerAggregation_repositories :: Lens' ImageLayerAggregation (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter))
- imageLayerAggregation_resourceIds :: Lens' ImageLayerAggregation (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter))
- imageLayerAggregation_sortBy :: Lens' ImageLayerAggregation (Maybe ImageLayerSortBy)
- imageLayerAggregation_sortOrder :: Lens' ImageLayerAggregation (Maybe SortOrder)
- imageLayerAggregationResponse_severityCounts :: Lens' ImageLayerAggregationResponse (Maybe SeverityCounts)
- imageLayerAggregationResponse_accountId :: Lens' ImageLayerAggregationResponse Text
- imageLayerAggregationResponse_layerHash :: Lens' ImageLayerAggregationResponse Text
- imageLayerAggregationResponse_repository :: Lens' ImageLayerAggregationResponse Text
- imageLayerAggregationResponse_resourceId :: Lens' ImageLayerAggregationResponse Text
- inspectorScoreDetails_adjustedCvss :: Lens' InspectorScoreDetails (Maybe CvssScoreDetails)
- lambdaFunctionAggregation_functionNames :: Lens' LambdaFunctionAggregation (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter))
- lambdaFunctionAggregation_functionTags :: Lens' LambdaFunctionAggregation (Maybe (NonEmpty MapFilter))
- lambdaFunctionAggregation_resourceIds :: Lens' LambdaFunctionAggregation (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter))
- lambdaFunctionAggregation_runtimes :: Lens' LambdaFunctionAggregation (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter))
- lambdaFunctionAggregation_sortBy :: Lens' LambdaFunctionAggregation (Maybe LambdaFunctionSortBy)
- lambdaFunctionAggregation_sortOrder :: Lens' LambdaFunctionAggregation (Maybe SortOrder)
- lambdaFunctionAggregationResponse_accountId :: Lens' LambdaFunctionAggregationResponse (Maybe Text)
- lambdaFunctionAggregationResponse_functionName :: Lens' LambdaFunctionAggregationResponse (Maybe Text)
- lambdaFunctionAggregationResponse_lambdaTags :: Lens' LambdaFunctionAggregationResponse (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- lambdaFunctionAggregationResponse_lastModifiedAt :: Lens' LambdaFunctionAggregationResponse (Maybe UTCTime)
- lambdaFunctionAggregationResponse_runtime :: Lens' LambdaFunctionAggregationResponse (Maybe Text)
- lambdaFunctionAggregationResponse_severityCounts :: Lens' LambdaFunctionAggregationResponse (Maybe SeverityCounts)
- lambdaFunctionAggregationResponse_resourceId :: Lens' LambdaFunctionAggregationResponse Text
- lambdaFunctionMetadata_functionName :: Lens' LambdaFunctionMetadata (Maybe Text)
- lambdaFunctionMetadata_functionTags :: Lens' LambdaFunctionMetadata (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- lambdaFunctionMetadata_layers :: Lens' LambdaFunctionMetadata (Maybe [Text])
- lambdaFunctionMetadata_runtime :: Lens' LambdaFunctionMetadata (Maybe Runtime)
- lambdaLayerAggregation_functionNames :: Lens' LambdaLayerAggregation (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter))
- lambdaLayerAggregation_layerArns :: Lens' LambdaLayerAggregation (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter))
- lambdaLayerAggregation_resourceIds :: Lens' LambdaLayerAggregation (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter))
- lambdaLayerAggregation_sortBy :: Lens' LambdaLayerAggregation (Maybe LambdaLayerSortBy)
- lambdaLayerAggregation_sortOrder :: Lens' LambdaLayerAggregation (Maybe SortOrder)
- lambdaLayerAggregationResponse_severityCounts :: Lens' LambdaLayerAggregationResponse (Maybe SeverityCounts)
- lambdaLayerAggregationResponse_accountId :: Lens' LambdaLayerAggregationResponse Text
- lambdaLayerAggregationResponse_functionName :: Lens' LambdaLayerAggregationResponse Text
- lambdaLayerAggregationResponse_layerArn :: Lens' LambdaLayerAggregationResponse Text
- lambdaLayerAggregationResponse_resourceId :: Lens' LambdaLayerAggregationResponse Text
- lambdaVpcConfig_securityGroupIds :: Lens' LambdaVpcConfig (Maybe [Text])
- lambdaVpcConfig_subnetIds :: Lens' LambdaVpcConfig (Maybe [Text])
- lambdaVpcConfig_vpcId :: Lens' LambdaVpcConfig (Maybe Text)
- mapFilter_value :: Lens' MapFilter (Maybe Text)
- mapFilter_comparison :: Lens' MapFilter MapComparison
- mapFilter_key :: Lens' MapFilter Text
- member_accountId :: Lens' Member (Maybe Text)
- member_delegatedAdminAccountId :: Lens' Member (Maybe Text)
- member_relationshipStatus :: Lens' Member (Maybe RelationshipStatus)
- member_updatedAt :: Lens' Member (Maybe UTCTime)
- networkPath_steps :: Lens' NetworkPath (Maybe (NonEmpty Step))
- networkReachabilityDetails_networkPath :: Lens' NetworkReachabilityDetails NetworkPath
- networkReachabilityDetails_openPortRange :: Lens' NetworkReachabilityDetails PortRange
- networkReachabilityDetails_protocol :: Lens' NetworkReachabilityDetails NetworkProtocol
- numberFilter_lowerInclusive :: Lens' NumberFilter (Maybe Double)
- numberFilter_upperInclusive :: Lens' NumberFilter (Maybe Double)
- packageAggregation_packageNames :: Lens' PackageAggregation (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter))
- packageAggregation_sortBy :: Lens' PackageAggregation (Maybe PackageSortBy)
- packageAggregation_sortOrder :: Lens' PackageAggregation (Maybe SortOrder)
- packageAggregationResponse_accountId :: Lens' PackageAggregationResponse (Maybe Text)
- packageAggregationResponse_severityCounts :: Lens' PackageAggregationResponse (Maybe SeverityCounts)
- packageAggregationResponse_packageName :: Lens' PackageAggregationResponse Text
- packageFilter_architecture :: Lens' PackageFilter (Maybe StringFilter)
- packageFilter_epoch :: Lens' PackageFilter (Maybe NumberFilter)
- packageFilter_name :: Lens' PackageFilter (Maybe StringFilter)
- packageFilter_release :: Lens' PackageFilter (Maybe StringFilter)
- packageFilter_sourceLambdaLayerArn :: Lens' PackageFilter (Maybe StringFilter)
- packageFilter_sourceLayerHash :: Lens' PackageFilter (Maybe StringFilter)
- packageFilter_version :: Lens' PackageFilter (Maybe StringFilter)
- packageVulnerabilityDetails_cvss :: Lens' PackageVulnerabilityDetails (Maybe [CvssScore])
- packageVulnerabilityDetails_referenceUrls :: Lens' PackageVulnerabilityDetails (Maybe [Text])
- packageVulnerabilityDetails_relatedVulnerabilities :: Lens' PackageVulnerabilityDetails (Maybe [Text])
- packageVulnerabilityDetails_sourceUrl :: Lens' PackageVulnerabilityDetails (Maybe Text)
- packageVulnerabilityDetails_vendorCreatedAt :: Lens' PackageVulnerabilityDetails (Maybe UTCTime)
- packageVulnerabilityDetails_vendorSeverity :: Lens' PackageVulnerabilityDetails (Maybe Text)
- packageVulnerabilityDetails_vendorUpdatedAt :: Lens' PackageVulnerabilityDetails (Maybe UTCTime)
- packageVulnerabilityDetails_vulnerablePackages :: Lens' PackageVulnerabilityDetails (Maybe [VulnerablePackage])
- packageVulnerabilityDetails_source :: Lens' PackageVulnerabilityDetails Text
- packageVulnerabilityDetails_vulnerabilityId :: Lens' PackageVulnerabilityDetails Text
- permission_operation :: Lens' Permission Operation
- permission_service :: Lens' Permission Service
- portRange_begin :: Lens' PortRange Natural
- portRange_end :: Lens' PortRange Natural
- portRangeFilter_beginInclusive :: Lens' PortRangeFilter (Maybe Natural)
- portRangeFilter_endInclusive :: Lens' PortRangeFilter (Maybe Natural)
- recommendation_url :: Lens' Recommendation (Maybe Text)
- recommendation_text :: Lens' Recommendation (Maybe Text)
- remediation_recommendation :: Lens' Remediation (Maybe Recommendation)
- repositoryAggregation_repositories :: Lens' RepositoryAggregation (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter))
- repositoryAggregation_sortBy :: Lens' RepositoryAggregation (Maybe RepositorySortBy)
- repositoryAggregation_sortOrder :: Lens' RepositoryAggregation (Maybe SortOrder)
- repositoryAggregationResponse_accountId :: Lens' RepositoryAggregationResponse (Maybe Text)
- repositoryAggregationResponse_affectedImages :: Lens' RepositoryAggregationResponse (Maybe Integer)
- repositoryAggregationResponse_severityCounts :: Lens' RepositoryAggregationResponse (Maybe SeverityCounts)
- repositoryAggregationResponse_repository :: Lens' RepositoryAggregationResponse Text
- resource_details :: Lens' Resource (Maybe ResourceDetails)
- resource_partition :: Lens' Resource (Maybe Text)
- resource_region :: Lens' Resource (Maybe Text)
- resource_tags :: Lens' Resource (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- resource_id :: Lens' Resource Text
- resource_type :: Lens' Resource ResourceType
- resourceDetails_awsEc2Instance :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsEc2InstanceDetails)
- resourceDetails_awsEcrContainerImage :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsEcrContainerImageDetails)
- resourceDetails_awsLambdaFunction :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsLambdaFunctionDetails)
- resourceScanMetadata_ec2 :: Lens' ResourceScanMetadata (Maybe Ec2Metadata)
- resourceScanMetadata_ecrImage :: Lens' ResourceScanMetadata (Maybe EcrContainerImageMetadata)
- resourceScanMetadata_ecrRepository :: Lens' ResourceScanMetadata (Maybe EcrRepositoryMetadata)
- resourceScanMetadata_lambdaFunction :: Lens' ResourceScanMetadata (Maybe LambdaFunctionMetadata)
- resourceState_lambda :: Lens' ResourceState (Maybe State)
- resourceState_ec2 :: Lens' ResourceState State
- resourceState_ecr :: Lens' ResourceState State
- resourceStatus_lambda :: Lens' ResourceStatus (Maybe Status)
- resourceStatus_ec2 :: Lens' ResourceStatus Status
- resourceStatus_ecr :: Lens' ResourceStatus Status
- scanStatus_reason :: Lens' ScanStatus ScanStatusReason
- scanStatus_statusCode :: Lens' ScanStatus ScanStatusCode
- severityCounts_all :: Lens' SeverityCounts (Maybe Integer)
- severityCounts_critical :: Lens' SeverityCounts (Maybe Integer)
- severityCounts_high :: Lens' SeverityCounts (Maybe Integer)
- severityCounts_medium :: Lens' SeverityCounts (Maybe Integer)
- sortCriteria_field :: Lens' SortCriteria SortField
- sortCriteria_sortOrder :: Lens' SortCriteria SortOrder
- state_errorCode :: Lens' State ErrorCode
- state_errorMessage :: Lens' State Text
- state_status :: Lens' State Status
- step_componentId :: Lens' Step Text
- step_componentType :: Lens' Step Text
- stringFilter_comparison :: Lens' StringFilter StringComparison
- stringFilter_value :: Lens' StringFilter Text
- titleAggregation_resourceType :: Lens' TitleAggregation (Maybe AggregationResourceType)
- titleAggregation_sortBy :: Lens' TitleAggregation (Maybe TitleSortBy)
- titleAggregation_sortOrder :: Lens' TitleAggregation (Maybe SortOrder)
- titleAggregation_titles :: Lens' TitleAggregation (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter))
- titleAggregation_vulnerabilityIds :: Lens' TitleAggregation (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter))
- titleAggregationResponse_accountId :: Lens' TitleAggregationResponse (Maybe Text)
- titleAggregationResponse_severityCounts :: Lens' TitleAggregationResponse (Maybe SeverityCounts)
- titleAggregationResponse_vulnerabilityId :: Lens' TitleAggregationResponse (Maybe Text)
- titleAggregationResponse_title :: Lens' TitleAggregationResponse Text
- usage_currency :: Lens' Usage (Maybe Currency)
- usage_estimatedMonthlyCost :: Lens' Usage (Maybe Double)
- usage_total :: Lens' Usage (Maybe Double)
- usage_type :: Lens' Usage (Maybe UsageType)
- usageTotal_accountId :: Lens' UsageTotal (Maybe Text)
- usageTotal_usage :: Lens' UsageTotal (Maybe [Usage])
- vulnerablePackage_arch :: Lens' VulnerablePackage (Maybe Text)
- vulnerablePackage_epoch :: Lens' VulnerablePackage (Maybe Int)
- vulnerablePackage_filePath :: Lens' VulnerablePackage (Maybe Text)
- vulnerablePackage_fixedInVersion :: Lens' VulnerablePackage (Maybe Text)
- vulnerablePackage_packageManager :: Lens' VulnerablePackage (Maybe PackageManager)
- vulnerablePackage_release :: Lens' VulnerablePackage (Maybe Text)
- vulnerablePackage_remediation :: Lens' VulnerablePackage (Maybe Text)
- vulnerablePackage_sourceLambdaLayerArn :: Lens' VulnerablePackage (Maybe Text)
- vulnerablePackage_sourceLayerHash :: Lens' VulnerablePackage (Maybe Text)
- vulnerablePackage_name :: Lens' VulnerablePackage Text
- vulnerablePackage_version :: Lens' VulnerablePackage Text
associateMember_accountId :: Lens' AssociateMember Text Source #
The Amazon Web Services account ID of the member account to be associated.
associateMemberResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' AssociateMemberResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
associateMemberResponse_accountId :: Lens' AssociateMemberResponse Text Source #
The Amazon Web Services account ID of the successfully associated member account.
batchGetAccountStatus_accountIds :: Lens' BatchGetAccountStatus (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The 12-digit Amazon Web Services account IDs of the accounts to retrieve Amazon Inspector status for.
batchGetAccountStatusResponse_failedAccounts :: Lens' BatchGetAccountStatusResponse (Maybe [FailedAccount]) Source #
An array of objects detailing any accounts that failed to enable Amazon Inspector and why.
batchGetAccountStatusResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' BatchGetAccountStatusResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
batchGetAccountStatusResponse_accounts :: Lens' BatchGetAccountStatusResponse [AccountState] Source #
An array of objects that provide details on the status of Amazon Inspector for each of the requested accounts.
batchGetFreeTrialInfo_accountIds :: Lens' BatchGetFreeTrialInfo (NonEmpty Text) Source #
The account IDs to get free trial status for.
batchGetFreeTrialInfoResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' BatchGetFreeTrialInfoResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
batchGetFreeTrialInfoResponse_accounts :: Lens' BatchGetFreeTrialInfoResponse [FreeTrialAccountInfo] Source #
An array of objects that provide Amazon Inspector free trial details for each of the requested accounts.
batchGetFreeTrialInfoResponse_failedAccounts :: Lens' BatchGetFreeTrialInfoResponse [FreeTrialInfoError] Source #
An array of objects detailing any accounts that free trial data could not be returned for.
cancelFindingsReport_reportId :: Lens' CancelFindingsReport Text Source #
The ID of the report to be canceled.
cancelFindingsReportResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CancelFindingsReportResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
cancelFindingsReportResponse_reportId :: Lens' CancelFindingsReportResponse Text Source #
The ID of the canceled report.
createFilter_description :: Lens' CreateFilter (Maybe Text) Source #
A description of the filter.
createFilter_reason :: Lens' CreateFilter (Maybe Text) Source #
The reason for creating the filter.
createFilter_tags :: Lens' CreateFilter (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
A list of tags for the filter.
createFilter_action :: Lens' CreateFilter FilterAction Source #
Defines the action that is to be applied to the findings that match the filter.
createFilter_filterCriteria :: Lens' CreateFilter FilterCriteria Source #
Defines the criteria to be used in the filter for querying findings.
createFilter_name :: Lens' CreateFilter Text Source #
The name of the filter. Minimum length of 3. Maximum length of 64. Valid characters include alphanumeric characters, dot (.), underscore (_), and dash (-). Spaces are not allowed.
createFilterResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateFilterResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
createFilterResponse_arn :: Lens' CreateFilterResponse Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Number (ARN) of the successfully created filter.
createFindingsReport_filterCriteria :: Lens' CreateFindingsReport (Maybe FilterCriteria) Source #
The filter criteria to apply to the results of the finding report.
createFindingsReport_reportFormat :: Lens' CreateFindingsReport ReportFormat Source #
The format to generate the report in.
createFindingsReport_s3Destination :: Lens' CreateFindingsReport Destination Source #
The Amazon S3 export destination for the report.
createFindingsReportResponse_reportId :: Lens' CreateFindingsReportResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the report.
createFindingsReportResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' CreateFindingsReportResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
deleteFilter_arn :: Lens' DeleteFilter Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Number (ARN) of the filter to be deleted.
deleteFilterResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DeleteFilterResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
deleteFilterResponse_arn :: Lens' DeleteFilterResponse Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Number (ARN) of the filter that has been deleted.
describeOrganizationConfigurationResponse_autoEnable :: Lens' DescribeOrganizationConfigurationResponse (Maybe AutoEnable) Source #
The scan types are automatically enabled for new members of your organization.
describeOrganizationConfigurationResponse_maxAccountLimitReached :: Lens' DescribeOrganizationConfigurationResponse (Maybe Bool) Source #
Represents whether your organization has reached the maximum Amazon Web Services account limit for Amazon Inspector.
describeOrganizationConfigurationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DescribeOrganizationConfigurationResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
disable_accountIds :: Lens' Disable (Maybe [Text]) Source #
An array of account IDs you want to disable Amazon Inspector scans for.
disable_resourceTypes :: Lens' Disable (Maybe [ResourceScanType]) Source #
The resource scan types you want to disable.
disableResponse_failedAccounts :: Lens' DisableResponse (Maybe [FailedAccount]) Source #
Information on any accounts for which Amazon Inspector scans could not be disabled. Details are provided for each account.
disableResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DisableResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
disableResponse_accounts :: Lens' DisableResponse [Account] Source #
Information on the accounts that have had Amazon Inspector scans successfully disabled. Details are provided for each account.
disableDelegatedAdminAccount_delegatedAdminAccountId :: Lens' DisableDelegatedAdminAccount Text Source #
The Amazon Web Services account ID of the current Amazon Inspector delegated administrator.
disableDelegatedAdminAccountResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DisableDelegatedAdminAccountResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
disableDelegatedAdminAccountResponse_delegatedAdminAccountId :: Lens' DisableDelegatedAdminAccountResponse Text Source #
The Amazon Web Services account ID of the successfully disabled delegated administrator.
disassociateMember_accountId :: Lens' DisassociateMember Text Source #
The Amazon Web Services account ID of the member account to disassociate.
disassociateMemberResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' DisassociateMemberResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
disassociateMemberResponse_accountId :: Lens' DisassociateMemberResponse Text Source #
The Amazon Web Services account ID of the successfully disassociated member.
enable_accountIds :: Lens' Enable (Maybe [Text]) Source #
A list of account IDs you want to enable Amazon Inspector scans for.
enable_resourceTypes :: Lens' Enable (NonEmpty ResourceScanType) Source #
The resource scan types you want to enable.
enableResponse_failedAccounts :: Lens' EnableResponse (Maybe [FailedAccount]) Source #
Information on any accounts for which Amazon Inspector scans could not be enabled. Details are provided for each account.
enableResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' EnableResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
enableResponse_accounts :: Lens' EnableResponse [Account] Source #
Information on the accounts that have had Amazon Inspector scans successfully enabled. Details are provided for each account.
enableDelegatedAdminAccount_clientToken :: Lens' EnableDelegatedAdminAccount (Maybe Text) Source #
The idempotency token for the request.
enableDelegatedAdminAccount_delegatedAdminAccountId :: Lens' EnableDelegatedAdminAccount Text Source #
The Amazon Web Services account ID of the Amazon Inspector delegated administrator.
enableDelegatedAdminAccountResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' EnableDelegatedAdminAccountResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
enableDelegatedAdminAccountResponse_delegatedAdminAccountId :: Lens' EnableDelegatedAdminAccountResponse Text Source #
The Amazon Web Services account ID of the successfully Amazon Inspector delegated administrator.
getConfigurationResponse_ecrConfiguration :: Lens' GetConfigurationResponse (Maybe EcrConfigurationState) Source #
Specifies how the ECR automated re-scan duration is currently configured for your environment.
getConfigurationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetConfigurationResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getDelegatedAdminAccountResponse_delegatedAdmin :: Lens' GetDelegatedAdminAccountResponse (Maybe DelegatedAdmin) Source #
The Amazon Web Services account ID of the Amazon Inspector delegated administrator.
getDelegatedAdminAccountResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetDelegatedAdminAccountResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getFindingsReportStatus_reportId :: Lens' GetFindingsReportStatus (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the report to retrieve the status of.
getFindingsReportStatusResponse_destination :: Lens' GetFindingsReportStatusResponse (Maybe Destination) Source #
The destination of the report.
getFindingsReportStatusResponse_errorCode :: Lens' GetFindingsReportStatusResponse (Maybe ReportingErrorCode) Source #
The error code of the report.
getFindingsReportStatusResponse_errorMessage :: Lens' GetFindingsReportStatusResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The error message of the report.
getFindingsReportStatusResponse_filterCriteria :: Lens' GetFindingsReportStatusResponse (Maybe FilterCriteria) Source #
The filter criteria associated with the report.
getFindingsReportStatusResponse_reportId :: Lens' GetFindingsReportStatusResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the report.
getFindingsReportStatusResponse_status :: Lens' GetFindingsReportStatusResponse (Maybe ExternalReportStatus) Source #
The status of the report.
getFindingsReportStatusResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetFindingsReportStatusResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
getMember_accountId :: Lens' GetMember Text Source #
The Amazon Web Services account ID of the member account to retrieve information on.
getMemberResponse_member :: Lens' GetMemberResponse (Maybe Member) Source #
Details of the retrieved member account.
getMemberResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' GetMemberResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listAccountPermissions_maxResults :: Lens' ListAccountPermissions (Maybe Natural) Source #
The maximum number of results to return in the response.
listAccountPermissions_nextToken :: Lens' ListAccountPermissions (Maybe Text) Source #
A token to use for paginating results that are returned in the response.
Set the value of this parameter to null for the first request to a list
action. For subsequent calls, use the NextToken
value returned from
the previous request to continue listing results after the first page.
listAccountPermissions_service :: Lens' ListAccountPermissions (Maybe Service) Source #
The service scan type to check permissions for.
listAccountPermissionsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListAccountPermissionsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
A token to use for paginating results that are returned in the response.
Set the value of this parameter to null for the first request to a list
action. For subsequent calls, use the NextToken
value returned from
the previous request to continue listing results after the first page.
listAccountPermissionsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListAccountPermissionsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listAccountPermissionsResponse_permissions :: Lens' ListAccountPermissionsResponse [Permission] Source #
Contains details on the permissions an account has to configure Amazon Inspector.
listCoverage_filterCriteria :: Lens' ListCoverage (Maybe CoverageFilterCriteria) Source #
An object that contains details on the filters to apply to the coverage data for your environment.
listCoverage_maxResults :: Lens' ListCoverage (Maybe Natural) Source #
The maximum number of results to return in the response.
listCoverage_nextToken :: Lens' ListCoverage (Maybe Text) Source #
A token to use for paginating results that are returned in the response.
Set the value of this parameter to null for the first request to a list
action. For subsequent calls, use the NextToken
value returned from
the previous request to continue listing results after the first page.
listCoverageResponse_coveredResources :: Lens' ListCoverageResponse (Maybe [CoveredResource]) Source #
An object that contains details on the covered resources in your environment.
listCoverageResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListCoverageResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
A token to use for paginating results that are returned in the response.
Set the value of this parameter to null for the first request to a list
action. For subsequent calls, use the NextToken
value returned from
the previous request to continue listing results after the first page.
listCoverageResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListCoverageResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listCoverageStatistics_filterCriteria :: Lens' ListCoverageStatistics (Maybe CoverageFilterCriteria) Source #
An object that contains details on the filters to apply to the coverage data for your environment.
listCoverageStatistics_groupBy :: Lens' ListCoverageStatistics (Maybe GroupKey) Source #
The value to group the results by.
listCoverageStatistics_nextToken :: Lens' ListCoverageStatistics (Maybe Text) Source #
A token to use for paginating results that are returned in the response.
Set the value of this parameter to null for the first request to a list
action. For subsequent calls, use the NextToken
value returned from
the previous request to continue listing results after the first page.
listCoverageStatisticsResponse_countsByGroup :: Lens' ListCoverageStatisticsResponse (Maybe (NonEmpty Counts)) Source #
An array with the number for each group.
listCoverageStatisticsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListCoverageStatisticsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
A token to use for paginating results that are returned in the response.
Set the value of this parameter to null for the first request to a list
action. For subsequent calls, use the NextToken
value returned from
the previous request to continue listing results after the first page.
listCoverageStatisticsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListCoverageStatisticsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listCoverageStatisticsResponse_totalCounts :: Lens' ListCoverageStatisticsResponse Integer Source #
The total number for all groups.
listDelegatedAdminAccounts_maxResults :: Lens' ListDelegatedAdminAccounts (Maybe Natural) Source #
The maximum number of results to return in the response.
listDelegatedAdminAccounts_nextToken :: Lens' ListDelegatedAdminAccounts (Maybe Text) Source #
A token to use for paginating results that are returned in the response.
Set the value of this parameter to null for the first request to a list
action. For subsequent calls, use the NextToken
value returned from
the previous request to continue listing results after the first page.
listDelegatedAdminAccountsResponse_delegatedAdminAccounts :: Lens' ListDelegatedAdminAccountsResponse (Maybe [DelegatedAdminAccount]) Source #
Details of the Amazon Inspector delegated administrator of your organization.
listDelegatedAdminAccountsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListDelegatedAdminAccountsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
A token to use for paginating results that are returned in the response.
Set the value of this parameter to null for the first request to a list
action. For subsequent calls, use the NextToken
value returned from
the previous request to continue listing results after the first page.
listDelegatedAdminAccountsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListDelegatedAdminAccountsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listFilters_action :: Lens' ListFilters (Maybe FilterAction) Source #
The action the filter applies to matched findings.
listFilters_arns :: Lens' ListFilters (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The Amazon resource number (ARN) of the filter.
listFilters_maxResults :: Lens' ListFilters (Maybe Natural) Source #
The maximum number of results to return in the response.
listFilters_nextToken :: Lens' ListFilters (Maybe Text) Source #
A token to use for paginating results that are returned in the response.
Set the value of this parameter to null for the first request to a list
action. For subsequent calls, use the NextToken
value returned from
the previous request to continue listing results after the first page.
listFiltersResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListFiltersResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
A token to use for paginating results that are returned in the response.
Set the value of this parameter to null for the first request to a list
action. For subsequent calls, use the NextToken
value returned from
the previous request to continue listing results after the first page.
listFiltersResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListFiltersResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listFiltersResponse_filters :: Lens' ListFiltersResponse [Filter] Source #
Contains details on the filters associated with your account.
listFindingAggregations_accountIds :: Lens' ListFindingAggregations (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter)) Source #
The Amazon Web Services account IDs to retrieve finding aggregation data for.
listFindingAggregations_aggregationRequest :: Lens' ListFindingAggregations (Maybe AggregationRequest) Source #
Details of the aggregation request that is used to filter your aggregation results.
listFindingAggregations_maxResults :: Lens' ListFindingAggregations (Maybe Natural) Source #
The maximum number of results to return in the response.
listFindingAggregations_nextToken :: Lens' ListFindingAggregations (Maybe Text) Source #
A token to use for paginating results that are returned in the response.
Set the value of this parameter to null for the first request to a list
action. For subsequent calls, use the NextToken
value returned from
the previous request to continue listing results after the first page.
listFindingAggregations_aggregationType :: Lens' ListFindingAggregations AggregationType Source #
The type of the aggregation request.
listFindingAggregationsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListFindingAggregationsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
A token to use for paginating results that are returned in the response.
Set the value of this parameter to null for the first request to a list
action. For subsequent calls, use the NextToken
value returned from
the previous request to continue listing results after the first page.
listFindingAggregationsResponse_responses :: Lens' ListFindingAggregationsResponse (Maybe [AggregationResponse]) Source #
Objects that contain the results of an aggregation operation.
listFindingAggregationsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListFindingAggregationsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listFindingAggregationsResponse_aggregationType :: Lens' ListFindingAggregationsResponse AggregationType Source #
The type of aggregation to perform.
listFindings_filterCriteria :: Lens' ListFindings (Maybe FilterCriteria) Source #
Details on the filters to apply to your finding results.
listFindings_maxResults :: Lens' ListFindings (Maybe Natural) Source #
The maximum number of results to return in the response.
listFindings_nextToken :: Lens' ListFindings (Maybe Text) Source #
A token to use for paginating results that are returned in the response.
Set the value of this parameter to null for the first request to a list
action. For subsequent calls, use the NextToken
value returned from
the previous request to continue listing results after the first page.
listFindings_sortCriteria :: Lens' ListFindings (Maybe SortCriteria) Source #
Details on the sort criteria to apply to your finding results.
listFindingsResponse_findings :: Lens' ListFindingsResponse (Maybe [Finding]) Source #
Contains details on the findings in your environment.
listFindingsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListFindingsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
A token to use for paginating results that are returned in the response.
Set the value of this parameter to null for the first request to a list
action. For subsequent calls, use the NextToken
value returned from
the previous request to continue listing results after the first page.
listFindingsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListFindingsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listMembers_maxResults :: Lens' ListMembers (Maybe Natural) Source #
The maximum number of results to return in the response.
listMembers_nextToken :: Lens' ListMembers (Maybe Text) Source #
A token to use for paginating results that are returned in the response.
Set the value of this parameter to null for the first request to a list
action. For subsequent calls, use the NextToken
value returned from
the previous request to continue listing results after the first page.
listMembers_onlyAssociated :: Lens' ListMembers (Maybe Bool) Source #
Specifies whether to list only currently associated members if True
to list all members within the organization if False
listMembersResponse_members :: Lens' ListMembersResponse (Maybe [Member]) Source #
An object that contains details for each member account.
listMembersResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListMembersResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The pagination parameter to be used on the next list operation to retrieve more items.
listMembersResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListMembersResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listTagsForResource_resourceArn :: Lens' ListTagsForResource Text Source #
The Amazon resource number (ARN) of the resource to list tags of.
listTagsForResourceResponse_tags :: Lens' ListTagsForResourceResponse (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
The tags associated with the resource.
listTagsForResourceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListTagsForResourceResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
listUsageTotals_accountIds :: Lens' ListUsageTotals (Maybe (NonEmpty Text)) Source #
The Amazon Web Services account IDs to retrieve usage totals for.
listUsageTotals_maxResults :: Lens' ListUsageTotals (Maybe Natural) Source #
The maximum number of results to return in the response.
listUsageTotals_nextToken :: Lens' ListUsageTotals (Maybe Text) Source #
A token to use for paginating results that are returned in the response.
Set the value of this parameter to null for the first request to a list
action. For subsequent calls, use the NextToken
value returned from
the previous request to continue listing results after the first page.
listUsageTotalsResponse_nextToken :: Lens' ListUsageTotalsResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The pagination parameter to be used on the next list operation to retrieve more items.
listUsageTotalsResponse_totals :: Lens' ListUsageTotalsResponse (Maybe [UsageTotal]) Source #
An object with details on the total usage for the requested account.
listUsageTotalsResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' ListUsageTotalsResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
tagResource_resourceArn :: Lens' TagResource Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource to apply a tag to.
tagResource_tags :: Lens' TagResource (HashMap Text Text) Source #
The tags to be added to a resource.
tagResourceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' TagResourceResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
untagResource_resourceArn :: Lens' UntagResource Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the resource to remove tags from.
untagResource_tagKeys :: Lens' UntagResource [Text] Source #
The tag keys to remove from the resource.
untagResourceResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UntagResourceResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
updateConfiguration_ecrConfiguration :: Lens' UpdateConfiguration EcrConfiguration Source #
Specifies how the ECR automated re-scan will be updated for your environment.
updateConfigurationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateConfigurationResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
updateFilter_action :: Lens' UpdateFilter (Maybe FilterAction) Source #
Specifies the action that is to be applied to the findings that match the filter.
updateFilter_description :: Lens' UpdateFilter (Maybe Text) Source #
A description of the filter.
updateFilter_filterCriteria :: Lens' UpdateFilter (Maybe FilterCriteria) Source #
Defines the criteria to be update in the filter.
updateFilter_name :: Lens' UpdateFilter (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the filter.
updateFilter_reason :: Lens' UpdateFilter (Maybe Text) Source #
The reason the filter was updated.
updateFilter_filterArn :: Lens' UpdateFilter Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Number (ARN) of the filter to update.
updateFilterResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateFilterResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
updateFilterResponse_arn :: Lens' UpdateFilterResponse Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Number (ARN) of the successfully updated filter.
updateOrganizationConfiguration_autoEnable :: Lens' UpdateOrganizationConfiguration AutoEnable Source #
Defines which scan types are enabled automatically for new members of your Amazon Inspector organization.
updateOrganizationConfigurationResponse_httpStatus :: Lens' UpdateOrganizationConfigurationResponse Int Source #
The response's http status code.
updateOrganizationConfigurationResponse_autoEnable :: Lens' UpdateOrganizationConfigurationResponse AutoEnable Source #
The updated status of scan types automatically enabled for new members of your Amazon Inspector organization.
account_resourceStatus :: Lens' Account ResourceStatus Source #
Details of the status of Amazon Inspector scans by resource type.
accountAggregation_findingType :: Lens' AccountAggregation (Maybe AggregationFindingType) Source #
The type of finding.
accountAggregation_resourceType :: Lens' AccountAggregation (Maybe AggregationResourceType) Source #
The type of resource.
accountAggregation_sortBy :: Lens' AccountAggregation (Maybe AccountSortBy) Source #
The value to sort by.
accountAggregation_sortOrder :: Lens' AccountAggregation (Maybe SortOrder) Source #
The sort order (ascending or descending).
accountAggregationResponse_accountId :: Lens' AccountAggregationResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Web Services account ID.
accountAggregationResponse_severityCounts :: Lens' AccountAggregationResponse (Maybe SeverityCounts) Source #
The number of findings by severity.
accountState_accountId :: Lens' AccountState Text Source #
The Amazon Web Services account ID.
accountState_resourceState :: Lens' AccountState ResourceState Source #
An object detailing which resources Amazon Inspector is enabled to scan for the account.
accountState_state :: Lens' AccountState State Source #
An object detailing the status of Amazon Inspector for the account.
aggregationRequest_accountAggregation :: Lens' AggregationRequest (Maybe AccountAggregation) Source #
An object that contains details about an aggregation request based on Amazon Web Services account IDs.
aggregationRequest_amiAggregation :: Lens' AggregationRequest (Maybe AmiAggregation) Source #
An object that contains details about an aggregation request based on Amazon Machine Images (AMIs).
aggregationRequest_awsEcrContainerAggregation :: Lens' AggregationRequest (Maybe AwsEcrContainerAggregation) Source #
An object that contains details about an aggregation request based on Amazon ECR container images.
aggregationRequest_ec2InstanceAggregation :: Lens' AggregationRequest (Maybe Ec2InstanceAggregation) Source #
An object that contains details about an aggregation request based on Amazon EC2 instances.
aggregationRequest_findingTypeAggregation :: Lens' AggregationRequest (Maybe FindingTypeAggregation) Source #
An object that contains details about an aggregation request based on finding types.
aggregationRequest_imageLayerAggregation :: Lens' AggregationRequest (Maybe ImageLayerAggregation) Source #
An object that contains details about an aggregation request based on container image layers.
aggregationRequest_lambdaFunctionAggregation :: Lens' AggregationRequest (Maybe LambdaFunctionAggregation) Source #
Returns an object with findings aggregated by AWS Lambda function.
aggregationRequest_lambdaLayerAggregation :: Lens' AggregationRequest (Maybe LambdaLayerAggregation) Source #
Returns an object with findings aggregated by AWS Lambda layer.
aggregationRequest_packageAggregation :: Lens' AggregationRequest (Maybe PackageAggregation) Source #
An object that contains details about an aggregation request based on operating system package type.
aggregationRequest_repositoryAggregation :: Lens' AggregationRequest (Maybe RepositoryAggregation) Source #
An object that contains details about an aggregation request based on Amazon ECR repositories.
aggregationRequest_titleAggregation :: Lens' AggregationRequest (Maybe TitleAggregation) Source #
An object that contains details about an aggregation request based on finding title.
aggregationResponse_accountAggregation :: Lens' AggregationResponse (Maybe AccountAggregationResponse) Source #
An object that contains details about an aggregation response based on Amazon Web Services account IDs.
aggregationResponse_amiAggregation :: Lens' AggregationResponse (Maybe AmiAggregationResponse) Source #
An object that contains details about an aggregation response based on Amazon Machine Images (AMIs).
aggregationResponse_awsEcrContainerAggregation :: Lens' AggregationResponse (Maybe AwsEcrContainerAggregationResponse) Source #
An object that contains details about an aggregation response based on Amazon ECR container images.
aggregationResponse_ec2InstanceAggregation :: Lens' AggregationResponse (Maybe Ec2InstanceAggregationResponse) Source #
An object that contains details about an aggregation response based on Amazon EC2 instances.
aggregationResponse_findingTypeAggregation :: Lens' AggregationResponse (Maybe FindingTypeAggregationResponse) Source #
An object that contains details about an aggregation response based on finding types.
aggregationResponse_imageLayerAggregation :: Lens' AggregationResponse (Maybe ImageLayerAggregationResponse) Source #
An object that contains details about an aggregation response based on container image layers.
aggregationResponse_lambdaFunctionAggregation :: Lens' AggregationResponse (Maybe LambdaFunctionAggregationResponse) Source #
An aggregation of findings by AWS Lambda function.
aggregationResponse_lambdaLayerAggregation :: Lens' AggregationResponse (Maybe LambdaLayerAggregationResponse) Source #
An aggregation of findings by AWS Lambda layer.
aggregationResponse_packageAggregation :: Lens' AggregationResponse (Maybe PackageAggregationResponse) Source #
An object that contains details about an aggregation response based on operating system package type.
aggregationResponse_repositoryAggregation :: Lens' AggregationResponse (Maybe RepositoryAggregationResponse) Source #
An object that contains details about an aggregation response based on Amazon ECR repositories.
aggregationResponse_titleAggregation :: Lens' AggregationResponse (Maybe TitleAggregationResponse) Source #
An object that contains details about an aggregation response based on finding title.
amiAggregation_amis :: Lens' AmiAggregation (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter)) Source #
The IDs of AMIs to aggregate findings for.
amiAggregation_sortBy :: Lens' AmiAggregation (Maybe AmiSortBy) Source #
The value to sort results by.
amiAggregation_sortOrder :: Lens' AmiAggregation (Maybe SortOrder) Source #
The order to sort results by.
amiAggregationResponse_accountId :: Lens' AmiAggregationResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Web Services account ID for the AMI.
amiAggregationResponse_affectedInstances :: Lens' AmiAggregationResponse (Maybe Integer) Source #
The IDs of Amazon EC2 instances using this AMI.
amiAggregationResponse_severityCounts :: Lens' AmiAggregationResponse (Maybe SeverityCounts) Source #
An object that contains the count of matched findings per severity.
amiAggregationResponse_ami :: Lens' AmiAggregationResponse Text Source #
The ID of the AMI that findings were aggregated for.
autoEnable_lambda :: Lens' AutoEnable (Maybe Bool) Source #
Represents whether AWS Lambda scans are automatically enabled for new members of your Amazon Inspector organization.
autoEnable_ec2 :: Lens' AutoEnable Bool Source #
Represents whether Amazon EC2 scans are automatically enabled for new members of your Amazon Inspector organization.
autoEnable_ecr :: Lens' AutoEnable Bool Source #
Represents whether Amazon ECR scans are automatically enabled for new members of your Amazon Inspector organization.
awsEc2InstanceDetails_iamInstanceProfileArn :: Lens' AwsEc2InstanceDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The IAM instance profile ARN of the Amazon EC2 instance.
awsEc2InstanceDetails_imageId :: Lens' AwsEc2InstanceDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The image ID of the Amazon EC2 instance.
awsEc2InstanceDetails_ipV4Addresses :: Lens' AwsEc2InstanceDetails (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The IPv4 addresses of the Amazon EC2 instance.
awsEc2InstanceDetails_ipV6Addresses :: Lens' AwsEc2InstanceDetails (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The IPv6 addresses of the Amazon EC2 instance.
awsEc2InstanceDetails_keyName :: Lens' AwsEc2InstanceDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the key pair used to launch the Amazon EC2 instance.
awsEc2InstanceDetails_launchedAt :: Lens' AwsEc2InstanceDetails (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The date and time the Amazon EC2 instance was launched at.
awsEc2InstanceDetails_platform :: Lens' AwsEc2InstanceDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The platform of the Amazon EC2 instance.
awsEc2InstanceDetails_subnetId :: Lens' AwsEc2InstanceDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The subnet ID of the Amazon EC2 instance.
awsEc2InstanceDetails_type :: Lens' AwsEc2InstanceDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The type of the Amazon EC2 instance.
awsEc2InstanceDetails_vpcId :: Lens' AwsEc2InstanceDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The VPC ID of the Amazon EC2 instance.
awsEcrContainerAggregation_architectures :: Lens' AwsEcrContainerAggregation (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter)) Source #
The architecture of the containers.
awsEcrContainerAggregation_imageShas :: Lens' AwsEcrContainerAggregation (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter)) Source #
The image SHA values.
awsEcrContainerAggregation_imageTags :: Lens' AwsEcrContainerAggregation (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter)) Source #
The image tags.
awsEcrContainerAggregation_repositories :: Lens' AwsEcrContainerAggregation (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter)) Source #
The container repositories.
awsEcrContainerAggregation_resourceIds :: Lens' AwsEcrContainerAggregation (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter)) Source #
The container resource IDs.
awsEcrContainerAggregation_sortBy :: Lens' AwsEcrContainerAggregation (Maybe AwsEcrContainerSortBy) Source #
The value to sort by.
awsEcrContainerAggregation_sortOrder :: Lens' AwsEcrContainerAggregation (Maybe SortOrder) Source #
The sort order (ascending or descending).
awsEcrContainerAggregationResponse_accountId :: Lens' AwsEcrContainerAggregationResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Web Services account ID of the account that owns the container.
awsEcrContainerAggregationResponse_architecture :: Lens' AwsEcrContainerAggregationResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The architecture of the container.
awsEcrContainerAggregationResponse_imageSha :: Lens' AwsEcrContainerAggregationResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The SHA value of the container image.
awsEcrContainerAggregationResponse_imageTags :: Lens' AwsEcrContainerAggregationResponse (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The container image stags.
awsEcrContainerAggregationResponse_repository :: Lens' AwsEcrContainerAggregationResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The container repository.
awsEcrContainerAggregationResponse_severityCounts :: Lens' AwsEcrContainerAggregationResponse (Maybe SeverityCounts) Source #
The number of finding by severity.
awsEcrContainerAggregationResponse_resourceId :: Lens' AwsEcrContainerAggregationResponse Text Source #
The resource ID of the container.
awsEcrContainerImageDetails_architecture :: Lens' AwsEcrContainerImageDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The architecture of the Amazon ECR container image.
awsEcrContainerImageDetails_author :: Lens' AwsEcrContainerImageDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The image author of the Amazon ECR container image.
awsEcrContainerImageDetails_imageTags :: Lens' AwsEcrContainerImageDetails (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The image tags attached to the Amazon ECR container image.
awsEcrContainerImageDetails_platform :: Lens' AwsEcrContainerImageDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The platform of the Amazon ECR container image.
awsEcrContainerImageDetails_pushedAt :: Lens' AwsEcrContainerImageDetails (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The date and time the Amazon ECR container image was pushed.
awsEcrContainerImageDetails_imageHash :: Lens' AwsEcrContainerImageDetails Text Source #
The image hash of the Amazon ECR container image.
awsEcrContainerImageDetails_registry :: Lens' AwsEcrContainerImageDetails Text Source #
The registry for the Amazon ECR container image.
awsEcrContainerImageDetails_repositoryName :: Lens' AwsEcrContainerImageDetails Text Source #
The name of the repository the Amazon ECR container image resides in.
awsLambdaFunctionDetails_architectures :: Lens' AwsLambdaFunctionDetails (Maybe (NonEmpty Architecture)) Source #
The instruction set architecture that the AWS Lambda function supports.
Architecture is a string array with one of the valid values. The default
architecture value is x86_64
awsLambdaFunctionDetails_lastModifiedAt :: Lens' AwsLambdaFunctionDetails (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The date and time that a user last updated the configuration, in ISO 8601 format
awsLambdaFunctionDetails_layers :: Lens' AwsLambdaFunctionDetails (Maybe (NonEmpty Text)) Source #
The AWS Lambda function's layers. A Lambda function can have up to five layers.
awsLambdaFunctionDetails_packageType :: Lens' AwsLambdaFunctionDetails (Maybe PackageType) Source #
The type of deployment package. Set to Image
for container image and
set Zip
for .zip file archive.
awsLambdaFunctionDetails_vpcConfig :: Lens' AwsLambdaFunctionDetails (Maybe LambdaVpcConfig) Source #
The AWS Lambda function's networking configuration.
awsLambdaFunctionDetails_codeSha256 :: Lens' AwsLambdaFunctionDetails Text Source #
The SHA256 hash of the AWS Lambda function's deployment package.
awsLambdaFunctionDetails_executionRoleArn :: Lens' AwsLambdaFunctionDetails Text Source #
The AWS Lambda function's execution role.
awsLambdaFunctionDetails_functionName :: Lens' AwsLambdaFunctionDetails Text Source #
The name of the AWS Lambda function.
awsLambdaFunctionDetails_runtime :: Lens' AwsLambdaFunctionDetails Runtime Source #
The runtime environment for the AWS Lambda function.
awsLambdaFunctionDetails_version :: Lens' AwsLambdaFunctionDetails Text Source #
The version of the AWS Lambda function.
coverageFilterCriteria_accountId :: Lens' CoverageFilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty CoverageStringFilter)) Source #
An array of Amazon Web Services account IDs to return coverage statistics for.
coverageFilterCriteria_ec2InstanceTags :: Lens' CoverageFilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty CoverageMapFilter)) Source #
The Amazon EC2 instance tags to filter on.
coverageFilterCriteria_ecrImageTags :: Lens' CoverageFilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty CoverageStringFilter)) Source #
The Amazon ECR image tags to filter on.
coverageFilterCriteria_ecrRepositoryName :: Lens' CoverageFilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty CoverageStringFilter)) Source #
The Amazon ECR repository name to filter on.
coverageFilterCriteria_lambdaFunctionName :: Lens' CoverageFilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty CoverageStringFilter)) Source #
Returns coverage statistics for AWS Lambda functions filtered by function names.
coverageFilterCriteria_lambdaFunctionRuntime :: Lens' CoverageFilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty CoverageStringFilter)) Source #
Returns coverage statistics for AWS Lambda functions filtered by runtime.
coverageFilterCriteria_lambdaFunctionTags :: Lens' CoverageFilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty CoverageMapFilter)) Source #
Returns coverage statistics for AWS Lambda functions filtered by tag.
coverageFilterCriteria_resourceId :: Lens' CoverageFilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty CoverageStringFilter)) Source #
An array of Amazon Web Services resource IDs to return coverage statistics for.
coverageFilterCriteria_resourceType :: Lens' CoverageFilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty CoverageStringFilter)) Source #
An array of Amazon Web Services resource types to return coverage
statistics for. The values can be AWS_EC2_INSTANCE
coverageFilterCriteria_scanStatusCode :: Lens' CoverageFilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty CoverageStringFilter)) Source #
The scan status code to filter on.
coverageFilterCriteria_scanStatusReason :: Lens' CoverageFilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty CoverageStringFilter)) Source #
The scan status reason to filter on.
coverageFilterCriteria_scanType :: Lens' CoverageFilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty CoverageStringFilter)) Source #
An array of Amazon Inspector scan types to return coverage statistics for.
coverageMapFilter_value :: Lens' CoverageMapFilter (Maybe Text) Source #
The tag value associated with the coverage map filter.
coverageMapFilter_comparison :: Lens' CoverageMapFilter CoverageMapComparison Source #
The operator to compare coverage on.
coverageMapFilter_key :: Lens' CoverageMapFilter Text Source #
The tag key associated with the coverage map filter.
coverageStringFilter_comparison :: Lens' CoverageStringFilter CoverageStringComparison Source #
The operator to compare strings on.
coverageStringFilter_value :: Lens' CoverageStringFilter Text Source #
The value to compare strings on.
coveredResource_resourceMetadata :: Lens' CoveredResource (Maybe ResourceScanMetadata) Source #
An object that contains details about the metadata.
coveredResource_scanStatus :: Lens' CoveredResource (Maybe ScanStatus) Source #
The status of the scan covering the resource.
coveredResource_accountId :: Lens' CoveredResource Text Source #
The Amazon Web Services account ID of the covered resource.
coveredResource_resourceId :: Lens' CoveredResource Text Source #
The ID of the covered resource.
coveredResource_resourceType :: Lens' CoveredResource CoverageResourceType Source #
The type of the covered resource.
coveredResource_scanType :: Lens' CoveredResource ScanType Source #
The Amazon Inspector scan type covering the resource.
cvssScoreAdjustment_metric :: Lens' CvssScoreAdjustment Text Source #
The metric used to adjust the CVSS score.
cvssScoreAdjustment_reason :: Lens' CvssScoreAdjustment Text Source #
The reason the CVSS score has been adjustment.
cvssScoreDetails_adjustments :: Lens' CvssScoreDetails (Maybe [CvssScoreAdjustment]) Source #
An object that contains details about adjustment Amazon Inspector made to the CVSS score.
cvssScoreDetails_cvssSource :: Lens' CvssScoreDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The source of the CVSS data.
cvssScoreDetails_score :: Lens' CvssScoreDetails Double Source #
The CVSS score.
cvssScoreDetails_scoreSource :: Lens' CvssScoreDetails Text Source #
The source for the CVSS score.
cvssScoreDetails_scoringVector :: Lens' CvssScoreDetails Text Source #
The vector for the CVSS score.
cvssScoreDetails_version :: Lens' CvssScoreDetails Text Source #
The CVSS version used in scoring.
dateFilter_endInclusive :: Lens' DateFilter (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
A timestamp representing the end of the time period filtered on.
dateFilter_startInclusive :: Lens' DateFilter (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
A timestamp representing the start of the time period filtered on.
delegatedAdmin_accountId :: Lens' DelegatedAdmin (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Web Services account ID of the Amazon Inspector delegated administrator for your organization.
delegatedAdmin_relationshipStatus :: Lens' DelegatedAdmin (Maybe RelationshipStatus) Source #
The status of the Amazon Inspector delegated administrator.
delegatedAdminAccount_accountId :: Lens' DelegatedAdminAccount (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Web Services account ID of the Amazon Inspector delegated administrator for your organization.
delegatedAdminAccount_status :: Lens' DelegatedAdminAccount (Maybe DelegatedAdminStatus) Source #
The status of the Amazon Inspector delegated administrator.
destination_keyPrefix :: Lens' Destination (Maybe Text) Source #
The prefix of the KMS key used to export findings.
destination_bucketName :: Lens' Destination Text Source #
The name of the Amazon S3 bucket to export findings to.
destination_kmsKeyArn :: Lens' Destination Text Source #
The ARN of the KMS key used to encrypt data when exporting findings.
ec2InstanceAggregation_amis :: Lens' Ec2InstanceAggregation (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter)) Source #
The AMI IDs associated with the Amazon EC2 instances to aggregate findings for.
ec2InstanceAggregation_instanceIds :: Lens' Ec2InstanceAggregation (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter)) Source #
The Amazon EC2 instance IDs to aggregate findings for.
ec2InstanceAggregation_instanceTags :: Lens' Ec2InstanceAggregation (Maybe (NonEmpty MapFilter)) Source #
The Amazon EC2 instance tags to aggregate findings for.
ec2InstanceAggregation_operatingSystems :: Lens' Ec2InstanceAggregation (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter)) Source #
The operating system types to aggregate findings for. Valid values must
be uppercase and underscore separated, examples are ORACLE_LINUX_7
ec2InstanceAggregation_sortBy :: Lens' Ec2InstanceAggregation (Maybe Ec2InstanceSortBy) Source #
The value to sort results by.
ec2InstanceAggregation_sortOrder :: Lens' Ec2InstanceAggregation (Maybe SortOrder) Source #
The order to sort results by.
ec2InstanceAggregationResponse_accountId :: Lens' Ec2InstanceAggregationResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Web Services account for the Amazon EC2 instance.
ec2InstanceAggregationResponse_ami :: Lens' Ec2InstanceAggregationResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Machine Image (AMI) of the Amazon EC2 instance.
ec2InstanceAggregationResponse_instanceTags :: Lens' Ec2InstanceAggregationResponse (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
The tags attached to the instance.
ec2InstanceAggregationResponse_networkFindings :: Lens' Ec2InstanceAggregationResponse (Maybe Integer) Source #
The number of network findings for the Amazon EC2 instance.
ec2InstanceAggregationResponse_operatingSystem :: Lens' Ec2InstanceAggregationResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The operating system of the Amazon EC2 instance.
ec2InstanceAggregationResponse_severityCounts :: Lens' Ec2InstanceAggregationResponse (Maybe SeverityCounts) Source #
An object that contains the count of matched findings per severity.
ec2InstanceAggregationResponse_instanceId :: Lens' Ec2InstanceAggregationResponse Text Source #
The Amazon EC2 instance ID.
ec2Metadata_amiId :: Lens' Ec2Metadata (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the Amazon Machine Image (AMI) used to launch the instance.
ec2Metadata_platform :: Lens' Ec2Metadata (Maybe Ec2Platform) Source #
The platform of the instance.
ec2Metadata_tags :: Lens' Ec2Metadata (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
The tags attached to the instance.
ecrConfiguration_rescanDuration :: Lens' EcrConfiguration EcrRescanDuration Source #
The ECR automated re-scan duration defines how long an ECR image will be
actively scanned by Amazon Inspector. When the number of days since an
image was last pushed exceeds the automated re-scan duration the
monitoring state of that image becomes inactive
and all associated
findings are scheduled for closure.
ecrConfigurationState_rescanDurationState :: Lens' EcrConfigurationState (Maybe EcrRescanDurationState) Source #
An object that contains details about the state of the ECR automated re-scan setting.
ecrContainerImageMetadata_tags :: Lens' EcrContainerImageMetadata (Maybe [Text]) Source #
Tags associated with the Amazon ECR image metadata.
ecrRepositoryMetadata_name :: Lens' EcrRepositoryMetadata (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of the Amazon ECR repository.
ecrRepositoryMetadata_scanFrequency :: Lens' EcrRepositoryMetadata (Maybe EcrScanFrequency) Source #
The frequency of scans.
ecrRescanDurationState_rescanDuration :: Lens' EcrRescanDurationState (Maybe EcrRescanDuration) Source #
The ECR automated re-scan duration defines how long an ECR image will be
actively scanned by Amazon Inspector. When the number of days since an
image was last pushed exceeds the automated re-scan duration the
monitoring state of that image becomes inactive
and all associated
findings are scheduled for closure.
ecrRescanDurationState_status :: Lens' EcrRescanDurationState (Maybe EcrRescanDurationStatus) Source #
The status of changes to the ECR automated re-scan duration.
ecrRescanDurationState_updatedAt :: Lens' EcrRescanDurationState (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
A timestamp representing when the last time the ECR scan duration setting was changed.
exploitabilityDetails_lastKnownExploitAt :: Lens' ExploitabilityDetails (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The date and time of the last exploit associated with a finding discovered in your environment.
failedAccount_resourceStatus :: Lens' FailedAccount (Maybe ResourceStatus) Source #
An object detailing which resources Amazon Inspector is enabled to scan for the account.
failedAccount_status :: Lens' FailedAccount (Maybe Status) Source #
The status of Amazon Inspector for the account.
failedAccount_accountId :: Lens' FailedAccount Text Source #
The Amazon Web Services account ID.
failedAccount_errorCode :: Lens' FailedAccount ErrorCode Source #
The error code explaining why the account failed to enable Amazon Inspector.
failedAccount_errorMessage :: Lens' FailedAccount Text Source #
The error message received when the account failed to enable Amazon Inspector.
filter_action :: Lens' Filter FilterAction Source #
The action that is to be applied to the findings that match the filter.
filter_arn :: Lens' Filter Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Number (ARN) associated with this filter.
filter_criteria :: Lens' Filter FilterCriteria Source #
Details on the filter criteria associated with this filter.
filter_ownerId :: Lens' Filter Text Source #
The Amazon Web Services account ID of the account that created the filter.
filterCriteria_awsAccountId :: Lens' FilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter)) Source #
Details of the Amazon Web Services account IDs used to filter findings.
filterCriteria_componentId :: Lens' FilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter)) Source #
Details of the component IDs used to filter findings.
filterCriteria_componentType :: Lens' FilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter)) Source #
Details of the component types used to filter findings.
filterCriteria_ec2InstanceImageId :: Lens' FilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter)) Source #
Details of the Amazon EC2 instance image IDs used to filter findings.
filterCriteria_ec2InstanceSubnetId :: Lens' FilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter)) Source #
Details of the Amazon EC2 instance subnet IDs used to filter findings.
filterCriteria_ec2InstanceVpcId :: Lens' FilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter)) Source #
Details of the Amazon EC2 instance VPC IDs used to filter findings.
filterCriteria_ecrImageArchitecture :: Lens' FilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter)) Source #
Details of the Amazon ECR image architecture types used to filter findings.
filterCriteria_ecrImageHash :: Lens' FilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter)) Source #
Details of the Amazon ECR image hashes used to filter findings.
filterCriteria_ecrImagePushedAt :: Lens' FilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty DateFilter)) Source #
Details on the Amazon ECR image push date and time used to filter findings.
filterCriteria_ecrImageRegistry :: Lens' FilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter)) Source #
Details on the Amazon ECR registry used to filter findings.
filterCriteria_ecrImageRepositoryName :: Lens' FilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter)) Source #
Details on the name of the Amazon ECR repository used to filter findings.
filterCriteria_ecrImageTags :: Lens' FilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter)) Source #
The tags attached to the Amazon ECR container image.
filterCriteria_exploitAvailable :: Lens' FilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter)) Source #
Filters the list of AWS Lambda findings by the availability of exploits.
filterCriteria_findingArn :: Lens' FilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter)) Source #
Details on the finding ARNs used to filter findings.
filterCriteria_findingStatus :: Lens' FilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter)) Source #
Details on the finding status types used to filter findings.
filterCriteria_findingType :: Lens' FilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter)) Source #
Details on the finding types used to filter findings.
filterCriteria_firstObservedAt :: Lens' FilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty DateFilter)) Source #
Details on the date and time a finding was first seen used to filter findings.
filterCriteria_fixAvailable :: Lens' FilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter)) Source #
Details on whether a fix is available through a version update. This
value can be YES
, NO
fix means that some,
but not all, of the packages identified in the finding have fixes
available through updated versions.
filterCriteria_inspectorScore :: Lens' FilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty NumberFilter)) Source #
The Amazon Inspector score to filter on.
filterCriteria_lambdaFunctionExecutionRoleArn :: Lens' FilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter)) Source #
Filters the list of AWS Lambda functions by execution role.
filterCriteria_lambdaFunctionLastModifiedAt :: Lens' FilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty DateFilter)) Source #
Filters the list of AWS Lambda functions by the date and time that a user last updated the configuration, in ISO 8601 format
filterCriteria_lambdaFunctionLayers :: Lens' FilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter)) Source #
Filters the list of AWS Lambda functions by the function's layers. A Lambda function can have up to five layers.
filterCriteria_lambdaFunctionName :: Lens' FilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter)) Source #
Filters the list of AWS Lambda functions by the name of the function.
filterCriteria_lambdaFunctionRuntime :: Lens' FilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter)) Source #
Filters the list of AWS Lambda functions by the runtime environment for the Lambda function.
filterCriteria_lastObservedAt :: Lens' FilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty DateFilter)) Source #
Details on the date and time a finding was last seen used to filter findings.
filterCriteria_networkProtocol :: Lens' FilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter)) Source #
Details on the ingress source addresses used to filter findings.
filterCriteria_portRange :: Lens' FilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty PortRangeFilter)) Source #
Details on the port ranges used to filter findings.
filterCriteria_relatedVulnerabilities :: Lens' FilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter)) Source #
Details on the related vulnerabilities used to filter findings.
filterCriteria_resourceId :: Lens' FilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter)) Source #
Details on the resource IDs used to filter findings.
filterCriteria_resourceTags :: Lens' FilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty MapFilter)) Source #
Details on the resource tags used to filter findings.
filterCriteria_resourceType :: Lens' FilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter)) Source #
Details on the resource types used to filter findings.
filterCriteria_severity :: Lens' FilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter)) Source #
Details on the severity used to filter findings.
filterCriteria_title :: Lens' FilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter)) Source #
Details on the finding title used to filter findings.
filterCriteria_updatedAt :: Lens' FilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty DateFilter)) Source #
Details on the date and time a finding was last updated at used to filter findings.
filterCriteria_vendorSeverity :: Lens' FilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter)) Source #
Details on the vendor severity used to filter findings.
filterCriteria_vulnerabilityId :: Lens' FilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter)) Source #
Details on the vulnerability ID used to filter findings.
filterCriteria_vulnerabilitySource :: Lens' FilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter)) Source #
Details on the vulnerability type used to filter findings.
filterCriteria_vulnerablePackages :: Lens' FilterCriteria (Maybe (NonEmpty PackageFilter)) Source #
Details on the vulnerable packages used to filter findings.
finding_exploitAvailable :: Lens' Finding (Maybe ExploitAvailable) Source #
If a finding discovered in your environment has an exploit available.
finding_exploitabilityDetails :: Lens' Finding (Maybe ExploitabilityDetails) Source #
The details of an exploit available for a finding discovered in your environment.
finding_fixAvailable :: Lens' Finding (Maybe FixAvailable) Source #
Details on whether a fix is available through a version update. This
value can be YES
, NO
fix means that some,
but not all, of the packages identified in the finding have fixes
available through updated versions.
finding_inspectorScore :: Lens' Finding (Maybe Double) Source #
The Amazon Inspector score given to the finding.
finding_inspectorScoreDetails :: Lens' Finding (Maybe InspectorScoreDetails) Source #
An object that contains details of the Amazon Inspector score.
finding_networkReachabilityDetails :: Lens' Finding (Maybe NetworkReachabilityDetails) Source #
An object that contains the details of a network reachability finding.
finding_packageVulnerabilityDetails :: Lens' Finding (Maybe PackageVulnerabilityDetails) Source #
An object that contains the details of a package vulnerability finding.
finding_updatedAt :: Lens' Finding (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The date and time the finding was last updated at.
finding_awsAccountId :: Lens' Finding Text Source #
The Amazon Web Services account ID associated with the finding.
finding_firstObservedAt :: Lens' Finding UTCTime Source #
The date and time that the finding was first observed.
finding_lastObservedAt :: Lens' Finding UTCTime Source #
The date and time that the finding was last observed.
finding_remediation :: Lens' Finding Remediation Source #
An object that contains the details about how to remediate a finding.
finding_resources :: Lens' Finding (NonEmpty Resource) Source #
Contains information on the resources involved in a finding.
finding_status :: Lens' Finding FindingStatus Source #
The status of the finding.
finding_type :: Lens' Finding FindingType Source #
The type of the finding.
findingTypeAggregation_findingType :: Lens' FindingTypeAggregation (Maybe AggregationFindingType) Source #
The finding type to aggregate.
findingTypeAggregation_resourceType :: Lens' FindingTypeAggregation (Maybe AggregationResourceType) Source #
The resource type to aggregate.
findingTypeAggregation_sortBy :: Lens' FindingTypeAggregation (Maybe FindingTypeSortBy) Source #
The value to sort results by.
findingTypeAggregation_sortOrder :: Lens' FindingTypeAggregation (Maybe SortOrder) Source #
The order to sort results by.
findingTypeAggregationResponse_accountId :: Lens' FindingTypeAggregationResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the Amazon Web Services account associated with the findings.
findingTypeAggregationResponse_severityCounts :: Lens' FindingTypeAggregationResponse (Maybe SeverityCounts) Source #
The value to sort results by.
freeTrialAccountInfo_accountId :: Lens' FreeTrialAccountInfo Text Source #
The account associated with the Amazon Inspector free trial information.
freeTrialAccountInfo_freeTrialInfo :: Lens' FreeTrialAccountInfo [FreeTrialInfo] Source #
Contains information about the Amazon Inspector free trial for an account.
freeTrialInfo_end :: Lens' FreeTrialInfo UTCTime Source #
The date and time that the Amazon Inspector free trail ends for a given account.
freeTrialInfo_start :: Lens' FreeTrialInfo UTCTime Source #
The date and time that the Amazon Inspector free trail started for a given account.
freeTrialInfo_status :: Lens' FreeTrialInfo FreeTrialStatus Source #
The order to sort results by.
freeTrialInfo_type :: Lens' FreeTrialInfo FreeTrialType Source #
The type of scan covered by the Amazon Inspector free trail.
freeTrialInfoError_accountId :: Lens' FreeTrialInfoError Text Source #
The account associated with the Amazon Inspector free trial information.
freeTrialInfoError_code :: Lens' FreeTrialInfoError FreeTrialInfoErrorCode Source #
The error code.
freeTrialInfoError_message :: Lens' FreeTrialInfoError Text Source #
The error message returned.
imageLayerAggregation_layerHashes :: Lens' ImageLayerAggregation (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter)) Source #
The hashes associated with the layers.
imageLayerAggregation_repositories :: Lens' ImageLayerAggregation (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter)) Source #
The repository associated with the container image hosting the layers.
imageLayerAggregation_resourceIds :: Lens' ImageLayerAggregation (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter)) Source #
The ID of the container image layer.
imageLayerAggregation_sortBy :: Lens' ImageLayerAggregation (Maybe ImageLayerSortBy) Source #
The value to sort results by.
imageLayerAggregation_sortOrder :: Lens' ImageLayerAggregation (Maybe SortOrder) Source #
The order to sort results by.
imageLayerAggregationResponse_severityCounts :: Lens' ImageLayerAggregationResponse (Maybe SeverityCounts) Source #
An object that represents the count of matched findings per severity.
imageLayerAggregationResponse_accountId :: Lens' ImageLayerAggregationResponse Text Source #
The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that owns the container image hosting the layer image.
imageLayerAggregationResponse_layerHash :: Lens' ImageLayerAggregationResponse Text Source #
The layer hash.
imageLayerAggregationResponse_repository :: Lens' ImageLayerAggregationResponse Text Source #
The repository the layer resides in.
imageLayerAggregationResponse_resourceId :: Lens' ImageLayerAggregationResponse Text Source #
The resource ID of the container image layer.
inspectorScoreDetails_adjustedCvss :: Lens' InspectorScoreDetails (Maybe CvssScoreDetails) Source #
An object that contains details about the CVSS score given to a finding.
lambdaFunctionAggregation_functionNames :: Lens' LambdaFunctionAggregation (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter)) Source #
The AWS Lambda function names to include in the aggregation results.
lambdaFunctionAggregation_functionTags :: Lens' LambdaFunctionAggregation (Maybe (NonEmpty MapFilter)) Source #
The tags to include in the aggregation results.
lambdaFunctionAggregation_resourceIds :: Lens' LambdaFunctionAggregation (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter)) Source #
The resource IDs to include in the aggregation results.
lambdaFunctionAggregation_runtimes :: Lens' LambdaFunctionAggregation (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter)) Source #
Returns findings aggregated by AWS Lambda function runtime environments.
lambdaFunctionAggregation_sortBy :: Lens' LambdaFunctionAggregation (Maybe LambdaFunctionSortBy) Source #
The finding severity to use for sorting the results.
lambdaFunctionAggregation_sortOrder :: Lens' LambdaFunctionAggregation (Maybe SortOrder) Source #
The order to use for sorting the results.
lambdaFunctionAggregationResponse_accountId :: Lens' LambdaFunctionAggregationResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the AWS account that owns the AWS Lambda function.
lambdaFunctionAggregationResponse_functionName :: Lens' LambdaFunctionAggregationResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The AWS Lambda function names included in the aggregation results.
lambdaFunctionAggregationResponse_lambdaTags :: Lens' LambdaFunctionAggregationResponse (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
The tags included in the aggregation results.
lambdaFunctionAggregationResponse_lastModifiedAt :: Lens' LambdaFunctionAggregationResponse (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The date that the AWS Lambda function included in the aggregation results was last changed.
lambdaFunctionAggregationResponse_runtime :: Lens' LambdaFunctionAggregationResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The runtimes included in the aggregation results.
lambdaFunctionAggregationResponse_severityCounts :: Lens' LambdaFunctionAggregationResponse (Maybe SeverityCounts) Source #
Undocumented member.
lambdaFunctionAggregationResponse_resourceId :: Lens' LambdaFunctionAggregationResponse Text Source #
The resource IDs included in the aggregation results.
lambdaFunctionMetadata_functionName :: Lens' LambdaFunctionMetadata (Maybe Text) Source #
The name of a function.
lambdaFunctionMetadata_functionTags :: Lens' LambdaFunctionMetadata (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
The resource tags on an AWS Lambda function.
lambdaFunctionMetadata_layers :: Lens' LambdaFunctionMetadata (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The layers for an AWS Lambda function. A Lambda function can have up to five layers.
lambdaFunctionMetadata_runtime :: Lens' LambdaFunctionMetadata (Maybe Runtime) Source #
An AWS Lambda function's runtime.
lambdaLayerAggregation_functionNames :: Lens' LambdaLayerAggregation (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter)) Source #
The names of the AWS Lambda functions associated with the layers.
lambdaLayerAggregation_layerArns :: Lens' LambdaLayerAggregation (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter)) Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS Lambda function layer.
lambdaLayerAggregation_resourceIds :: Lens' LambdaLayerAggregation (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter)) Source #
The resource IDs for the AWS Lambda function layers.
lambdaLayerAggregation_sortBy :: Lens' LambdaLayerAggregation (Maybe LambdaLayerSortBy) Source #
The finding severity to use for sorting the results.
lambdaLayerAggregation_sortOrder :: Lens' LambdaLayerAggregation (Maybe SortOrder) Source #
The order to use for sorting the results.
lambdaLayerAggregationResponse_severityCounts :: Lens' LambdaLayerAggregationResponse (Maybe SeverityCounts) Source #
Undocumented member.
lambdaLayerAggregationResponse_accountId :: Lens' LambdaLayerAggregationResponse Text Source #
The account ID of the AWS Lambda function layer.
lambdaLayerAggregationResponse_functionName :: Lens' LambdaLayerAggregationResponse Text Source #
The names of the AWS Lambda functions associated with the layers.
lambdaLayerAggregationResponse_layerArn :: Lens' LambdaLayerAggregationResponse Text Source #
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS Lambda function layer.
lambdaLayerAggregationResponse_resourceId :: Lens' LambdaLayerAggregationResponse Text Source #
The Resource ID of the AWS Lambda function layer.
lambdaVpcConfig_securityGroupIds :: Lens' LambdaVpcConfig (Maybe [Text]) Source #
The VPC security groups and subnets that are attached to an AWS Lambda function. For more information, see VPC Settings.
lambdaVpcConfig_subnetIds :: Lens' LambdaVpcConfig (Maybe [Text]) Source #
A list of VPC subnet IDs.
lambdaVpcConfig_vpcId :: Lens' LambdaVpcConfig (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the VPC.
mapFilter_comparison :: Lens' MapFilter MapComparison Source #
The operator to use when comparing values in the filter.
member_accountId :: Lens' Member (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Web Services account ID of the member account.
member_delegatedAdminAccountId :: Lens' Member (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Web Services account ID of the Amazon Inspector delegated administrator for this member account.
member_relationshipStatus :: Lens' Member (Maybe RelationshipStatus) Source #
The status of the member account.
member_updatedAt :: Lens' Member (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
A timestamp showing when the status of this member was last updated.
networkPath_steps :: Lens' NetworkPath (Maybe (NonEmpty Step)) Source #
The details on the steps in the network path.
networkReachabilityDetails_networkPath :: Lens' NetworkReachabilityDetails NetworkPath Source #
An object that contains details about a network path associated with a finding.
networkReachabilityDetails_openPortRange :: Lens' NetworkReachabilityDetails PortRange Source #
An object that contains details about the open port range associated with a finding.
networkReachabilityDetails_protocol :: Lens' NetworkReachabilityDetails NetworkProtocol Source #
The protocol associated with a finding.
numberFilter_lowerInclusive :: Lens' NumberFilter (Maybe Double) Source #
The lowest number to be included in the filter.
numberFilter_upperInclusive :: Lens' NumberFilter (Maybe Double) Source #
The highest number to be included in the filter.
packageAggregation_packageNames :: Lens' PackageAggregation (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter)) Source #
The names of packages to aggregate findings on.
packageAggregation_sortBy :: Lens' PackageAggregation (Maybe PackageSortBy) Source #
The value to sort results by.
packageAggregation_sortOrder :: Lens' PackageAggregation (Maybe SortOrder) Source #
The order to sort results by.
packageAggregationResponse_accountId :: Lens' PackageAggregationResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the Amazon Web Services account associated with the findings.
packageAggregationResponse_severityCounts :: Lens' PackageAggregationResponse (Maybe SeverityCounts) Source #
An object that contains the count of matched findings per severity.
packageAggregationResponse_packageName :: Lens' PackageAggregationResponse Text Source #
The name of the operating system package.
packageFilter_architecture :: Lens' PackageFilter (Maybe StringFilter) Source #
An object that contains details on the package architecture type to filter on.
packageFilter_epoch :: Lens' PackageFilter (Maybe NumberFilter) Source #
An object that contains details on the package epoch to filter on.
packageFilter_name :: Lens' PackageFilter (Maybe StringFilter) Source #
An object that contains details on the name of the package to filter on.
packageFilter_release :: Lens' PackageFilter (Maybe StringFilter) Source #
An object that contains details on the package release to filter on.
packageFilter_sourceLambdaLayerArn :: Lens' PackageFilter (Maybe StringFilter) Source #
Undocumented member.
packageFilter_sourceLayerHash :: Lens' PackageFilter (Maybe StringFilter) Source #
An object that contains details on the source layer hash to filter on.
packageFilter_version :: Lens' PackageFilter (Maybe StringFilter) Source #
The package version to filter on.
packageVulnerabilityDetails_cvss :: Lens' PackageVulnerabilityDetails (Maybe [CvssScore]) Source #
An object that contains details about the CVSS score of a finding.
packageVulnerabilityDetails_referenceUrls :: Lens' PackageVulnerabilityDetails (Maybe [Text]) Source #
One or more URLs that contain details about this vulnerability type.
packageVulnerabilityDetails_relatedVulnerabilities :: Lens' PackageVulnerabilityDetails (Maybe [Text]) Source #
One or more vulnerabilities related to the one identified in this finding.
packageVulnerabilityDetails_sourceUrl :: Lens' PackageVulnerabilityDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
A URL to the source of the vulnerability information.
packageVulnerabilityDetails_vendorCreatedAt :: Lens' PackageVulnerabilityDetails (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The date and time that this vulnerability was first added to the vendor's database.
packageVulnerabilityDetails_vendorSeverity :: Lens' PackageVulnerabilityDetails (Maybe Text) Source #
The severity the vendor has given to this vulnerability type.
packageVulnerabilityDetails_vendorUpdatedAt :: Lens' PackageVulnerabilityDetails (Maybe UTCTime) Source #
The date and time the vendor last updated this vulnerability in their database.
packageVulnerabilityDetails_vulnerablePackages :: Lens' PackageVulnerabilityDetails (Maybe [VulnerablePackage]) Source #
The packages impacted by this vulnerability.
packageVulnerabilityDetails_source :: Lens' PackageVulnerabilityDetails Text Source #
The source of the vulnerability information.
packageVulnerabilityDetails_vulnerabilityId :: Lens' PackageVulnerabilityDetails Text Source #
The ID given to this vulnerability.
permission_operation :: Lens' Permission Operation Source #
The operations that can be performed with the given permissions.
permission_service :: Lens' Permission Service Source #
The services that the permissions allow an account to perform the given operations for.
portRangeFilter_beginInclusive :: Lens' PortRangeFilter (Maybe Natural) Source #
The port number the port range begins at.
portRangeFilter_endInclusive :: Lens' PortRangeFilter (Maybe Natural) Source #
The port number the port range ends at.
recommendation_url :: Lens' Recommendation (Maybe Text) Source #
The URL address to the CVE remediation recommendations.
recommendation_text :: Lens' Recommendation (Maybe Text) Source #
The recommended course of action to remediate the finding.
remediation_recommendation :: Lens' Remediation (Maybe Recommendation) Source #
An object that contains information about the recommended course of action to remediate the finding.
repositoryAggregation_repositories :: Lens' RepositoryAggregation (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter)) Source #
The names of repositories to aggregate findings on.
repositoryAggregation_sortBy :: Lens' RepositoryAggregation (Maybe RepositorySortBy) Source #
The value to sort results by.
repositoryAggregation_sortOrder :: Lens' RepositoryAggregation (Maybe SortOrder) Source #
The order to sort results by.
repositoryAggregationResponse_accountId :: Lens' RepositoryAggregationResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the Amazon Web Services account associated with the findings.
repositoryAggregationResponse_affectedImages :: Lens' RepositoryAggregationResponse (Maybe Integer) Source #
The number of container images impacted by the findings.
repositoryAggregationResponse_severityCounts :: Lens' RepositoryAggregationResponse (Maybe SeverityCounts) Source #
An object that represent the count of matched findings per severity.
repositoryAggregationResponse_repository :: Lens' RepositoryAggregationResponse Text Source #
The name of the repository associated with the findings.
resource_details :: Lens' Resource (Maybe ResourceDetails) Source #
An object that contains details about the resource involved in a finding.
resource_region :: Lens' Resource (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Web Services Region the impacted resource is located in.
resource_tags :: Lens' Resource (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Source #
The tags attached to the resource.
resource_type :: Lens' Resource ResourceType Source #
The type of resource.
resourceDetails_awsEc2Instance :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsEc2InstanceDetails) Source #
An object that contains details about the Amazon EC2 instance involved in the finding.
resourceDetails_awsEcrContainerImage :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsEcrContainerImageDetails) Source #
An object that contains details about the Amazon ECR container image involved in the finding.
resourceDetails_awsLambdaFunction :: Lens' ResourceDetails (Maybe AwsLambdaFunctionDetails) Source #
A summary of the information about an AWS Lambda function affected by a finding.
resourceScanMetadata_ec2 :: Lens' ResourceScanMetadata (Maybe Ec2Metadata) Source #
An object that contains metadata details for an Amazon EC2 instance.
resourceScanMetadata_ecrImage :: Lens' ResourceScanMetadata (Maybe EcrContainerImageMetadata) Source #
An object that contains details about the container metadata for an Amazon ECR image.
resourceScanMetadata_ecrRepository :: Lens' ResourceScanMetadata (Maybe EcrRepositoryMetadata) Source #
An object that contains details about the repository an Amazon ECR image resides in.
resourceScanMetadata_lambdaFunction :: Lens' ResourceScanMetadata (Maybe LambdaFunctionMetadata) Source #
An object that contains metadata details for an AWS Lambda function.
resourceState_lambda :: Lens' ResourceState (Maybe State) Source #
Undocumented member.
resourceState_ec2 :: Lens' ResourceState State Source #
An object detailing the state of Amazon Inspector scanning for Amazon EC2 resources.
resourceState_ecr :: Lens' ResourceState State Source #
An object detailing the state of Amazon Inspector scanning for Amazon ECR resources.
resourceStatus_lambda :: Lens' ResourceStatus (Maybe Status) Source #
The status of Amazon Inspector scanning for AWS Lambda function resources.
resourceStatus_ec2 :: Lens' ResourceStatus Status Source #
The status of Amazon Inspector scanning for Amazon EC2 resources.
resourceStatus_ecr :: Lens' ResourceStatus Status Source #
The status of Amazon Inspector scanning for Amazon ECR resources.
scanStatus_reason :: Lens' ScanStatus ScanStatusReason Source #
The reason for the scan.
scanStatus_statusCode :: Lens' ScanStatus ScanStatusCode Source #
The status code of the scan.
severityCounts_all :: Lens' SeverityCounts (Maybe Integer) Source #
The total count of findings from all severities.
severityCounts_critical :: Lens' SeverityCounts (Maybe Integer) Source #
The total count of critical severity findings.
severityCounts_high :: Lens' SeverityCounts (Maybe Integer) Source #
The total count of high severity findings.
severityCounts_medium :: Lens' SeverityCounts (Maybe Integer) Source #
The total count of medium severity findings.
sortCriteria_field :: Lens' SortCriteria SortField Source #
The finding detail field by which results are sorted.
sortCriteria_sortOrder :: Lens' SortCriteria SortOrder Source #
The order by which findings are sorted.
state_errorCode :: Lens' State ErrorCode Source #
The error code explaining why the account failed to enable Amazon Inspector.
state_errorMessage :: Lens' State Text Source #
The error message received when the account failed to enable Amazon Inspector.
stringFilter_comparison :: Lens' StringFilter StringComparison Source #
The operator to use when comparing values in the filter.
stringFilter_value :: Lens' StringFilter Text Source #
The value to filter on.
titleAggregation_resourceType :: Lens' TitleAggregation (Maybe AggregationResourceType) Source #
The resource type to aggregate on.
titleAggregation_sortBy :: Lens' TitleAggregation (Maybe TitleSortBy) Source #
The value to sort results by.
titleAggregation_sortOrder :: Lens' TitleAggregation (Maybe SortOrder) Source #
The order to sort results by.
titleAggregation_titles :: Lens' TitleAggregation (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter)) Source #
The finding titles to aggregate on.
titleAggregation_vulnerabilityIds :: Lens' TitleAggregation (Maybe (NonEmpty StringFilter)) Source #
The vulnerability IDs of the findings.
titleAggregationResponse_accountId :: Lens' TitleAggregationResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The ID of the Amazon Web Services account associated with the findings.
titleAggregationResponse_severityCounts :: Lens' TitleAggregationResponse (Maybe SeverityCounts) Source #
An object that represent the count of matched findings per severity.
titleAggregationResponse_vulnerabilityId :: Lens' TitleAggregationResponse (Maybe Text) Source #
The vulnerability ID of the finding.
titleAggregationResponse_title :: Lens' TitleAggregationResponse Text Source #
The title that the findings were aggregated on.
usage_currency :: Lens' Usage (Maybe Currency) Source #
The currency type used when calculating usage data.
usage_estimatedMonthlyCost :: Lens' Usage (Maybe Double) Source #
The estimated monthly cost of Amazon Inspector.
usageTotal_accountId :: Lens' UsageTotal (Maybe Text) Source #
The account ID of the account that usage data was retrieved for.
usageTotal_usage :: Lens' UsageTotal (Maybe [Usage]) Source #
An object representing the total usage for an account.
vulnerablePackage_arch :: Lens' VulnerablePackage (Maybe Text) Source #
The architecture of the vulnerable package.
vulnerablePackage_epoch :: Lens' VulnerablePackage (Maybe Int) Source #
The epoch of the vulnerable package.
vulnerablePackage_filePath :: Lens' VulnerablePackage (Maybe Text) Source #
The file path of the vulnerable package.
vulnerablePackage_fixedInVersion :: Lens' VulnerablePackage (Maybe Text) Source #
The version of the package that contains the vulnerability fix.
vulnerablePackage_packageManager :: Lens' VulnerablePackage (Maybe PackageManager) Source #
The package manager of the vulnerable package.
vulnerablePackage_release :: Lens' VulnerablePackage (Maybe Text) Source #
The release of the vulnerable package.
vulnerablePackage_remediation :: Lens' VulnerablePackage (Maybe Text) Source #
The code to run in your environment to update packages with a fix available.
vulnerablePackage_sourceLambdaLayerArn :: Lens' VulnerablePackage (Maybe Text) Source #
The Amazon Resource Number (ARN) of the AWS Lambda function affected by a finding.
vulnerablePackage_sourceLayerHash :: Lens' VulnerablePackage (Maybe Text) Source #
The source layer hash of the vulnerable package.
vulnerablePackage_name :: Lens' VulnerablePackage Text Source #
The name of the vulnerable package.
vulnerablePackage_version :: Lens' VulnerablePackage Text Source #
The version of the vulnerable package.