amazonka-route53-domains-0.3.3: Amazon Route 53 Domains SDK.

Safe HaskellNone




This operation removes the transfer lock on the domain (specifically the clientTransferProhibited status) to allow domain transfers. We recommend you refrain from performing this action unless you intend to transfer the domain to a different registrar. Successful submission returns an operation ID that you can use to track the progress and completion of the action. If the request is not completed successfully, the domain registrant will be notified by email.



Request constructor

disableDomainTransferLock Source

DisableDomainTransferLock constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:

Request lenses

ddtlDomainName :: Lens' DisableDomainTransferLock Text Source

The name of a domain.

Type: String

Default: None

Constraints: The domain name can contain only the letters a through z, the numbers 0 through 9, and hyphen (-). Internationalized Domain Names are not supported.

Required: Yes


Response constructor

Response lenses

ddtlrOperationId :: Lens' DisableDomainTransferLockResponse Text Source

Identifier for tracking the progress of the request. To use this ID to query the operation status, use GetOperationDetail.

Type: String

Default: None

Constraints: Maximum 255 characters.