{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE CPP                   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ParallelListComp      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables   #-}

module Network.AWS.S3.StreamingUpload
    , UploadLocation(..)
    , concurrentUpload
    , abortAllUploads
    , module Network.AWS.S3.CreateMultipartUpload
    , module Network.AWS.S3.CompleteMultipartUpload
    , minimumChunkSize
) where

import           Network.AWS                            (HasEnv(..),
                                                         LogLevel(..), MonadAWS,
                                                         hashedBody, send,

import           Control.Monad.Trans.AWS                (AWSConstraint)
import           Network.AWS.Data.Crypto                (Digest, SHA256,
                                                         hashFinalize, hashInit,

import           Network.AWS.S3.AbortMultipartUpload
import           Network.AWS.S3.CompleteMultipartUpload
import           Network.AWS.S3.CreateMultipartUpload
import           Network.AWS.S3.ListMultipartUploads
import           Network.AWS.S3.Types                   (BucketName, cmuParts, completedMultipartUpload,
                                                         completedPart, muKey,
import           Network.AWS.S3.UploadPart

import           Control.Applicative
import           Control.Category                       ((>>>))
import           Control.Monad                          (forM_, when, (>=>))
import           Control.Monad.IO.Class                 (MonadIO, liftIO)
import           Control.Monad.Morph                    (lift)
import           Control.Monad.Reader.Class             (local)
import           Control.Monad.Trans.Resource           (MonadBaseControl,
                                                         MonadResource, throwM)

import           Data.Conduit                           (Sink, await)
import           Data.Conduit.List                      (sourceList)

import           Data.ByteString                        (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString                        as BS
import           Data.ByteString.Builder                (stringUtf8)
import           System.IO.MMap                         (mmapFileByteString)

import           Control.DeepSeq                        (rnf)
import qualified Data.DList                             as D
import           Data.List                              (unfoldr)
import           Data.List.NonEmpty                     (nonEmpty)

import           Control.Exception.Lens                 (catching, handling)
import           Control.Lens

import           Text.Printf                            (printf)

import           Control.Concurrent                     (newQSem, signalQSem,
import           Control.Concurrent.Async.Lifted        (forConcurrently)
import           System.Mem                             (performGC)

import           Network.HTTP.Client                    (defaultManagerSettings,
import           Network.HTTP.Client.Internal           (mMaxConns)

type ChunkSize = Int
type NumThreads = Int

-- | Minimum size of data which will be sent in a single part, currently 6MB
minimumChunkSize :: ChunkSize
minimumChunkSize = 6*1024*1024 -- Making this 5MB+1 seemed to cause AWS to complain

{- |
Given a 'CreateMultipartUpload', creates a 'Sink' which will sequentially
upload the data streamed in in chunks of at least 'chunkSize' and return
the 'CompleteMultipartUploadResponse'.

If uploading of any parts fails, an attempt is made to abort the Multipart
upload, but it is likely that if an upload fails this abort may also fail.
'Network.AWS.S3.ListMultipartUploads' can be used to list any pending
uploads - it is important to abort multipart uploads because you will
be charged for storage of the parts until it is completed or aborted.
See the AWS documentation for more details.

May throw 'Network.AWS.Error'
streamUpload :: (MonadResource m, AWSConstraint r m, MonadAWS m)
             => Maybe ChunkSize -- ^ Optional chunk size
             -> CreateMultipartUpload -- ^ Upload location
             -> Sink ByteString m CompleteMultipartUploadResponse
streamUpload mcs cmu = do
  logger <- lift $ view envLogger
  let logStr :: MonadIO m => String -> m ()
      logStr = liftIO . logger Info . stringUtf8
      chunkSize = maybe minimumChunkSize (max minimumChunkSize) mcs

  cmur <- lift $ send cmu
  when (cmur ^. cmursResponseStatus /= 200) $
    fail "Failed to create upload"

  logStr "\n**** Created upload\n"

  let Just upId = cmur ^. cmursUploadId
      bucket    = cmu  ^. cmuBucket
      key       = cmu  ^. cmuKey
      -- go :: Text -> Builder -> Int -> Int -> Sink ByteString m ()
      go !bss !bufsize !ctx !partnum !completed = Data.Conduit.await >>= \mbs -> case mbs of
        Just bs | l <- BS.length bs
                , bufsize + l <= chunkSize ->
                    go (D.snoc bss bs) (bufsize + l) (hashUpdate ctx bs) partnum completed

                | otherwise -> do
                    rs <- lift $ partUploader partnum (bufsize + BS.length bs)
                                              (hashFinalize $ hashUpdate ctx bs)
                                              (D.snoc bss bs)

                    logStr $ printf "\n**** Uploaded part %d size $d\n" partnum bufsize
                    let part = completedPart partnum <$> (rs ^. uprsETag)
#if MIN_VERSION_amazonka_s3(1,4,1)
                        !_ = rnf part
                    liftIO performGC
                    go empty 0 hashInit (partnum+1) . D.snoc completed $! part

        Nothing -> lift $ do
            prts <- if bufsize > 0
                then do
                    rs <- partUploader partnum bufsize (hashFinalize ctx) bss

                    logStr $ printf "\n**** Uploaded (final) part %d size $d\n" partnum bufsize

                    let allParts = D.toList $ D.snoc completed $ completedPart partnum <$> (rs ^. uprsETag)
                    pure $ nonEmpty =<< sequence allParts
                else do
                    logStr $ printf "\n**** No final data to upload\n"
                    pure $ nonEmpty =<< sequence (D.toList completed)

            send $ completeMultipartUpload bucket key upId
                    & cMultipartUpload ?~ set cmuParts prts completedMultipartUpload

      partUploader :: MonadAWS m => Int -> Int -> Digest SHA256 -> D.DList ByteString -> m UploadPartResponse
      partUploader pnum size digest =
        >>> sourceList
        >>> hashedBody digest (fromIntegral size)
        >>> toBody
        >>> uploadPart bucket key pnum upId
        >>> send
        >=> checkUpload

      checkUpload :: (Monad m) => UploadPartResponse -> m UploadPartResponse
      checkUpload upr = do
        when (upr ^. uprsResponseStatus /= 200) $ fail "Failed to upload piece"
        return upr

  catching id (go D.empty 0 hashInit 1 D.empty) $ \e ->
      lift (send (abortMultipartUpload bucket key upId)) >> throwM e
      -- Whatever happens, we abort the upload and rethrow

-- | Specifies whether to upload a file or 'ByteString
data UploadLocation
    = FP FilePath -- ^ A file to be uploaded
    | BS ByteString -- ^ A strict 'ByteString'

 --  IO (Int -> IO (Maybe ByteString)) (Either (IO ()) (IO ()))
        -- part number as input, may be called many times until Nothing is returned,
        -- and a function to close either this part or all parts

Allows a file or 'ByteString' to be uploaded concurrently, using the
async library.  The chunk size may optionally be specified, but will be at least
`minimumChunkSize`, and may be made larger than if the `ByteString` or file
is larger enough to cause more than 10,000 chunks.

Files are mmapped into 'chunkSize' chunks and each chunk is uploaded in parallel.
This considerably reduces the memory necessary compared to reading the contents
into memory as a strict 'ByteString'. The usual caveats about mmaped files apply:
if the file is modified during this operation, the data may become corrupt.

May throw `Network.AWS.Error`, or `IOError`; an attempt is made to cancel the
multipart upload on any error, but this may also fail if, for example, the network
connection has been broken. See `abortAllUploads` for a crude cleanup method.
concurrentUpload :: (AWSConstraint r m, MonadAWS m, MonadBaseControl IO m)
                 => Maybe ChunkSize -- ^ Optional chunk size
                 -> Maybe NumThreads -- ^ Optional number of threads to upload with
                 -> UploadLocation -- ^ Whether to upload a file on disk or a `ByteString` that's already in memory.
                 -> CreateMultipartUpload -- ^ Description of where to upload.
                 -> m CompleteMultipartUploadResponse
concurrentUpload mcs mnt ud cmu = do
    cmur <- send cmu
    when (cmur ^. cmursResponseStatus /= 200) $
        fail "Failed to create upload"
    logger <- view envLogger
    let logStr :: MonadIO m => String -> m ()
        logStr = liftIO . logger Info . stringUtf8
    let Just upId = cmur ^. cmursUploadId
        bucket    = cmu  ^. cmuBucket
        key       = cmu  ^. cmuKey

        calcChunkSize :: Int -> Int
        calcChunkSize len =
            let chunkSize' = maybe minimumChunkSize (max minimumChunkSize) mcs
            in if len `div` chunkSize' >= 10000 then len `div` 9999 else chunkSize'

        -- hndlr :: SomeException -> m CompleteMultipartUploadResponse
        hndlr e = send (abortMultipartUpload bucket key upId) >> throwM e
    mgr <- view envManager
    let mConnCount = mMaxConns mgr
        nThreads = maybe mConnCount (max 1) mnt
        exec run = if maybe False (> mConnCount) mnt
                then do
                    mgr' <- liftIO $ newManager  defaultManagerSettings{managerConnCount = nThreads}
                    local (envManager .~ mgr') run
                else run
    exec $ handling id hndlr $ do
        sem <- liftIO $ newQSem nThreads
        umrs <- case ud of
            BS bs ->
                    let chunkSize = calcChunkSize $ BS.length bs
                    in forConcurrently (zip [1..] $ chunksOf chunkSize bs) $ \(partnum, b) -> do
                        liftIO $ waitQSem sem
                        logStr $ "Starting part: " ++ show partnum
                        umr <- send . uploadPart bucket key partnum upId . toBody $ b
                        logStr $ "Finished part: " ++ show partnum
                        liftIO $ signalQSem sem
                        pure $ completedPart partnum <$> (umr ^. uprsETag)

            FP fp -> do
                fsize <- liftIO $ getFileSize fp
                let chunkSize = calcChunkSize $ fromIntegral fsize
                    (count,lst) = divMod (fromIntegral fsize) chunkSize
                    params = [(partnum, chunkSize*offset, size)
                            | partnum <- [1..]
                            | offset  <- [0..count]
                            | size    <- (chunkSize <$ [0..count-1]) ++ [lst]

                forConcurrently params $ \(partnum,off,size) -> do
                    liftIO $ waitQSem sem
                    b <- liftIO $ mmapFileByteString fp (Just (fromIntegral off,size))
                    umr <- send . uploadPart bucket key partnum upId . toBody $ b
                    liftIO $ signalQSem sem
                    pure $ completedPart partnum <$> (umr ^. uprsETag)

        let prts = nonEmpty =<< sequence umrs
        send $ completeMultipartUpload bucket key upId
                & cMultipartUpload ?~ set cmuParts prts completedMultipartUpload

-- | Aborts all uploads in a given bucket - useful for cleaning up.
abortAllUploads :: (MonadAWS m) => BucketName -> m ()
abortAllUploads bucket = do
  rs <- send (listMultipartUploads bucket)
  forM_ (rs ^. lmursUploads) $ \mu -> do
    let mki = (,) <$> mu ^. muKey <*> mu ^. muUploadId
    case mki of
      Nothing        -> pure ()
      Just (key,uid) -> send (abortMultipartUpload bucket key uid) >> pure ()

-- http://stackoverflow.com/questions/32826539/chunksof-analog-for-bytestring
justWhen :: (a -> Bool) -> (a -> b) -> a -> Maybe b
justWhen f g a = if f a then Just (g a) else Nothing

nothingWhen :: (a -> Bool) -> (a -> b) -> a -> Maybe b
nothingWhen f = justWhen (not . f)

chunksOf :: Int -> BS.ByteString -> [BS.ByteString]
chunksOf x = unfoldr (nothingWhen BS.null (BS.splitAt x))