{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-deprecations #-}
module Amby.Plot
  ( getEC
  , getRenderable
  , save
  , saveSvg

  , cairoDefSave
  , diagramsDefSave
  ) where

import Control.Arrow
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State
import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Data.Maybe as Maybe
import Data.Tuple (swap)
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic as G
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as U

import Control.Lens
import Data.Colour as Colour
import Data.Default.Class
import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Easy (Layout, EC, Renderable, LayoutPick)
import qualified Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Easy as Chart
import qualified Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Backend.Cairo as Cairo
import qualified Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Backend.Diagrams as Diagrams
import Safe (maximumMay)
import qualified Statistics.Sample.KernelDensity.Simple as Stats
import qualified Statistics.Sample as Stats

import Amby.BoxPlot
import Amby.Compatibility.HistogramPlot
import Amby.FactorPlot
import Amby.Numeric
import Amby.Theme (toColour)
import Amby.Types

-- Instance declarations

instance AmbyContainer (V.Vector Double) where
  type Value (V.Vector Double) = Double

  plot = plotVec
  plot' = plotVec'
  plotEq = plotEqVec
  plotEq' = plotEqVec'
  distPlot = distPlotVec
  distPlot' = distPlotVec'
  kdePlot = kdePlotVec
  kdePlot' = kdePlotVec'
  rugPlot = rugPlotVec
  rugPlot' = rugPlotVec'
  boxPlot = boxPlotVec
  boxPlot' = boxPlotVec'
  factorPlot = factorPlotVec

instance AmbyContainer (U.Vector Double) where
  type Value (U.Vector Double) = Double

  plot = plotVec
  plot' = plotVec'
  plotEq = plotEqVec
  plotEq' = plotEqVec'
  distPlot = distPlotVec
  distPlot' = distPlotVec'
  kdePlot = kdePlotVec
  kdePlot' = kdePlotVec'
  rugPlot = rugPlotVec
  rugPlot' = rugPlotVec'
  boxPlot = boxPlotVec
  boxPlot' = boxPlotVec'
  factorPlot v = factorPlotVec (G.convert v)

instance (Real a) => AmbyContainer [a] where
  type Value [a] = a

  plot x y optsState = plotList vals opts
      opts = execState optsState def
      vals = L.zipWith realToTuple x y
  plot' x y = plot x y $ return ()

  plotEq x fn optsState = plotList vals $ def
      & color .~ (opts ^. color)
      opts = execState optsState def
      vals = L.zipWith realToTuple x $ map fn x
  plotEq' x fn = plotEq x fn $ return ()

  distPlot xs optsState = distPlotVec (realToVec xs) optsState
  distPlot' xs = distPlot xs $ return ()

  kdePlot xs optsState = kdePlotVec (realToVec xs) optsState
  kdePlot' xs = kdePlot xs $ return ()

  rugPlot xs optsState = rugPlotVec (realToVec xs) optsState
  rugPlot' xs = rugPlot xs $ return ()

  boxPlot xs optsState = boxPlotVec (realToVec xs) optsState
  boxPlot' xs = boxPlot xs $ return ()

  factorPlot xs optsState = factorPlotVec (realToVec xs) optsState

realToVec :: (Real a) => [a] -> V.Vector Double
realToVec = V.map realToFrac . V.fromList

realToTuple :: Real a => a -> a -> (Double, Double)
realToTuple a b = (realToFrac a, realToFrac b)

-- Generic vec plotters

plotVec :: (G.Vector v Double, G.Vector v (Double, Double))
        => v Double -> v Double -> State PlotOpts () -> AmbyChart ()
plotVec x y optsState = plotList vals opts
    opts = execState optsState def
    vals = G.toList $ G.zip x y

plotVec' :: (G.Vector v Double, G.Vector v (Double, Double))
         => v Double -> v Double -> AmbyChart ()
plotVec' x y = plotVec x y $ return ()

plotEqVec :: (G.Vector v Double, G.Vector v (Double, Double))
          => v Double -> (Double -> Double) -> State PlotEqOpts ()
          -> AmbyChart ()
plotEqVec x fn optsState = plotList vals $ def
    & color .~ (opts ^. color)
    opts = execState optsState def
    vals = G.toList $ G.zip x (G.map fn x)

plotEqVec' :: (G.Vector v Double, G.Vector v (Double, Double))
           => v Double -> (Double -> Double) -> AmbyChart ()
plotEqVec' x fn = plotEqVec x fn $ return ()

distPlotVec :: (G.Vector v Double, G.Vector v (Double, Double))
            => v Double -> State DistPlotOpts ()
            -> AmbyChart ()
distPlotVec xs optsState = plotDistribution xs $ execState optsState def

distPlotVec' :: (G.Vector v Double, G.Vector v (Double, Double))
             => v Double -> AmbyChart ()
distPlotVec' xs = distPlotVec xs $ return ()

kdePlotVec :: (G.Vector v Double) => v Double -> State KdePlotOpts ()
           -> AmbyChart ()
kdePlotVec xs optsState = do
    layout <- takeLayout
    putLayout $ do
      nextColor <- toColour (opts ^. color) <$> Chart.takeColor
      plotKde nextColor xs opts
    opts = execState optsState def

kdePlotVec' :: (G.Vector v Double) => v Double -> AmbyChart ()
kdePlotVec' xs = kdePlotVec xs $ return ()

rugPlotVec :: (G.Vector v Double, G.Vector v (Double, Double))
           => v Double -> State RugPlotOpts ()
           -> AmbyChart ()
rugPlotVec xs optsState = do
    layout <- takeLayout
    putLayout $ do
      nextColor <- toColour (opts ^. color) <$> Chart.takeColor
      plotRug nextColor xs opts
    opts = execState optsState def

rugPlotVec' :: (G.Vector v Double, G.Vector v (Double, Double))
            => v Double -> AmbyChart ()
rugPlotVec' xs = rugPlotVec xs $ return ()

-- Generic plotters

plotDistribution :: (G.Vector v Double, G.Vector v (Double, Double))
                 => v Double -> DistPlotOpts -> AmbyChart ()
plotDistribution xs opts = do
    layout <- takeLayout
    putLayout $ do
      nextColor <- toColour (opts ^. color) <$> Chart.takeColor
      when (opts ^. hist) $ plotHist opts nextColor numBins xs
      when (opts ^. kde) $ plotKde nextColor xs $ def
        & bw .~ (opts ^. bw)
        & shade .~ (opts ^. shade)
        & gridsize .~ (opts ^. gridsize)
        & axis .~ (opts ^. axis)
        & linewidth .~ (opts ^. kdeLinewidth)
        & cut .~ (opts ^. cut)
      when (opts ^. rug) $ plotRug nextColor xs $ def
        & height .~ (opts ^. rugHeight)
        & axis .~ (opts ^. axis)
        & linewidth .~ (opts ^. rugLinewidth)
    numBins = if opts ^. bins /= 0
      then opts ^. bins
      else min 50 $ freedmanDiaconisBins xs

plotList :: [(Double, Double)] -> PlotOpts -> AmbyChart ()
plotList xs opts = do
    layout <- takeLayout
    putLayout $ do
      nextColor <- toColour (opts ^. color) <$> Chart.takeColor
      plotLine nextColor (opts ^. linewidth) xs

-- Composable plotters

plotHist :: (G.Vector v Double) => DistPlotOpts -> AlphaColour Double -> Int -> v Double
         -> EC (Layout Double Double) ()
plotHist opts c numBins xs =
  Chart.plot $ fmap histToPlot $ Chart.liftEC $ do
    plot_hist_bins .= numBins
    plot_hist_drop_lines .= True
    plot_hist_values .= G.toList xs
    plot_hist_line_style . Chart.line_width .= (opts ^. histLinewidth)
    plot_hist_line_style . Chart.line_color .= Colour.dissolve 0.5 c
    plot_hist_fill_style . Chart.fill_color .= Colour.dissolve 0.4 c
    plot_hist_vertical .= (opts ^. axis == YAxis)

plotRug :: forall v. (G.Vector v Double, G.Vector v (Double, Double))
        => AlphaColour Double -> v Double -> RugPlotOpts
        -> EC (Layout Double Double) ()
plotRug c xs opts = do
      maxMay <- getPlotMaxHeightMay
      h <- calcRugHeight maxMay
      Chart.plot $ return $ Chart.Plot
        { Chart._plot_render = renderPlotRug h
        , Chart._plot_legend = [("", const $ return ())]
        , Chart._plot_all_points = join (***) G.toList
          $ G.unzip
          $ G.concatMap (toPoints h) xs
      updatePlotHeight maxMay
      getPlotMaxHeightMay :: EC (Layout Double Double) (Maybe Double)
      getPlotMaxHeightMay = do
        layout <- get
        layout ^.. Chart.layout_plots . each . Chart.plot_all_points
          & concatMap (if opts ^. axis == XAxis then snd else fst)
          & maximumMay
          & return

      toPoints :: Double -> Double -> v (Double, Double)
      toPoints h x = if opts ^. axis == XAxis
        then G.fromList [(x, 0), (x, h)]
        else G.fromList [(0, x), (h, x)]

      calcRugHeight :: (Maybe Double) -> EC (Layout Double Double) Double
      calcRugHeight maxMay =
        return $ (Maybe.fromMaybe 1.0 maxMay) * (opts ^. height)

      renderPlotRug :: Double -> Chart.PointMapFn Double Double
                    -> BackendProgram ()
      renderPlotRug h pmap =
        Chart.withLineStyle lineStyle $ do
          Chart.alignStrokePath (plotPath h pmap) >>= Chart.strokePath
          lineStyle = def
            & Chart.line_width .~ (opts ^. linewidth)
            & Chart.line_color .~ c

      plotPath :: Double -> Chart.PointMapFn Double Double -> Chart.Path
      plotPath h pmap =
          go (G.toList xs)
          go [] = Chart.End
          go [b] = Chart.MoveTo (pt b 0) $ Chart.LineTo (pt b h) $ Chart.End
          go (b:rest) = Chart.MoveTo (pt b 0) $ Chart.LineTo (pt b h) $ go rest
          pt x y = pmap (Chart.LValue x, Chart.LValue y)

      updatePlotHeight :: (Maybe Double)
                       -> EC (Layout Double Double) ()
      updatePlotHeight maxMay = do
        layout2 <- get
        layout2 & Chart.layout_plots . mapped . Chart.plot_all_points
          %~ updatePlotPoints maxMay
          & put

      updatePlotPoints :: (Maybe Double) -> ([Double], [Double])
                       -> ([Double], [Double])
      updatePlotPoints maxMay (as, bs) =
        if | maxMay == Nothing && opts ^. axis == XAxis -> (0.0:as, 1.0:bs)
           | maxMay == Nothing && opts ^. axis == YAxis -> (1.0:as, 0.0:bs)
           | otherwise -> (as, bs)

plotKde :: (G.Vector v Double) => AlphaColour Double -> v Double -> KdePlotOpts
        -> EC (Layout Double Double) ()
plotKde c xs opts = do
    plotLine c (opts ^. linewidth) kdeVals
    when (opts ^. shade) $ plotShade c kdeVals
    minX = G.minimum xs
    maxX = G.maximum xs
    iqr = interquartileRange xs
    std = Stats.stdDev xs
    n = fromIntegral $ G.length xs
    a = min std (iqr / 1.34)
    bandwidth = if | opts ^. bw == Scott -> 1.059 * a * n ** ((-1) / 5)
                   | (BwScalar b) <- opts ^. bw -> b
    clipLeft = minX - (opts ^. cut) * bandwidth
    clipRight = maxX + (opts ^. cut) * bandwidth
    sizeEstimate = fromIntegral $ opts ^. gridsize :: Double
    numEstimates = 2 ^ (ceiling (log sizeEstimate / log 2) :: Int)
    xVals = Stats.Points $ linspace clipLeft clipRight numEstimates
    kdeResult = Stats.estimatePDF Stats.gaussianKernel bandwidth xs xVals
    kdeVals' = U.zip (Stats.fromPoints xVals) kdeResult
    kdeVals = if opts ^. axis == YAxis
      then U.toList $ U.map swap kdeVals'
      else U.toList kdeVals'

plotLine :: AlphaColour Double -> Double -> [(Double, Double)]
         -> EC (Layout Double Double) ()
plotLine c lineWidth xs = Chart.plot $ Chart.liftEC $ do
  Chart.plot_lines_values .= [xs]
  Chart.plot_lines_style . Chart.line_width .= lineWidth
  Chart.plot_lines_style . Chart.line_color .= c

plotShade :: AlphaColour Double -> [(Double, Double)]
          -> EC (Layout Double Double) ()
plotShade c xs = Chart.plot $ Chart.liftEC $ do
  Chart.plot_fillbetween_values .= (xs & mapped . _2 %~ \y -> (0, y))
  Chart.plot_fillbetween_style .= Chart.solidFillStyle (Colour.dissolve 0.25 c)

-- Rendering

-- | Default save filename for Cairo.
cairoDefSave :: FilePath
cairoDefSave = ".__amby.png"

-- | Default save filename for Diagrams.
diagramsDefSave :: FilePath
diagramsDefSave = ".__amby.svg"

-- | Convert 'AmbyChart' into Chart's 'EC (Layout Double Double) ()'.
getEC :: AmbyChart () -> EC (Layout Double Double) ()
getEC compute = getLayout $ execState compute def

-- | Convert 'AmbyGrid' into Chart's 'Renderable a'.
getRenderable :: AmbyChart () -> Renderable (LayoutPick Double Double Double)
getRenderable ch = getSaveObjectRenderable (toSaveObject ch)

-- Short-hand to render to png file using Cairo backend.
save :: Saveable s => s -> IO ()
save chart = void $ Cairo.renderableToFile
    def { Cairo._fo_size = newSize }
    (getSaveObjectRenderable so)
    so = toSaveObject chart
    newSize = getSize so

-- | Short-hand to render to svg using Cairo backend
saveSvg :: Saveable s => s -> IO ()
saveSvg chart = void $ Diagrams.renderableToFile
    def { Diagrams._fo_size = join (***) fromIntegral newSize }
    (getSaveObjectRenderable so)
    so = toSaveObject chart
    newSize = getSize so