{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, Arrows, NoImplicitPrelude, ExistentialQuantification #-}
-- | Parsers and pretty printers for the `lint-results.xml` file format.
module AndroidLintSummary (
, AppEnv(..)
, AppArgs(..)
, LintSeverity(..)
, LintFormatter(..)
, LintLocation(..)
, LintIssue(..)
, Verbosity(..)
, readLintIssues
, openXMLFile
, indentWrap
, formatLintIssues
) where

import BasicPrelude hiding (fromString)

import Rainbow
import Text.XML.HXT.Core

import Control.Monad.Reader (ask, Reader())
import Data.Default (Default(), def)
import Data.Stringable (Stringable(..))
import System.FilePath.GlobPattern (GlobPattern)

import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified System.Console.Terminal.Size as Terminal

supportedLintFormatVersion :: String
supportedLintFormatVersion = "4"

defaultLintResultsGlob :: GlobPattern
defaultLintResultsGlob = "**/build/outputs/lint-results.xml"

data LintSeverity = FatalSeverity
                  | ErrorSeverity
                  | WarningSeverity
                  | InformationalSeverity
    deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Bounded, Enum)

data LintLocation = LintLocation { filename :: FilePath
                                 , line :: Maybe Int
                                 , column :: Maybe Int
    deriving (Eq, Show)

data LintIssue = LintIssue { severity :: LintSeverity
                           , summary :: T.Text
                           , priority :: Int
                           , explanation :: T.Text
                           , location :: LintLocation
    deriving (Eq, Show)

data LintFormatter =
    NullLintFormatter -- ^ A formatter that doesn't output
                      --   anything.
  | SimpleLintFormatter -- ^ A formatter that displays the errors
                        --   in descending errors with simple color
                        --   coding.
  deriving (Eq, Show, Bounded, Enum)

data Verbosity = Normal | Verbose
    deriving (Show, Eq)

data AppArgs = AppArgs { pattern :: GlobPattern
                       , formatter :: LintFormatter
                       , verbose :: Verbosity
    deriving (Show)

data AppEnv = AppEnv { args :: AppArgs
                     , terminalSize :: Maybe (Terminal.Window Int)
instance Default AppArgs where
    def = AppArgs { pattern = defaultLintResultsGlob
                  , formatter = SimpleLintFormatter
                  , verbose = Normal

instance Stringable LintSeverity where
    toString = formatSeverity
    fromString s
        | s == "Fatal" = FatalSeverity
        | s == "Error" = ErrorSeverity
        | s == "Warning" = WarningSeverity
        | s == "Informational" = InformationalSeverity
        | otherwise = error $ "Invalid severity " <> s
    length _ = 0

instance Stringable LintFormatter where
    toString NullLintFormatter = "null"
    toString SimpleLintFormatter = "simple"
    fromString s
      | s == "null" = NullLintFormatter
      | s == "simple" = SimpleLintFormatter
      | otherwise = error "Invalid LintFormatter specification"
    length _ = 0

formatSeverity :: LintSeverity -> String
formatSeverity FatalSeverity         = "Fatal"
formatSeverity ErrorSeverity         = "Error"
formatSeverity WarningSeverity       = "Warning"
formatSeverity InformationalSeverity = "Informational"

colorSeverity :: LintSeverity -> Chunk a -> Chunk a
colorSeverity FatalSeverity         a = a & fore red & bold
colorSeverity ErrorSeverity         a = a & fore red
colorSeverity WarningSeverity       a = a & fore yellow
colorSeverity InformationalSeverity a = a & fore white

formatLintIssues :: LintFormatter -> [LintIssue] -> Reader AppEnv [Chunk T.Text]
formatLintIssues NullLintFormatter _ = pure mempty
formatLintIssues SimpleLintFormatter issues = concat <$> mapM fmt sortedIssues
        sortedIssues = sortOn ((* (-1)) . priority) issues

        fmt :: LintIssue -> Reader AppEnv [Chunk T.Text]
        fmt i =
          sequence [ pure $ label i
                   , pure $ chunk (" " <> summary i <> "\n") & bold
                   , pure $ chunk $ concat $ replicate 4 " "
                   , pure $ chunk ( T.pack (filename $ location i)
                                   <> fmtLine (line $ location i)
                                   <> "\n"
                                    ) & underline & fore blue
                   , fmtExplanation i

        fmtExplanation :: LintIssue -> Reader AppEnv (Chunk T.Text)
        fmtExplanation i = ask >>= \env -> return $ case verbose $ args env of
          Normal -> mempty
          Verbose -> chunk
            ( maybe
              (explanation i)
              (\size -> indentWrap size 4 $ explanation i)
              (terminalSize env)
            ) & faint

        fmtLine = maybe mempty ((":" <>) . show)

        label i = dye i ( "["
                       <> T.take 1 (toText $ severity i)
                       <> "]" )

        dye = (. chunk) . colorSeverity . severity

atTag :: ArrowXml a => String -> a XmlTree XmlTree
atTag tag = deep (isElem >>> hasName tag)

sread :: Read a => String -> a
sread = read . T.pack

sreadMay :: Read a => String -> Maybe a
sreadMay = readMay . T.pack

indentWrap :: Terminal.Window Int -> Int -> T.Text -> T.Text
indentWrap size indentation text = foldMap wrap lines'
    lines' = filter (/= mempty) $ lines text
    indent = concat $ replicate indentation " "
    wrap t
      | t == mempty = mempty
      | otherwise = let (as, bs) = T.splitAt (Terminal.width size - indentation) t
                    in indent <> as <> "\n" <> wrap bs

openXMLFile :: forall s b. FilePath -> IO (IOStateArrow s b XmlTree)
openXMLFile filepath = do
    contents <- readFile filepath
    return $ readString [withWarnings yes] $ T.unpack contents

readLintIssues :: IOSLA (XIOState ()) XmlTree XmlTree -> IO [LintIssue]
readLintIssues doc =
    runX $ doc >>> selectIssues >>> parseIssues
        parseIssues :: ArrowXml a => a XmlTree LintIssue
        parseIssues = proc i -> do
            severity' <- arr fromString <<< getAttrValue "severity" -< i
            summary' <- arr T.pack <<< getAttrValue "summary" -< i
            priority' <- arr sread <<< getAttrValue "priority" -< i
            explanation' <- arr T.pack <<< getAttrValue "explanation" -< i
            location' <- parseLocation -< i
            returnA -< LintIssue { severity = severity'
                                 , summary = summary'
                                 , explanation = explanation'
                                 , priority = priority'
                                 , location = location'

        parseLocation :: ArrowXml a => a XmlTree LintLocation
        parseLocation = atTag "location" >>> proc l -> do
            filename' <- getAttrValue "file" -< l
            line' <- arr sreadMay <<< getAttrValue "line" -< l
            column' <- arr sreadMay <<< getAttrValue "column" -< l
            returnA -< LintLocation { filename = filename'
                                    , line = line'
                                    , column = column'

        selectIssues :: ArrowXml a => a XmlTree XmlTree
        selectIssues = getChildren
            isElem >>> hasName "issues"
            hasAttrValue "format" (== supportedLintFormatVersion)
            atTag "issue"