#define UNICODE #include #include #include #include "errors.h" /* Copied from the Win32- package, but renamed `getErrorMessage` to * `_ansi_terminal_getErrorMessage`, in order to avoid problems with duplicate * symbols in GHC's object files. See: * https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/issues/23365. */ /* There's two ways we can generate error messages - with different tradeoffs: * If we do a function call, we have to use a static buffer. * If we use a macro and ANSI C's string splicing, we have to use constant * strings - and accept a certain amount of overhead from inserting the * boilerplate text. * * Why the concern about performance? Error messages are only generated * in exceptional situations -- sof 9/98 * * sof 9/98 : Removed use of non-standard (and wimpy :-) snprintf(). */ LPTSTR _ansi_terminal_getErrorMessage(DWORD err) { LPTSTR what; FormatMessage( (FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER) , NULL, err, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), /* Default language */ (LPTSTR) &what, 0, NULL ); return what; }