{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds, RankNTypes, FlexibleContexts, TupleSections #-}
module Network.Anticiv.Modules.Mafia (initMafia,listMafia) where

import Prelude hiding (log)
import Control.Monad
import Data.Char
import Data.Dynamic
import Data.List
import Data.Chatty.Atoms
import Data.Chatty.AVL
import Data.Chatty.Hetero
import Data.Chatty.None
import Network.Anticiv.Convenience
import Network.Anticiv.Masks
import Network.Anticiv.Modules.Mafia.Core
import Network.Anticiv.Modules.Mafia.Data
import Network.Anticiv.Monad
import Text.Chatty.Printer
import Text.Chatty.Channel.Printer
import Text.Printf

type Lister = Packciv [String]
type ListerA = Atom Lister

initMafia :: Packciv Lister
initMafia = do
  let ilist = return ["peng","mafia"] :: Lister
  la <- newAtom
  regPriorityChanmsg $ chanmsg la
  regPriorityChanmsg $ idlemsg la
  ilist #> la
  return $ listMafia la

listMafia :: ListerA -> Lister
listMafia a = join $ getAtom a

chanmsg :: ListerA -> HandlerA -> UserA -> String -> Anticiv Bool
chanmsg l _ u s = do
  pref <- bprefix
  s & pref :-: CIToken "peng" :-: Remaining #->> address u "Peng!"
   .|| pref :-: LocalT u "theme" :-: Remaining #-> bsetStereo . dropWhile isSpace

idlemsg :: ListerA -> HandlerA -> UserA -> String -> Anticiv Bool
idlemsg l h u s = do
  pref <- bprefix
  s & pref :-: LocalT u "mafia" :-: Remaining #->> do
    -- Tell the channel about it
    getAtom u >>= globalfl "StartCollection" . userNick :: Anticiv ()
    -- Create the party state and add the initiator to its user list
    ma <- newAtom
    MafiaState u none none none False False 0 none none none True none #> ma
    joinParty ma u
    -- Readjust chanmsg handlers
    unregPriorityChanmsg h
    regPriorityChanmsg $ collmsg ma l
    return ["peng","join","go"] #> l
    return ()

collmsg :: MafiaStateA -> ListerA -> HandlerA -> UserA -> String -> Anticiv Bool
collmsg m l h u s = do
  pref <- bprefix
  s & "ME" :-: LocalT u "join" :-: Remaining #->> do
    getAtom u >>= globalfl "JoinsAnnounce" . userNick :: Anticiv ()
    joinParty m u
    return ()
   .|| LocalT u "go" :-: Token "!" :-: Remaining #->> (withInitiator m u $ \pid -> do
    ps <- mafiaPlayers #< m
    -- Check player count
    let pc = avlSize ps
    unless (pc >= 6) $ addressfl u "NotEnoughPlayers" pc (6 :: Int)
    when (pc >= 6) $ do
      -- Tell the channel about it
      globalfl "StartingParty" $ avlSize ps :: Anticiv ()
      -- Assign roles
      assignRoles m
      -- Set modes
      ch <- bchan
      cbracket Raw $ do
        mprint ("MODE "++ch++" +m\r\n")
        forAllPlayers_ m $ \pid -> do
          u <- userNick #< fromPID pid
          mprint ("MODE "++ch++" +v "++u++"\r\n")
      forAllPlayers_ m $ \pid -> do
        -- Tell roles
        (r:_) <- playerRoles &< (m, pid)
        cs <- playerCards &< (m, pid)
        forM cs $ \(Card s v) -> privatefl (fromPID pid) "TellCard" (Lookup "Cards/Pattern") (Lookup ("Cards/"++show s)) (Lookup ("Cards/"++show v)) :: Anticiv ()
        privatefl (fromPID pid) ("Explain/"++show r) :: Anticiv ()
        u <- userNick #< fromPID pid
        log $ printf "%s: %s" u $ show r
        -- Tell Mafia partners
        case r of
          MafiaK _ ->
            forAllMafiosi_ m $ \pid' -> unless (pid == pid') $ do
              u <- userNick #< fromPID pid'
              r:_ <- playerRoles &< (m,pid')
              privatefl (fromPID pid) "CoMafioso" u $ Lookup ("RoleNames/"++show r)
          TriadK _ ->
            forAllTriadists_ m $ \pid' -> unless (pid == pid') $ do
              u <- userNick #< fromPID pid'
              r:_ <- playerRoles &< (m,pid')
              privatefl (fromPID pid) "CoMafioso" u $ Lookup ("RoleNames/"++show r)
          _ -> return ()
      unregPriorityChanmsg h
      h' <- regPriorityQuerymsg $ maffmsg m l
      h'' <- regPriorityChanmsg $ nightchanmsg m l
      m <># \m -> m{lostHandlers=h':h'':lostHandlers m}
      -- Reauth Hints
      basepref <- switchTo "Base" $ bkStr "Prefix"
      forAllPlayers m $ \pid -> do
        let Atom a = fromPID pid
        tkn <- reauthId #< fromPID pid
        privatefl (fromPID pid) "ReauthHint" basepref a tkn :: Anticiv ()
      night m l)

night :: MafiaStateA -> ListerA -> Anticiv ()
night m l = do
  globalfl "Sunset" :: Anticiv ()
  regPriorityQuerymsg $ nightmsg m l
  m <># \m -> m{voteScore=none,
                partyDay=partyDay m+1,
  nday <- partyDay #< m
  when (nday==1) $ forAllPred_ m (==CivicK Cupid) $ \pid -> privatefl (fromPID pid) "CupidHint" :: Anticiv ()
  forAllMafiosi_ m $ \pid -> privatefl (fromPID pid) "MafiaHint" :: Anticiv ()
  forAllTriadists_ m $ \pid -> privatefl (fromPID pid) "MafiaHint" :: Anticiv ()
  forAllPred_ m (==CivicK Inspector) $ \pid -> privatefl (fromPID pid) "InspHint" :: Anticiv ()
  forAllPred_ m (==MafiaK Spy) $ \pid -> privatefl (fromPID pid) "InspHint" :: Anticiv ()
  forAllPred_ m (==TriadK TriSpy) $ \pid -> privatefl (fromPID pid) "InspHint" :: Anticiv ()
  forAllPred_ m (==CivicK Detective) $ \pid -> privatefl (fromPID pid) "DeteHint" :: Anticiv ()
  forAllPred_ m (==CivicK SoulSaver) $ \pid -> privatefl (fromPID pid) "SoulSaverHint" :: Anticiv ()
  return ()

nightmsg :: MafiaStateA -> ListerA -> HandlerA -> UserA -> String -> Anticiv Bool
nightmsg m l h u s = do
  pref <- bprefix
  s & "ME" :-: LocalT u "vote" :-: ChannelUser #-> (\t -> do
    u' <- userNick #< u
    t' <- userNick #< t
    withAlivePID m u $ \pid -> do
      maff <- isMafioso m pid
      when maff $ do
        withAlivePID m t $ \pit -> do
          b <- playerVote m pid pit MafiaKill privatefl
          when b $
            forAllMafiosi_ m $ \pid' ->
            unless (pid == pid') $
            privatefl (fromPID pid') "VotesFor" u' t'
      tri <- isTriadist m pid
      when tri $ do
        withAlivePID m t $ \pit -> do
          b <- playerVote m pid pit TriadKill privatefl
          when b $
            forAllTriadists_ m $ \pid' ->
            unless (pid == pid') $
            privatefl (fromPID pid') "VotesFor" u' t'
      unless (maff || tri) $ privatefl u "NotPermitted"
      vs <- forAllMafiosi m $ \p -> hasVoted m p MafiaKill
      when (and vs) $ do
        m <># \m -> m{mafiaDone=True}
      vt <- forAllTriadists m $ \p -> hasVoted m p TriadKill
      when (and vt) $ do
        m <># \m -> m{triadDone=True}
      tryevalnight m l h)
   .|| "ME" :-: LocalT u "observe" :-: ChannelUser #-> (\t -> do
    t' <- userNick #< t
    withAlivePID m u $ \pid -> do
      detes <- seekUnusedRole m Detective
      unless (pid `elem` detes) $ privatefl u "NotPermitted" :: Anticiv ()
      when (pid `elem` detes) $ do
        withAlivePID m t $ \pit -> do
          o <- (m,pit) %|& observation
          privatefl u ("Is"++show o) t' :: Anticiv ()
          actionDone m pid Detective
    tryevalnight m l h)
   .|| "ME" :-: LocalT u "inspect" :-: ChannelUser #-> (\t -> do
    t' <- userNick #< t
    withAlivePID m u $ \pid -> do
      insps <- seekUnusedRole m Inspector
      spies <- seekUnusedRole m Spy
      trsps <- seekUnusedRole m TriSpy
      let ainsp = insps ++ spies ++ trsps
      unless (pid `elem` ainsp) $ privatefl u "NotPermitted" :: Anticiv ()
      when (pid `elem` ainsp) $ do
        withAlivePID m t $ \pit -> do
          o <- (m,pit) %|& show
          privatefl u "Inspection" t' $ Lookup ("RoleNames/"++o) :: Anticiv ()
          actionDone m pid $
            if pid `elem` insps
              then CivicK Inspector
              else if pid `elem` spies
                      then MafiaK Spy
                      else TriadK TriSpy     
    tryevalnight m l h)      
   .|| "ME" :-: LocalT u "save" :-: ChannelUser #-> (\t -> do
    t' <- userNick #< t
    withAlivePID m u $ \pid -> do
      savers <- seekUnusedRole m SoulSaver
      unless (pid `elem` savers) $ privatefl u "NotPermitted" :: Anticiv ()
      when (pid `elem` savers) $ do
        withAlivePID m t $ \pit -> do
          o <- playerSaved &< (m,pit)
          when o $ privatefl u "NotPermitted" :: Anticiv ()
          unless o $ do
            m <># \m -> m{safeTonight=pit:safeTonight m}
            (m,pit) <>& \t -> t{playerSaved=True}
            privatefl u "Safe" t' :: Anticiv ()
            actionDone m pid SoulSaver
    tryevalnight m l h)
   .|| "ME" :-: LocalT u "couple" :-: ChannelUser :-: LocalT u "and" :-: ChannelUser #-> (\(a,b) -> do
    a' <- userNick #< a
    b' <- userNick #< b
    withAlivePID m u $ \pid -> do
      nday <- partyDay #< m
      unless (nday == 1) $ privatefl u "NotPermitted" :: Anticiv ()
      when (nday == 1) $ withAlivePID m a $ \pa -> withAlivePID m b $ \pb -> do
        cupids <- seekUnusedRole m Cupid
        unless (pid `elem` cupids) $ privatefl u "NotPermitted" :: Anticiv ()
        when (pid `elem` cupids) $ do
          m <># \m -> m{coupledPlayers=Just (pa,pb)}
          ar <- (m,pa) %|& id
          br <- (m,pb) %|& id
          privatefl a "InLoveWith" b' :: Anticiv ()
          privatefl a "Inspection" b' $ Lookup ("RoleNames/"++show br) :: Anticiv ()
          privatefl b "InLoveWith" a' :: Anticiv ()
          privatefl b "Inspection" a' $ Lookup ("RoleNames/"++show ar) :: Anticiv ()
          actionDone m pid Cupid
          unless (ar `winsWith` br) $ do
            (m,pa) <>& \p -> p{playerRoles=CoupleK InLove : playerRoles p}
            (m,pb) <>& \p -> p{playerRoles=CoupleK InLove : playerRoles p}
            privatefl a "CoupleFaction" :: Anticiv ()
            privatefl b "CoupleFaction" :: Anticiv ()
    tryevalnight m l h)
tryevalnight :: MafiaStateA -> ListerA -> HandlerA -> Anticiv ()
tryevalnight m l h = do
  maffsdone <- mafiaDone #< m
  when maffsdone $ log "Mafia is done."
  triaddone <- triadDone #< m
  when triaddone $ log "Triad is done."
  detesdone <- liftM null $ seekUnusedRole m Detective
  when detesdone $ log "Detes are done."
  spiesdone <- liftM null $ seekUnusedRole m Spy
  when spiesdone $ log "Spies are done."
  trspsdone <- liftM null $ seekUnusedRole m TriSpy
  when trspsdone $ log "TriSpies are done."
  inspsdone <- liftM null $ seekUnusedRole m Inspector
  when inspsdone $ log "Inspis are done."
  saversdone <- liftM null $ seekUnusedRole m SoulSaver
  when saversdone $ log "Savers are done."
  cupiddone <- (||) `liftM` (liftM (/=1) $ partyDay #< m) `ap` (liftM null $ seekUnusedRole m Cupid)
  when cupiddone $ log "Cupid is done."
  let alldone = and [maffsdone, detesdone, spiesdone, inspsdone
                    ,saversdone, triaddone, trspsdone, cupiddone]
  when alldone $ evalnight m l h

evalnight :: MafiaStateA -> ListerA -> HandlerA -> Anticiv ()
evalnight m l h = do
  vr <- voteScore #< m
  let vs = sortBy (\(p,a) (q,b) -> b `compare` a) $ avlInorder vr
      vm = map (\((_,p),a) -> (p,a)) $ filter (\((s,_),_) -> s == MafiaKill) vs
      vt = map (\((_,p),a) -> (p,a)) $ filter (\((s,_),_) -> s == TriadKill) vs
  mv <- liftM join $ forM [vm,vt] $ \vs -> case vs of
    (p,a):(q,b):_ | a == b -> return []
    (p,_):_ -> return [(p,"Killed")]
    [] -> return []
  dimi <- liftM join $ forAllPlayers m $ \p -> do
    b <- (m,p) %| (==CivicK Dimitri)
    if b then return [p] else return []
  nday <- partyDay #< m
  safe <- liftM nub $ safeTonight #< m
  let allVictims = filter (not . flip elem safe . fst) $ nub mv
        | null allVictims
          && not (null dimi)
          && (nday == 1) = [(head dimi,"DimitriKilled")]
        | otherwise = allVictims
  usersDie m allVictims'
  when (null allVictims') $ do
    globalfl "NooneKilled" :: Anticiv ()
  unregPriorityQuerymsg h
  fin <- partyFinished m
  if fin then evalparty m l h Deathmatch else day m l

day :: MafiaStateA -> ListerA -> Anticiv ()
day m l = do
  globalfl "Sunrise" :: Anticiv ()
  us <- forAllPlayers m $ \pid -> userNick #< fromPID pid
  globalfl "StillAlive" (concat $ intersperse ", " us) :: Anticiv ()
  globalfl "ExecHint" :: Anticiv ()
  regPriorityChanmsg $ daymsg m l
  m <># \m -> m{voteScore=none, votedAlready=none, isNight=False}
  return ()
maffmsg :: MafiaStateA -> ListerA -> HandlerA -> UserA -> String -> Anticiv Bool
maffmsg m l h u s = do
  mpid <- toPID m u
  case mpid of
    Nothing -> return False
    Just up -> do
      maff <- isMafioso m up
      tri <- isTriadist m up
      if not (maff || tri)
         then return False
           s & LocalT u "mafftalk" :-: Remaining #-> \t -> do
             privatefl u "Mafftalking" :: Anticiv ()
             un <- userNick #< u
             unless (all isSpace t) $ do
               when maff $ forAllMafiosi_ m $ \pid' -> void $ do
                 privatefl (fromPID pid') "IncomingMafftalk" un t :: Anticiv ()
               when tri $ forAllTriadists_ m $ \pid' -> void $ do
                 privatefl (fromPID pid') "IncomingTritalk" un t :: Anticiv ()
             regPriorityQuerymsg $ mafftalkmsg m l u
             return ()

mafftalkmsg :: MafiaStateA -> ListerA -> UserA -> HandlerA -> UserA -> String -> Anticiv Bool
mafftalkmsg m l ur h u s
  | ur /= u = return False
  | otherwise = do
    s & LocalT u "donemafftalk" #->> do
      unregPriorityQuerymsg h
      privatefl u "DoneMafftalking" :: Anticiv ()
     .|| Remaining #-> \t -> do
      un <- userNick #< u
      withAlivePID m u $ \pid -> do
        maff <- isMafioso m pid
        tri <- isTriadist m pid
        when maff $ forAllMafiosi_ m $ \pid' ->
          privatefl (fromPID pid') "IncomingMafftalk" un t :: Anticiv ()
        when tri $ forAllTriadists_ m $ \pid' ->
          privatefl (fromPID pid') "IncomingTritalk" un t :: Anticiv ()

nightchanmsg :: MafiaStateA -> ListerA -> HandlerA -> UserA -> String -> Anticiv Bool
nightchanmsg m l h u s = do
  n <- isNight #< m
  when n $ do
    withAlivePID m u $ \pid -> usersDie m [(pid,"TalkedAtNight")] :: Anticiv ()
    tryevalnight m l h
    fin <- partyFinished m
    when fin $ evalparty m l h Deathmatch
  return True
daymsg :: MafiaStateA -> ListerA -> HandlerA -> UserA -> String -> Anticiv Bool
daymsg m l h u s = do
  pref <- bprefix
  s & "ME" :-: LocalT u "vote" :-: ChannelUser #-> \t -> do
    u' <- userNick #< u
    t' <- userNick #< t
    withAlivePID m u $ \pid -> do
      withAlivePID m t $ \pit -> do
        b <- playerVote m pid pit Execution privatefl
        when b $
          globalfl "VotesFor" u' t'
      tryevalday m l h

tryevalday :: MafiaStateA -> ListerA -> HandlerA -> Anticiv ()
tryevalday m l h = do
  vs <- liftM and $ forAllPlayers m $ \p -> hasVoted m p Execution
  when vs $ evalday m l h

evalday :: MafiaStateA -> ListerA -> HandlerA -> Anticiv ()
evalday m l h = do
  vr <- voteScore #< m
  let vs = map (\((_,p),a) -> (p,a)) $ sortBy (\(p,a) (q,b) -> b `compare` a) $ avlInorder vr
  mv <- case vs of
    (p,a):(q,b):_ | a == b -> return []
    (p,_):_ -> return [p]
  ps <- forAllPred m (`elem` [CivicK CitJudge, MafiaK MaffJudge, TriadK TriJudge]) return
  when (null mv && length ps == 1) $ do
    let j = head ps
    globalfl "WaitingForJudge" :: Anticiv ()
    regPriorityQuerymsg $ judgemsg m l h j
    privatefl (fromPID j) "JudgeHint"
  when (null mv && length ps /= 1) $ do
    globalfl "NooneExecuted" :: Anticiv ()
  unless (null mv && length ps == 1) $ do
    if (any ((==1000).snd) vs)
      then globalfl "JudgeHasSpoken" :: Anticiv ()
      else forM_ vs $ \(v,c) -> do
             vn <- userNick #< fromPID v
             globalfl "VotesGivenFor" vn c :: Anticiv ()
    js <- liftM or $ forM mv $ \v -> (m,v) %| shareFaction (bogus JustinK)
    usersDie m $ map (,"Executed") mv
    unregPriorityChanmsg h
    fin <- partyFinished m
    nday <- partyDay #< m
    if fin 
      then evalparty m l h Deathmatch
      else if js && nday == 1
              then evalparty m l h JustinWon
              else night m l

-- There are no implications yet
deathImplications :: MafiaStateA -> PlayerId -> Anticiv [(PlayerId,String)]
deathImplications m pid = do
  mcou <- coupledPlayers #< m
  case mcou of
    Nothing -> return []
    Just (a,b)
      | a == pid -> return [(b,"Suicide")]
      | b == pid -> return [(a,"Suicide")]
      | otherwise -> return []

inferDeaths :: MafiaStateA -> [(PlayerId,String)] -> Anticiv [(PlayerId,String)]
inferDeaths m inc = do
  log ("inferDeath in: "++concatMap (\(UnsafePlayerId (Atom a),re) -> show a++":"++re++"; ") inc)
  outg' <- forM (map fst inc) $ deathImplications m
  let outg = inc `dunion` nubBy deq (concat outg')
      dunion = unionBy deq
      deq a b = fst a == fst b
      sort = sortBy cmp
      cmp a b | a == b = EQ
      cmp (a,"Suicide") (b,"Suicide") = a `compare` b
      cmp (_,"Suicide") _ = GT
      cmp _ (_,"Suicide") = LT
      cmp a b = fst a `compare` fst b
  log ("inferDeath out: "++concatMap (\(UnsafePlayerId (Atom a),re) -> show a++":"++re++"; ") outg)
  if sort inc /= sort outg
     then inferDeaths m outg
     else return outg

usersDie :: MafiaStateA -> [(PlayerId,String)] -> Anticiv ()
usersDie m ps = do
  ps' <- inferDeaths m ps
  forM_ ps' $ \(pid,reason) -> do
    pn <- userNick #< fromPID pid
    (m,pid) <>& \p -> p{playerAlive=False}
    globalfl reason pn :: Anticiv ()
    obduct m pid
    ch <- bchan
    cprint Raw ("MODE "++ch++" -v "++pn++"\r\n")

obduct :: MafiaStateA -> PlayerId -> Anticiv ()
obduct m pid = do
  rs <- liftM (sortBy (\b a -> rolePriority a `compare` rolePriority b)) $ playerRoles &< (m,pid)
  -- TODO: Mind lingua overrides!
  li <- bgets botLingua
  rns <- mapM (bvStr li . ("RoleNames/"++) . show) rs
  u <- userNick #< fromPID pid
  globalfl "Obduction" u $ concat $ intersperse ", " rns

evalparty :: MafiaStateA -> ListerA -> HandlerA -> FinishReason -> Anticiv ()
evalparty m l h f = do
  unregPriorityChanmsg h
  unregPriorityQuerymsg h
  case f of
    Deathmatch -> globalfl "PartyOver" :: Anticiv ()
    JustinWon -> globalfl "JustinWon" :: Anticiv ()
  forAllPlayers_ m $ obduct m
  ch <- bchan
  cbracket Raw $ do
    forAllPlayers_ m $ \pid -> do
      u <- userNick #< fromPID pid
      mprint ("MODE "++ch++" -v "++u++"\r\n")
    mprint ("MODE "++ch++" -m\r\n")
  lh <- lostHandlers #< m
  forM_ lh $ \h' -> do
    unregPriorityChanmsg h'
    unregPriorityQuerymsg h'
  dispAtom m
  regPriorityChanmsg $ idlemsg l
  return ()

judgemsg :: MafiaStateA -> ListerA -> HandlerA -> PlayerId -> HandlerA -> UserA -> String -> Anticiv Bool
judgemsg m l hd j hj u
  | fromPID j /= u = const $ return False
  | otherwise =
    "ME" :-: LocalT u "sentence" :-: ChannelUser #-> \t -> do
      vr <- voteScore #< m
      let vs = avlInorder vr
          vm = snd $ maximumBy (\(p,a) (q,b) -> a `compare` b) vs
          vms = map (snd.fst) $ filter ((==vm) . snd) vs
      unless (t `elem` map fromPID vms) $ privatefl u "NotPermitted" :: Anticiv ()
      when (t `elem` map fromPID vms) $ withPID m t $ \pid -> do
        unregPriorityQuerymsg hj
        m <># \m -> m{voteScore=avlInsert ((Execution,pid),1000) $ voteScore m}
        evalday m l hd