{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{- | Base module for `AntiQuoter`s, defining some basic type-aliases and and
combinators for antiquoting.

To for examples in the documentation of this library the following data
types defining the untyped lambda calculus syntax:

data Expr
    = VarE Var
    | Lam  Var Expr
    | App  Expr Expr
    | AntiExpr String
    deriving (Typeable, Data)
data Var
    = Var     String
    | AntiVar String
    deriving (Typeable, Data)

(note: the idea for using lambda calculus comes from the original paper on
quasi-quoting <http://www.eecs.harvard.edu/~mainland/ghc-quasiquoting/mainland07quasiquoting.pdf>)

A simple quasi-quoter without support for antiquoting can be defined by:

lExp = QuasiQuoter
    { quoteExp  = dataToExpQ (const Nothing) . parseExpr
    , quotePat  = dataToPatQ (const Nothing) . parseExpr
    , quoteType = error \"No type quoter\"
    , quoteDec  = error \"No declaration quoter\"
parseExpr :: String -> Expr
parseExpr = undefined -- implementation omitted

Now to add antiquoting it is needed to treat the AntiExpr and AntiVar
constructors as special and translate them ourselves. This introduces an
@`AntiQuoterPass` e p@, which is a specific translation rule from source syntax
@e@ to template haskell type @p@. In the example this can be used to defined:

antiExprE :: AntiQuoterPass Expr Exp
antiExprE (AntiExpr s) = Just . varE $ mkName s
antiExprE _            = Nothing
antiVarE :: AntiQuoterPass Var Exp
antiVarE (AntiVar s) = Just . varE $ mkName s
antiVarE _           = Nothing

antiExprP :: AntiQuoterPass Expr Pat
antiExprP (AntiExpr s) = Just . varP $ mkName s
antiExprP _            = Nothing
antiVarP :: AntiQuoterPass Var Pat
antiVarP (AntiVar s) = Just . varP $ mkName s
antiVarP _           = Nothing

Both rules should be used when antiquoting as an exception to the base case
(using the default translation, @const Nothing@). Which can be done using
@(`<>>`)@, creating an `AntiQuoter`. Where an `AntiQuoter` represents a
combination of `AntiQuoterPass`es which can be used to antiquote multiple
datatypes. In the example this would result in

lExp = QuasiQuoter
    { quoteExp  = dataToExpQ antiE . parseExpr
    , quotePat  = dataToPatQ antiP . parseExpr
    , quoteType = error \"No type quoter\"
    , quoteDec  = error \"No declaration quoter\"
        antiE :: AntiQuoter Exp
        antiE = antiExprE \<>> antiVarE \<>> const Nothing
        antiP :: AntiQuoter Pat
        antiP = antiExprP \<>> antiVarP \<>> const Nothing

Two little improvements could be made, @const Nothing@ could be replaced by
`noAntiQuoter` and the building of the `QuasiQuoter` could be simplified by
using `mkQuasiQuoter`.
module Language.Haskell.AntiQuoter.Base(
    -- * AntiQuoters
    -- ** Using AntiQuoters
    noAntiQuoter, (<<>>),
    (<<>), (<>>),
    -- ** Convenience reexport
    -- | WARNING: when combining AntiQuoter(Pass)es using `extQ` only the
    -- last (rightmost) pass will be used for any source type. The `<<>`
    -- and `<>>` don't suffer from this problem.
    -- ** Internals
) where

import Control.Monad
import Data.Generics
import Language.Haskell.TH
import Language.Haskell.TH.Quote

infixl 1 <<>,<<>>
infixr 2 <>>

-- | A single antiquotation for a specific source type. Usually @e@ is a type
-- from the parsed language and @q@ is the target type (usually `Pat` or
-- `Exp`). A @Just result@ indicates that the input should be antiquoted into
-- @result@ while @Nothing@ indicates that there is no special antiquotation.
type AntiQuoterPass e q = e -> Maybe (Q q)
-- Note, `AQResult` is not used as that would lead to too unclear code and
-- documentation.

-- | Result of an `AntiQuoterPass` (AntiQuoterPass e q = e -> AQResult q).
-- This type-alias is mostly used for combinators which only provides the
-- result of the antiquotation and the usecase (thus the pattern to match)
-- should be filled in by the user.
-- See `AntiQuoterPass` on what @Nothing@ and @Just@ mean.
type AQResult q = Maybe (Q q)

-- | Wrapper for `AQResult`, needed for the typechecker.
newtype WrappedAQResult q = AQRW { unAQRW :: AQResult q }

-- | An `AntiQuoter` is the combination of several `AntiQuoterPass`es, which
-- could have different source types. In the example the
-- @AntiQuoterPass Expr Exp@ and @AntiQuoterPass Var Exp@ were combined into
-- a single @AntiQuoter Exp@, which antiquoted both @Expr@ and @Pat@.
type AntiQuoter q = forall e. Typeable e => AntiQuoterPass e q

-- | Create an `AntiQuoter` from an single pass.
fromPass :: Typeable e => AntiQuoterPass e q -> AntiQuoter q
fromPass aqp = mkQ Nothing aqp

-- | An `AnitQuoter` that does no antiquoting by only return Nothing,
-- > noAntiQuoter = const Nothing
noAntiQuoter :: AntiQuoter q
noAntiQuoter = const Nothing

-- | Create an `AntiQuoter` by combining an `AntiQuoter` and an
-- `AntiQuoterPass`. This is left biased, see (`<<>>`).
(<<>) :: Typeable e => AntiQuoter q -> AntiQuoterPass e q -> AntiQuoter q
aq <<> aqp = aq <<>> fromPass aqp
-- | Create an `AntiQuoter` by combining an `AntiQuoterPass` and an
-- `AntiQuoter`. This is left biased, see (`<<>>`).
(<>>) :: Typeable e => AntiQuoterPass e q -> AntiQuoter q -> AntiQuoter q
aqp <>> aq = fromPass aqp <<>> aq

-- | Combines two `AntiQuoter`s with the same result. It is left biased, thus
-- if the first antiquoter returns @Just result@ that is used, otherwise the
-- second AntiQuoter is tried.
-- Together with `noAntiQuoter` this forms a monoid, but as AntiQuoter is a
-- type synonyme no instance is declared.
(<<>>) :: AntiQuoter q -> AntiQuoter q -> AntiQuoter q
aq1 <<>> aq2 = \e -> aq1 e `mplus` aq2 e

-- | Create an QuasiQuoter for expressions and patterns from a parser and two
-- antiquoters. The quasiquoter from the example could also have been
-- constructed by using @mkQuasiQuoter (return . parse) antiE antiP @.
mkQuasiQuoter :: Data a
    => (String -> Q a)
    -> AntiQuoter Exp
    -> AntiQuoter Pat
    -> QuasiQuoter
mkQuasiQuoter parse aqExp aqPat
    = QuasiQuoter
    { quoteExp = parse >=> dataToExpQ aqExp
    , quotePat = parse >=> dataToPatQ aqPat
-- To prevent warnings
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,5,0)
    , quoteType = error $ "Language.Haskell.Antiquoter: can't handle types"
    , quoteDec  = error $ "Language.Haskell.Antiquoter: can't handle decls"