{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification, RankNTypes, FlexibleContexts, ScopedTypeVariables #-}

  This module is part of Antisplice.
  Copyleft (c) 2014 Marvin Cohrs

  All wrongs reversed. Sharing is an act of love, not crime.
  Please share Antisplice with everyone you like.

  Antisplice is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
  it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
  (at your option) any later version.

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-- | Provides operators for composing masked consumers
module Game.Antisplice.MaskedSkills where

import Data.Monoid
import Game.Antisplice.Call
import Game.Antisplice.Monad.Dungeon
import Game.Antisplice.Utils.None
import Game.Antisplice.Utils.Hetero

-- | A special consumer whose conditions and actions rely on evaluation result masks
data MaskedConsumer r = MasCon [PredMaskCond r] [PostMaskHandler r]

-- | A special handler that relies on an evaluation result post-processing mask
data PostMaskHandler r = forall po pr pt. (PostMask po r pr,Tuplify pr pt) => PMHandler po (pt -> Handler)

-- | A special condition that relies on an evaluation result predicate mask
data PredMaskCond r = forall p. PredMask p r => PMCond p

instance Monoid (MaskedConsumer r) where
  mempty = MasCon [] []
  (MasCon c1 h1) `mappend` (MasCon c2 h2) = MasCon (c1 ++ c2) (h1 ++ h2)

instance None (MaskedConsumer r) where
  none = mempty

infix 8 &->
-- | Composes a masked consumer from an evaluation result post-processing mask and a handler that relies on its result
(&->) :: (PostMask po r pr, Tuplify pr pt) => po -> (pt -> Handler) -> MaskedConsumer r
po &-> h = MasCon [] [PMHandler po h]

infix 8 -&?->
-- | Composes a masked consumer from an evaluation result combi mask and a handler that relies on its possible result. Takes a third parameter for the correct type. In most cases you'll want '&?->' instead.
(-&?->) :: (CombiMask cm r pm pom, PredMask pm r, PostMask pom r por, Tuplify por pot) => cm -> (pot -> Handler) -> r -> MaskedConsumer r
c -&?-> h = \r -> MasCon [PMCond $ ctopred c r] [PMHandler (ctopost c r) h]

infix 8 &?->
-- | Composes a masked consumer from an evaluation result combi mask and a handler that relies on its possible result.
(&?->) :: (CombiMask cm r pm pom, PredMask pm r, PostMask pom r por, Tuplify por pot) => cm -> (pot -> Handler) -> MaskedConsumer r
c &?-> h = (c -&?-> h) undefined

{-handle :: (Tuplify pr pt, PostMask (a -> a) r pr) => (pt -> Handler) -> MaskedConsumer r
handle h = id &-> h-}

infixl 7 +?
-- | Adds an evaluation result predicate mask to a masked consumer.
(+?) :: PredMask p r => MaskedConsumer r -> p -> MaskedConsumer r
mc +? p = mc <> MasCon [PMCond p] []

infixl 7 +&
-- | Concatenates two masked consumers.
(+&) :: MaskedConsumer r -> MaskedConsumer r -> MaskedConsumer r
m1 +& m2 = m1 <> m2