module Data.Apart.Combinators (Restorer, Materializer, recover, limit, throughout, inmemory) where import "base" Control.Applicative (Alternative (..)) import "base" Control.Monad (join) import "free" Control.Comonad.Cofree (Cofree (..)) import Data.Apart (Apart (..)) import Data.Apart.Shape (Shape (..)) import Data.Apart.Transformations (Segmented (..), Scattered (..)) -- | Pull back segment of values to memory. type Restorer g t raw value = (Traversable t, Applicative g) => raw -> g (Segmented (Cofree t) value) -- | Put in-memory values to somewhere else. type Materializer g t raw value = (Traversable t, Applicative g) => Segmented (Cofree t) value -> g raw -- | Do nothing with in-memory part, pull back all values of structure to memory. recover :: (Traversable t, Applicative g) => Restorer g t raw value -> Scattered (Cofree t) value raw -> g (Cofree t value) recover convert (Apart (x :< Ready values)) = (:<) x <$> traverse (recover convert . Apart) values recover convert (Apart (x :< Converted raw)) = (:<) x <$> convert raw -- | Keep only a certain number of elements in memory, do something with the rest. limit :: (Traversable t, Applicative g) => Int -> Materializer g t raw value -> Cofree t value -> g (Scattered (Cofree t) value raw) limit ((>=) 0 -> True) convert (x :< rest) = error "Limit value should be greater than 0" limit 1 convert (x :< rest) = (Apart . (:<) x . Converted) <$> convert rest limit n convert (x :< rest) = (<$>) (Apart . (:<) x . Ready) $ ((<$>) . (<$>)) part $ traverse (limit (n - 1) convert) rest -- | Traverse over scattered structure, including with all restored segments. throughout :: (Traversable t, Monad g) => (value -> g result) -> Restorer g t raw value -> (Scattered (Cofree t) value raw) -> g (Cofree t result) throughout f g (Apart (x :< Ready vs)) = (:<) <$> f x <*> (traverse (throughout f g . Apart) vs) throughout f g (Apart (x :< Converted r)) = join $ traverse f <$> ((:<) x <$> g r) inmemory :: (Functor t, Alternative t) => Apart t raw value -> Cofree t value inmemory (Apart (x :< Ready xs)) = (:<) x $ inmemory . Apart <$> xs inmemory (Apart (x :< Converted _)) = x :< empty