{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, TypeFamilyDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}

module Apecs.Types where

import Control.Monad.Reader
import Data.Traversable (for)
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as U

-- | An Entity is really just an Int. The type variable is used to keep track of reads and writes, but can be freely cast.
newtype Entity c = Entity Int deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

-- | A slice is a list of entities, represented by a Data.Unbox.Vector of Ints.
newtype Slice c = Slice {unSlice :: U.Vector Int} deriving (Show, Monoid)

-- | A system is a newtype around `ReaderT w IO a`, where `w` is the game world variable.
newtype System w a = System {unSystem :: ReaderT w IO a} deriving (Functor, Monad, Applicative, MonadIO)

-- | A component is defined by the type of its storage
--   The storage in turn supplies runtime types for the component.
--   For the component to be valid, its Storage must be in instance of Initializable.
class Initializable (Storage c) => Component c where
  type Storage c = s | s -> c

-- | A world `Has` a component if it can produce its Storage
class Component c => Has w c where
  getStore :: System w (Storage c)

-- Storage types
-- | Common for every storage. Represents a container that can be initialized.
class Initializable s where
  -- | The initialization argument required by this store
  type InitArgs s
  -- Initialize the store with its initialization arguments.
  initStoreWith :: InitArgs s -> IO s

-- | A store that is indexed by entities.
class HasMembers s where
  -- | Destroys the component for the given index.
  explDestroy :: s -> Int -> IO ()
  -- | Returns whether there is a component for the given index
  explExists  :: s -> Int -> IO Bool
  -- | Returns an unboxed vector of member indices
  explMembers :: s -> IO (U.Vector Int)

  -- | Removes all components.
  --   Equivalent to calling @explDestroy@ on each member
  {-# INLINE explReset #-}
  explReset :: s -> IO ()
  explReset s = do
    sl <- explMembers s
    U.mapM_ (explDestroy s) sl

  -- | Monadically iterates over member indices
  explImapM_ :: MonadIO m => s -> (Int -> m a) -> m ()
  {-# INLINE explImapM_ #-}
  explImapM_ s ma = liftIO (explMembers s) >>= mapM_ ma . U.toList

  -- | Monadically iterates over member indices
  explImapM :: MonadIO m => s -> (Int -> m a) -> m [a]
  {-# INLINE explImapM #-}
  explImapM s ma = liftIO (explMembers s) >>= mapM ma . U.toList

-- | Represents a safe access to @c@. A safe access is either a read that might fail, or a write that might delete.
newtype Safe c = Safe {getSafe :: SafeRW (Storage c)}

-- | Class of storages that associates components with entities.
class HasMembers s => Store s where
  -- | Return type for safe reads writes to the store
  type SafeRW s
  -- | The type of components stored by this Store
  type Stores s
  -- | Unsafe index to the store. Undefined if the component does not exist
  explGetUnsafe :: s -> Int -> IO (Stores s)
  -- | Retrieves a component from the store
  explGet       :: s -> Int -> IO (SafeRW s)
  -- | Writes a component
  explSet       :: s -> Int -> Stores s -> IO ()
  -- | Either writes or deletes a component
  explSetMaybe  :: s -> Int -> SafeRW s -> IO ()

  -- | Modifies an element in the store.
  --   Equivalent to reading a value, and then writing the result of the function application.
  {-# INLINE explModify #-}
  explModify :: s -> Int -> (Stores s -> Stores s) -> IO ()
  explModify s ety f = do etyExists <- explExists s ety
                          when etyExists $ explGetUnsafe s ety >>= explSet s ety . f

  -- | Maps over all elements of this store.
  --   Equivalent to getting a list of all entities with this component, and then explModifying each of them.
  explCmap :: s -> (Stores s -> Stores s) -> IO ()
  {-# INLINE explCmap #-}
  explCmap s f = explMembers s >>= U.mapM_ (\ety -> explModify s ety f)

  explCmapM_ :: MonadIO m => s -> (Stores s -> m a) -> m ()
  {-# INLINE explCmapM_ #-}
  explCmapM_ s sys = do
    sl <- liftIO$ explMembers s
    U.forM_ sl $ \ety -> do x :: Stores s <- liftIO$ explGetUnsafe s ety
                            sys x

  explCimapM_ :: MonadIO m => s -> ((Int, Stores s) -> m a) -> m ()
  {-# INLINE explCimapM_ #-}
  explCimapM_ s sys = do
    sl <- liftIO$ explMembers s
    U.forM_ sl $ \ety -> do x :: Stores s <- liftIO$ explGetUnsafe s ety
                            sys (ety,x)

  explCmapM  :: MonadIO m => s -> (Stores s -> m a) -> m [a]
  {-# INLINE explCmapM #-}
  explCmapM s sys = do
    sl <- liftIO$ explMembers s
    for (U.toList sl) $ \ety -> do
      x :: Stores s <- liftIO$ explGetUnsafe s ety
      sys x

  explCimapM :: MonadIO m => s -> ((Int, Stores s) -> m a) -> m [a]
  {-# INLINE explCimapM #-}
  explCimapM s sys = do
    sl <- liftIO$ explMembers s
    for (U.toList sl) $ \ety -> do
      x :: Stores s <- liftIO$ explGetUnsafe s ety
      sys (ety,x)

-- | A constraint that indicates that the runtime representation of @c@ is @c@
--   This will almost always be the case, but it _might_ not be so we need this constraint.
type IsRuntime c = (Store (Storage c), Stores (Storage c) ~ c)

-- | Class of storages for global values
class GlobalRW s c where
  {-# MINIMAL explGlobalRead, explGlobalWrite #-}
  explGlobalRead :: s -> IO c
  explGlobalWrite :: s -> c -> IO ()

  {-# INLINE explGlobalModify #-}
  explGlobalModify :: s -> (c -> c) -> IO ()
  explGlobalModify s f = do r <- explGlobalRead s
                            explGlobalWrite s (f r)

-- | Casts for entities and slices
class Cast a b where
  cast :: a -> b
instance Cast (Entity a) (Entity b) where
  {-# INLINE cast #-}
  cast (Entity ety) = Entity ety
instance Cast (Slice a) (Slice b) where
  {-# INLINE cast #-}
  cast (Slice vec) = Slice vec

-- Tuple Instances
-- (,)
instance (Component a, Component b) => Component (a,b) where
  type Storage (a, b) = (Storage a, Storage b)
instance (Has w a, Has w b) => Has w (a,b) where
  {-# INLINE getStore #-}
  getStore = (,) <$> getStore <*> getStore

instance (Initializable a, Initializable b) => Initializable (a,b) where
  type InitArgs (a, b) = (InitArgs a, InitArgs b)
  initStoreWith (aa, ab) = (,) <$> initStoreWith aa <*> initStoreWith ab

instance (HasMembers a, HasMembers b) => HasMembers (a,b) where
  explMembers (sa,sb) = explMembers sa >>= U.filterM (explExists sb)
  explReset   (sa,sb) = explReset sa >> explReset sb
  explDestroy (sa,sb) ety = explDestroy sa ety >> explDestroy sb ety
  explExists  (sa,sb) ety = (&&) <$> explExists sa ety <*> explExists sb ety
  {-# INLINE explMembers #-}
  {-# INLINE explReset #-}
  {-# INLINE explDestroy #-}
  {-# INLINE explExists #-}

instance (Store a, Store b) => Store (a, b) where
  type SafeRW (a, b) = (SafeRW a, SafeRW b)
  type Stores (a, b) = (Stores a, Stores b)
  explGetUnsafe  (sa,sb) ety = (,) <$> explGetUnsafe sa ety <*> explGetUnsafe sb ety
  explGet        (sa,sb) ety = (,) <$> explGet sa ety <*> explGet sb ety
  explSet        (sa,sb) ety (wa,wb) = explSet sa ety wa >> explSet sb ety wb
  explSetMaybe   (sa,sb) ety (wa,wb) = explSetMaybe sa ety wa >> explSetMaybe sb ety wb
  {-# INLINE explGetUnsafe #-}
  {-# INLINE explGet #-}
  {-# INLINE explSet #-}
  {-# INLINE explSetMaybe #-}

instance (GlobalRW a ca, GlobalRW b cb) => GlobalRW (a,b) (ca,cb) where
  explGlobalRead  (sa,sb) = (,) <$> explGlobalRead sa <*> explGlobalRead sb
  explGlobalWrite (sa,sb) (wa,wb) = explGlobalWrite sa wa >> explGlobalWrite sb wb
  {-# INLINE explGlobalRead #-}
  {-# INLINE explGlobalWrite #-}

-- (,,)
instance (Component a, Component b, Component c) => Component (a,b,c) where
  type Storage (a, b, c) = (Storage a, Storage b, Storage c)
instance (Has w a, Has w b, Has w c) => Has w (a,b,c) where
  {-# INLINE getStore #-}
  getStore = (,,) <$> getStore <*> getStore <*> getStore

instance (Initializable a, Initializable b, Initializable c) => Initializable (a,b,c) where
  type InitArgs (a, b, c) = (InitArgs a, InitArgs b, InitArgs c)
  initStoreWith (aa, ab, ac) = (,,) <$> initStoreWith aa <*> initStoreWith ab <*> initStoreWith ac

instance (HasMembers a, HasMembers b, HasMembers c) => HasMembers (a,b,c) where
  explMembers (sa,sb,sc) = explMembers sa >>= U.filterM (explExists sb) >>= U.filterM (explExists sc)
  explReset   (sa,sb,sc) = explReset sa >> explReset sb >> explReset sc
  explDestroy (sa,sb,sc) ety = explDestroy sa ety >> explDestroy sb ety >> explDestroy sc ety
  explExists  (sa,sb,sc) ety = and <$> sequence [explExists sa ety, explExists sb ety, explExists sc ety]
  {-# INLINE explMembers #-}
  {-# INLINE explReset #-}
  {-# INLINE explDestroy #-}
  {-# INLINE explExists #-}

instance (Store a, Store b, Store c) => Store (a, b, c) where
  type SafeRW (a, b, c) = (SafeRW a, SafeRW b, SafeRW c)
  type Stores (a, b, c) = (Stores a, Stores b, Stores c)
  explGetUnsafe  (sa,sb,sc) ety = (,,) <$> explGetUnsafe sa ety <*> explGetUnsafe sb ety <*> explGetUnsafe sc ety
  explGet        (sa,sb,sc) ety = (,,) <$> explGet sa ety <*> explGet sb ety <*> explGet sc ety
  explSet        (sa,sb,sc) ety (wa,wb,wc) = explSet sa ety wa >> explSet sb ety wb >> explSet sc ety wc
  explSetMaybe   (sa,sb,sc) ety (wa,wb,wc) = explSetMaybe sa ety wa >> explSetMaybe sb ety wb >> explSetMaybe sc ety wc
  {-# INLINE explGetUnsafe #-}
  {-# INLINE explGet #-}
  {-# INLINE explSet #-}
  {-# INLINE explSetMaybe #-}

instance (GlobalRW a ca, GlobalRW b cb, GlobalRW c cc) => GlobalRW (a,b,c) (ca,cb,cc) where
  explGlobalRead  (sa,sb,sc) = (,,) <$> explGlobalRead sa <*> explGlobalRead sb <*> explGlobalRead sc
  explGlobalWrite (sa,sb,sc) (wa,wb,wc) = explGlobalWrite sa wa >> explGlobalWrite sb wb >> explGlobalWrite sc wc
  {-# INLINE explGlobalRead #-}
  {-# INLINE explGlobalWrite #-}