/* Copyright (c) 2013 Scott Lembcke and Howling Moon Software * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef CHIPMUNK_H #define CHIPMUNK_H #include #include #ifndef alloca #ifdef _WIN32 #include #elif defined(__FreeBSD__) /* already included in */ #else #include #endif #endif #ifdef _WIN32 #define CP_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport) #else #define CP_EXPORT #endif #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif CP_EXPORT void cpMessage(const char *condition, const char *file, int line, int isError, int isHardError, const char *message, ...); #ifdef NDEBUG #define cpAssertWarn(__condition__, ...) #define cpAssertSoft(__condition__, ...) #else #define cpAssertSoft(__condition__, ...) if(!(__condition__)){cpMessage(#__condition__, __FILE__, __LINE__, 1, 0, __VA_ARGS__); abort();} #define cpAssertWarn(__condition__, ...) if(!(__condition__)) cpMessage(#__condition__, __FILE__, __LINE__, 0, 0, __VA_ARGS__) #endif // Hard assertions are used in situations where the program definitely will crash anyway, and the reason is inexpensive to detect. #define cpAssertHard(__condition__, ...) if(!(__condition__)){cpMessage(#__condition__, __FILE__, __LINE__, 1, 1, __VA_ARGS__); abort();} #include "chipmunk_types.h" /// @defgroup misc Misc /// @{ /// Allocated size for various Chipmunk buffers #ifndef CP_BUFFER_BYTES #define CP_BUFFER_BYTES (32*1024) #endif #ifndef cpcalloc /// Chipmunk calloc() alias. #define cpcalloc calloc #endif #ifndef cprealloc /// Chipmunk realloc() alias. #define cprealloc realloc #endif #ifndef cpfree /// Chipmunk free() alias. #define cpfree free #endif typedef struct cpArray cpArray; typedef struct cpHashSet cpHashSet; typedef struct cpBody cpBody; typedef struct cpShape cpShape; typedef struct cpCircleShape cpCircleShape; typedef struct cpSegmentShape cpSegmentShape; typedef struct cpPolyShape cpPolyShape; typedef struct cpConstraint cpConstraint; typedef struct cpPinJoint cpPinJoint; typedef struct cpSlideJoint cpSlideJoint; typedef struct cpPivotJoint cpPivotJoint; typedef struct cpGrooveJoint cpGrooveJoint; typedef struct cpDampedSpring cpDampedSpring; typedef struct cpDampedRotarySpring cpDampedRotarySpring; typedef struct cpRotaryLimitJoint cpRotaryLimitJoint; typedef struct cpRatchetJoint cpRatchetJoint; typedef struct cpGearJoint cpGearJoint; typedef struct cpSimpleMotorJoint cpSimpleMotorJoint; typedef struct cpCollisionHandler cpCollisionHandler; typedef struct cpContactPointSet cpContactPointSet; typedef struct cpArbiter cpArbiter; typedef struct cpSpace cpSpace; #include "cpVect.h" #include "cpBB.h" #include "cpTransform.h" #include "cpSpatialIndex.h" #include "cpArbiter.h" #include "cpBody.h" #include "cpShape.h" #include "cpPolyShape.h" #include "cpConstraint.h" #include "cpSpace.h" // Chipmunk 7.0.3 #define CP_VERSION_MAJOR 7 #define CP_VERSION_MINOR 0 #define CP_VERSION_RELEASE 3 /// Version string. CP_EXPORT extern const char *cpVersionString; /// Calculate the moment of inertia for a circle. /// @c r1 and @c r2 are the inner and outer diameters. A solid circle has an inner diameter of 0. CP_EXPORT cpFloat cpMomentForCircle(cpFloat m, cpFloat r1, cpFloat r2, cpVect offset); /// Calculate area of a hollow circle. /// @c r1 and @c r2 are the inner and outer diameters. A solid circle has an inner diameter of 0. CP_EXPORT cpFloat cpAreaForCircle(cpFloat r1, cpFloat r2); /// Calculate the moment of inertia for a line segment. /// Beveling radius is not supported. CP_EXPORT cpFloat cpMomentForSegment(cpFloat m, cpVect a, cpVect b, cpFloat radius); /// Calculate the area of a fattened (capsule shaped) line segment. CP_EXPORT cpFloat cpAreaForSegment(cpVect a, cpVect b, cpFloat radius); /// Calculate the moment of inertia for a solid polygon shape assuming it's center of gravity is at it's centroid. The offset is added to each vertex. CP_EXPORT cpFloat cpMomentForPoly(cpFloat m, int count, const cpVect *verts, cpVect offset, cpFloat radius); /// Calculate the signed area of a polygon. A Clockwise winding gives positive area. /// This is probably backwards from what you expect, but matches Chipmunk's the winding for poly shapes. CP_EXPORT cpFloat cpAreaForPoly(const int count, const cpVect *verts, cpFloat radius); /// Calculate the natural centroid of a polygon. CP_EXPORT cpVect cpCentroidForPoly(const int count, const cpVect *verts); /// Calculate the moment of inertia for a solid box. CP_EXPORT cpFloat cpMomentForBox(cpFloat m, cpFloat width, cpFloat height); /// Calculate the moment of inertia for a solid box. CP_EXPORT cpFloat cpMomentForBox2(cpFloat m, cpBB box); /// Calculate the convex hull of a given set of points. Returns the count of points in the hull. /// @c result must be a pointer to a @c cpVect array with at least @c count elements. If @c verts == @c result, then @c verts will be reduced inplace. /// @c first is an optional pointer to an integer to store where the first vertex in the hull came from (i.e. verts[first] == result[0]) /// @c tol is the allowed amount to shrink the hull when simplifying it. A tolerance of 0.0 creates an exact hull. CP_EXPORT int cpConvexHull(int count, const cpVect *verts, cpVect *result, int *first, cpFloat tol); /// Convenience macro to work with cpConvexHull. /// @c count and @c verts is the input array passed to cpConvexHull(). /// @c count_var and @c verts_var are the names of the variables the macro creates to store the result. /// The output vertex array is allocated on the stack using alloca() so it will be freed automatically, but cannot be returned from the current scope. #define CP_CONVEX_HULL(__count__, __verts__, __count_var__, __verts_var__) \ cpVect *__verts_var__ = (cpVect *)alloca(__count__*sizeof(cpVect)); \ int __count_var__ = cpConvexHull(__count__, __verts__, __verts_var__, NULL, 0.0); \ /// Returns the closest point on the line segment ab, to the point p. static inline cpVect cpClosetPointOnSegment(const cpVect p, const cpVect a, const cpVect b) { cpVect delta = cpvsub(a, b); cpFloat t = cpfclamp01(cpvdot(delta, cpvsub(p, b))/cpvlengthsq(delta)); return cpvadd(b, cpvmult(delta, t)); } #if defined(__has_extension) #if __has_extension(blocks) // Define alternate block based alternatives for a few of the callback heavy functions. // Collision handlers are post-step callbacks are not included to avoid memory management issues. // If you want to use blocks for those and are aware of how to correctly manage the memory, the implementation is trivial. void cpSpaceEachBody_b(cpSpace *space, void (^block)(cpBody *body)); void cpSpaceEachShape_b(cpSpace *space, void (^block)(cpShape *shape)); void cpSpaceEachConstraint_b(cpSpace *space, void (^block)(cpConstraint *constraint)); void cpBodyEachShape_b(cpBody *body, void (^block)(cpShape *shape)); void cpBodyEachConstraint_b(cpBody *body, void (^block)(cpConstraint *constraint)); void cpBodyEachArbiter_b(cpBody *body, void (^block)(cpArbiter *arbiter)); typedef void (^cpSpacePointQueryBlock)(cpShape *shape, cpVect point, cpFloat distance, cpVect gradient); void cpSpacePointQuery_b(cpSpace *space, cpVect point, cpFloat maxDistance, cpShapeFilter filter, cpSpacePointQueryBlock block); typedef void (^cpSpaceSegmentQueryBlock)(cpShape *shape, cpVect point, cpVect normal, cpFloat alpha); void cpSpaceSegmentQuery_b(cpSpace *space, cpVect start, cpVect end, cpFloat radius, cpShapeFilter filter, cpSpaceSegmentQueryBlock block); typedef void (^cpSpaceBBQueryBlock)(cpShape *shape); void cpSpaceBBQuery_b(cpSpace *space, cpBB bb, cpShapeFilter filter, cpSpaceBBQueryBlock block); typedef void (^cpSpaceShapeQueryBlock)(cpShape *shape, cpContactPointSet *points); cpBool cpSpaceShapeQuery_b(cpSpace *space, cpShape *shape, cpSpaceShapeQueryBlock block); #endif #endif //@} #ifdef __cplusplus } static inline cpVect operator *(const cpVect v, const cpFloat s){return cpvmult(v, s);} static inline cpVect operator +(const cpVect v1, const cpVect v2){return cpvadd(v1, v2);} static inline cpVect operator -(const cpVect v1, const cpVect v2){return cpvsub(v1, v2);} static inline cpBool operator ==(const cpVect v1, const cpVect v2){return cpveql(v1, v2);} static inline cpVect operator -(const cpVect v){return cpvneg(v);} #endif #endif