{ {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} module Data.API.Parse ( parseAPI , parseAPIWithChangelog , api , apiWithChangelog ) where import Data.API.Types import Data.API.Scan import Data.API.Changes import Data.Char import Data.String import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI import qualified Data.Version as V import Distribution.Text (simpleParse) import Language.Haskell.TH.Quote import Text.Printf import Text.Regex } %name parse API %name parse_with_changelog APIWithChangelog %tokentype { PToken } %token ';' { (,) _ Semi } '|' { (,) _ Bar } '[' { (,) _ Bra } ']' { (,) _ Ket } '::' { (,) _ ColCol } '=' { (,) _ Equals } '?' { (,) _ Query } ',' { (,) _ Comma } '<=' { (,) _ LtEq } '>=' { (,) _ GtEq } version { (,) _ Version } with { (,) _ With } integer { (,) _ Integer } boolean { (,) _ Boolean } utc { (,) _ UTC } string { (,) _ String } binary { (,) _ BInary } json { (,) _ Json } record { (,) _ Record } union { (,) _ Union } enum { (,) _ Enum } basic { (,) _ Basic } changes { (,) _ Changes } added { (,) _ Added } removed { (,) _ Removed } renamed { (,) _ Renamed } changed { (,) _ Changed } default { (,) _ Default } field { (,) _ Field } alternative { (,) _ Alternative } migration { (,) _ Migration } to { (,) _ To } nothing { (,) _ NOTHING } readonly { (,) _ Readonly } comment { (,) _ (Comment $$) } typeiden { (,) _ (TypeIden $$) } variden { (,) _ (VarIden $$) } intlit { (,) _ (Intg $$) } strlit { (,) _ (Strg $$) } true { (,) _ TRUE } false { (,) _ FALSE } utclit { (,) _ (UTCTIME $$) } %% APIWithChangelog :: { APIWithChangelog } APIWithChangelog : API changes APIChangelog { ($1, $3) } API :: { API } API : RAPI { reverse $1 } RAPI :: { [Thing] } RAPI : RAPI ';' Thing { $3 : $1 } | { [] } Thing :: { Thing } Thing : Node { ThNode $1 } | Comments { ThComment $1 } Node :: { APINode } Node : Prefix '::' typeiden Comments '=' Spec With { APINode (TypeName $3) $4 $1 $6 $7 } Spec :: { Spec } Spec : Record { SpRecord $1 } | Union { SpUnion $1 } | Enum { SpEnum $1 } | Basic { SpNewtype $1 } | Type { SpSynonym $1 } With :: { Conversion } With : with FieldName ',' FieldName { Just ($2,$4) } | { Nothing } Comments :: { MDComment } Comments : RCommentList { unlines $ reverse $1 } RCommentList :: { [MDComment] } RCommentList : RCommentList comment { $2 : $1 } | { [] } Prefix :: { Prefix } Prefix : VarIdentifier { CI.mk $1 } Record :: { SpecRecord } Record : record RRFields { SpecRecord $ reverse $2 } Union :: { SpecUnion } Union : union RUFields { SpecUnion $ reverse $2 } RRFields :: { [(FieldName, FieldType)] } RRFields : RRFields FieldName '::' FieldType { ($2,$4) : $1 } | FieldName '::' FieldType { [($1,$3)] } FieldType :: { FieldType } FieldType : Type IsReadOnly MayBasicLit Comments { FieldType $1 $2 $3 $4 } IsReadOnly :: { Bool } : readonly { True } | { False } RUFields :: { [(FieldName,(APIType,MDComment))] } RUFields : RUFields '|' FieldName '::' Type Comments { ($3,($5,$6)) : $1 } | '|' FieldName '::' Type Comments { [($2,($4,$5))] } Enum :: { SpecEnum } Enum : enum REnums { SpecEnum $ reverse $2 } REnums :: { [(FieldName,MDComment)] } REnums : REnums '|' FieldName Comments { ($3,$4) : $1 } | '|' FieldName Comments { [($2,$3)] } Basic :: { SpecNewtype } : basic BasicType MbFilter { SpecNewtype $2 $3 } MbFilter :: { Maybe Filter } : '|' Filter { Just $2 } | { Nothing } Filter :: { Filter } : RegEx { FtrStrg $1 } | '>=' intlit { FtrIntg $ IntRange (Just $2) Nothing } | '>=' intlit ',' '<=' intlit { FtrIntg $ IntRange (Just $2) (Just $5) } | '<=' intlit { FtrIntg $ IntRange Nothing (Just $2) } | '>=' utclit { FtrUTC $ UTCRange (Just $2) Nothing } | '>=' utclit ',' '<=' utclit { FtrUTC $ UTCRange (Just $2) (Just $5) } | '<=' utclit { FtrUTC $ UTCRange Nothing (Just $2) } RegEx :: { RegEx } : strlit { RegEx (T.pack $1) $ mkRegexWithOpts $1 False True } Type :: { APIType } Type : '?' Type { TyMaybe $2 } | '[' Type ']' { TyList $2 } | typeiden { TyName (TypeName $1) } | BasicType { TyBasic $1 } | json { TyJSON } MayBasicLit :: { Maybe DefaultValue } : DefaultValue { Just $1 } | { Nothing } BasicType :: { BasicType } BasicType : string { BTstring } | binary { BTbinary } | boolean { BTbool } | integer { BTint } | utc { BTutc } FieldName :: { FieldName } FieldName : VarIdentifier { FieldName $1 } VarIdentifier :: { String } : variden { $1 } | default { "default" } | field { "field" } | alternative { "alternative" } | to { "to" } TypeName :: { TypeName } : typeiden { TypeName $1 } APIChangelog :: { APIChangelog } APIChangelog : version VersionExtra Changes ';' APIChangelog { ChangesUpTo $2 $3 $5 } | version Version { ChangesStart $2 } | Comments ';' APIChangelog { $3 } Version :: { V.Version } : strlit { parseVer $1 } VersionExtra :: { VersionExtra } : strlit { parseVersionExtra $1 } Changes :: { [APIChange] } : RChanges { concat (reverse $1) } RChanges :: { [[APIChange]] } : RChanges Change { $2 : $1 } | { [] } Change :: { [APIChange] } : added TypeName Spec { [ChAddType $2 (declNF $3)] } | removed TypeName { [ChDeleteType $2] } | renamed TypeName to TypeName { [ChRenameType $2 $4] } | changed record TypeName RFieldChanges { map (fldChangeToAPIChange $3) (reverse $4) } | changed union TypeName RUnionChanges { map (unionChangeToAPIChange $3) (reverse $4) } | changed enum TypeName REnumChanges { map (enumChangeToAPIChange $3) (reverse $4) } | migration record TypeName MigrationTag { [ChCustomRecord $3 $4] } | migration MigrationTag { [ChCustomAll $2] } | comment { [] } RFieldChanges :: { [FieldChange] } : RFieldChanges FieldChange { $2 ++ $1 } | FieldChange { $1 } FieldChange :: { [FieldChange] } : field added FieldName '::' Type MbDefaultValue { [FldChAdd $3 $5 $6] } | field removed FieldName { [FldChDelete $3] } | field renamed FieldName to FieldName { [FldChRename $3 $5] } | field changed FieldName '::' Type migration MigrationTag { [FldChChange $3 $5 $7] } | comment { [] } MbDefaultValue :: { Maybe DefaultValue } : default DefaultValue { Just $2 } | { Nothing } DefaultValue :: { DefaultValue } : '[' ']' { DefValList } | nothing { DefValMaybe } | strlit { DefValString (T.pack $1) } | true { DefValBool True } | false { DefValBool False } | intlit { DefValInt $1 } | utclit { DefValUtc $1 } RUnionChanges :: { [UnionChange] } : RUnionChanges UnionChange { $2 ++ $1 } | UnionChange { $1 } UnionChange :: { [UnionChange] } : alternative added FieldName '::' Type { [UnChAdd $3 $5] } | alternative removed FieldName { [UnChDelete $3] } | alternative renamed FieldName to FieldName { [UnChRename $3 $5] } | comment { [] } REnumChanges :: { [EnumChange] } : REnumChanges EnumChange { $2 ++ $1 } | EnumChange { $1 } EnumChange :: { [EnumChange] } : alternative added FieldName { [EnChAdd $3] } | alternative removed FieldName { [EnChDelete $3] } | alternative renamed FieldName to FieldName { [EnChRename $3 $5] } | comment { [] } MigrationTag :: { MigrationTag } : typeiden { $1 } { happyError :: [PToken] -> a happyError tks = error $ printf "Syntax error at %s: %s\n" loc $ show (take 5 tks) where loc = case tks of [] -> "" (AlexPn ad ln cn,_):_ -> printf "line %d, column %d (@%d)" ln cn ad parseAPI :: String -> API parseAPI = parse . scan parseAPIWithChangelog :: String -> APIWithChangelog parseAPIWithChangelog = parse_with_changelog . scan data FieldChange = FldChAdd FieldName APIType (Maybe DefaultValue) | FldChDelete FieldName | FldChRename FieldName FieldName | FldChChange FieldName APIType MigrationTag fldChangeToAPIChange :: TypeName -> FieldChange -> APIChange fldChangeToAPIChange t (FldChAdd f ty def) = ChAddField t f ty def fldChangeToAPIChange t (FldChDelete f) = ChDeleteField t f fldChangeToAPIChange t (FldChRename f f') = ChRenameField t f f' fldChangeToAPIChange t (FldChChange f ty m) = ChChangeField t f ty m data UnionChange = UnChAdd FieldName APIType | UnChDelete FieldName | UnChRename FieldName FieldName unionChangeToAPIChange :: TypeName -> UnionChange -> APIChange unionChangeToAPIChange t (UnChAdd f ty) = ChAddUnionAlt t f ty unionChangeToAPIChange t (UnChDelete f) = ChDeleteUnionAlt t f unionChangeToAPIChange t (UnChRename f f') = ChRenameUnionAlt t f f' data EnumChange = EnChAdd FieldName | EnChDelete FieldName | EnChRename FieldName FieldName enumChangeToAPIChange :: TypeName -> EnumChange -> APIChange enumChangeToAPIChange t (EnChAdd f) = ChAddEnumVal t f enumChangeToAPIChange t (EnChDelete f) = ChDeleteEnumVal t f enumChangeToAPIChange t (EnChRename f f') = ChRenameEnumVal t f f' parseVer :: String -> V.Version parseVer x = case simpleParse x of Just v -> v Nothing -> error $ "Syntax error while parsing version " ++ x parseVersionExtra :: String -> VersionExtra parseVersionExtra "development" = DevVersion parseVersionExtra s = Release $ parseVer s api :: QuasiQuoter api = QuasiQuoter { quoteExp = \s -> [| parseAPI s |] , quotePat = error "api QuasiQuoter used in patten context" , quoteType = error "api QuasiQuoter used in type context" , quoteDec = error "api QuasiQuoter used in declaration context" } apiWithChangelog :: QuasiQuoter apiWithChangelog = QuasiQuoter { quoteExp = \s -> [| parseAPIWithChangelog s |] , quotePat = error "apiWithChangelog QuasiQuoter used in patten context" , quoteType = error "apiWithChangelog QuasiQuoter used in type context" , quoteDec = error "apiWithChangelog QuasiQuoter used in declaration context" } }