{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}

module Control.Monad.Apiary.Action.Internal where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Control.Monad.Base
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.Catch
import Control.Monad.Trans.Control

import Network.Wai
import qualified Network.Wai.Parse as P
import Network.Mime
import Network.HTTP.Types

import Data.Apiary.Param
import Data.Apiary.Document
import Data.Default.Class
import Blaze.ByteString.Builder
import Text.Blaze.Html.Renderer.Utf8
import qualified Data.ByteString as S
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import qualified Data.Text as T

#ifndef WAI3
import Data.Conduit

data ApiaryConfig = ApiaryConfig
    { -- | call when no handler matched.
      notFound            :: Application
      -- | used unless call 'status' function.
    , defaultStatus       :: Status
      -- | initial headers.
    , defaultHeader       :: ResponseHeaders
      -- | used by 'Control.Monad.Apiary.Filter.root' filter.
    , rootPattern         :: [S.ByteString]
    , mimeType            :: FilePath -> S.ByteString
    , documentationAction :: Documents -> ActionT IO ()

defaultDocumentationAction :: Monad m => S.ByteString -> Documents -> ActionT m ()
defaultDocumentationAction r d = do
    p <- rawPathInfo <$> getRequest
    guard $ p == r
    contentType "text/html"
    builder . renderHtmlBuilder $ defaultDocumentToHtml d

defNotFound :: Application
#ifdef WAI3
defNotFound _ f = f      $ responseLBS status404 [("Content-Type", "text/plain")] "404 Page Notfound.\n"
defNotFound _   = return $ responseLBS status404 [("Content-Type", "text/plain")] "404 Page Notfound.\n"

instance Default ApiaryConfig where
    def = ApiaryConfig 
        { notFound            = defNotFound
        , defaultStatus       = ok200
        , defaultHeader       = []
        , rootPattern         = ["", "/", "/index.html", "/index.htm"]
        , mimeType            = defaultMimeLookup . T.pack
        , documentationAction = defaultDocumentationAction "/api/documentation"

convFile :: (S.ByteString, P.FileInfo L.ByteString) -> File
convFile (p, P.FileInfo{..}) = File p fileName fileContentType fileContent

data ActionState = ActionState
    { actionResponse :: Response
    , actionStatus   :: Status
    , actionHeaders  :: ResponseHeaders
    , actionReqBody  :: Maybe ([Param], [File])
    , actionPathInfo :: [T.Text]

initialState :: ApiaryConfig -> Request -> ActionState
initialState conf req = ActionState
    { actionResponse = responseLBS (defaultStatus conf) (defaultHeader conf) ""
    , actionStatus   = defaultStatus conf
    , actionHeaders  = defaultHeader conf
    , actionReqBody  = Nothing
    , actionPathInfo = pathInfo req

#ifndef WAI3
type StreamingBody = Source IO (Flush Builder)

data Action a 
    = Continue a
    | Pass
    | Stop Response

newtype ActionT m a = ActionT { unActionT :: forall b. 
    -> Request
    -> ActionState
    -> (a -> ActionState -> m (Action b))
    -> m (Action b)

instance Functor (ActionT m) where
    fmap f m = ActionT $ \conf req st cont ->
        unActionT m conf req st (\a s' -> s' `seq` cont (f a) s')

instance Applicative (ActionT m) where
    pure x = ActionT $ \_ _ st cont -> cont x st
    mf <*> ma = ActionT $ \conf req st cont ->
        unActionT mf conf req st  $ \f st'  ->
        unActionT ma conf req st' $ \a st'' ->
        st' `seq` st'' `seq` cont (f a) st''

instance Monad m => Monad (ActionT m) where
    return x = ActionT $ \_ _ st cont -> cont x st
    m >>= k  = ActionT $ \conf req st cont ->
        unActionT m conf req st $ \a st' ->
        st' `seq` unActionT (k a) conf req st' cont
    fail _ = ActionT $ \_ _ _ _ -> return Pass

instance MonadIO m => MonadIO (ActionT m) where
    liftIO m = ActionT $ \_ _ st cont ->
        liftIO m >>= \a -> cont a st

instance MonadTrans ActionT where
    lift m = ActionT $ \_ _ st cont ->
        m >>= \a -> cont a st

instance MonadThrow m => MonadThrow (ActionT m) where
    throwM e = ActionT $ \_ _ st cont ->
        throwM e >>= \a -> cont a st

instance MonadCatch m => MonadCatch (ActionT m) where
    catch m h = actionT $ \conf req st -> 
        catch (runActionT m conf req st) (\e -> runActionT (h e) conf req st)

instance MonadMask m => MonadMask (ActionT m) where
    mask a = actionT $ \conf req st ->
        mask $ \u -> runActionT (a $ q u) conf req st
        q u m = actionT $ \conf req st -> u (runActionT m conf req st)
    uninterruptibleMask a = actionT $ \conf req st ->
        uninterruptibleMask $ \u -> runActionT (a $ q u) conf req st
        q u m = actionT $ \conf req st -> u (runActionT m conf req st)

runActionT :: Monad m => ActionT m a
           -> ApiaryConfig -> Request -> ActionState
           -> m (Action (a, ActionState))
runActionT m conf req st = unActionT m conf req st $ \a st' ->
    st' `seq` return (Continue (a, st'))
{-# INLINE runActionT #-}

actionT :: Monad m 
        => (ApiaryConfig -> Request -> ActionState -> m (Action (a, ActionState)))
        -> ActionT m a
actionT f = ActionT $ \conf req st cont -> f conf req st >>= \case
    Pass             -> return Pass
    Stop s           -> return $ Stop s
    Continue (a,st') -> st' `seq` cont a st'
{-# INLINE actionT #-}

-- | n must be Monad, so cant be MFunctor.
hoistActionT :: (Monad m, Monad n)
             => (forall b. m b -> n b) -> ActionT m a -> ActionT n a
hoistActionT run m = actionT $ \c r s -> run (runActionT m c r s)

execActionT :: ApiaryConfig -> ActionT IO () -> Application

#ifdef WAI3
execActionT config m request send = 
execActionT config m request = let send = return in
    runActionT m config request (initialState config request) >>= \case
#ifdef WAI3
        Pass           -> notFound config request send
        Pass           -> notFound config request
        Stop s         -> send s
        Continue (_,r) -> send $ actionResponse r

instance (Monad m, Functor m) => Alternative (ActionT m) where
    empty = mzero
    (<|>) = mplus

instance Monad m => MonadPlus (ActionT m) where
    mzero = actionT $ \_ _ _ -> return Pass
    mplus m n = actionT $ \c r s -> runActionT m c r s >>= \case
        Continue a -> return $ Continue a
        Stop stp   -> return $ Stop stp
        Pass       -> runActionT n c r s

instance MonadBase b m => MonadBase b (ActionT m) where
    liftBase = liftBaseDefault

instance MonadTransControl ActionT where
    newtype StT ActionT a = StActionT { unStActionT :: Action (a, ActionState) }
    liftWith f = actionT $ \c r s -> 
        liftM (\a -> Continue (a,s)) (f $ \t -> liftM StActionT $ runActionT t c r s)
    restoreT m = actionT $ \_ _ _ -> liftM unStActionT m

instance MonadBaseControl b m => MonadBaseControl b (ActionT m) where
    newtype StM (ActionT m) a = StMT { unStMT :: ComposeSt ActionT m a }
    liftBaseWith = defaultLiftBaseWith StMT
    restoreM     = defaultRestoreM unStMT

instance MonadReader r m => MonadReader r (ActionT m) where
    ask     = lift ask
    local f = hoistActionT $ local f

-- | stop handler and send current state. since
stop :: Monad m => ActionT m a
stop = ActionT $ \_ _ s _ -> return $ Stop (actionResponse s)

-- | stop with response. since
stopWith :: Monad m => Response -> ActionT m a
stopWith a = ActionT $ \_ _ _ _ -> return $ Stop a

-- | get raw request. since
getRequest :: Monad m => ActionT m Request
getRequest = ActionT $ \_ r s c -> c r s

getRequestBody :: MonadIO m => ActionT m ([Param], [File])
getRequestBody = ActionT $ \_ r s c -> case actionReqBody s of
    Just b  -> c b s
    Nothing -> do
        (p,f) <- liftIO $ P.parseRequestBody P.lbsBackEnd r
        let b = (p, map convFile f)
        c b s { actionReqBody = Just b }

-- | parse request body and return params. since
getReqParams :: MonadIO m => ActionT m [Param]
getReqParams = fst <$> getRequestBody

-- | parse request body and return files. since
getReqFiles :: MonadIO m => ActionT m [File]
getReqFiles = snd <$> getRequestBody

getConfig :: Monad m => ActionT m ApiaryConfig
getConfig = ActionT $ \c _ s cont -> cont c s

modifyState :: Monad m => (ActionState -> ActionState) -> ActionT m ()
modifyState f = ActionT $ \_ _ s c -> c () (f s)

getState :: ActionT m ActionState
getState = ActionT $ \_ _ s c -> c s s

-- | get all request headers. since
getHeaders :: Monad m => ActionT m RequestHeaders
getHeaders = requestHeaders `liftM` getRequest

-- | set status code. since
status :: Monad m => Status -> ActionT m ()
status st = modifyState (\s -> s { actionStatus = st } )

-- | modify response header. since
modifyHeader :: Monad m => (ResponseHeaders -> ResponseHeaders) -> ActionT m ()
modifyHeader f = modifyState (\s -> s {actionHeaders = f $ actionHeaders s } )

-- | add response header. since
addHeader :: Monad m => HeaderName -> S.ByteString -> ActionT m ()
addHeader h v = modifyHeader ((h,v):)

-- | set response headers. since
setHeaders :: Monad m => ResponseHeaders -> ActionT m ()
setHeaders hs = modifyHeader (const hs)

type ContentType = S.ByteString

-- | set content-type header.
-- if content-type header already exists, replace it. since
contentType :: Monad m => ContentType -> ActionT m ()
contentType c = modifyHeader
    (\h -> ("Content-Type", c) : filter (("Content-Type" /=) . fst) h)

-- | redirect handler
-- set status and add location header. since
-- rename from redirect in
redirectWith :: Monad m
             => Status
             -> S.ByteString -- ^ Location redirect to
             -> ActionT m ()
redirectWith st url = do
    status st
    addHeader "location" url

--      HTTP/1.0            HTTP/1.1
-- 300                      MultipleChoices
-- 301  MovedPermanently    MovedPermanently
-- 302  MovedTemporarily    Found
-- 303                      SeeOther
-- 304  NotModified         NotModified
-- 305                      UseProxy
-- 307                      TemporaryRedirect

-- | redirect with 301 Moved Permanently. since
redirectPermanently :: Monad m => S.ByteString -> ActionT m ()
redirectPermanently = redirectWith movedPermanently301

-- | redirect with:
-- 303 See Other (HTTP/1.1)  or
-- 302 Moved Temporarily (Other)
-- since
redirect :: Monad m => S.ByteString -> ActionT m ()
redirect to = do
    v <- httpVersion <$> getRequest
    if v == http11
        then redirectWith seeOther303 to
        else redirectWith status302   to

-- | redirect with:
-- 307 Temporary Redirect (HTTP/1.1) or
-- 302 Moved Temporarily (Other)
-- since
redirectTemporary :: Monad m => S.ByteString -> ActionT m ()
redirectTemporary to = do
    v <- httpVersion <$> getRequest
    if v == http11
        then redirectWith temporaryRedirect307 to
        else redirectWith status302            to

-- | set response body file content and detect Content-Type by extension. since
file :: Monad m => FilePath -> Maybe FilePart -> ActionT m ()
file f p = do
    mime <- mimeType <$> getConfig
    contentType (mime f)
    file' f p

-- | Raw response constructor. since 0.10.
-- example(use pipes-wai)
-- @
-- producer :: Monad m => Producer (Flush Builder) IO () -> ActionT m ()
-- producer = response (\s h -> responseProducer s h)
-- @
response :: Monad m => (Status -> ResponseHeaders -> Response) -> ActionT m ()
response f = modifyState (\s -> s { actionResponse = f (actionStatus s) (actionHeaders s)} )

-- | set response body file content, without set Content-Type. since
file' :: Monad m => FilePath -> Maybe FilePart -> ActionT m ()
file' f p = response (\s h -> responseFile s h f p)

-- | set response body builder. since
builder :: Monad m => Builder -> ActionT m ()
builder b = response (\s h -> responseBuilder s h b)

-- | set response body lazy bytestring. since
lbs :: Monad m => L.ByteString -> ActionT m ()
lbs l = response (\s h -> responseLBS s h l)

-- | set response body source. since
stream :: Monad m => StreamingBody -> ActionT m ()
#ifdef WAI3
stream str = response (\s h -> responseStream s h str)
stream str = response (\s h -> responseSource s h str)

{-# DEPRECATED source "use stream" #-}
source :: Monad m => StreamingBody -> ActionT m ()
source = stream

{-# DEPRECATED redirectFound, redirectSeeOther "use redirect" #-}
-- | redirect with 302 Found. since
redirectFound       :: Monad m => S.ByteString -> ActionT m ()
redirectFound       = redirectWith found302

-- | redirect with 303 See Other. since
redirectSeeOther    :: Monad m => S.ByteString -> ActionT m ()
redirectSeeOther    = redirectWith seeOther303